How to use imports globally in Vue-Application? - vue.js

I am teaching myself some Vue.js and after finding out about view-router I have to restructure my project.
How can I use my import (bulma, fontawesome, bulma-calendar...) in every view/component and import it only once?
I'd appreciate a hint. Thanks

In case if you want to use styles file globally you can import it inside your App.vue in style section.
<style lang="scss">
//your imports here
If you want to import js files globally you can do it in your main.js file
In vue2 vue plugins are connected in this way:
import Vue from "vue";
import PluginName from "pulin-name";
For vue3 use:
import { createApp } from "vue";
import PluginName from "plugin-name";
const app = createApp(...);
Correct way should be described in plugin documentation, so read it before start to use in your project.


Bootstrap-vue bvModal Header Close Issue

I'm new to use Bootstrap-vue, since I use CDN reference to use it, it work abd perfect for me. Now I try to change webpack version, I face on some issue.
This is CDN version of bvModal.msgBoxOk method
this is webpack version of bvModal.msgBoxOk method
you can see the different in top of "X" button, I don't know which step I missing. The following is my main.ts file
// Import Bootstrap an BootstrapVue CSS files (order is important)
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css'
import 'bootstrap-vue/dist/bootstrap-vue.css'
import Vue from 'vue';
import { BootstrapVue, IconsPlugin } from 'bootstrap-vue'
// Make BootstrapVue available throughout your project
// Optionally install the BootstrapVue icon components plugin
Any body can help me?

How to use an npm package component with Vite + Vue?

What would be the steps to add a component to Vite with Vue, as an npm package?
I assumed these:
npm install example
open src/App.vue and add import Example from 'example'
in App.vue, in <template>, add <Example />
Is that correct?
I am trying to install and use vue-select like so, but it's not working:
The process you described is correct, but you must also register the component before you can use it (within components: { ... }).
Since you mentioned you're using vue-select, I will use that as an example.
Step #0 - Install
As you've already done, ensure your project is initialized (npm init), then run yarn add vue-select / npm i vue-select.
Step #1 - Initialize
In your main.js, import and register with:
import VSelect from 'vue-select';
Vue.component('v-select', VSelect);
/* rest of your Vue initialization here */
Step #2 - Use Component
<v-select :options="[{label: 'Canada', code: 'ca'}]"></v-select>
You'll also need to import the stylesheet in your CSS, with:
#import 'vue-select/src/scss/vue-select.scss';
Real Example
If you want to see a full example, I am using this package in one of my projects, I'm registering the component in my main.js and using it ThemeSelector.vue.
Also, if your project is large and/ or you're only using this component in one place, then a better approach would be to import it into the component that's using it. This is done in a similar way, but you must also register it under components: { ... } for it to be accessible within your <template>.
Your screenshot shows you're importing vSelect in a <script> block, and expecting it to be automatically registered for the component's template. That would only work in a <script setup> block.
However, your GitHub repo (which seems to be different from the screenshot you posted) reveals other issues in your code:
You're using Vue 2 code to globally register the v-select component in your Vue 3 app. In Vue 3, global component registration is done from the application instance (i.e., returned from createApp()).
// main.js
import VSelect from 'vue-select';
// Vue.component('v-select', VSelect); ❌ Vue 2 code
import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
.component('v-select', VSelect) ✅
You're using #import (CSS syntax) to import your SCSS file in the <script> block. Either move the CSS into a <style lang="scss"> block; or remove the # prefix, which would create a valid import for <script>.
<script setup>
// #import 'vue-select/src/scss/vue-select.scss'; ❌ The # prefix is invalid in <script>
import 'vue-select/src/scss/vue-select.scss'; ✅
<!-- OR -->
<style lang="scss">
#import 'vue-select/src/scss/vue-select.scss';
Your project is missing sass, which is required to process SCSS files. You can install it as a dev dependency with:
$ npm i -D sass
Here's a demo with the fixes pointed out above.

Import a plugin in Vue from local file

i want add a vue panel in my project : vue-black-dashboard
in documentation :
Vue Black Dashboard is built as Vue plugin so you can simply import it
and use it.
import Vue from 'vue';
import DashboardPlugin from '#/plugins/blackDashboard'
but i dont know where paste vue-black-dashboard folder
how i can import it to my project
If you want to import it and use in a local component, just import it in component.
import Vue from 'vue';
import DashboardPlugin from '#/plugins/blackDashboard'
export default {
If you want to import it and use globally, just import it in main.js.
import Vue from 'vue';
import DashboardPlugin from '#/plugins/blackDashboard'
hello thanks for your answer
import DashboardPlugin from '#/plugins/blackDashboard'
where is the # in this address ?
i want use this template in specify route of my project
when i import it in main.js
This dependency was not found:
#/plugins/blackDashboard in ./src/main.js
To install it, you can run: npm install --save
How's your plugin file look like? I have a similar issue with having plugins in separate files in /plugins directory and importing them to main.js
What I'm trying to achieve is better structure of plugins to keep them in separate files in folder plugins, rather than storing all the code in main.js
Not sure is it allowed or is it a good practice.
Plugins folder: plugins/toastification.js
import Vue from 'vue'
import Toast from 'vue-toastification'
import 'vue-toastification/dist/index.css'
const options = {
position: 'bottom-right'
Vue.use(Toast, options)
// export default new Toast() - got error while exporting but it works somehow without export default I don't know why
Part of main.js
// plugins
import vuetify from './plugins/vuetify'
import i18n from './plugins/i18n'
import toastification from './plugins/toastification'
import logger from './plugins/logger'
new Vue({
render: h => h(App)

How to use vue-moment in vuex

Im using this vue-moment library without any problem. But I can't use it in Vuex.
I tried:
import vue from 'vue'
import vueMoment from 'vue-moment'
and always get an error.
When using vue-moment in a vuex module you can't use this.$moment but you can use it like this:
import Vue from 'vue'
First, use it as a plugin Vue.use(require('vue-moment')); before starting the instance of the vue instance
secondly you can use it like this as an exampleVue.moment().. just replicated and it worked
this is how the start of my file looks like
import Vue from 'vue';
import Vuex from 'vuex';
export default new Vuex.Store({
//the rest of the state.js file

Element UI use default theme

Current i have a vue project that is setup using webpack.
I would like to start using element UI for my ui library.
After I did
npm i element-ui -S
in my terminal
and added the code below in my app.js (entry point of whole app)
import Vue from 'vue'
import ElementUI from 'element-ui';
I am able to start using and stuff throughout the app.
however, I notice that the CSS is not being applied.
What should I do with the css? How do I tell elementUI to apply the default theme?
This worked fine for me:
npm i element-ui
in main.js:
import ElementUI from 'element-ui'
import 'element-ui/lib/theme-chalk/index.css'
if you like to localize, you should do:
import locale from 'element-ui/lib/locale/lang/en'
Vue.use(ElementUI, { locale })
or to set default size of elements to small:
Vue.use(ElementUI, { locale, size:'small' })
OK figured it out myself.
Looks like i just need to do
Install this npm package
Add import 'element-theme-default'; right after the elementUI import