How to run QtQuick application from CLI? - cmake

My application is practically just the QtQuick template for CMake generated by Qt Creator.
Works great when launched from IDE, but when I compile and run in CLI I get:
$ ./test
QQmlApplicationEngine failed to load component
qrc:/main.qml:2 module "QtQuick.Window" is not installed
Is there now some package missing from my system Qt (Ubuntu 20.04) or should I set some path to somewhere?
Naturally the end user shouldn't need to set any library paths when running my application.

Seems that I needed to:
$ sudo apt install qml-module-qtquick-controls2 qml-module-qtquick-window2


The package version does not appear to be updating when importing locally with pipenv, even when in editable (developer) mode

I have written a small python package on my machine and made it importable with distutils. My has version='0.0.3'.
In a separate folder, I have a Pipenv environment and I install the package with the command:
pipenv install -e ~/path/to/my_pack
I then get the version with the commands:
pipenv run python
>> import pkg_resources # part of setuptools
>> version = pkg_resources.require("my_pack")[0].version
>> print(version)
>> exit()
Next, I change the version in to 0.0.4 and run the above Python again, but it still says 0.0.3. Why is this? How can I fix it?
If I add functions inside the my_pack code base, I can see them when I restart Python, but the version never changes.

configure: error: Qtenv cannot find qmake in omnet++ installation

I'm trying to install omnetpp 5.2.1 on windows 10. But getting an error while doing ./configure command related to QT environment. I tried changing the configure.user file in omnetpp package to change the path of QT but still its not working. Here is the error:
configure:error: Qtenv cannot find qmake--maybe it is not in the path
or has some exotic name (tested names were: qmake qmake-qt5 qmake5)-
disabling Qtenv. You can try setting QT_PATH variable in
configure.user to a valid location.
qt5 might not be installed.
sudo apt install qt5-default worked for me while installing on Ubuntu 20.04.
OMNeT++ comes with all dependencies bundled. As long as you have executed the mingwenv.cmd and running from that shell, qmake should be available in the path (in tools/win64/mingw64/bin). Check if qmake.exe is present there. If not, make sure that ZIP file you have downloaded is intact. Standard windows unzip may fail on certain systems...
run ./configure WITH_QTENV = no

installation of cmake on debian 8

I tried to install mcsema on my debian linux but I am stopped by error
Cmake 3.1 or higher is required. You are running 3.0.2. On debian this is the only version could be installed by apt-get install. Building CMake from sources, I get several errors as well. Does anyone know how to install the latest version of Cmake on Debian 8?
Download latests cmake release and follow the README.rst instructions:
UNIX/Mac OSX/MinGW/MSYS/Cygwin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
You need to have a compiler and a make installed. Run the
bootstrap script you find in the source directory of CMake. You
can use the --help option to see the supported options. You may
use the --prefix=<install_prefix> option to specify a custom
installation directory for CMake. You can run the bootstrap script
from within the CMake source directory or any other build directory of
your choice. Once this has finished successfully, run make and
make install. In summary::
$ ./bootstrap && make && make install

Configuration for Java binding for ZeroMQ (0MQ) with no root privileges on Linux

I am a novice with zeroMQ and I am stuck at binding ØMQ with java on a server running CentOS release 5.9.
Unfortunately, I do not have super user/root privileges on the server and am trying to install ØMQ as a normal user with restricted privileges. I have installed ØMQ by following instructions on
Make sure that libtool, autoconf, automake are installed.
Check whether uuid-dev package, uuid/e2fsprogs RPM or equivalent on your system is installed.
Unpack the .tar.gz source archive.
Run ./configure, followed by make.
Could not run the following obviously
To install ØMQ system-wide run sudo make install.
On Linux, run sudo ldconfig after installing ØMQ.
Then I attempted to install jzmq.
Cloned [git clone]
Ran configure
At this point I get the following error
checking for ZeroMQ... no
checking zmq.h usability... no
checking zmq.h presence... no
checking for zmq.h... no
configure: error: cannot find zmq.h
As a result of the above error I am not able to run java tests and get error "no jzmq in java.library.path".
Can anybody help/direct me to how to get java binding for zeromq work when you dont have root privileges to install it? Its difficult to get IT department to install a new software on servers.
Appreciate your help.
Note: I do not have write permissions to /usr directory
This can be overcome by adding --with-zeromq=/home/user/zeromq (installation directory of zeromq)
./configure --with-zeromq=/home/user/zeromq
Other steps include
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/user/zeromq/lib
You can also use JeroMQ ( which is a pure Java implementation of ZeroMQ
I got this working by running on OEL 6 then running configure / compiling / installing on CentOS 5.9. I briefly looked into why was failing and the problem was the tool chain was too old. Since I had a more up-to-date system with a modern tool chain available running on something other than CentOS 5 was the easiest path for me. I'm sure it works fine with other modern Linux variants, I had OEL 6 at my finger tips.
I also did not have access to a standard directory for installation. To get that working I added zmq.jar to my class path, and the run-time linker needed to be able to find the zeromq and jzmq run-time libraries.
I faced the same issue on CentOS 6.5 and found that you need to install "gcc-c++" for this to work.
I used the following to install dependencies:
yum -y install jdk zeromq-devel unzip libtool gcc autoconf automake gcc-c++ python
Note that "jdk" comes from our private repository and it's same what can be downloaded from
The following public repositories are installed on server:
Actually, I ended up having this same issue, and the following script worked for me, where I installed zeromq into ~ (so that I have ~/lib contains libzmq.a pkgconfig)
./ ./configure --prefix=$HOME \ #because you don't have root privileges
--with-zeromq=$HOME --includedir=$HOME/include/ --libdir=$HOME/lib/
./make -n install
#to check to see if it installs it to the right location
make install

Php-gd: PHP Extension gd must be loaded & Unable to locate package

Having an issue with php-gd
I inserted this command:
sudo apt-get install php5-curl php5-mcrypt php5-gd php5-common
throughout the process to setup Magento but when I went through Validation, this is what I got:
"PHP Extension gd must be loaded"
When the warning showed up. I tried to install it again using:
sudo apt-get install php5-gd
This was the message that I received:
"Reading package lists... Done E: Unable to locate package"
I Would like some direction on how to fix this Error.
Restarting the webserver after installing php5-gd loads the package.
check. reloading the web server. services such as php-pfm (php5-fpm), fcgi, fastcgi, etc load once and remain in the background. Adding modules does not impact the running copy. It must be restarted to load the module into active use.
Use synaptic package manager for easier installation.
After installing and it still does not work, look at the apache modules, mine is at /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/20-gd.ini
; configuration for php GD module
; priority=20
Even if the module exists and is installed on the system, it is commented out on the module config. Uncomment it, then restart Apache, then you should be fine.