How to interact with a subprocess through its stdin, stdout, stderr in Smalltalk? - smalltalk

This Python code shows how to call some process in Windows 10 and to send to it string commands, to read its string responses through stdin, stdout pipes of the process:
Python 3.8.0 (tags/v3.8.0:fa919fd, Oct 14 2019, 19:37:50) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
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>>> from subprocess import *
>>> p = Popen("c:/python38/python.exe", stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE)
>>> p.stdin.write(b"print(1+9)\n")
>>> p.communicate()
(b'10\r\n', None)
As you can see the python.exe process returned 10 as an answer to print(1+9). Now I want to do the same in Pharo (or Squeak): in Windows 10 OS - I suppose something similar, i.e. short, simple, understandable, really working.
I installed OSProcess, ProcessWrapper (they were missing in Pharo, also its strange that I got warning that they are not marked for Pharo 8.0 and were not checked to work in Pharo 8.0, but OK), and I tried ProcessWrapper, PipeableOSProcess (copy-pasted different snippets from the Web), etc - with zero success! The results were:
nothing happens, python.exe was not started
VM errors console was opened (white console in the bottom of the Pharo, which is controlled with F2 menu)
different exceptions
Would somebody show me simple working example how to start a process and to to send it commands, read answers, then send again, and so on in some loop - I plan to have such communication in a detached thread and to use it as some service, because Pharo, Smalltalk in general is missing most bindings, so then I will use subprocess communication like in "good" old days...
I know how to call a command and to get its output:
out := LibC resultOfCommand: 'dir ', aDir.
but I am talking about another scenario: a communication with a running process interactively (for example, with SSH or similar like in the example above - python.exe).
PS. Maybe it's possible to do it with LibC #pipe:mode even?

Let me start with that the PipeableOsProcess is probably broken on Windows. I have tried it and it just opened a command line and nothing else (it does not freeze my Pharo 8). The whole OSProcess does not work correctly in my eyes.
So I took a shot at LibC which is supposed to not work with Windows.
I’m a module defining access to standard LibC. I’m available under Linux and OSX, but not under Windows for obvious reasons :)
Next is to say that Python's Windows support is probably much better than Pharo's.
The solution, which is more like a workaround using files, is to use LibC and #runCommand: (I tried to come up with a similar example as you had shown above):
| count command result outputFile errorFile |
count := 9+1. "The counting"
command := 'echo ', count asString. "command run at the command line"
outputFile := 'output'. "a file into which the output is redirected"
errorFile := 'error'. "a file where the error output is redirected "
result := LibC runCommand: command, "run the command "
' >', outputFile, "redirect the output to output file"
' 2>', errorFile.
"reading back the value from output file"
outputFile asFileReference contents lines.
"reading back the value from the error file - which is empty in this case"
errorFile asFileReference contents lines.


How do I get Source Extractor to Analyze an Image?

I'm relatively inexperienced in coding, so right now I'm just familiarizing myself with the basics of how to use SE, which I'll need to use in the near future.
At the moment I'm trying to get it to analyze a FITS file on my computer (which is a Mac). I'm sure this is something obvious, but I haven't been able to get it do that. Following the instructions in Chapters 6 and 7 of Source Extractor for Dummies (linked below), I input the following:
sex MedSpiral_20deg_Serl2_.45_.fits.fits -c configuration_file.txt
And got the following error message:
WARNING: configuration_file.txt not found, using internal defaults
----- SExtractor 2.19.5 started on 2020-02-05 at 17:10:59 with 1 thread
Setting catalog parameters
ERROR: can't read default.param
I then tried entering parameters manually:
sex MedSpiral_20deg_Ser12_.45_.fits.fits -c configuration_file.txt -DETECT_TYPE CCD -MAG_ZEROPOINT 2.5 -PIXEL_SCALE 0 -SATUR_LEVEL 1 -SEEING_FWHM 1
And got the same error message. I tried referencing directly:
sex MedSpiral_20deg_Ser12_.45_.fits.fits -c
And got the same error message again, substituting "configuration_file.txt not found" with " not found" (I checked that was on my computer, it is). The same thing happened when I tried to use default.param.
Here's the link to SE for Dummies (Chapter 6 begins on page 19):
If you run the command "sex MedSpiral_20deg_Ser12_.45_fits.fits -c" within the config folder (within the sextractor folder), you will be able to run it.
However, I wonder how I can possibly run sextractor command from any folder in my computer?

Hello world does work in PE but not in PE64

I'm trying to kind of write my own x64 Hello world program in FASM on Windows
I tried to rewrite this version: How to write to the console in fasm?, to a x64 program like this:
format PE64
entry start
include ''
section '.code' code readable executable
push hello
call [printf]
pop rcx
push 0
call [ExitProcess]
section '.rdata' data readable
hello db 'Hello world!', 10, 0
section '.idata' import data readable writeable
library kernel,'KERNEL32.DLL', \
import kernel, ExitProcess,'ExitProcess'
import msvcrt, printf, 'printf'
Now the problem is that this compiles fine, but when it is executed it doesn't print anything to the console.
Why does this not work, is printf of msvcrt silently incompatible with x64?
Have I overseen something?
Can someone tell me how to rewrite this for it to actually print "Hello world!"?

opensplice dds Hello Word Example

I am posting here after asking the question at the openslice dds forum, and not receiving any reply.I am trying to use opensplice dds on a ubuntu machine. I am not sure if it serves as a proof of proper installation, but I have pasted my file below. Now, I was able to run the ping pong example just fine. But when I ran the executable sac_helloworld_pub ( HelloWorld example in the C programming language), I got the following error
vishal#expmach:~/HDE/x86.linux2.6/examples/dcps/HelloWorld/c/standalone$ ./sac_helloworld_pub
Error in DDS_DomainParticipantFactory_create_participant: Creation failed: invalid handle
I did some searching, and it looks like I need to be running the ospl start command from the terminal. But when I do so, I get a No command ospl found message. Below is the release.comfile's contents
echo "<<< OpenSplice HDE Release V6.3.130716OSS For x86.linux2.6, Date 2013-07-30 >>>"
if [ "${SPLICE_ORB:=}" = "" ]
if [ "${SPLICE_JDK:=}" = "" ]
. $OSPL_HOME/etc/java/defs.$SPLICE_JDK
$# (END)
Sorry for the holidays-driven lack of 'reactivity' on the OpenSplice forum .. I've answered your question there though ..
Here's that same answer for completeness:
*For the 6.3 community-edition, the deployment-model changed from shared-memory (v5.x) to the so-called single-process standalone deployment mode where the middleware is simply linked (as libraries) with the application so you don't need to start any daemons first (as was the case for the federated 'shared-memory' mode that was the default in V5).
So its OK that you get the error when trying to call 'ospl' as thats not used anymore so isn't in the distribution.
Now to your issue, your looks OK to me, but perhaps you didn't actually 'source' it in your environment i.e. calling it with a '.' in front of it:
promtp> .
you can verify that by doing an 'echo $OSPL_HOME' in your shell and see if it actually shows the value of the env. variable as set by the
Hope that helps,

mod_perl segmentation fault

I'm running an apache 2.2.3 on an Oracle64-bit (Red Hat clone) and I'm hitting a brick wall with an issue. I have a program which utilizes MIME::Lite to send mail through sendmail (I apologize, not sure what versions of sendmail or mod_perl I'm running, although I do believe the sendmail portion is irrelevant as you'll see in a moment)
On occasion, apache will segfault (11), and digging deep into the MIME::Lite module, I see it is on the following line:
open SENDMAIL, "|$sendmailcmd" or Carp::croak "open |$sendmailcmd: $!\n"; (this is in MIME::Lite)
Now, one would automatically suspect sendmail, but if I did the same line to use /bin/cat (as shown):
open SENDMAIL, "|/bin/cat"
apache still segfaults.
I attached an strace to the apache processes and see the following:
(when it does NOT crash)
12907 write(2, "SENDMAIL send_by_sendmail 1\n", 28) = 28
12907 write(2, "SENDMAIL /usr/lib/sendmail -t -o"..., 40) = 40
12907 pipe([24, 26]) = 0
12907 pipe([28, 29]) = 0
12907 clone(child_stack=0, flags=CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID|CLONE_CHILD_SETTID|SIGCHLD, child_tidptr=0x2b4bcbbd75d0) = 13186
Note the "SENDMAIL sent_by_sendmail" are my comments. You can clearly see pipes opening. When it DOES crash, you'll see the following:
10805 write(2, "SENDMAIL send_by_sendmail (for y"..., 40) = 40
10805 --- SIGSEGV (Segmentation fault) # 0 (0) ---
Now notice it never pipes. I've tried GDB and it hasn't really shown me anything.
Finally, I wrote a simple program to run through mod_perl and regular cgi:
print header();
print "test";
open SENDMAIL, "|/bin/cat" or Carp::croak "open |sendmailcmd: $!\n";
print SENDMAIL "foodaddy";
print "test done <br/>";
Under mod_perl it has successfully crashed.
My analysis is telling me it has to do with it trying to open a file handle, the piping function returns either false or a corrupt file handle.
I also increased the file descriptor limit to 2048, no dice.
Does anyone have any thoughts as to where I should look? Any thoughts?
I appreciate the help
I just spent a long time tracking down a problem that started with identical symptoms. I eventually discovered that Test::More does not play well with mod_perl . Removing this module from my code appears to have solved the problem (so far!). I didn't follow this any deeper, but I suspect that the problem actually lies in Test::Builder.
I managed to treat perhaps only the symptoms, not the cause. I happened to have this issue when used global/package scope variables on the package level, used inside a perl object instance, as soon as I passed them as object properties instead, not as automatic default perl variables scoping, I stopped to experience perl segmentation fault suddenly.

get return code from plink?

In a DOS batch script, I'm running a single command on a remote (also windows) computer using plink. Formerly, this command was only run on the local machine, and was relying on the return code to determine success. Is there a way to easily get this information back through plink?
That's not possible with plink. The current consensus is to have the remote script echo its exit code to a log file, then use pscp to transfer the log file to the local machine.
with plink 0.66
C:\Code>echo Y | "C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY\plink.exe" bob#myserver exit 42
C:\Code>echo %ERRORLEVEL%
Also for #John Wiersba's concern about when a connection cannot be made, this appears to be fixed
C:\CodeMisc>echo Y | "C:\Program Files (x86)\PuTTY\plink.exe" bob#garbageservername exit 42
Unable to open connection:
Host does not exist
C:\Code>echo %ERRORLEVEL%
Also note the piping of echo Y ... this enables you to accept the server fingerprint automatically (a little dangerous to say the least ... but our login server is load balanced, so you are always getting different fingerprints :( )
However as #LeonBloy notes, plink still has some connection conditions which return a zero exit code. If you know your exit code range and you don't have a good way of communicating back to windows via a file. You could either +3 to the exit code (if you know the exit code will never == 253-255) or you could apply a bitwise OR (I'd suggest exit $(($?|128)) - in bash).
Or if you don't care about the exact exit code, you could return 2 for success, and zero for failure. Thus a non-two exit code would indicate failure. In bash this would be: echo $((($?==0) << 1)). This would be by far the most robust general purpose solution, but you should make sure your exit code is logged for debug-ability.