Admin Dashboard UI Kits - sql

I am interested in taking up a learning path which would include web application development using Dashboard Admin UI Kits such as these Link to example
What application and or languages are used when implementing such a
UI ?
What databases are to be used in the backend?

For the UI:
Languages are always the same: HTML, CSS, JavaScript. Yet, they have countless libraries.
For CSS, I would check Bootstrap (or Bulma if you want slightly less pain), which is a simpler but richer one compared to many others.
For JS, I would check some animation libraries (there are many), and probably not start with any JS framework such as React, Angular etc. They might come later once you feel comfortable with JavaScript.
For HTML, you already have dashboard kit already. Though a great idea for learning, but as far as I know using templates is not a common practice for bigger companies etc.
For the backend:
It really depends on what you want to focus more on. Programming languages have advantages and disadvantages. You can work with (almost) any language but increasingly more popular ones are Node.js, Django (Python's popular web framework) etc. For beginning, these two are nice options. Node.js is also closely related to JavaScript, so that is a big plus.
For the database:
You might want to check if you need relational data or not, because that might narrow down your options. MongoDB is easy to learn and to get the basics of backend programming, while SQL (PostgreSQL is a nice example) is a widely preferred SQL option one in the industry.


Why Neto/Shopify use their own templating language?

Why Neto/Shopify use their own templating language instead using any popular popular language ?
When you have your own templating language you have full freedom to implement or limit the logic of the language to meet your needs.
You don't need to wait for a third party update in order to implement new stuff or objects.
Why do you think Samsung creates clones of google apps on their phones? To create an experience that they can control in some way and if they like to change or add something to do so and not to wait for google to do so. ( and some other things but that is outside the scope of this question )
Since liquid was a Tobias Lütke creation ( co-founder and CEO at Shopify ) and now is an Open Source project it was written in specific fashion in order to meet specific needs and those needs seems to be fitting for Shopify and other platforms as well.
Being popular doesn't mean being better! This is the wrong way to go.
WordPress is the most popular platform, but is it the best one - NO! There are a lot of hole provided by plugins, poorly written themes and some times core issues. While it's easy to use and extendable it opens a lot of doors for issues if you don't manage it properly.
Beats by Dre is the most popular headphones and quite expensive, does they sound as good as the price tag put on them - NO! You can buy the same quality headphones ( even better ) for less, but you are paying for the brand.
Creating new languages in the coding world is ALWAYS a good thing It might be a chore to learn it if it becomes a standard but that means that it provided something that the other popular languages didn't and this pushes the coding world forward. It's a much better alternative than to be in a standstill like when we had only jQuery and there were no new stuffs to excite the developers.
Now we have so much different things that you can choose the direction you like to go and you won't be able to learn all of them even if you try, which is a great thing to a developer who likes to grow.
Being different is OK as long as that fits your needs and you are not doing it just because it's popular to be different. ( so true IRL now too :D )
This reasoning from their Github Wiki lists some of the reasons. Why Liquid Templating Engine ?
Liquid is a template engine which was crafted for very specific
It has to have simple markup and beautiful results. Template engines which don't produce good looking results are no fun to use.
It needs to be non-evaling and secure. Liquid templates are made so that users can edit them. You don't want your server running code
that your users wrote.
It has to be stateless. The compile and render steps have to be separate, so that the expensive parsing and compiling can be done
once; later on, you can just render it by passing in a hash with local
variables and objects.
It needs to be able to style emails as well as HTML.

Thinking in Semantic UI if I have a Bootstrap background?

I'm familiar with developing webapps and website with Bootstrap (v3 and v4), but now I'd like to start using Semantic UI.
After experimenting a bit I feel like Semantic UI offer less composabilities than Bootstrap, but I'm probably missing some things.
For instance, I'm still unclear on how to I mute a text? Bootstrap has a text-muted class, but I can't find equivalent in Semantic UI
Can you describe the paradigm shift that is necessary? Here are a few questions that might help you frame an answer:
What should I stop doing/using;
What should I start doing/using instead?
Are there any server-side considerations/restrictions?
N.B.: I'm not looking for a detailed comparison between Semantic UI and Bootstrap.
Well, I had some Bootstrap and a lots of Foundation background before using Semantic UI, and the transition was easy. Now, when I'm forced to use Bootstrap, everything seems illogical there.
So, working almost 6 months on Semantic UI, I learned some of the things that helped me:
When you get the hang of the semantics, it will be considerably easier. When Bootstrap forces you to use weird illogical abbreviations, then Semantic UI is natural language based. For example "ui inverted huge equal width form" will come out the way it sounds because you understand how things work together.
The docs. I think Semantic UI has superb docs with examples, so if you don't know how to do something, you find it from the docs. I've only encountered couple of things you cannot find from the docs (e.g. Nag).
There are some restrictions. For example, older Android, iOS and IE browsers are not supported because of the Flexbox. And there ARE bugs, so probably you have to fork and/or do pull requests and some Github issues and wait for a long time to have them fixed in main repo. Or rewrite some of the components (we ended up rewriting Sidebar because it didn't perform on mobile devices). But we didn't really see point in supporting legacy stuff that much anyway.
The box model and positioning is different to what you've used to in Bootstrap, but in a way, it's a lot simpler when you get the hang of it.
Don't expect a lots of helper classes, write them your own.
Learn to use LESS, Gulp etc. from day one - it will save you from lots of headache and will increase your productivity. Also extending/overwriting Semantic UI is a good idea, when you want your own design.
All in all, we had issues, but looking back, we actually won in development time, because Semantic UI has most all the tools available you need to develop modern UI.

GWT vs Apache Wicket

Both GWT and Wicket are stateful, java object oriented based. GWT is completely client based with features like javascript optimization, CSS optimization, and I'm pretty new to Apache Wicket.
The more I read about Wicket the more similar it feels to GWT.
So I guess the question is - What are the differences between GWT and Wicket? Or am I comparing apples to oranges?
I have been using both GWT (1.x and 2.x) and Wicket (1.4, 1.5) on a large project for several years now, and both frameworks have their advantages and drawbacks. Both of them are cool and nice, if they are used for what they have been designed for. But you can take the best of both by mixing them together easily.
Wicket is really nice and powerful for CRUD websites, with a good separation between the page design (HTML) and the Java code. As long as you do not need powerful client capabilities it's doing it's job very nicely, at the prize of being a bit code-verbose: but that's the prize to pay to be strongly typed: there's no "magic"; refactoring and componentization works like a charm. For large projects it can be easily decoupled and is well designed to work with large teams: people can focus on providing a nice set of core components, other on the presentation layer, etc... The only drawback is for complex behavior on client side, you still need to master Javascript and it can easily become rather complex to mix Wicket and Javascript yourself.
GWT is nice when you really need rich behavior capabilities on your client (GMail-like application). The main problem with GWT is that it look too nice on paper (the "everything in java" paradigm), but it does not fulfill it's promises. It does not scale well: GWT is nice for small modules providing a small set of functionalities, not for large applications. Code/compile/debug cycle is rather long, and when module size grows too large it becomes a burden. Also it does not support well large teams working concurrently on the same module.
To summarize, I would suggest people having to choose:
Use GWT sparingly when it's really needed, keeping module size small, and never try to build a whole big application entirely with it;
Use wicket for the rest (Wicket really rocks!).
To mix both together, use the powerful component capabilities of Wicket to modularize GWT code in a "wicket way" (GWT modules becoming a special kind of Wicket components), and again, keep GWT small.
It is pretty much apples to oranges.
This wiki entry summarizes some of the similarities and differences, and the start of a strategy for using them together, which I think is an interesting idea.
Wicket is primarily a server-side technology with some built-in Ajax support and hooks for wiring in more Ajax. It does not translate Java to JavaScript like GWT. It maintains state server-side where GWT maintains state on the client.
Both are component-based and to me have something of the feeling of Swing development (though Wicket doesn't seem to feel like Swing to at least one other respondent).
Now with GWT 2, what are the advantages over wicket and likewise?
It's been 6 years since this thread was active and GWT has mostly stagnated.
Wicket seems to be much more actively developed and supported.
Anyone have newer opinions about Wicket or other options?
Wicket is server based framework.. It is much more similar to JSf than GWT. GWT is conceptually similar to Swing, I am ex-swing developer, it is very easy to migrate from swing to gwt. But I cant say same things for Wicket or JSF..
Wicket is server framework. It allow to create html which you needed. It is possible separation of roles in project. (Web design->html/css->java).
If you consider to use GWT for you project, web designer probably not needed.
GWT generate javascript. Most logic can be executed on browser side. GWT better for scalable application.

Limitations of XUL

I'm trying to understand if it is worth the pain to learn XUL more thoroughly.
If you have experience with a moderately complex project (like an independent application rather than a Firefox extension), can you tell me what your experience has been like?
I am particularly worried for feature which are not supported by the XUL framework natively. There are two possibilities: either create more XPCOM components, or using external tools. The latter approach is not completely satisfactory, as interprocess communication seems somehow lacking in XUL.
On the other hand, I have no knowledge of C++. How difficult would it be for a first time learner to wrap an existing library in XPCOM dressing?
I have not written any XPCOM in my three years of developing XUL applications. It does seem intimidating. So far, though, I haven't had a good reason to create any XPCOM. I do use some external tools - for reporting, working with mobile devices, etc. I eventually figured out that you can at least get the STDOUT return value from a process that runs (at least on Windows, it seems that this particular feature might not be consistent across platforms). That allowed me to have at least a single return value, which allowed me to implement error handling.
I think that you will find that you can do quite a bit without touching XPCOM. However, everything is not polished and easy, and there is not a large, helpful, developer community/ not much developer support, so it can be a frustrating learning experience.
If this is a large application, or an application that you might be adding other developers too, you may wish to consider choosing a more supported development platform.

Rapid web application development with a Web Toolkit

I spend a lot of time (actually too much time) developping back-office applications whose main purpose is content management and web application configurations. Here is how I can describe these apps :
- Made with PHP
- Using a MySQL or Postgres or SQLite database
- Made of a lot of pages and features
- Very simple features, mostly data CRUD (create+read+update+delete into the database)
- Mostly made of forms
- UIs are usually quite simple (html + css + very basic javascript)
All of the data access code in these apps relies on a library I developped years ago and re-use every time I can. This part is not time-consuming.
What's time-consuming is the UI part, and mostly designing data-lists and forms. Using a WYSIWYG editor would make a lot of sense here, except those I tried (Dreamweaver, Frontpage, Expression, Eclipse, ...) don't really make it much faster, because the generated code is often bloated, and these tools can't rely on custom libraries such as the one I made and use.
I figured using a Web Tookit could be another way to spend less time developping these tools. So before I spend too much time looking for the perfect toolkit, I would appreciate your opinions and experiences on that kind of matter.
Disclaimer : I'm not looking for advices on how MVC is the way to go and how CodeIgniter/Zend/WhatEver is the framework I should use. My question is not about the frameworks or the design patterns I should build my applications upon. My question is about using the right tool to make simple web-applications development faster, and their code even more re-usable.
Is there an awesome web-application RAD tool I don't know about ?
Which toolkit do you use for simple but form-heavy web applications ?
Are there good, light, non-bloated, reliable toolkits written in PHP ?
Thanks in advance !
Edit : Not getting much feedback so far :/ I'm aware that my question is very broad, but I'm sure lots of people work on the same kind of projects I'm talking about, and have improved their productivity by using toolkits such as GWT, Wicket and such. Tell me about it, please :)
September 28 edit : Thanks everyone for the interesting answers. What I'm looking for is not covered by any framework I could try in the past months. PHP is probably not the best language to use for my vision of RAD, but since it's a language I know very well, and since I don't want to spend too much time learning Python as well as I know PHP (for the moment), I decided to do it by myself. Everytime I have a specific need for a widget, I code it in the most re-usable far so good :)
I might open-source that toolkit at some point, and will let you guys know.
The PHP project I've been working on the past few years is a lot like that. Heavy on forms, heavy on server-side logic, but lots of redundant form coding. Too make matters worse, it wasn't all forms, sometimes we actually need to do fancy layout (even just doing a tree control is a pain without a library), and the home-grown nature of the UI meant that I would be battling browser quirks from start to finish.
So, I got to thinking about what a better architecture would be. We needed very powerful form controls, rich grids, rich trees, advanced layout, and we needed to migrate to that gradually. None of the PHP frameworks seemed to fit. Then I took a step back and realized that it didn't have to be PHP, it could be javascript also. We already had a requirement on javascript, so it was fine to go the distance with it. First I looked at the smaller libraries, jquery, prototype, but it became obvious that they didn't do enough. So I looked at Dojo, ExtJS, YUI, all the really heavy javascript toolkits, and settled on ExtJS as having the best controls.
We had a UI structure that relied heavily on iframes, a navigation frame on the outside, application frames inside that, feature frames inside that, and so on. What we ended up with is we're migrating those from the outside in. It's all becoming ExtJS, and it's all living in the same page. The server-side code is kept the same, but it's migrated into web services. At the same time we've integrated zend framework, and are porting some of the stuff you really shouldn't do home-grown to it, like authentication and translation.
The end goal is being able to write just the business logic without having to mess with all the boilerplate. It's too early to know if my approach will pan out, but I think my message would be to be critical towards your code base and decide which parts you want to keep writing yourself, and which parts you want to outsource to a library.
Please try I think it's what you need. Results with minimum time/code.
At the moment I'm using a solid forms class to render HTML forms with client- and server-side validation, and a database class to write the SQL. I can get a CRUD section of my admin console up in about 10 lines of code. I wrote those classes myself so I can re-use them in all my projects. Hopefully that gives you some ideas?
I would stay away from WYSIWYG tools personally.
I'm testing, I discovered it does
within days, at first looks promising. If you take a look
please send me your feedbacks!
Maybe adopt or create an "app-based" infrastructure like Django's? In Django's case, the community has created some powerful baselines like Pinax.
I think Symfony may be the way to go because, like your apps:
it's written in PHP
ORM based on Propel/doctrine (so you can use MySQL, Postgres or SQLite)
Architecture and patterns used will help you with complex applicatons
You'll find tools helping you to debug, document, and test your application
Forms creation, validation, l10n & i18n, testing, AJAX is easy (forms within symfony explained here, check it out)
prototyping you webpages while developing your application is easy
Other tools/practices implemented in the symfony framework that will make your life easy:
full configuration using YAML syntax (easy to read and understand)
the scaffolding feature generates for you a simple CRUD interface for editing your data.
you don't have to worry about coding form sanitization, security, caching, ACL; configuration is needed, but no heavy coding.
The only downside, you need to read some documentation to understand "the symfony way of doing things". But hey, a good framework is 20% code and 80% good practices.
My point is, even if you don't want to use Symfony for your project, you should check its features and built-in tools, because that's the kind of tools you want for your project.
I started using Django and it has very helpful features, esp. the built-in admin (for general CRUD stuff) and really great form-handling code & widget rendering. I'd suggest taking a look, even if you don't plan on using python, just to get an idea.
You mentioned that you don't want advice on "Use X framework", since this is more about RAD & UI/forms than system architecture. But I've found that a good framework helps just as much with the UI & forms side of things as it does the architecture. That means that while frameworks are great for big projects, they're also very helpful in reducing code redundancy. I started creating my own helper functions in PHP that I would copy from app to app that would automatically render an HTML form based on a few parameters. Even after a lot of work, this was very rudimentary compared to what Django offers, and basically I was writing my own framework.
I think you may be looking for a GUI-style tool to help, but you might find that a good PHP framework is more helpful in this case. At the very least, have you tried creating your own helper libraries? I know those helped me a lot.
Simple Example:
function renderInput($name, $value="") {
print "<input type=\"input\" name=\"" . htmlentities($name) . "\" value=\"" . htmlentities($value) . "\" >";
function renderRadios($name, $value="", $choices=array()) {
for ($choices as $cvalue) {
print "<input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"" . htmlentities($name) . "\" value=\"" . htmlentities($cvalue) . "\" " . ($cvalue == $value ? "checked" : "") . ">";
And build up from there. Stupid things like this tend to make form creation just that much faster. A good framework will blow this out of the water. And I'm sure the above has some typos, I haven't done PHP in a little bit.
If this isn't what you're looking for, could you add some more to the question? I'm curious.
Although you're asking for PHP + MySql, I would like to recommend you to give a try to the OutSystems Agile Platform.
You can create a simple CRUD app in less that 10 minutes and grow it as you go to a more complex system.
Download the Community Edition for free at
Not sure but looks like Tibco General Interface ( ) is what your looking for.