Selenide IntelliJ IDEA - inserting text from current clipboarrd into the Login form instead of # - intellij-idea

I have a wierd problem:
Our Selenide automat keep inserting the text, that is currently in my clipboard into the login form, that use email.
The text is inserted instead of #:
The code is as follow:
B2CLogin login = new B2CLogin();
B2CLogin include:
public class B2CLogin {
public void userCanLogIn() {
DevBasicAuthorization auth = new DevBasicAuthorization();
//open login popup
//choose LogIn
//fill login
//fill password
//click LogIn button
//Profile button should be visible
$("[id='Navigation-item-profile-desktop']").waitUntil(Condition.visible, 6000);
//b2c dev account
public static String b2cdevuser = "";
public static String b2cdevpass = "test1234";
Do anyone know hoe to solve this?
Thank you in advance


Handling a button that opens a new tab and redirects you to it

After clicking the create invoice button, it opens a new tab and redirects you to it. Next, it should click a button but it says no element exists. Did it search the element on the current page ? not on the new tab?
Tried explicit wait for that button and tried switching back and forth to the tab
#Test (priority=3)
public void ProductListExpress() {
System.out.println("Successful in proceeding to Purchase.php");
String newUrl1 = driver.getCurrentUrl();
System.out.println("Successful in proceeding to Purchase page ");
else {
System.out.println("Failed in proceeding to Purchase page");
#Test (priority=4)
public void ClickInvoice() {
#Test (priority=5)
public void test() {
//Click create invoice button
System.out.println("Successful in clicking create invoice");
Expect to click button after redirecting.
First of all wait for 2nd window to open and be available to the WebDriver. You can use Explicit Wait for this like:
new WebDriverWait(driver,10).until(ExpectedConditions.numberOfWindowsToBe(2));
Check out How to use Selenium to test web applications using AJAX technology article for more information on the concept
Once you have the confidence that the number of windows is 2 you can use switchTo().window() function to change the context for the 2nd window:
driver.switchTo().window(driver.getWindowHandles().stream().reduce((f, s) -> s).orElse(null));
When you are clicking on new button, new tab is getting open. In this scenario, you need to use WindowsHandles. Try below code:
#Test (priority=3)
public void ProductListExpress() {
System.out.println("Successful in proceeding to Purchase.php");
Set<String> winHandles= driver.getWindowHandles();
Iterator<String> it = winHandles.iterator();
String parentWindowId =;
String newWindowID=;//Here you will get windows id of newly opened tab
driver.switchTo().window(newWindowID); //now your driver is switching to new tab
String newUrl1 = driver.getCurrentURL();
System.out.println("Successful in proceeding to Purchase page ");
else {
System.out.println("Failed in proceeding to Purchase page");
You can switch to new tab with this way :
//Click create invoice button
System.out.println("Successful in clicking create invoice");
ArrayList<String> tabs = new ArrayList<String> (driver.getWindowHandles());
during execution whenever a new tab or window opens, control of the driver still remains in the original tab or window unless we write couple of lines of code to manually switch the control to new tab or window.
In your case, Since the driver control is still in original tab and next element to click is in new tab, selenium is not able to find it, hence it says no element exists
#Test (priority=5)
public void test() {
WebDriverWait w= new WebDriverWait(driver, 10);
ArrayList<String> x = new ArrayList<String>(driver.getWindowHandles());
driver.switchTo().window(x.get(1)); // here x.get(1) indicates that
driver control is switched to new tab or new window
w.until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable("locator of button to be clicked"));
In case ,in your next steps if you can to continue execution in the original window or tab, you have to again switch selenium driver control back .
driver.switchTo().window(x.get(0));// during next steps if you want
driver control to switch back to original tab or window you have to write this line
of code
IDK if this is what you're asking, but it might be. I was CTRL+CLICKING a button to open a new tab. This is how I found the tab:
Set<String> curWindows = new HashSet<> (driver.getWindowHandles ());
String newWindowHandle = null;
this.delay (500);
for (String windowHandle : driver.getWindowHandles ()) {
if (curWindows.contains (windowHandle) == false) {
newWindowHandle = windowHandle;
if (newWindowHandle == null) {
log.error ("Unable to find the new window handle.");
return null;

GWT Image Upload empty content

I am trying to implement GWT image upload functionality. I have made the required code change but for some reason upload is not happening. At the server side the image is not being received. So I checked at the client side (browser) the request header and content and then I found that Content-Length: 44 (just 44). Then I realized that the image is not being sent to server on from submission. Please check the below GWT code.
VerticalPanel vp = new VerticalPanel();
final FormPanel form = new FormPanel();
// set form to use the POST method, and multipart MIME encoding.
final FileUpload fileUpload = new FileUpload();
Button uploadButton = new Button("Upload");
uploadButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
//get the filename to be uploaded
String filename = fileUpload.getFilename();
if (filename.length() == 0) {
showError("No File Specified!", null);
} else {
//submit the form
form.addSubmitCompleteHandler(new FormPanel.SubmitCompleteHandler() {
public void onSubmitComplete(SubmitCompleteEvent event) {
// When the form submission is successfully completed, this
//event is fired. Assuming the service returned a response
//of type text/html, we can get the result text here
showError(event.getResults(), null);
Am i missing anything here? Please suggest.
FormPanel states the following:
"This panel can be used to achieve interoperability with servers that accept traditional HTML form encoding. The following widgets (those that implement will be submitted to the server if they are contained within this panel" (emphasis mine)
You need to set the name of the FileUpload widget otherwise it will not be submitted by the FormPanel.
Try setting this and it should work

I want to customize default popup on create using redirect new page instead

On Action create as bellow
public EmployeeVM newEmployee(final String name) {
return this;
It show popup
Is it possible to redirect to a new page with the back button and save button instead of popup.

Selenium,PhpUnit: Alert or PopUp message with selenium webdriver and phpunit

I want to display an alert , popup that i can have an idea about the test process even correct or not but i can't
This is my code
public function setUp(){
$capabilities = array(\WebDriverCapabilityType::BROWSER_NAME =>'firefox');
$this->webDriver = RemoteWebDriver::create('http://localhost:4444/wd/hub',$capabilities);
public function formSubmit(){
$formE = $this->webDriver->findElement(WebDriverBy::xPath('//*[#id="feedback"]/ul/li'));
IF ( $formE->isDisplayed()){
// the alert or the popup
So could you please help me to figure out a solution.
Thank you. B.Marwen

Click then CTRL Click not working with selenium-java 2.39 + Firefox 26

I'm facing this issue since some days now but didn't manage to overcome it trying different ideas.
Problem description: I wanna select a line in a table (GWT CellTable), perform some actions (which are my application specific) on it and then unselect back the line.
The line never gets unselected.
I'm quite new to selenium And I don't know if someone else has run into same problem and if there is a workaround to it. Thanks in advance
public void testClearEventCodes(){
WebContext faresContext = rootContext.gotoId(Strings.WEH_FARES_TABLE);
assertTrue("Y N N N N".equals(faresContext.gotoTableCell(1, 15).getText()));
assertTrue("CHINAYEAR".equals(faresContext.gotoTableCell(1, 16).getText()));
checkColorCodes(new HashMap<String, String[]>(){
put(getFareKey("GMP", "PAR", "KE", "0004", "K001", "OW", "Public"), new String[]{"1", COLOR_CODE_HOT_AND_EVENT_FARE});
assertTrue("".equals(faresContext.gotoTableCell(1, 16).getText()));
checkColorCodes(new HashMap<String, String[]>(){
put(getFareKey("GMP", "PAR", "KE", "0004", "K001", "OW", "Public"), new String[]{"1", COLOR_CODE_HOT_FARE});
And bellow is the method to CTRL CLICK the line:
* Holds Control key and Clicks on current element.
public void ctrlClick() {
Actions actionBuilder = new Actions(driver);
org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Action action =;
Your problem might be related to the new Firefox feature in which display settings are now taken into account. You can try changing the display settings for your computer to 100% and try again.