SQL Insert two rows in other table based on If confition - sql

I have 2 table which is DATA and MAIN. DATA table is the raw data extract from excel and MAIN table is the data after validation(few rules) have been made.
If Amoun1<>'' and Amount2<>''.
Insert 2 row in MAIN table. The first row will have the value for Amount and Percentage from Amount2 & Percentage2 with TaxRateType = Taxable.
And the second row will have Amount and Percentage get from Amount1 & Percentage1 with TaxRateType = EXEMPT. The invoiceNo also will be add with '_1'
If Amount2<>'' and Amount1=''
Insert 1 row with Amount and Percentage from Amount2 & Percentage2 with TaxRateType = Taxable.
Insert 1 row with Amount and Percentage get from Amount1 & Percentage1 with TaxRateType = EXEMPT
The example is as below table:
InvoiceNo | TotalAmount | Percentage1 | Amount1 | Percentage2 | Amount2
abc123 100 5 45 20 55
abc124 60 5 60 20
abc125 50 5 22 50
InvoiceNo | Percentage | Amount | TaxRateType | ReferenceValue
abc123 20 55 TAXABLE 2
abc123_1 5 45 EXEMPT 1
abc124 5 60 EXEMPT 1
abc125 22 50 TAXABLE 2
I'm stuck in here for 4 hours searching for which method to use. Currently I have an idea to use if exists but still it's not correct and somehow I feel its not a good method.
IF EXISTS (SELECT ID from [alcatel].[Main_Temp] where Amount0<>'' and Amount21<>'')
INSERT INTO [alcatel].[Main]
( [Country],[InvoiceNo],[Amount],[Percentage],[TaxRateType],[Reference Value])
[Country],[InvoiceNo],[Amount2],[Percentage2],'TAXABLE' as [TaxRateType],2 as [Reference Value]
FROM [alcatel].[Data];
INSERT INTO [alcatel].[Main]
( [Country],[InvoiceNo],[Amount],[Percentage],[TaxRateType],[Reference Value])
[Country],[InvoiceNo]+'_1' as InvoiceNo,[Amount1],[Percentage1],'EXEMPT' as [TaxRateType],'1' as [Reference Value]
FROM [alcatel].[Data];
Followed with other condition.

I think you just want to unpivot the data with some logic:
select invoiceno + v.suffix, v.percentage, v.amount,
v.taxratetype, v.referencevalue
from data d cross apply
(values (1, d.Percentage1, d.Amount1, 'EXEMPT', ''),
(2, d.Percentage2, d.Amount2, 'TAXABLE', (case when d.amount1 is not null then '_1' else '' end))
) v(ReferenceValue, Percentage, Amount, TaxRateType, Suffix)
where amount is not null;
Here is a db<>fiddle.


Dividing a sum value into multiple rows due to field length constraint

I am migrating financial data from a very large table (100 million+ of rows) by summarizing the amount and insert them into summary table. I ran into problem when the summary amount (3 billions) is larger than what the field in the summary table can hold (can only hold up to 999 millions.) Changing the field size is not an option as it requires a change process.
The only option I have is to divide the amount (the one that breach the size limit) into smaller ones so it can be inserted into the table.
I came across this SQL - I need to divide a total value into multiple rows in another table which is similar except the number of rows I need to insert is dynamic.
For simplicity, this is how the source table might look like
acct_num | amt
101 125.00
101 550.00
101 650.00
101 375.00
101 475.00
102 15.00
103 325.00
103 875.00
104 200.00
104 275.00
The summary records are as follows
select acct_num, sum(amt)
from account_table
group by acct_num
Account Summary
acct_num | amt
101 2175.00
102 15.00
103 1200.00
104 475.00
Assuming the maximum value in the destination table is 1000.00, the expected output will be
acct_num | amt
101 1000.00
101 1000.00
101 175.00
102 15.00
103 1000.00
103 200.00
104 475.00
How do I create a query to get the expected result? Thanks in advance.
You need a numbers table. If you have a handful of values, you can define it manually. Otherwise, you might have one on hand or use a similar logic:
with n as (
select (rownum - 1) as n
from account_table
where rownum <= 10
a as (
select acct_num, sum(amt) as amt
from account_table
group by acct_num
select acct_num,
(case when (n.n + 1) * 1000 < amt then 1000
else amt - n.n * 1000
end) as amt
from a join
on n.n * 1000 < amt ;
A variation along these lines might give some ideas (using the 1,000 of your sample data):
WITH summary AS (
SELECT acct_num
,TRUNC(SUM(amt) / 1000) AS times
,MOD(SUM(amt), 1000) AS remainder
FROM account_table
GROUP BY acct_num
), x(acct_num, times, remainder) AS (
SELECT acct_num, times, remainder
FROM summary
SELECT s.acct_num, x.times - 1, s.remainder
FROM summary s
WHERE s.acct_num = x.acct_num
AND x.times > 0
SELECT acct_num
,CASE WHEN times = 0 THEN remainder ELSE 1000 END AS amt
ORDER BY acct_num, amt DESC
The idea is to first build a summary table with div and modulo:
101 2 175
102 0 15
103 1 200
104 0 475
Then perform a hierarchical query on the summary table based on the number of "times" (i.e. rows) you want, with an extra for the remainder.
101 1000
101 1000
101 175
102 15
103 1000
103 200
104 475

Compare Records and display the column name which are having different values

Here is the sample table what I have. I have multiple err# one among is Err# 2
Err# ItemNo Price Company Model
2 101 50 ABC A12
2 101 50 ABC A12
2 101 50 ABC A13
2 102 30 XYZ B1C
2 102 40 ZYZ B1C
2 103 80 MNO AL5
2 103 90 MNR AL9
Er# 2 - I am getting an error message as "Same ItemNo having different values from other columns" Ideally it shouldn't have different values for same ItemNO.
What it mean is ItemNo 101 Price is same, Company is same in all the 3 records, but Model is different it has both A12 and A13 which is wrong.
Whenever we have the same ItemNo has different value it should show me the column name which is having differet values as per the Item No.
O/P should be
For All 101 Records It should Print as - Same ItemNo having Different Model Value
For All 102 Records It Should Print as - Same ItemNo having Different Price, Company
For All 103 Records It Should Print as - Same ItemNo having Different Price, Company Model
You can do something like this:
select itemno,
substr( (case when min(price) <> max(price) then ',price' end) ||
(case when min(company) <> max(company) then ',company' end) ||
(case when min(model) <> max(price) then ',model' end),
2) as columns_with_differences
from t
group by itemno;

Select entire row with more than one distinct column

I have a table based on invoice items where I am trying to use SQL to detect at what dates the price or currency for the combination of material/customer has changed. The table contains invoices for several customers although the materials can be common.
My SQL skills are quite basic and I have tried several different approaches using GROUP BY and DISTINCT that I have found in other threads but I always seem to get stuck somewhere along the way.
This is basically what the data looks like:
Invoice Inv. Date Material Price Currency Per/Qty Customer
SE100 20140901 111111 1 EUR 1 840006
SE100 20140901 222222 2 EUR 1000 840006
SE100 20140901 333333 3 USD 1 840006
SE101 20140902 111111 1 EUR 1 840006
SE101 20140902 222222 2 EUR 1000 840006
SE101 20140902 333333 3 USD 1 840006
SE102 20140903 111111 2 EUR 1 840006
SE102 20140903 222222 2 USD 1000 840006
SE102 20140903 333333 3 USD 1 840006
SE103 20140904 111111 1 EUR 1 840006
SE103 20140904 222222 2 USD 1000 840006
SE103 20140904 333333 3 USD 1 840006
What I want to accomplish is basically to select the first row datewise for all distinct combinations of Customer/Material/Currency/Price and then subselect the entire rows (sorted by material) for those materials that occur more than once in the selection, thus indicating the price or currency has changed from the initial value.
The expected output from the query using the data in the table above would then look something like this:
Invoice Inv. Date Material Price Currency Per/Qty Customer
SE100 20140901 111111 1 EUR 1 840006
SE102 20140903 111111 2 EUR 1 840006
SE103 20140904 111111 1 EUR 1 840006
SE100 20140901 222222 2 EUR 1000 840006
SE102 20140903 222222 2 USD 1000 840006
I hope I managed to explain the problem in an understandable way. The database engine is SQL Server 2005 Express.
Any help would be appreciated...
The key word DISTINCT in SQL has the meaning of "unique value". When applied to a column in a query it will return as many rows from the result set as there are unique, different values for that column. As a consequence it creates a grouped result set, and values of other columns are random unless defined by other functions (such as max, min, average, etc.)
If you meant to say you want to return all rows for which Col 06 has a specific value, then use the "where Col 06 = value" clause
FROM mytable
) mto
JOIN mytable mt
ON mt.id =
FROM mytable mti
WHERE mti.col6 = mto.col6
-- id
-- Uncomment the lines above if the order matters
I think this is a direct translation of what you want:
select t.*
from mydata t join
(select Customer, Material, count(distinct price) as numprices
from mydata
group by Customer, Material
having count(distinct price) > 1
) cmcp
on t.customer = cmcp.customer and t.material = cmcp.material;
This leaves out the currency. Unfortunately, SQL Server doesn't support multiple arguments to distinct. You can include it this way:
select t.*
from mydata t join
(select Customer, Material,
count(distinct cast(price as varchar(255)) + ':' + currency) as numprices
from mydata
group by Customer, Material
having count(distinct cast(price as varchar(255)) + ':' + currency) > 1
) cmcp
on t.customer = cmcp.customer and t.material = cmcp.material;
Most databases support window/analytic functions, so you can also phrase this as:
select t.*
from (select t.*,
min(cast(price as varchar(255)) + ':' + currency)) over (partition by Customer, Material) as minprice,
max(cast(price as varchar(255)) + ':' + currency)) over (partition by Customer, Material) as maxprice
from mydata t
) t
where minprice <> maxprice
order by Material, Inv_Date;

Group values in to categories with annual break down

I have a table of licence applications I want to display the data by category for each financial year.
For my query, there are 2 key columns.
Firstly, there is a fee column and the values within this column determine the type of licence.
Between 0 and 300 is Minor
between 300 and 600 is Standard
between 600 and 2000 is Major
Secondly, there is a date field which is to be used for the financial year.
I would like the results to look like this.
Category | 2013/14 | 2012/13
Minor | 23 | 21
Standard | 10 | 11
Major | 5 | 3
I have this query below, but i cant get it right for the year part.
Would really appreciate any advice people can give me.
select category.gr as [category],
sum(case when ((year(licence.[start_date]) in ('2010'))
and (month(licence.[start_date]) in (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)))
or ((year(licence.[start_date]) in ('2011'))
and (month(licence.[start_date]) in (1,2,3))) then 1 else 0 end) AS '10/11 Count',
from ( select case
when [fee_INC] between 0 and 350 then 'Minor'
when [fee_INC] between 350 and 600 then 'Standard'
else 'Major' end as gr
from [L_LICENCE_FIN]) as category,
from [L_LICENCE_FIN] as licence
group by category.gr
AS [fiscal_year],
COUNT(*) AS [count]
( 0, 300, 'Minor'),
(300, 600, 'Standard'),
(600,2000, 'Major')
) categories([fee_min], [fee_max], [category])
ON ([fee] >= [fee_min] AND [fee] < [fee_max])
GROUP BY [category],[start_date]
) p1
PIVOT(SUM([count]) FOR [fiscal_year] IN ([2013/14],[2012/13])) p2

How to calculate

I have a table like this:
Item Qty Price A Price B
abc 5 36.00 0
qwe 8 0 48.00
zxc 6 12.00 0
poi 4 10.00 0
lkj 9 12.00 0
mnb 3 0 14.00
vfr 7 0 6.00
How can I sum the value using SQL ie. if Price A is zero, it will pick Price B. The expected results will be as follows :-
Item Value
abc 180.00
qwe 384.00
zxc 72.00
poi 40.00
lkj 36.00
mnb 42.00
vfr 42.00
, (Qty * [Price A]) + (Qty * [Price B]) AS Value
Use the following if A and B could be non-zero, and you only want to use price A when this occurs:
SELECT Item, CASE WHEN `Price A` != 0 THEN `Price A` * Qty
ELSE `Price B` * Qty
END AS Value
FROM table;
Why not do something like
SELECT SUM(Price A) FROM table; SELECT SUM(Price B) FROM table WHERE Price A = 0;
And then add the results together...
from the example above you could really just select priceA + priceB, since one or the other is always zero, otherwise... I am not quite sure this can be done in pure SQL...
Assuming both can be not null:
SELECT item, QTY * IF(PriceA!=0, PriceA, PriceB) AS VALUE from tableName;