Array list not obtaining smallest age - arraylist

I've setup 2 different array lists that coincide and I have code to find the biggest age and smallest age, However my youngest age isn't outputting. I am getting the biggest age as outputted
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class Database1{
public static void main(String[] args){
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
ArrayList<Integer> age = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<String> name = new ArrayList<>();
int count = 0;
while (count < 10) {
System.out.println("Please enter a first name");
String inputName = in.nextLine();
System.out.println("Please enter an age");
int smallest = age.get(0);
int biggest = age.get(0);
String youngestName = "" ;
String oldestName = "";
for (int i = 0; i < age.size(); i++) {
if(age.get(i) > biggest){
biggest = age.get(i);
oldestName = name.get(i);
}if (age.get(i) < smallest){
smallest = age.get(i);
youngestName = name.get(i);
System.out.println("The oldest person was " + oldestName);
System.out.println("The youngest person was " + youngestName);
I am receiving this as an output
The oldest person was john
The youngest person was
[Luke, Chris, Neal, john]
[18, 19, 44, 66]

Modify to the following:
public static void main(String[] args){
Scanner in = new Scanner(;
ArrayList<Integer> age = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<String> name = new ArrayList<>();
int count = 0;
while (count < 10) {
System.out.println("Please enter a first name");
String inputName = in.nextLine();
System.out.println("Please enter an age");
int smallest = age.get(0);
int biggest = age.get(0);
String youngestName = name.get(0); ;
String oldestName = name.get(0);
for (int i = 0; i < age.size(); i++) {
if(age.get(i) > biggest){
biggest = age.get(i);
oldestName = name.get(i);
} else if (age.get(i) < smallest){
smallest = age.get(i);
youngestName = name.get(i);
System.out.println("The oldest person was " + oldestName);
System.out.println("The youngest person was " + youngestName);


What is the Time Complexity and Space complexity of the following codes?

Here are the codes attached below. I have done these problems in one of the FAANG companies. I am open to have a discussion on time complexity and space complexity of these codes.
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] arr = {4,5,6,7};
Queue<Integer> queue = new LinkedList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
while (queue.size() > 2) {
int first = queue.poll();
for (int i = 0; i < queue.size(); i++) {
int second = queue.poll();
queue.add(first % 10 + second % 10);
first = second;
int first = queue.poll() % 10;
int second = queue.poll() % 10;
int res = first + second;
Time Complexity: ?
Space Complexity: ?
and Code 2:
public static void main(String[] args) {
String input = "aabbcaac";
HashMap<Character, Integer> map1 = new HashMap<>();
HashMap<Character, Integer> map2 = new HashMap<>();
char[] ip = input.toCharArray();
for (int i = 0; i < ip.length; i++) {
map2.put(ip[i], map2.getOrDefault(ip[i] , 0)+1);
System.out.println (map2);
int currVal = 0;
int result = 0;
int k = 1;
for (char str : ip) {
map2.put(str, map2.get(str) - 1);
if (map2.get(str) > 0) {
currVal += 1;
if(map1.get(str) == null) {
map1.put(str, 0);
if (map1.get(str) > 0) {
currVal -= 1;
map1.put(str, map1.get(str) + 1);
if (currVal > k) {
result += 1;
Time Complexity: ?
Space Complexity: ?

How to get sum of a item inside recyclerview?

Suppose two Items 8 and 4 are there in the list. So the Sum I should get is 12. But I am getting result as 84 and not 12. I am a beginner So I don't have an idea what wrong I am doing here.
private void getCreditEntries() {
final String shift = kvName.getText().toString();
final String leaveType = selectLeaveType.getSelectedItem().toString();
final String employeeCode = empCode.getText().toString();
final String calendarYear = selectYear.getText().toString();
DatabaseReference reference = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference().child("LeaveDetails").child(shift)
DatabaseReference dbRef = reference.child(leaveType);
dbRef.addValueEventListener(new ValueEventListener() {
public void onDataChange(#NonNull DataSnapshot dataSnapshot) {
list = new ArrayList<>();
if (!dataSnapshot.exists()) {
} else {
for (DataSnapshot snapshot: dataSnapshot.getChildren()) {
LeaveCreditData data = snapshot.getValue(LeaveCreditData.class);
rvCreditEntry.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(LeaveDetails.this));
rvCreditEntry.setItemAnimator(new DefaultItemAnimator());
leaveCreditAdapter = new LeaveCreditAdapter(list, LeaveDetails.this);
int total = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++){
total = Integer.parseInt(total + list.get(i).getTotalLeaveCredit());
creditSum.setText(String.valueOf( total));
//Suppose two Items 8 and 4 are there in the list
// So the Sum I should get is 12.
// But I am getting result as 84 and not 12
public void onCancelled(#NonNull DatabaseError databaseError) {
Toast.makeText(LeaveDetails.this, databaseError.getMessage(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
I simply edited the code as below and achieved what I wanted.
int total = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++){
total += Integer.parseInt(list.get(i).getTotalLeaveCredit());
creditSum.setText(String.valueOf( total));

Mixed Integer Programming - Problem of Writing Constraints in A Resource Allocation Problem

There are a number of orders, which needs to be shipped. For each order, there may be 1 to 3 route options. The problem here is to find out the best allocation (combination) of orders among these routes.
Suppose the full capacity and per km transport cost for each type of truck are:
7.6(size) -> 5300(weight), 4.4(cost per km);
9.6(size) -> 7100(weight), 4.81(cost per km);
15(size) -> 12000(weight), 6.34(cost per km);
Suppose all routes has 3 number of transit times to reach the destination, then:
transit cost of each route = transit times*order quantity allocated to this route*4.5
Suppose transport cost of route is based on number of trucks used and the travling distance, then:
transport cost of each route = number of trucks allocated to this route*route distance
// Variables
x[j] -> 0-1 variables, if route x1,x2,x3....xj is used.
a[i][j] -> is the weight proportion of order i allocated to route j
t[j][s] -> truck number of certain size needed for each routes
Objective Function:
Min (total tranpsort cost + total transit cost) -> MinĪ£(x[j]*t[j][s]*Distance[j]*Cost[j] + x[j]*a[i][j]*OrderQuantity[i]*TransitTimes
Subject to:
1. if a[i][j] is the proportion of weight allocation among the feasible routes of an order, then:
a1+a2+a3 = 1
2. orders combined together must choose the same route
3. orders combined together must be the same route type
4. all orders must be allocated to one or more trucks and shipped
5. the chosen of the truck size must be within the truck options for each route
6. total weight loaded on the truck must not exceed the total capacity of the truck
This is how the input date may look like:
This is the CSV formate of the input data:
The optimization result might look like this:
My questions:
I am not sure how to write the constraints 2,3,5,6.
In particular, I am not sure how to
1). model the relationship between weight allocated and the associated truck quantity and selection of suitable size;
2) make sure orders combined using the same route and same route type
An MIP code example using Google OR tools or Gurobi python would be helpful.
Since no one offers a suggested solution I have worked out a solution on my own.
public static void TruckAllocation() {
// Data
// Dict<orderID, feasible paths)
Map<Integer, List<String>> myPath = new HashMap<Integer, List<String>>();
List<String> order1 = Arrays.asList("010W", "010WE", "022X");
List<String> order2 = Arrays.asList("010W", "010WE", "022X");
List<String> order3 = Arrays.asList("010W", "010WE", "022X");
List<String> order4 = Arrays.asList("010WE", "022X");
List<String> order5 = Arrays.asList("020WB", "022X");
List<String> order6 = Arrays.asList("331W", "022X");
List<String> order7 = Arrays.asList("755WF", "755WE");
List<String> order8 = Arrays.asList("010WE", "022X");
List<String> order9 = Arrays.asList("010WE", "022X");
List<String> order10 = Arrays.asList("663WA");
List<String> order11 = Arrays.asList("754W", "663WA");
List<String> order12 = Arrays.asList("755WE");
myPath.put(0, order1);
myPath.put(1, order2);
myPath.put(2, order3);
myPath.put(3, order4);
myPath.put(4, order5);
myPath.put(5, order6);
myPath.put(6, order7);
myPath.put(7, order8);
myPath.put(8, order9);
myPath.put(9, order10);
myPath.put(10, order11);
myPath.put(11, order12);
// Dict<pathname, truck options)
Map<String, List<Double>> truckOption = new HashMap<String, List<Double>>();
// List<Double> _010W = Arrays.asList(8500.0, 12000.0);
// List<Double> _010WE = Arrays.asList(8500.0, 12000.0);
// List<Double> _020WB = Arrays.asList(8500.0, 12000.0);
// List<Double> _311W = Arrays.asList(8500.0, 12000.0);
// List<Double> _755WF = Arrays.asList(5300.0, 7100.0);
// List<Double> _471W = Arrays.asList(8500.0, 12000.0);
// List<Double> _769WX = Arrays.asList(5300.0, 7100.0);
// List<Double> _022X = Arrays.asList(8500.0, 12000.0);
// List<Double> _755WE = Arrays.asList(5300.0, 7100.0);
// List<Double> _663WA = Arrays.asList(5300.0, 7100.0);
// List<Double> _754W = Arrays.asList(5300.0, 7100.0);
List<Double> _010W = Arrays.asList(13.5, 15.0);
List<Double> _010WE = Arrays.asList(13.5, 15.);
List<Double> _020WB = Arrays.asList(13.5, 15.);
List<Double> _311W = Arrays.asList(13.5, 15.);
List<Double> _755WF = Arrays.asList(7.6, 9.6);
List<Double> _471W = Arrays.asList(13.5, 15.);
List<Double> _769WX = Arrays.asList(7.6, 9.6);
List<Double> _022X = Arrays.asList(13.5, 15.);
List<Double> _755WE = Arrays.asList(7.6, 9.6);
List<Double> _663WA = Arrays.asList(7.6, 9.6);
List<Double> _754W = Arrays.asList(7.6, 9.6);
truckOption.put("010W", _010W);
truckOption.put("010WE", _010WE);
truckOption.put("020WB", _020WB);
truckOption.put("311W", _311W);
truckOption.put("755WF", _755WF);
truckOption.put("471W", _471W);
truckOption.put("769WX", _769WX);
truckOption.put("022X", _022X);
truckOption.put("755WE", _755WE);
truckOption.put("663WA", _663WA);
truckOption.put("754W", _754W);
// Dict<pathname, distance)
Map<String, Integer> dist_matrix = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
dist_matrix.put("010W", 2177);
dist_matrix.put("010WE", 2177);
dist_matrix.put("020WB", 2177);
dist_matrix.put("311W", 1749);
dist_matrix.put("755WF", 77);
dist_matrix.put("471W", 2450);
dist_matrix.put("769WX", 3);
dist_matrix.put("022X", 2125);
dist_matrix.put("755WE", 77);
dist_matrix.put("663WA", 33);
dist_matrix.put("754W", 372);
List<String> pathName = new ArrayList();
List<Double> truckOpt = new ArrayList();
List<String> routes = Arrays.asList(
List<Double> wgt = Arrays.asList(
List<Double> qty = Arrays.asList(
for (String s: routes) {
List<String> temp = Collections.nCopies(10, s);
for (Double i: truckOption.get(s)) {
List<Double> cap = Collections.nCopies(5, i);
int numOrder = 12;
int numTruck = truckOpt.size();
System.out.println("Route size: " + routes.size());
System.out.println("truckOpt size: " + numTruck);
// Solver
// Create the linear solver with the SCIP backend.
MPSolver solver = MPSolver.createSolver("SCIP");
// Variables
// x[i][j] is an array of 0-1 variables, which will be the proportion
// of order i is assigned to path j's truck n.
MPVariable[][] x = new MPVariable[numOrder][numTruck];
for (int i = 0; i < numOrder; i++) {
String name = "wgt: " + wgt.get(i) + " feasible route: " + String.valueOf(myPath.get(i));
for (int j = 0; j < numTruck; j++) {
x[i][j] = solver.makeNumVar(0, 1, name);
// x[i][j] = solver.makeNumVar(0, 1, "");
System.out.println("x_" + i +"-"+ j);
// y[j][n] is an array of 0-1 variables, which indicates if truck j is opened.
MPVariable[] y = new MPVariable[numTruck];
for (int j = 0; j < numTruck; j++) {
// System.out.println("uy[j]: " + j);
// String name = String.valueOf(truckOpt.get(j));
String name = pathName.get(j) + "-" + String.valueOf(truckOpt.get(j)) + "-"
+ String.valueOf(GetTruckCost(truckOpt.get(j)));
y[j] = solver.makeIntVar(0, 1, name);
System.out.println("y[j]: " + y[j].name());
// System.out.println("dy[j]: " + j);
System.out.println("pathName: " + pathName);
System.out.println("truckOption: " + truckOpt);
// Constraints
// Each order is assigned to at least one or all paths' trucks.
for (int i = 0; i < numOrder; ++i) {
// MPConstraint constraint = solver.makeConstraint(1, numTruck, "");
MPConstraint constraint = solver.makeConstraint(1, 1, "");
for (int j = 0; j < numTruck; ++j) {
List<String> my_path = new ArrayList<String>();
// System.out.println("my path: " + my_path);
if (my_path.contains(GetProperty(y[j].name(),0))) {
constraint.setCoefficient(x[i][j], 1);
// System.out.println("true");
else {
constraint.setCoefficient(x[i][j], 0);
// System.out.println("false");
// all orders loaded cannot exceed the loaded truck's full capacity.
double infinity = java.lang.Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
for (int j = 0; j < numTruck; ++j) {
MPConstraint constraint = solver.makeConstraint(-infinity, 0, "");
for (int i = 0; i < numOrder; ++i) {
constraint.setCoefficient(x[i][j], wgt.get(i));
constraint.setCoefficient(y[j], -GetFullCap(Double.parseDouble(GetProperty(y[j].name(),1))));
// System.out.println("wij_wgiht: "+wgt.get(i)+ " truck capcaity: "
// + GetFullCap(Double.parseDouble(GetProperty(y[j].name(),1))));
// all trucks can be 0 (not open) or numTruck (all open).
for (int j = 0; j < numTruck; ++j) {
MPConstraint constraint = solver.makeConstraint(0, numTruck, "");
constraint.setCoefficient(y[j], 1);
// Objective
MPObjective objective = solver.objective();
for (int j = 0; j < numTruck; ++j) {
double cof = Double.parseDouble(GetProperty(y[j].name(),2))*dist_matrix.get(GetProperty(y[j].name(),0));
objective.setCoefficient(y[j], cof);
// Solve
MPSolver.ResultStatus resultStatus = solver.solve();
// Print solution.
// Check that the problem has a feasible solution.
if (resultStatus == MPSolver.ResultStatus.OPTIMAL
|| resultStatus == MPSolver.ResultStatus.FEASIBLE) {
System.out.println("Total cost: " + objective.value() + "\n");
for (int i = 0; i < numOrder; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < numTruck; ++j) {
// Test if x[i][j] is 0 or 1 (with tolerance for floating point
// arithmetic).
if (x[i][j].solutionValue() > 0.0000001) {
"Order " + i + " -> weight: " + x[i][j].name()
"Order " + i + " assigned to truck " + j + "-> " + y[j].name() + ". weight = " + Double.valueOf(String.format("%.2f", x[i][j].solutionValue()*wgt.get(i))));
"Order " + i + " assigned to truck " + j + ". % = " + Double.valueOf(String.format("%.2f", x[i][j].solutionValue())));
// for (int j = 0; j < numTruck; ++j) {
// System.out.println(
// "truck " + j + ". isopen? " + y[j].solutionValue());
// }
else {
System.err.println("No solution found.");

Find the largest String in the list

I am required to find the largest string in the ArrayList, and the print it. My code is not currently working though.
public class Solution {
private static List<String> strings;
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
strings = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
String n = reader.readLine();
String largestString = strings.get(0);
for (int i = 0; i < strings.size(); i++) {
if (strings.get(i).length() > largestString.length()) {
largestString = strings.get(i);
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner reader = new Scanner(;
String value = null;
int length = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
String n = reader.nextLine();
if (n != null && n.length() > length) {
length = n.length();
value = n;
System.out.println("Largest String : " + value + " of length : " + length);

How to store a webtable in arraylist then verify the data in selenium webdriver

I want to store Rows and Column of web table into array list, then will verify the data. I am available to print the rows but how I will store the rows.
public void verifyTable() {
String Test = driver.findElement(loggedinas).getText();
boolean isDue = false;
isDue = UtilClass.isElementPresent(driver, TableContent);
if (isDue) {
if (isDue = driver.findElement(TableContent).getText() != null)
System.out.println("Action Required = " + isDue);
WebElement table_element = driver.findElement(Table);
List<WebElement> tr_collection = table_element
System.out.println("Number Of Due = " + tr_collection.size());
int row_num, col_num;
row_num = 1;
for (WebElement trElement : tr_collection) {
List<WebElement> td_collection = trElement.findElements(By.xpath("td"));
System.out.println("--NUMBER OF COLUMNS = "
+ td_collection.size() + "--");
col_num = 1;
for (WebElement tdElement : td_collection) {
// System.out.println("Pending # "+row_num+", col # "+col_num+
// "text="+tdElement.getText());
System.out.printf(" # " + tdElement.getText(), " ID "
+ tdElement.getText());
Thank you!
I had done something similar, please check this function bellow, this will give you an idea
public void manageUserDataGrid(WebDriver driver){
WebElement table = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[#id='ReportTable']"));
List<WebElement> rows = table.findElements(By.tagName("tr"));
List<WebElement> column = table.findElements(By.tagName("td"));
List<String> value = new ArrayList<String>();
for (int j=0; j<column.size(); j++){
if (value.contains("coadminss")){
System.out.println("Value found");
System.out.println("Not Found");