Mule is taking a long time for the simple select for the first execution - mule

I am just using a HTTP listener and Select in mule flow. It is a get method, passing ID as an input, and the same ID is passed to select (input). It is taking 3 to 4 minutes of delay when we execute via mule for the first time, but in DB, it took only millisecond.
This delay only happens after adding the parameter in the select.
Someone help me, why there is a delay for the first time and how to resolve it?

Possible cause could be how you create Metadata. For example you use huge CSV file as example for your data structure. Mule reads whole file to have headers. It takes time.
Solution - if you create Metadata by example - use small examples with couple rows of data.

Usually the main points that cause performance issues in first executions are:
JVM and Mule Runtime warmup
Time to establish connections
The first one can not be avoided. For the second one usually a connection pool is used to mitigate it somewhat. Having said that 4 minutes is a very excessive time for either of those. You need to do some performance analysis, adding logs before and after operation in the flow, enabling debug logs for the database connector and even using a Java profiler connected to the Mule JVM to understand what could be happening.
You also have to consider if there is a high number of records that need to be processed, even if the database can answer quickly, it might take some time to format.


ADF Dataflows; Do I have any control or influence over cluster startup time. (NOT "TTL")

Yes, I know about TTL; Yes, I'm configuring that; No, that's not what I'm asking about here.
Spinning up an initial cluster for a Dataflow takes around 5 minutes.
Starting acquiring compute from an existing "warm" cluster (i.e. one which has been left 'Alive' using TTL), for a new dataflow still appears to take 1-2 minutes.
Those are pretty large numbers, especially if you have a multi-step ETL process, and have broken up your pipeline to separate concerns (or if you're executing the dataflows in a loop, to process data per-source-day)
Controlling the TTL gives me some control over which of those two possibilities I'm triggering, but even 2 minutes can be a quite substantial overhead. (I have a pipeline where fully half the execution time is waiting for those 1-2 minute 'Acquire Compute' startups)
Do I have any control at all, over how long startup takes in each case? Is there anything that I can do to speed up the startup, or anything that I should avoid to prevent making things even worse!
There's a new feature in town, to fix exactly this problem.
Release blog:
ADF has added a new option in the Azure Integration Runtime for data flow TTL: Quick re-use. ... By selecting the re-use option with a TTL setting, you can direct ADF to maintain the Spark cluster for that period of time after your last data flow executes in a pipeline. This will provide much faster sequential executions using that same Azure IR in your data flow activities.

How to run Pentaho transformations in parallel and limit executors count

The task is to run defined number of transformations (.ktr) in parallel.
Each transformation opens it's own database connection to read data.
But we have a limitation on given user, who has only 5 allowed parallel connection to DB and let's consider that this could not be changed.
So when I start job depicted below, only 5 transformations finish their work successfully, and other 5 fails with db connection error.
I know that there is an option to redraw job scheme to have only 5 parallel sequences, but I don't like this approach, as it requires reimplementation when count of threads changes.
Is it possible to configure some kind of pool of executors, so Pentaho job will understand that even if there were 10 transformations provided, only random 5 could be processed in parallel?
I am assuming that you know the number of parallel database connections available. If you know this, use switch/case component and then number of transformations in parallel. Second option is to use job-executor.In Job Executor, if you can set variable which in turn call the job accordingly. For example, you are calling a job using job-executor with value
c:/data-integrator/parallel_job_${5}.kjb where 5 is number of connections available
c:/data-integrator/parallel_job_${7}.kjb where 7 is number of connections available
Is this making sense to you.
The concept is the following:
Catch database connection error during transformation run attempt
Wait a couple of seconds
Retry run of a transformation
Look at attached transformation picture. It works for me.
A lot of connection errors in the logs, which could confuse.
Given solution could turn in infinite loop (but could be amended to avoid it)

Bigquery streaming inserts taking time

During load testing of our module we found that bigquery insert calls are taking time (3-4 s). I am not sure if this is ok. We are using java biguqery client libarary and on an average we push 500 records per api call. We are expecting a million records per second traffic to our module so bigquery inserts are bottleneck to handle this traffic. Currently it is taking hours to push data.
Let me know if we need more info regarding code or scenario or anything.
Since streaming has a limited payload size, see Quota policy it's easier to talk about times, as the payload is limited in the same way to both of us, but I will mention other side effects too.
We measure between 1200-2500 ms for each streaming request, and this was consistent over the last month as you can see in the chart.
We seen several side effects although:
the request randomly fails with type 'Backend error'
the request randomly fails with type 'Connection error'
the request randomly fails with type 'timeout' (watch out here, as only some rows are failing and not the whole payload)
some other error messages are non descriptive, and they are so vague that they don't help you, just retry.
we see hundreds of such failures each day, so they are pretty much constant, and not related to Cloud health.
For all these we opened cases in paid Google Enterprise Support, but unfortunately they didn't resolved it. It seams the recommended option to take for these is an exponential-backoff with retry, even the support told to do so. Which personally doesn't make me happy.
The approach you've chosen if takes hours that means it does not scale, and won't scale. You need to rethink the approach with async processes. In order to finish sooner, you need to run in parallel multiple workers, the streaming performance will be the same. Just having 10 workers in parallel it means time will be 10 times less.
Processing in background IO bound or cpu bound tasks is now a common practice in most web applications. There's plenty of software to help build background jobs, some based on a messaging system like Beanstalkd.
Basically, you needed to distribute insert jobs across a closed network, to prioritize them, and consume(run) them. Well, that's exactly what Beanstalkd provides.
Beanstalkd gives the possibility to organize jobs in tubes, each tube corresponding to a job type.
You need an API/producer which can put jobs on a tube, let's say a json representation of the row. This was a killer feature for our use case. So we have an API which gets the rows, and places them on tube, this takes just a few milliseconds, so you could achieve fast response time.
On the other part, you have now a bunch of jobs on some tubes. You need an agent. An agent/consumer can reserve a job.
It helps you also with job management and retries: When a job is successfully processed, a consumer can delete the job from the tube. In the case of failure, the consumer can bury the job. This job will not be pushed back to the tube, but will be available for further inspection.
A consumer can release a job, Beanstalkd will push this job back in the tube, and make it available for another client.
Beanstalkd clients can be found in most common languages, a web interface can be useful for debugging.

Why does my SELECT query take so much longer to run on the web server than on the database itself?

I'm running the following setup:
Physical Server
Windows 2003 Standard Edition R2 SP2
ColdFusion 8
JDBC connection to iSeries AS400 using JT400 driver
I am running a simple SQL query against a file in the database:
No conditions.
The file has 81 columns - aplhanumeric and numeric - and about 16,000 records.
When I run the query in the emulator using the STRSQL command, the query comes back immediately.
When I run the query on my Web Server, it takes about 30 seconds.
Why is this happening, and is there any way to reduce this time?
While I cannot address whatever overhead might be involved in your web server, I can say there are several other factors to consider:
This may likely have to do primarily in the differences between the way the two system interfaces work.
Your interactive STRSQL session will start displaying results as quickly as it receives the first few pages of data. You are able to page down through that initial data, but generally at some point you will see a status message at the bottom of the screen indicating that it is now getting more data.
I assume your web server is waiting until it receives the entire result set. It wants to get all the data as it is building the HTML page, before it sends the page. Thus you will naturally wait longer.
If this is not how your web server application works, then it is likely to be a JT400 JDBC Properties issue.
If you have overridden any default settings, make sure that those are appropriate.
In some situations the OPTIMIZATION_GOAL settings might be a factor. But if you are reading the table (aka physical file or PF) directly, in its physical sequence, without any index or key, then that might not apply here.
Your interactive STRSQL session will default to a setting of *FIRSTIO, meaning that the query is optimized for returning the first pages of data quickly, which corresponds to the way it works.
Your JDBC connection will default to a "query optimize goal" of "0", which will translate to an OPTIMIZATION_GOAL setting of *ALLIO, unless you are using extended dynamic packages. *ALLIO means the optimizer will try to minimize the time needed to return the entire result set, not just the first pages.
Or, perhaps first try simply adding FOR READ ONLY onto the end of your SELECT statement.
Update: a more advanced solution
You may be able to bypass the delay caused by waiting for the entire result set as part of constructing the web page to be sent.
Send a web page out to the browser without any records, or limited records, but use AJAX code to load the remainder of the data behind the scenes.
Use large block fetches whenever feasible, to grab plenty of rows in one clip.
One thing you need to remember, the i saves the access paths it creates in the job in case they are needed again. Which means if you log out and log back in then run your query, it should take longer to run, then the second time you run the query it'll be faster. When running queries in a web application, you may or may not be reusing a job meaning the access paths have to be rebuilt.
If speed is important. I would:
Look into optimizing the query. I know there are better sources, but I can't find them right now.
Create a stored procedure. A stored procedure saves the access paths created.
With only 16000 rows and no WHERE or ORDER BY this thing should scream. Break the problem down to help diagnose where the bottleneck is. Go back to the IBM i, run your query in the SQL command line and then use the B, BOT or BOTTOM command to tell the database to show the last row. THAT will force the database to cough up the entire 16k result set, and give you a better idea of the raw performance on the IBM side. If that's poor, have the IBM administrators run Navigator and monitor the performance for you. It might be something unexpected, like the 'table' is really a view and the columns you are selecting might be user defined functions.
If the performance on the IBM side is OK, then look to what Cold Fusion is doing with the result set. Not being a CF programmer, I'm no help there. But generally, when I am tasked with solving multi-platform performance issues, the client side tends to consume the entire result set and then use program logic to choose what rows to display/work with. The server is MUCH faster than the client, and given the right hints, the database optimiser can make some very good decisions about how to get at those rows.

Database Job Scheduling

I have a procedure written in PLJava that sends out updates over JMS in my postgres database.
What I would like to do is have that function called on an interval (every 15 seconds) internally in the database (preferably not from an outside process). Is this possible? Any ideas?
If you need no external access, you are presumably able to modify the database design so that you don't need the update at all. Can you explain more about what the update is doing?
As depesz said, you could use either cron or pgAgent, but they are only able to go down to a one minute granularity, not 15 seconds. Considering sleeping inside the stored procedure until the next iteration is not a good idea, because you will have an open transaction for all that time which is a really bad idea.
Strict answer: it is not possible. Since you don't want outside process, and PostgreSQL doesn't support jobs - you are out of luck.
If you'll reconsider using outside processes, then you're most likely want something like cron, or better yet pgagent.
On absolutely other hand - what do you need to do that has to happen every 30 seconds? this seems like a problem with design.
First, you'll spend the least amount of effort if you just go with a cron job.
However, if you were starting from scracth: You are trying to periodically replicate rows from your database. I think you are looking at a replication queue.
The PGQ project (used for Londiste replication, both from Skype's SkyTools) has a queue that you can use independently. When configuring it, you set a maximum event count, and a loop delay, before batched events are generated. You can get batches spaced by no more than 15 seconds that way. You now have to produce the events that will be batched, using a trigger that calls pgq.insert_event; and consume the queues. The consumer can call your PL/Java stored proc; you'll have to rewrite the procedure to send everything in the batch instead of scanning the base table for new events.
As far as I know postgresql doesn't support scheduled tasks. You'll need to use a script with cron or at (depending on your operating system.)
Sounds like you're doing sort of replication? Every 15s sounds like a lot of updates. Could you setup a trigger (or a number of triggers) instead of polling?
If you are using JMS why not just have th task wait for input on the queue?
Per your depesz comment, you have a PL/Java stored procedure that "flushes out database tables (updates) as java objects". Since you want it to run in 15 second intervals, it must be processing a batch of updates each time. Rather than processing a batch of updates in a stored procedure every 15 seconds, why not process them one at a time when they happen via an after update trigger and eliminate the need for a timed interval. If you are aggregrating data from multiple tables to build your objects than add the triggers to you upper most tables only.
In my case the problem was that agent couldn't authorize to database so after I've made all connections trusted from localhost the service started successfully and job works fine
for more information about error you should see into windows event viewer or eq in unix based system. see my config file C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\10\data\pg_hba.conf