cannot open shared object file: Permission denied - redis

I am successfully building the module on travis-ci.
After the module is built, I instruct the Redis to load it like this
redis-cli MODULE LOAD $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/rs/build/
which gives me the following error
5439:M 17 Nov 2020 09:12:55.341 # Module /home/travis/build/***/rs/build/ failed to load: /home/travis/build/***/rs/build/ cannot open shared object file: Permission denied
this is what ls -la /home/travis/build/***/rs/build/ gives me
-rwxrwxr-x 1 travis travis 2711408 Nov 17 09:12 /home/travis/build/***/rs/build/
The question is: how do I fix this permission denied error?
I have already tried to chmod and chown the /home/travis/build/***/rs/build/ but with no luck.

Just move file into folder /etc/redis/


SSH/Fuse mount create file ok but can't delete it

I have a proxmox server so under debian, and I want to mount a remote directory from my Nas Synologies to make backups.
I normally use ssh mounts without any problem.
But this time I have an error that I have never encountered, I can create files, but not delete them.
I find this very strange and I don't see where this can come from
root#proxmox:/mnt/# sshfs user# /mnt/dist-folder/ -o reconnect,
root#proxmox:/mnt# cd dist-folder/
root#proxmox:/mnt/dist-folder# touch aa.txt
root#proxmox:/mnt/dist-folder# ls -la
total 12
drwxrwx--- 1 root root 114 Mar 13 09:53 .
drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 4096 Mar 13 09:37 ..
-rwxrwx--- 1 root root 0 Mar 13 09:53 aa.txt
root#proxmox:/mnt/dist-folder# rm aa.txt
rm: cannot remove 'aa.txt': Permission denied
With uid=0,gid=0 for root user and group
This is finally a problem specific to synology.
For the assembly of the file it is absolutely necessary to respect the path by starting with
So it's give
sshfs user# /mnt/dist-folder/
And it's works fine !
It's not the first time that I have an abnormal configuration for this synology tool... AGrrrr

cygwin: ssh identity file not accessible

I am new to cygwin. I have problems to use ssh there.
When I try using it I get the following error:
$ ssh -i /home/Sebastian/.ssh/id_rsa user#domain
Warning: Identity file /home/Sebastian/.ssh/id_rsa not accessible: No such file or directory.
user#domain: Permission denied (publickey).
permissions are set as following:
drwx------+ 1 Sebastian Kein 0 Dec 31 15:06 /home/Sebastian/.ssh
-rw------- 1 Sebastian Kein 1766 Oct 11 22:24 /home/Sebastian/.ssh/id_rsa
I mounted / to C:\programs\cygwin64
part 2, I added some changes:
I removed all world and group permissions on id_rsa in Windows 10
The following works now:
> ssh -i .ssh/id_rsa user#domain
Any other way to access the id_rsa file fails (/home/Sebastian/.ssh/id_rsa or ~/.ssh/id_rsa) for example. Neither does rsync with ssh work
Does anyone have an idea whats wrong here?
The plus in drwx------+ suggests there is extended ACL.
What you can try is to do a backup of /etc/fstab, then change the line to :
none /cygdrive cygdrive binary,noacl,posix=0,user 0 0
and restart Windows and try ssh again.

Permissions for webcam access through Apache

I am trying to capture an image through a webcam and display it on a webpage but I am getting "permission denied errors"
I am running apache with the following user/group
/etc/apache2/envvars :
export APACHE_RUN_USER=www-data
export APACHE_RUN_GROUP=www-data
In the html code i have the request:"GET", "/cgi-bin/getImage1.cgi", true);
In /usr/lib/cgi-bin I have the file: getImage1.cgi
rm image1.jpg
fswebcam -r 640x400 --no-banner --deinterlace -q -d /dev/video0 --jpeg 95 image1.jpg
The file and directories permissions are:
In /usr/lib drwxrwxrwx 2 root www-data 4096 May 14 19:37 cgi-bin
In /usr/lib/cgi-bin -rwxr-xr-x 1 www-data www-data 115 May 14 18:51 getImage1.cgi
In /dev crw-rw----+ 1 root video 81,0 May 14 18:02 video0
User www-data is a member of the following groups:
$ id www-data
uid=33(www-data) gid=33(www-data) groups=33(www-data),44(video)
When i run the web page i get the following error code:
rm: cannot remove 'image1.jpg': No such file or directory
Error opening device: /dev/video0
open: Permission denied
Unable to find a source module that can read /dev/video0.
End of script output before headers: getImage1.cgi,
The error implies that it is executing the script but that the user does not have sufficient permissions to access the /dev/video0.
The apache user should be www-data which is a member of both www-data and video groups, so it should have access to the /usr/lib/cgi-bin directory, getImage1.cgi file, and the /dev/video0 webcam.
If I execute the script from the console it runs fine.
I would appreciate if anyone can offer suggestions.

Redis: Failed opening .rdb for saving: Permission denied

I have a redis server 2.8 installed using ubuntu apt-get on ubuntu 12.04.
I have copied a dump.rdb from an other database. Now when I try to start the new server, I constantly get:
[35763] 04 Mar 01:51:47.088 * 1 changes in 900 seconds. Saving...
[35763] 04 Mar 01:51:47.088 * Background saving started by pid 43313
[43313] 04 Mar 01:51:47.088 # Failed opening .rdb for saving: Permission denied
How can I solve this?
You should check your redis.conf file to see the permissions in dir and dbfilename. If the file named in the dbfilename which is located in the path specified in the dir path exists and the permission is also right. then the problem should be fixed.
Hope this will help someone.
To find the redis.conf file location, you can use the #ps ax | grep redis to check. Usually it will be passed to the redis-server as input file.
For the dir permissions:it should be 755, for the dbfilename, it should be 644
Sometimes you also need to use top command to check whether the user:group of the redis-server and the owner of dir are consistent. i.e. The redis-server is running by redis:redis, but the dir is under root:root. In this case, you need to chown redis:redis -R dir.
Non of the above worked for me.. I've seen everyone around being so concerned on BGSAVE.. but while you're not on production, SAVE gives you a way more straight forward answer: ERR. BGSAVE does not, unless you inspect logs.
After digging dozens of posts I did not find any clue. The only thing that fixed was stopping the redis service and running it manually.
At first I thought it could be related to the user on behalf of redis was running. Not at all: the actual difference was the damn systemd subsystem which at some point in the redis config service file (/etc/systemd/system/redis.service) had the following:
ReadWriteDirectories: -/etc/redis
WoW super cool! ended up this was preventing redis from accessing anywhere in the system at all even though the permissions would perfectly allow it.
How naive of me to think that permission were just enough to ensure something had the proper rights.. (yes, I'm being ironic).
My /lib/system/systemd/redis-server.service file contained the following:
My /etc/redis/redis.conf file stated that the database should be located in /data/redis
dir /data/redis
The systemd config file above effectively makes /data/redis read-only.
Once I changed the redis.conf file to read:
dir /var/lib/redis
I stopped getting the error.
My permission issue seemed to be the result of the Redis user being unable to modify the parent folder (/var/lib/redis/6379) for the purposes of creating a temporary file.
This was seen in an strace of the redis-server process:
open("temp-1833.rdb", O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC, 0666) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)
The issue was resolved after running the following command:
setfacl -m d:u:redis:rwX,u:redis:rwX /var/lib/redis/6379
For windows only :
This means the user does not have permission for this.
BY default owner of this file is NETWORK SERVICE, which has very limited access and need to changed(as per documentation)
solution :
go to ur redis folder.
right click --> go to properties--> security tab.
click on advanced.
click on Add to add ur user.
click on select a principal.
enter ur user (for eg GLOBAL\xxx).
click on check names and click on ok
give permissions to this user.
finally change the owner to this user.
Check the configuration 'dbfilename' in your redis.conf. Your redis running process have no write permission in the path.
In my case all rights were correct(I mean that the most stared answer doesn't help me). BUT! Redis used an incorrect path to file. In config it was correct, but from rails-cli it returned '/proc'.
This answer helped me -
For exact question it doesn't matter, but my situation looked like someone hacked server. Link to explanation. So check your setup properly.
supervised systemd is intended solely for Type=notify and daemonize yes corresponds to Type=forking.
sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/redis.service
When you see the service file edit the Type=forking
Description=Redis In-Memory Data Store
ExecStart=/usr/bin/redis-server /etc/redis/redis.conf
ExecStop=/usr/bin/redis-cli shutdown
Open up this file
sudo vim /etc/redis/redis.conf
Add these changes to it
daemonize yes
supervised no
In my case when I typed the following command sudo tail -F /var/log/redis/redis-server.log I get this log:
987:C 08 Dec 22:28:30.344 # Can't chdir to '/var/lib/redis': Permission denied
1047:C 08 Dec 22:28:30.565 # Can't chdir to '/var/lib/redis': Permission denied
1095:C 08 Dec 22:28:30.876 # Can't chdir to '/var/lib/redis': Permission denied
1119:C 08 Dec 22:28:31.165 # Can't chdir to '/var/lib/redis': Permission denied
1151:C 08 Dec 22:28:31.413 # Can't chdir to '/var/lib/redis': Permission denied
1500:C 08 Dec 22:30:44.706 # Can't chdir to '/var/lib/redis': Permission denied
1523:C 08 Dec 22:30:45.194 # Can't chdir to '/var/lib/redis': Permission denied
1545:C 08 Dec 22:30:45.442 # Can't chdir to '/var/lib/redis': Permission denied
1568:C 08 Dec 22:30:45.696 # Can't chdir to '/var/lib/redis': Permission denied
1590:C 08 Dec 22:30:45.940 # Can't chdir to '/var/lib/redis': Permission denied
That means the user redis doesn't have permission on /var/lib/redis.
That's why I typed this command sudo ls -l /var/lib/redis to see the permissions in this directory. I get the following log:
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 885 Dec 8 22:12 dump.rdb
That means it was associated with root instead of redis.
Then I typed the following command to change the owner of that directory: sudo chown -R redis:redis /var/lib/redis/.
Then I restarted redis-server by the following command: sudo systemctl restart redis-server.
Boom!! It worked.
Hope this will work for someone, who have similar issue as mine.
If anyone encounters this again and doesn't have a problem upgrading, just upgrade your Redis installation to the latest version. I encountered this problem with Redis 2.8.15, and upgraded to Redis 2.8.22 that was available at the time of this writing. A sysadmin in my company assured me that this was a bug with Redis 2.8.15, and the problem just went away after upgrading.
I had the same issue with redis used by Sidekiq in Rails application, rm -rf ./tmp/ worked like charm.
I spent some time on this until i realised that my cmd line session was running in the wrong drive :/. Just in case this might help anyone else!
The lock file in the log directory is what was causing this error for me. I was able to clear the error by deleting the lock file:
rm /var/log/redis/lock.
This happened when another system was restored to this one while redis was still running.
No one hasn't mentioned about SELinux.
On Centos most probably you will have such error when selinux mode = enforcing.
Just check getenforce and if it set to 'enforcing' , hit setenforce 0 and try one more time to run service.
If you are on Windows and the Redis folder was installed in C: \ Program Files \ Redis for example, you will have a problem with access permission. Modifying files within the Program Files folder, usually requires administrator permission and dump.rdb is within this context. In your redis.conf, modify the default directory to anywhere outside the Program Files folder:
from: dir ./
to: dir ../../Exceptions/Redis/
Note that I went up the directory twice to leave the Program Files folder and outside of it I created any directory (C:\Exceptions\Redis). In this directory Redis can save the .rdb file without permission problems.

~/.ec2/id_rsa-gsg-keypair not accessible: No such file or directory

I'm trying to launch a Hadoop cluster on Amazon ec2, using the instructions in "Hadoop in Action" (also here:
I've set up my private ssh key and configurations, but when I try to launch a cluster using the command-line tools:
hadoop-ec2 launch-cluster test-cluster 2
I repeatedly get this error:
Warning: Identity file ~/.ec2/id_rsa-gsg-keypair not accessible: No such file or directory.
Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-with-mic).
The ~/.ec2/id_rsa-gsg-keypair definitely exists, though, and I did chmod 600 it:
> chmod 600 ~/.ec2/id_rsa-gsg-keypair
> ls -l id_rsa-gsg-keypair
-rw------- 1 my-username
Any idea what's wrong?
You may have already realized this, but the problem is possibly related to the ~/ path usage. Try using the absolute path /home/username/.ec2