Can't see or publish packages with Verdaccio - verdaccio

I’m fairly new to Verdaccio. Been familiar with the tool for quite some time, but this is my first time trying to use it. I’ve installed it locally for the purpose of trying to figure out the right syntax for handling versioning, tagging and publishing a shared component library for work, but I’m having trouble getting this package published to my locally running instance of Verdaccio, and I’m struggling to understand why the publish command is failing. Was hoping someone here might be able to help.
First off, I should say that I have it installed and running locally, I can browse to http://localhost:7890 and see the Verdaccio web UI, and it says that I have “No package published yet.” That makes sense, because I haven’t been able to successfully publish anything yet. I’ve created a user with the npm adduser —registry http://localhost:7890 command, and then after that I ran the following command to attempt to publish to it: npm publish —access public —registry http://localhost:7890. When I run this command, I get the following error: “EPUBLISHCONFLICT … Cannot publish over existing version.”
Now, I can in fact see, when I look in .local/share/verdaccio/storage that there is a folder for the scope that I published with, and in that folder, there is a folder for the package that I apparently published, and it only has a package.json file in it. I’ve attempted to wipe this all clean, reinstall Verdaccio, etc, etc, nothing seems to fix the issue. I can’t seem to make this package go away, OR to get it to display in the UI either. After publishing (unsuccessfully), and despite the face that it says this version of the package exists, I still see nothing in the UI. It still just says “No package published yet”, which I still don’t really understand.
Any ideas would be appreciated. This has me pretty stumped. Thanks.

Add your package.json name as npm registry (it needs the same one you published the last time).
I was getting this issue:
The following works for me:
npm publish --registry=http://yourhost:yourport


Yum package dependency error not allowing package install

I'm trying to install rpm-build, but it seems there is some problems with dependencies:
The package that's installed is coming from a repo which is no longer available (linuxcoe_update_errata), I don't know what happened to it but the URL is no longer accessible, and the package that it wants to install is coming from another repo called core (this repo works just fine)
Seems like rpm-build need a lower version for rpm, which apparently should be not a problem. I tried dowgrading the version but is not working, again more conflicts, I tried to remove that package, but maybe because the repo that installed it is no longer available it does not uninstall anything.
How can I fix this? I need to install rpm-build in this machine, can't do it on another, but is not letting me. I think the problem has to be related to the repo which the package came from not being available anymore (linuxcoe_update_errata). I tried enabling notify_only=1 in /etc/yum/pluginconf.d/search-disabled-repos.conf so yum can try to resolve the error but itself, but still nothing. Any ideas? I'm really confused about this,

How to fix errors in Gridsome.js?

Problem Summary
So I'm trying to launch a new Gridsome project for local development. I've toyed with Gridsome in the past and had a great experience, so I decided to give it another shot.
This time around; however, when I run the gridsome create command, the system creates a new Gridsome site directory as expected but returns the following error message:
The instructions in this error message say to enter the newly-created site directory and run gridsome develop to start local development. However, after running cd my-gridsome-site and subsequently running gridsome develop, I then receive this error:
So far, I've tried running npm install --save from the site directory as well as yarn install, both to no avail. Thinking that this was possibly tied to my terminal, I switched from using the Zsh terminal to using the Bash terminal. This also did not work.
I'm at a loss here and could really use a hand.
Thank you for helping,
This seems to be an environment error. Gridsome requires Node.js (v8.3+) and recommends Yarn.
Make sure your Node.js version is v8.3+ and use only one package manager like Yarn.
to check node version: node -v
I had this same issue, but I resolved it after installing yarn and running the project with yarn instead of NPM. So you should try using yarn it will help,

serverless issue on running deploy for AppSync: Error: No valid exports main found for 'node_modules/extract-files'

I'm unfamiliar with npm, only used it for basic serverless. Sorry if I'm being noobish.
I'm trying to get a basic serverless-appsync-plugin project up and running, but it turns up the issue in the title. My guess is the plugin cannot be detected, imported, or something along those lines, because when I comment out the plugin line in serverless.yml, serverless runs as expected, albeit still not doing what I need it to do.
This is after running npm install serverless AND npm install serverless-appsync-plugin.
Let me know if there's anything else I can add.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
My brew/node/npm stack was out of date, causing some modules to fail to load. Gonna mark as resolved.

Node.JS, NPM: EJS deleted itself, installs (but doesn't install), and isn't available to Download?

About 10 minutes ago I was following an online tutorial. I shut down the local server to bring my dog inside the house, then came back to the computer to finish the tutorial.
I restarted the server and got this error:
Error: Cannot find module 'ejs'
I looked in my node_modules folder, and I don't see "ejs" anywhere. I thought ok, no biggie, just reinstall. So I typed: npm install ejs -g into the terminal.
The terminal says:
+ ejs#2.6.1
updated 1 package in 0.275s
I looked in the node_modules folder again, and the "ejs" folder is not there. I checked the package.json file, and I don't see ejs listed under dependencies. (Actually, I don't know if it was there before, I can't remember. I think Express was the only Dependency)
I went to the EJS website ( to see if I could download it directly, and just pop in the file directly onto my computer, but all of the download links return a 404 page.
There is another link at the top of their webpage: Google Code. I'm not sure which files I should download from there. I literally started tinkering with Node.js this morning.
I'm just super confused on why this is happening or how I can fix it.
You installed it globally. You can run npm list -g to see where global libraries are installed. You won't be able to find it in local directory where package.json is located.

jhipster hot deploy on client side using npm

I am using version 4.5.5 of jhipster.
My OS is Linux Mint.
I am using IntelliJ as my IDE.
Everything is working fine in terms of generating the code, building and running the code.
Unfortunately, when I make changes to the client code (html or ts), the changes are not reflected until I recompile the client code completed. To achieve this I do "mvn -Pdev,webpack". It takes quite a while to restart the client and this is really holding me back.
Hot Deploy
What I expect to happen is that I can run "npm start" and when I save a change to a ts or a html file that it will be picked up and the change immediately visible in the browser.
Any ideas why the client hot deploy is not working ?
Any ideas how I identify where the issue is ?
For example, how do I know what folders are being watched by the hot deploy ?
Thanks a million for you help.
I am sure others have encountered the same issue and will read the answer gladly.
Kind regards,
PS Need any details, simply ask.
Figured it out.
Somebody else had a similar issue with a globally installed instance of webpack.
I installed a local version and the file updates are being detected and recompiled and the app hot deployed. Now working perfectly.
To install a local version