Writing in the form of "One of XXX (plural)" in GF - gf

I'm trying to generate the sentence One of my friends on GF using the GF library.
I failed at finding the right method for constructing a prep after a numeral and on creating the relation of one of with the plural noun.
as the class of Noun Phrase shows, Numeral or Digits only have Common Noun or Noun after them.

There is a function for this in the Noun module, but unfortunately it's not in the RGL API. The function is CountNP:
CountNP : Det -> NP -> NP ; -- three of them, some of the boys
To use it in your grammar, you need to open the module NounEng. The usual practice is to open non-API modules qualified: instead of open NounEng in { … }, we give it a shorthand, like N: open (N=NounEng) in { … }. Then in the body of the grammar, you need to write N.CountNP. Here's an example, you can copy and paste it into a file called Friend.gf.
resource Friend = open SyntaxEng, LexiconEng, (N=NounEng) in {
one_Det : Det = mkDet (mkNumeral n1_Unit) ;
my_friends_NP : NP = mkNP (mkDet i_Pron pluralNum) friend_N ;
friend : NP = N.CountNP one_Det my_friends_NP ;
Other times when you want to modify an already existing NP, you can use the Predet category. Here are examples (you can paste them into the same file Friend.gf).
-- The RGL includes some Predets, like all, most and only:
all_friends : NP = mkNP all_Predet my_friends_NP ;
most_friends : NP = mkNP most_Predet my_friends_NP ;
only_friends : NP = mkNP only_Predet my_friends_NP ;


Translation with google trad api

I'm trying to write a program that takes the text of a file, for example PDF, and translates the text extracted with the Google API, except that the API doesn't work with my code. I don't have a clue why it isn't working.
I've already tried to modify my code but nothing I've done works.
from tika import parser
# from googletrans import Translator
import os
from textblob import TextBlob
raw = parser.from_file('/home/tom/Téléchargements/Arifureta_ From Commonplace to World_s Strongest Vol. 1.pdf')
text = raw['content']
text = text.replace('https://mp4directs.com','')
text = text.replace('\t','')
text = text.replace('\r','')
fichier = open("arifureta.txt", "a")
fic = open("arifureta-formater.txt", "a")
with open("arifureta.txt") as f :
for line in f :
if len(line)==1 :
else :
if cpt<2:
nbLigneTraité = 0
fic2 = open("arifureta-traduit.txt", "a")
with open("arifureta-formater.txt") as f :
for line in f :
if len(line)>1:
textPasTraduit += line
if compteur%1000==0:
blob = TextBlob(textPasTraduit)
except Exception as e:
if len(line)==1:
I expect to have the entire translation of the PDF's text in the result file, but actually the answer is 'broken link'. I think it is due to the quantity of text, but I haven't find a way to try any other method.

Custom SPARQL functions in rdflib

What is a good way to hook a custom SPARQL function into rdflib?
I have been looking around in rdflib for an entry point for custom function. I found no dedicated entry point but found that rdflib.plugins.sparql.CUSTOM_EVALS might be a place to add the custom function.
So far I have made an attempt with the code below. It seems "dirty" to me. I am calling a "hidden" function (_eval) and I am not sure I got all the argument updating correct. Beyond the custom_eval.py example code (which form the basis for my code) I found little other code or documentation about CUSTOM_EVALS.
import rdflib
from rdflib.plugins.sparql.evaluate import evalPart
from rdflib.plugins.sparql.sparql import SPARQLError
from rdflib.plugins.sparql.evalutils import _eval
from rdflib.namespace import Namespace
from rdflib.term import Literal
NAMESPACE = Namespace('//custom/')
LENGTH = rdflib.term.URIRef(NAMESPACE + 'length')
def customEval(ctx, part):
"""Evaluate custom function."""
if part.name == 'Extend':
cs = []
for c in evalPart(ctx, part.p):
if hasattr(part.expr, 'iri'):
# A function
argument = _eval(part.expr.expr[0], c.forget(ctx, _except=part.expr._vars))
if part.expr.iri == LENGTH:
e = Literal(len(argument))
raise SPARQLError('Unhandled function {}'.format(part.expr.iri))
e = _eval(part.expr, c.forget(ctx, _except=part._vars))
if isinstance(e, SPARQLError):
raise e
cs.append(c.merge({part.var: e}))
return cs
raise NotImplementedError()
QUERY = """
PREFIX custom: <%s>
SELECT ?s ?length WHERE {
BIND("Hello, World" AS ?s)
BIND(custom:length(?s) AS ?length)
""" % (NAMESPACE,)
rdflib.plugins.sparql.CUSTOM_EVALS['exampleEval'] = customEval
for row in rdflib.Graph().query(QUERY):
So first off, I want to thank you for showing how you implemented a new SPARQL function.
Secondly, by using your code I was able to create a SPARQL function that evaluates two strings by using the Levenshtein distance. It has been really insightful and I wish to share it for it holds additional documentation that could help other developers creating their own custom SPARQL functions.
# Import needed to introduce new SPARQL function
import rdflib
from rdflib.plugins.sparql.evaluate import evalPart
from rdflib.plugins.sparql.sparql import SPARQLError
from rdflib.plugins.sparql.evalutils import _eval
from rdflib.namespace import Namespace
from rdflib.term import Literal
# Import for custom function calculation
from Levenshtein import distance as levenshtein_distance # python-Levenshtein==0.12.2
def SPARQL_levenshtein(ctx:object, part:object) -> object:
The first two variables retrieved from a SPARQL-query are compared using the Levenshtein distance.
The distance value is then stored in Literal object and added to the query results.
PREFIX custom: //custom/ # Note: this part refereces to the custom function
SELECT ?label1 ?label2 ?levenshtein WHERE {
BIND("Hello" AS ?label1)
BIND("World" AS ?label2)
BIND(custom:levenshtein(?label1, ?label2) AS ?levenshtein)
?label1 ?label2
levenshtein_distance(?label1, ?label2) = distance
Save distance in Literal object.
:param ctx: <class 'rdflib.plugins.sparql.sparql.QueryContext'>
:param part: <class 'rdflib.plugins.sparql.parserutils.CompValue'>
:return: <class 'rdflib.plugins.sparql.processor.SPARQLResult'>
# This part holds basic implementation for adding new functions
if part.name == 'Extend':
cs = []
# Information is retrieved and stored and passed through a generator
for c in evalPart(ctx, part.p):
# Checks if the function holds an internationalized resource identifier
# This will check if any custom functions are added.
if hasattr(part.expr, 'iri'):
# From here the real calculations begin.
# First we get the variable arguments, for example ?label1 and ?label2
argument1 = str(_eval(part.expr.expr[0], c.forget(ctx, _except=part.expr._vars)))
argument2 = str(_eval(part.expr.expr[1], c.forget(ctx, _except=part.expr._vars)))
# Here it checks if it can find our levenshtein IRI (example: //custom/levenshtein)
# Please note that IRI and URI are almost the same.
# Earlier this has been defined with the following:
# namespace = Namespace('//custom/')
# levenshtein = rdflib.term.URIRef(namespace + 'levenshtein')
if part.expr.iri == levenshtein:
# After finding the correct path for the custom SPARQL function the evaluation can begin.
# Here the levenshtein distance is calculated using ?label1 and ?label2 and stored as an Literal object.
# This object is than stored as an output value of the SPARQL-query (example: ?levenshtein)
evaluation = Literal(levenshtein_distance(argument1, argument2))
# Standard error handling and return statements
raise SPARQLError('Unhandled function {}'.format(part.expr.iri))
evaluation = _eval(part.expr, c.forget(ctx, _except=part._vars))
if isinstance(evaluation, SPARQLError):
raise evaluation
cs.append(c.merge({part.var: evaluation}))
return cs
raise NotImplementedError()
namespace = Namespace('//custom/')
levenshtein = rdflib.term.URIRef(namespace + 'levenshtein')
query = """
PREFIX custom: <%s>
SELECT ?label1 ?label2 ?levenshtein WHERE {
BIND("Hello" AS ?label1)
BIND("World" AS ?label2)
BIND(custom:levenshtein(?label1, ?label2) AS ?levenshtein)
""" % (namespace,)
# Save custom function in custom evaluation dictionary.
rdflib.plugins.sparql.CUSTOM_EVALS['SPARQL_levenshtein'] = SPARQL_levenshtein
for row in rdflib.Graph().query(query):
To answer your question: "What is a good way to hook a custom SPARQL function into rdflib?
Currently I'm developing a class that handles RDF data and I believe it might be best to implement the following code in to __init__function.
For example:
class ClassName():
def __init__(self):
# Save custom function in custom evaluation dictionary.
rdflib.plugins.sparql.CUSTOM_EVALS['SPARQL_levenshtein'] = SPARQL_levenshtein
Please note, this SPARQL function will only work for the endpoint on which it is implemented. Even though the SPARQL syntax in the query is correct, it is not possible applying the function in SPARQL-queries used for databases like DBPedia. The DBPedia endpoint does not support this custom function (yet).

Does importing actually include a module?

If I get a module called A which imports B and C :
module A exposing (..)
import B
import C
and B also imports C :
module B exposing (..)
import C
What will happen? Does import actually include B and C code, then C would appear twice inside A at compilation? Or does the compiler replace each occurrence of an imported module's member in A or B by its origin code?
Regardless of how many modules another modules is referenced in, it only ever gets compiled once.
Here's an example that takes three files:
module A exposing (..)
import B
import C
a : String
a =
"Hi from A!\n" ++ B.b ++ "\n" ++ C.c
module B exposing (..)
import C
b : String
b =
"Hi from B!\n" ++ C.c
module C exposing (..)
c : String
c =
"Hi from C!"
The resulting transpiled javascript looks like this (your generated js may be different):
var _user$project$C$c = 'Hi from C!';
var _user$project$B$b = A2(_elm_lang$core$Basics_ops['++'], 'Hi from B!\n', _user$project$C$c);
var _user$project$A$a = A2(
'Hi from A!\n',
A2(_elm_lang$core$Basics_ops['++'], '\n', _user$project$C$c)));
As you can see, the C.elm code was only included once.

cannot import Control.Proxy.Trans.Either

I'm trying to learn how to use pipes together with attoparsec by following the tutorial https://hackage.haskell.org/package/pipes-attoparsec- . But I was not able to import Control.Proxy.Trans.Either . In which lib is this module located?
You hit on an old version of pipes-attoparsec corresponding to an old version of pipes. With recent versions, something like the first example would be written without a pipe. We would use the parsed function, which just applies a parser repeatedly until it fails, streaming good parses as they come.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Pipes
import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P
import Pipes.Attoparsec
import Data.Attoparsec.Text
import Data.Text (Text)
data Name = Name Text deriving (Show)
hello :: Parser Name
hello = fmap Name $ "Hello " *> takeWhile1 (/='.') <* "."
helloparses :: Monad m => Producer Text m r -> Producer Name m (Either (ParsingError, Producer Text m r) r)
helloparses = parsed hello
process txt = do
e <- runEffect $ helloparses txt >-> P.print
case e of
Left (err,rest) -> print err >> runEffect (rest >-> P.print)
Right () -> return ()
input1, input2 :: Monad m => Producer Text m ()
input1 = each
[ "Hello Kate."
, "Hello Mary.Hello Jef"
, "f."
, "Hel"
, "lo Tom."
input2 = input1 >> yield "garbage"
Then we see
-- >>> process input1
-- Name "Kate"
-- Name "Mary"
-- Name "Jeff"
-- Name "Tom"
-- >>> process input2
-- Name "Kate"
-- Name "Mary"
-- Name "Jeff"
-- Name "Tom"
-- ParsingError {peContexts = [], peMessage = "string"}
-- "garbage"
The other principle function pipes-attoparsec defined is just parse. This converts an attoparsec parser into a pipes StateT parser to parse an initial segment of a producer that matches the parser. You can read about them here http://www.haskellforall.com/2014/02/pipes-parse-30-lens-based-parsing.html

Elm seed for Random.initialSeed - prefer current time [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
elm generate random number
(2 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
What's a simple way to do this?
The documentation for Random.initialSeed says:
"A good way to get an unexpected seed is to use the current time."
After a ton of reading, I can only find "solutions" that are well beyond my understanding of Elm and Functional Programming. They also don't seem to be solutions to this problem.
I'm currently hardcoding:
Random.initialSeed 314
If you use a library, please include the name used to get it from elm package. I've seen a solution that says use Native.now but I can't figure out how to get that one.
stackoverflow is suggesting this one but I can't understand how to apply it to my usecase Elm Current Date
You can try case nelson's answer from How do I get the current time in Elm?
From elm repl:
> import Now
> import Random
> Now.loadTime |> round -- get current time in Int
1455406828183 : Int
> Now.loadTime |> round |> Random.initialSeed -- get the Seed
Seed { state = State 1560073230 678, next = <function>, split = <function>, range = <function> }
: Random.Seed
I also have the code on my repo here.
Note: don't forget "native-modules": true in elm-package.json.
to try the code,
git clone https://github.com/prt2121/elm-backup.git
cd elm-backup/now
elm make Now.elm
add "native-modules": true in elm-package.json
elm repl
The simplest way I can think of is to use the Elm Architecture and Effects.tick mechanism to initialise the seed with a time value.
Here is an example of how this works:
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Random exposing (Seed, generate, int, initialSeed)
import Time exposing (Time)
import Effects exposing (Effects, Never)
import Task exposing (Task)
import StartApp
type alias Model = { seed : Seed, value : Int}
type Action = Init Time | Generate
init : (Model, Effects Action)
init = (Model (initialSeed 42) 0, Effects.tick Init)
modelFromSeed : Seed -> (Model, Effects Action)
modelFromSeed seed =
(value', seed') = generate (int 1 1000) seed
(Model seed' value', Effects.none)
update : Action -> Model -> (Model, Effects Action)
update action model =
case action of
Init time ->
modelFromSeed (initialSeed (round time))
Generate ->
modelFromSeed model.seed
view : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html
view address model =
div []
[ text ("Current value: " ++ (toString model.value))
, br [] []
, button [onClick address Generate] [text "New Value"]
app : StartApp.App Model
app = StartApp.start
{ init = init
, update = update
, view = view
, inputs = []
main : Signal Html
main = app.html
port tasks : Signal (Task Never ())
port tasks = app.tasks