React Native how to change scrollview zIndex on android - react-native

I'm making a table, left fixed, right scrolling, click on row to expand/fold the action button, the button crosses the scrollView from the left, I set the zIndex of scrollView to -1, but the button cannot be clicked in the area above the ScrollView, it will become row click. I have tried to change the left zIndex/elevation to no avail
code like this
I have been troubled for a long time. Please help me,thanks


React Native Android focus on TextInput inside Flatlist's sticky ListHeaderComponent makes list scroll position snap to y = 0

When running on Android, after scrolling the Flatlist and getting its content below the fixed ListHeaderComponent, when focusing the TextInput that lives inside the given header, the screen flickers and the list snaps back to scroll position y = 0.
On iOS everything runs as supposed.
Steps to reproduce:
Using the snack below, on Android, scroll the list and focus the input in the header, notice that the list snaps to new scroll position where y = 0.
Snack, code example, screenshot, or link to a repository: snack
FlatList have the same props as ScrollView and on Android when you focus on the input the ScrollView scroll to the input which in your case it's the first element.
You can avoid that in IOS but on Android, unfortunately, there's still no way to archive it, I prefer you move the view of the header out from the FlatList if it's a requirement or you can keep it the way it's.

DIsable Left/Right swipe in FlatList or ScrollView

I am trying to use either ScrollView or FlatList to build a swipable carousel. At one step in the swiper, I want to be able to disable scrolling to the next item until another step is completed, but still enable the user to scroll back to the previous screen. How can I disable swiping in a single direction (left/right) while still allowing swipe in the other direction? I have tried to use onMomentumScrollBegin and onScroll to detect direction and then disable scrolling via the scrollEnabled prop, but it is not immediate and causes glitchy behavior

How could i make pagination with button and swiper in react native

I tried to do with ScrollView and transform and scrollTo but i couldnt figure it out and i dont want to create with react-navigation
i want to create a fixed bar at the top and two animated buttons in it and when button touched go second screen and play button animation and when screen swiped play button animation also
like this and screen has to be slideable too

KeyboardAvoidingView hides view instead of showing them

I'm experiencing a very stupid behavior from KeyboardAvoidingView.
Basically every time I focus a TextInput, the screen seems to move of the same height (probably the keyboard height) whatever the position of the TextInput.
Meaning that if a view will be visible after the keyboard shows (and therefore moving the screen is not necessary) KeyboardAvoidingView still moves the screen up, hiding the TextInput behind the ActionBar (or simply outside of the screen).
I tried KeyboardAwareScrollView which works much better... only on iOS.
On Android it does not work at all, just no effects.

React Native - ScrollView/ListView lose their scroll positions after pushing a new scene

Essentially I just need this for my ListView, but ScrollView would probably be useful too. So when I scroll down a page in a ListView, click an item pushing to a new scene, and then pop back I want to remember where I was, else the user has to scroll all the way back to their previous position again which could be pretty frustrating.
Any help would be grateful.