See the distribution of secondary requests grouped by time interval in sql - sql

I have the following table:
RequestId,Type, Date, ParentRequestId
1 1 2020-10-15 null
2 2 2020-10-19 1
3 1 2020-10-20 null
4 2 2020-11-15 3
For this example I am interested in the request type 1 and 2, to make the example simpler. My task is to query a big database and to see the distribution of the secondary transaction based on the difference of dates with the parent one. So the result would look like:
0-7 days,50 %
8-15 days,0 %
16-50 days, 50 %
So for the first line from teh expected result we have the request with the id 2 and for the third line from the expected result we have the request with the id 4 because the date difference fits in this interval.
How to achieve this?
I'm using sql server 2014.

We like to see your attempts, but by the looks of it, it seems like you're going to need to treat this table as 2 tables and do a basic GROUP BY, but make it fancy by grouping on a CASE statement.
WITH dateDiffs as (
/* perform our date calculations first, to get that out of the way */
DATEDIFF(Day, parent.[Date], child.[Date]) as daysDiff,
1 as rowsFound
FROM (SELECT RequestID, [Date] FROM myTable WHERE Type = 1) parent
INNER JOIN (SELECT ParentRequestID, [Date] FROM myTable WHERE Type = 2) child
ON parent.requestID = child.parentRequestID
/* Now group and aggregate and enjoy your maths! */
case when daysDiff between 0 and 7 then '0-7'
when daysDiff between 8 and 15 then '8-15'
when daysDiff between 16 and 50 THEN '16-50'
else '50+'
end as myInterval,
sum(rowsFound) as totalFound,
(select sum(rowsFound) from dateDiffs) as totalRows,
1.0 * sum(rowsFound) / (select sum(rowsFound) from dateDiffs) * 100.00 as percentFound
FROM dateDiffs
case when daysDiff between 0 and 7 then '0-7'
when daysDiff between 8 and 15 then '8-15'
when daysDiff between 16 and 50 THEN '16-50'
else '50+'

This seems like basically a join and group by query:
with dates as (
select 0 as lo, 7 as hi, '0-7 days' as grp union all
select 8 as lo, 15 as hi, '8-15 days' union all
select 16 as lo, 50 as hi, '16-50 days'
select d.grp,
count(*) as cnt,
count(*) * 1.0 / sum(count(*)) over () as raio
from dates left join
(t join
t tp
on tp.RequestId = t. ParentRequestId
on datediff(day,, between d.lo and d.hi
group by d.grp
order by d.lo;
The only trick is generating all the date groups, so you have rows with zero values.


Count how many first and last entries in given period of time are equal

Given a table structured like that:
id | news_id(fkey)| status | date
1 10 PUBLISHED 2016-01-10
2 20 UNPUBLISHED 2016-01-10
3 10 UNPUBLISHED 2016-01-12
4 10 PUBLISHED 2016-01-15
5 10 UNPUBLISHED 2016-01-16
6 20 PUBLISHED 2016-01-18
7 10 PUBLISHED 2016-01-18
8 20 UNPUBLISHED 2016-01-20
9 30 PUBLISHED 2016-01-20
10 30 UNPUBLISHED 2016-01-21
I'd like to count distinct news that, in given period time, had first and last status equal(and also status equal to given in query)
So, for this table query from 2016-01-01 to 2016-02-01 would return:
1 (with WHERE status = 'PUBLISHED') because news_id 10 had PUBLISHED in both first( 2016-01-10 ) and last row (2016-01-18)
1 (with WHERE status = 'UNPUBLISHED' because news_id 20 had UNPUBLISHED in both first and last row
notice how news_id = 30 does not appear in results, as his first/last statuses were contrary.
I have done that using following query:
SELECT count(*) FROM
news_id, status as first_status
FROM news_events
where date >= '2015-11-12 15:01:56.195'
ORDER BY news_id, date
) first
news_id, status as last_status
FROM news_events
where date >= '2015-11-12 15:01:56.195'
ORDER BY news_id, date DESC
) last
using (news_id)
where first_status = last_status
and first_status = 'PUBLISHED'
Now, I have to transform query into SQL our internal Java framework, unfortunately it does not support subqueries, except when using EXISTS or NOT EXISTS. I was told to transform the query to one using EXISTS clause(if it is possible) or try finding another solution. I am, however, clueless. Could anyone help me do that?
edit: As I am being told right now, the problem lies not with our framework, but in Hibernate - if I understood correctly, "you cannot join an inner select in HQL" (?)
Not sure if this adresses you problem correctly, since it is more of a workaround. But considering the following:
News need to be published before they can be "unpublished". So if you'd add 1 for each "published" and substract 1 for each "unpublished" your balance will be positive (or 1 to be exact) if first and last is "published". It will be 0 if you have as many unpublished as published and negative, if it has more unpublished than published (which logically cannot be the case but obviously might arise, since you set a date threshhold in the query where a 'published' might be occured before).
You might use this query to find out:
SELECT SUM(CASE status WHEN 'PUBLISHED' THEN 1 ELSE -1 END) AS 'publishbalance'
FROM news_events
WHERE date >= '2015-11-12 15:01:56.195'
GROUP BY news_id
First of all, subqueries are a substantial part of SQL. A framework forbidding their use is a bad framework.
However, "first" and "last" can be expressed with NOT EXISTS: where not exists an earlier or later entry for the same news_id and date range.
select count(*)
from mytable first
join mytable last on last.news_id = first.news_id
where date between #from and #to
and not exists
select *
from mytable before_first
where before_first.news_id = first.news_id
and <
and >= #from
and not exists
select *
from mytable after_last
where after_last.news_id = last.news_id
and >
and <= #to
and first.status = #status
and last.status = #status;
NOT EXISTS to the rescue:
SELECT ,ff.news_id ,ff.status , ff.zdate AS startdate
, ll.zdate AS enddate
FROM newsflash ff
JOIN newsflash ll
ON ff.news_id = ll.news_id
AND ff.status = ll.status
AND ff.zdate < ll.zdate
SELECT * FROM newsflash nx
WHERE nx.news_id = ff.news_id
AND nx.zdate >= '2016-01-01' AND nx.zdate < '2016-02-01'
AND (nx.zdate < ff.zdate OR nx.zdate > ll.zdate)

Trouble running a complex query in sql?

I am pretty new to SQL Server and just started playing with it. I am trying to create a table that shows attendance percentage by department.
So first i run this query:
FROM database.emp
INNER JOIN database.crew on sim1 = sim2
This gives a table like this:
Accounting 10
Marketing 5
Economics 20
Engineering 5
Machinery 5
Tech Support 10
Then i run another query:
SELECT DeptDescription, COUNT(*)
FROM database.Attendee
GROUP BY DeptDescription
This gives me the result of all the people that have attended meeting something like
Accounting 8
Marketing 5
Economics 15
Engineering 10
Tech Support 8
Then I get the current week in the year by SELECT Datepart(ww, GetDate()) as CurrentWeek To make this example easy lets assume this will be week "2".
Now the way i was going to create this was a table for each step but that seems like waste. Is there a way we can combine to tables in a query? So in the end result i would like a table like this
Total# Attd Week (Total*Week) Attd/(Total*week)%
Accounting 10 8 2 20 8/20
Marketing 5 5 2 10 5/10
Economics 20 15 2 40 15/40
Engineering 5 10 2 10 10/10
Machinery 5 NULL 2 10 0/10
Tech Support 10 8 2 20 8/20
Ok, note that my recommendation below is based on your exact existing queries - there are certainly other ways to construct this that may be more performant, but functionally this should work for your requirement. Also, it illustrates the key features of different join types that happen to be relevant for your request, as well as inline views (aka nested queries), which are a super-powerful technique in the SQL language as a whole.
select t1.CrewDesc, t1.Total, t2.Attd, t3.Week,
(t1.Total*t3.Week) as Total_x_Week,
case when isnull(t1.Total*t3.Week, 0) = 0 then 0 else isnull(t2.Attd, 0) / isnull(t1.Total*t3.Week, 0) end as PercentageAttd
from (
SELECT CrewDesc, COUNT(*) AS Total
FROM database.emp INNER JOIN database.crew on sim1 = sim2
) t1
left outer join /* left outer to keep all rows from t1 */ (
SELECT DeptDescription, COUNT(*) AS Attd
FROM database.Attendee GROUP BY DeptDescription
) t2
on t1.CrewDesc = t2.DeptDescription
cross join /* useful when adding a scalar value to all rows */ (
SELECT Datepart(ww, GetDate()) as Week
) t3
order by t1.CrewDesc
Good luck!
Try something like this
SELECT COALESCE(a.crewdesc,b.deptdescription),,
Datepart(ww, Getdate()) AS week,
total * Datepart(ww, Getdate()),
b.attd/(*Datepart(ww, Getdate()))
FROM (query 1) a
FULL OUTER JOIN (query 2) b
ON a.crewdesc = b.deptdescription
WITH Total AS ( SELECT CrewDesc, COUNT(*) AS [Count]
FROM database.emp
INNER JOIN database.crew on sim1 = sim2
Attd AS ( SELECT DeptDescription, COUNT(*) AS [Count]
FROM database.Attendee
GROUP BY DeptDescription
SELECT COALESCE(CrewDesc,DeptDescription) AS [Dept],
Total.[Count] AS [Total#],Attd.[Count] AS [Attd],
Total.[Count] * Datepart(ww, GetDate()) AS [(Total*Week)],
CAST(Attd.[Count] AS VARCHAR(10))+'/'+ CAST((Total.[Count] * Datepart(ww, GetDate()))AS VARCHAR(10)) AS [Attd/(Total*week)%]
FROM Total INNER JOIN Attd ON Total.CrewDesc = Attd.DeptDescription
I'm assuming your queries are correct -- you give no real information about your model so I've no way to know. They look wrong since the same data is called CrewDesc in one table and Dept in another. Also the join sim1 = sim2 seems very strange to me. In any case given the queries you posted this will work.
With TAttend as
SELECT CrewDesc, COUNT(*) as TotalNum
FROM database.emp
INNER JOIN database.crew on sim1 = sim2
), Attend as
SELECT DeptDescription, COUNT(*) as Attd
FROM database.Attendee
GROUP BY DeptDescription
SELECT CrewDesc as Dept, TotalNum, ISNULL(Attd, 0) as Attd ,Datepart(ww, GetDate()) as Week,
ELSE ISNULL(Attd, 0) / (TotalNum * Datepart(ww, GetDate()) ) END AS Percent
FROM TAttend
LEFT JOIN Attend on CrewDesc = DeptDescription

SQL Query: Calculating the deltas in a time series

For a development aid project I am helping a small town in Nicaragua improving their water-network-administration.
There are about 150 households and every month a person checks the meter and charges the houshold according to the consumed water (reading from this month minus reading from last month). Today all is done on paper and I would like to digitalize the administration to avoid calculation-errors.
I have an MS Access Table in mind - e.g.:
*HousholdID* *Date* *Meter*
0 1/1/2013 100
1 1/1/2013 130
0 1/2/2013 120
1 1/2/2013 140
From this data I would like to create a query that calculates the consumed water (the meter-difference of one household between two months)
*HouseholdID* *Date* *Consumption*
0 1/2/2013 20
1 1/2/2013 10
Please, how would I approach this problem?
This query returns every date with previous date, even if there are missing months:
SELECT TabPrev.*, Tab.Meter as PrevMeter, TabPrev.Meter-Tab.Meter as Diff
Max(Tab_1.Data) AS PrevData,
Tab INNER JOIN Tab AS Tab_1 ON Tab.HousholdID = Tab_1.HousholdID
AND Tab.Data > Tab_1.Data
GROUP BY Tab.HousholdID, Tab.Data, Tab.Meter) As TabPrev
ON TabPrev.HousholdID = Tab.HousholdID
AND TabPrev.PrevData=Tab.Data
Here's the result:
HousholdID Data PrevData Meter PrevMeter Diff
0 01/02/2013 01/01/2013 120 100 20
1 01/02/2013 01/01/2012 140 130 10
The query above will return every delta, for every households, for every month (or for every interval). If you are just interested in the last delta, you could use this query:
TabCurr.Meter as CurrMeter,
TabPrev.Meter as PrevMeter,
TabCurr.Meter-TabPrev.Meter as Diff
Max(Tab.Data) AS CurrData,
Max(Tab_1.Data) AS PrevData
ON Tab.HousholdID = Tab_1.HousholdID
AND Tab.Data > Tab_1.Data
GROUP BY Tab.HousholdID) As MaxTab
ON TabPrev.HousholdID = MaxTab.HousholdID
AND TabPrev.Data=MaxTab.PrevData)
ON TabCurr.HousholdID = MaxTab.HousholdID
AND TabCurr.Data=MaxTab.CurrData
and (depending on what you are after) you could only filter current month:
DateSerial(Year(CurrData), Month(CurrData), 1)=
DateSerial(Year(DATE()), Month(DATE()), 1)
this way if you miss a check for a particular household, it won't show.
Or you might be interested in showing last month present in the table (which can be different than current month):
DateSerial(Year(CurrData), Month(CurrData), 1)=
(SELECT MAX(DateSerial(Year(Data), Month(Data), 1))
(here I am taking in consideration the fact that checks might be on different days)
I think the best approach is to use a correlated subquery to get the previous date and join back to the original table. This ensures that you get the previous record, even if there is more or less than a 1 month lag.
So the right query looks like:
select t.*,, tprev.meter
from (select t.*,
(select top 1 date from t t2 where < order by date desc
) prevDate
from t
) join
t tprev
on = t.prevdate
In an environment such as the one you describe, it is very important not to make assumptions about the frequency of reading the meter. Although they may be read on average once per month, there will always be exceptions.
Testing with the following data:
HousholdID Date Meter
0 01/12/2012 100
1 01/12/2012 130
0 01/01/2013 120
1 01/01/2013 140
0 01/02/2013 120
1 01/02/2013 140
The following query:
SELECT a.housholdid,,,
a.meter - b.meter AS Consumption
FROM water
WHERE Month([date]) = Month(Date())
AND Year([date])=year(Date())) a
FROM water
WHERE DateSerial(Year([date]),Month([date]),Day([date]))
=DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date())-1,Day([date])) ) b
ON a.housholdid = b.housholdid
The above query selects the records for this month Month([date]) = Month(Date()) and compares them to records for last month ([date]) = Month(Date()) - 1)
Please do not use Date as a field name.
Returns the following result.
housholdid a.meter b.meter Consumption
0 01/02/2013 01/01/2013 120 100 20
1 01/02/2013 01/01/2013 140 130 10
select t.householdID
, max(s.theDate) as billingMonth
, max(s.meter)-max(t.meter) as waterUsed
from myTbl t join (
select householdID, max(theDate) as theDate, max(meter) as meter
from myTbl
group by householdID ) s
on t.householdID = s.householdID and t.theDate <> s.theDate
group by t.householdID
This works in SQL not sure about access
You can use the LAG() function in certain SQL dialects. I found this to be much faster and easier to read than joins.

SQL Query Help (Advanced - for me!)

I have a question about a SQL query I am trying to write.
I need to query data from a database.
The database has, amongst others, these 3 fields:
Account_ID #, Date_Created, Time_Created
I need to write a query that tells me how many accounts were opened per hour.
I have written said query, but there are times that there were 0 accounts created, so these "hours" are not populated in the results.
For example:
Volume Date__Hour
435 12-Aug-12 03
213 12-Aug-12 04
125 12-Aug-12 06
As seen in the example above, hour 5 did not have any accounts opened.
Is there a way that the result can populate the hour but and display 0 accounts opened for this hour?
Example of how I want my results to look like:
Volume Date_Hour
435 12-Aug-12 03
213 12-Aug-12 04
0 12-Aug-12 05
125 12-Aug-12 06
Update: This is what I have so far
SELECT count(*) as num_apps, to_date(created_ts,'DD-Mon-RR') as app_date, to_char(created_ts,'HH24') as app_hour
FROM accounts
WHERE To_Date(created_ts,'DD-Mon-RR') >= To_Date('16-Aug-12','DD-Mon-RR')
GROUP BY To_Date(created_ts,'DD-Mon-RR'), To_Char(created_ts,'HH24')
ORDER BY app_date, app_hour
To get the results you want, you will need to create a table (or use a query to generate a "temp" table) and then use a left join to your calculation query to get rows for every hour - even those with 0 volume.
For example, assume I have a table with app_date and app_hour fields. Also assume that this table has a row for every day/hour you wish to report on.
The query would be:
SELECT NVL(c.num_apps,0) as num_apps, t.app_date, t.app_hour
FROM time_table t
SELECT count(*) as num_apps, to_date(created_ts,'DD-Mon-RR') as app_date, to_char(created_ts,'HH24') as app_hour
FROM accounts
WHERE To_Date(created_ts,'DD-Mon-RR') >= To_Date('16-Aug-12','DD-Mon-RR')
GROUP BY To_Date(created_ts,'DD-Mon-RR'), To_Char(created_ts,'HH24')
ORDER BY app_date, app_hour
) c ON (t.app_date = c.app_date AND t.app_hour = c.app_hour)
I believe the best solution is not to create some fancy temporary table but just use this construct:
select level
CONNECT BY level <= 10
ORDER BY level;
This will give you (in ten rows):
For hours interval just little modification:
select 0 as num_apps, (To_Date('16-09-12','DD-MM-RR') + level / 24) as created_ts
FROM dual
CONNECT BY level <= (sysdate - To_Date('16-09-12','DD-MM-RR')) * 24 ;
And just for the fun of it adding solution for you(I didn't try syntax, so I'm sorry for any mistake, but the idea is clear):
SELECT SUM(num_apps) as num_apps, to_date(created_ts,'DD-Mon-RR') as app_date, to_char(created_ts,'HH24') as app_hour
SELECT count(*) as num_apps, created_ts
FROM accounts
WHERE To_Date(created_ts,'DD-Mon-RR') >= To_Date('16-09-12','DD-MM-RR')
select 0 as num_apps, (To_Date('16-09-12','DD-MM-RR') + level / 24) as created_ts
FROM dual
CONNECT BY level <= (sysdate - To_Date('16-09-12','DD-MM-RR')) * 24 ;
GROUP BY To_Date(created_ts,'DD-Mon-RR'), To_Char(created_ts,'HH24')
ORDER BY app_date, app_hour
You can also use a CASE statement in the SELECT to force the value you want.
It can be useful to have a "sequence table" kicking around, for all sorts of reasons, something that looks like this:
create table dbo.sequence
id int not null primary key clustered ,
Load it up with million or so rows, covering positive and negative values.
Then, given a table that looks like this
create table dbo.SomeTable
account_id int not null primary key clustered ,
date_created date not null ,
time_created time not null ,
Your query is then as simple as (in SQL Server):
select year_created = ,
month_created = ,
day_created = ,
hour_created = ,
volume = t.volume
from ( select * ,
is_leap_year = case
when id % 400 = 0 then 1
when id % 100 = 0 then 0
when id % 4 = 0 then 1
else 0
from dbo.sequence
where id between 1980 and year(current_timestamp)
) years
cross join ( select *
from dbo.sequence
where id between 1 and 12
) months
left join ( select *
from dbo.sequence
where id between 1 and 31
) days on <= case
when 2 then 28 + years.is_leap_year
when 4 then 30
when 6 then 30
when 9 then 30
when 11 then 30
else 31
cross join ( select *
from dbo.sequence
where id between 0 and 23
) hours
left join ( select date_created ,
hour_created = datepart(hour,time_created ) ,
volume = count(*)
from dbo.SomeTable
group by date_created ,
) t on datepart( year , t.date_created ) =
and datepart( month , t.date_created ) =
and datepart( day , t.date_created ) =
and t.hour_created =
order by 1,2,3,4
It's not clear to me if created_ts is a datetime or a varchar. If it's a datetime, you shouldn't use to_date; if it's a varchar, you shouldn't use to_char.
Assuming it's a datetime, and borrowing #jakub.petr's FROM Dual CONNECT BY level trick, I suggest:
SELECT count(*) as num_apps, to_char(created_ts,'DD-Mon-RR') as app_date, to_char(created_ts,'HH24') as app_hour
FROM (select level-1 as hour FROM Dual CONNECT BY level <= 24) h
LEFT JOIN accounts a on h.hour = to_number(to_char(a.created_ts,'HH24'))
WHERE created_ts >= To_Date('16-Aug-12','DD-Mon-RR')
GROUP BY trunc(created_ts), h.hour
ORDER BY app_date, app_hour

PIVOT SQL Server Assistance

Given the following table structure:
CrimeID | No_Of_Crimes | CrimeDate | Violence | Robbery | ASB
1 1 22/02/2011 Y Y N
2 3 18/02/2011 Y N N
3 3 23/02/2011 N N Y
4 2 16/02/2011 N N Y
5 1 17/02/2011 N N Y
Is there a chance of producing a result set that looks like this with T-SQL?
Category | This Week | Last Week
Violence 1 3
Robbery 1 0
ASB 3 1
Where last week shuld be a data less than '20/02/2011' and this week should be greater than or equal to '20/02/2011'
I'm not looking for someone to code this out for me, though a code snippet would be handy :), just some advice on whether this is possible, and how i should go about it with SQL Server.
For info, i'm currently performing all this aggregation using LINQ on the web server, but this requires 19MB being sent over the network every time this request is made. (The table has lots of categories, and > 150,000 rows). I want to make the DB do all the work and only send a small amount of data over the network
Many thanks
EDIT removed incorrect sql for clarity
EDIT Forget the above try the below
select *
from (
select wk, crime, SUM(number) number
from (
select case when datepart(week, crimedate) = datepart(week, GETDATE()) then 'This Week'
when datepart(week, crimedate) = datepart(week, GETDATE())-1 then 'Last Week'
else 'OLDER' end as wk,
case when violence ='Y' then no_of_crimes else 0 end as violence,
case when robbery ='Y' then no_of_crimes else 0 end as robbery,
case when asb ='Y' then no_of_crimes else 0 end as asb
from crimetable) as src
(number for crime in
(violence, robbery, asb)) as pivtab
group by wk, crime
) z
( sum(number)
for wk in ([This Week], [Last Week])
) as pivtab
Late to the party, but a solution with an optimal query plan:
Sample data
create table crimes(
CrimeID int, No_Of_Crimes int, CrimeDate datetime,
Violence char(1), Robbery char(1), ASB char(1));
insert crimes
select 1,1,'20110221','Y','Y','N' union all
select 2,3,'20110218','Y','N','N' union all
select 3,3,'20110223','N','N','Y' union all
select 4,2,'20110216','N','N','Y' union all
select 5,1,'20110217','N','N','Y';
Make more data - about 10240 rows in total in addition to the 5 above, each 5 being 2 weeks prior to the previous 5. Also create an index that will help on crimedate.
insert crimes
select crimeId+number*5, no_of_Crimes, DATEADD(wk,-number*2,crimedate),
violence, robbery, asb
from crimes, master..spt_values
where type='P'
create index ix_crimedate on crimes(crimedate)
From here on, check output of each to see where this is going. Check also the execution plan.
Standard Unpivot to break the categories.
select CrimeID, No_Of_Crimes, CrimeDate, Category, YesNo
from crimes
unpivot (YesNo for Category in (Violence,Robbery,ASB)) upv
where YesNo='Y'
The filter on YesNo is actually applied AFTER unpivoting. You can comment it out to see.
Unpivot again, but this time select data only for last week and this week.
select CrimeID, No_Of_Crimes, Category,
Week = sign(datediff(d,CrimeDate,w.firstDayThisWeek)+0.1)
from crimes
unpivot (YesNo for Category in (Violence,Robbery,ASB)) upv
cross join (select DATEADD(wk, DateDiff(wk, 0, getdate()), 0)) w(firstDayThisWeek)
where YesNo='Y'
and CrimeDate >= w.firstDayThisWeek -7
and CrimeDate < w.firstDayThisWeek +7
(select DATEADD(wk, DateDiff(wk, 0, getdate()), 0)) w(firstDayThisWeek) makes a single-column table where the column contains the pivotal date for this query, being the first day of the current week (using DATEFIRST setting)
The filter on CrimeDate is actually applied on the BASE TABLE prior to unpivoting. Check plan
Sign() just breaks the data into 3 buckets (-1/0/+1). Adding +0.1 ensures that there are only two buckets -1 and +1.
The final query, pivoting by this/last week
select Category, isnull([1],0) ThisWeek, isnull([-1],0) LastWeek
select Category, No_Of_Crimes,
Week = sign(datediff(d,w.firstDayThisWeek,CrimeDate)+0.1)
from crimes
unpivot (YesNo for Category in (Violence,Robbery,ASB)) upv
cross join (select DATEADD(wk, DateDiff(wk, 0, getdate()), -1)) w(firstDayThisWeek)
where YesNo='Y'
and CrimeDate >= w.firstDayThisWeek -7
and CrimeDate < w.firstDayThisWeek +7
) p
pivot (sum(No_Of_Crimes) for Week in ([-1],[1])) pv
order by Category Desc
Category ThisWeek LastWeek
--------- ----------- -----------
Violence 1 3
Robbery 1 0
ASB 3 3
I would try this:
declare #FirstDayOfThisWeek date = '20110220';
select cat.category,
ThisWeek = sum(case when cat.CrimeDate >= #FirstDayOfThisWeek
then crt.No_of_crimes else 0 end),
LastWeek = sum(case when cat.CrimeDate >= #FirstDayOfThisWeek
then 0 else crt.No_of_crimes end)
from crimetable crt
cross apply (values
('Violence', crt.Violence),
('Robbery', crt.Robbery),
('ASB', crt.ASB))
cat (category, incategory)
where cat.incategory = 'Y'
and crt.CrimeDate >= #FirstDayOfThisWeek-7
group by cat.category;