CREATE EDUCATIONCLASS TEAMS ERROR - Team Definition. Visibility' should be equal to 'HiddenMembership' - api

When I want to create a team with EducationClass template, I get an error like this. I have not been receiving such an error before. All the same. what could be the problem?
"error": {
"code": "BadRequest",
"message": "Failed to execute Templates backend request CreateTeamFromTemplateRequest. Request Url:, Request Method: POST, Response Status Code: BadRequest, Response Headers: Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=2592000\r\nx-operationid: 2230c436382c754aadfda14e58e7b308\r\nx-telemetryid: 00-2230c436382c754aadfda14e58e7b308-ae2a19a55b3ea34c-00\r\nX-MSEdge-Ref: Ref A: CA7D2D550A204688B37F03E163F4E43C Ref B: LON21EDGE1213 Ref C: 2020-11-23T07:20:16Z\r\nDate: Mon, 23 Nov 2020 07:20:16 GMT\r\n, ErrorMessage : {\"errors\":[{\"message\":\"'Team Definition. Visibility' should be equal to 'HiddenMembership'.\"}],\"operationId\":\"2230c436382c754aadfda14e58e7b308\"}",
"innerError": {
"date": "2020-11-23T07:20:17",
"request-id": "c67774cf-b900-4b77-9850-26f40b82e9b4",
"client-request-id": "c67774cf-b900-4b77-9850-26f40b82e9b4"
"template#odata.bind": "'educationClass')",
"displayName": "My Class Team",
"description": "My Class Team’s Description"

Maybe they made a breaking change in the beta version, try using v1.0 and make the request in the following way:
"displayName":"My Sample Team",
"description":"My Sample Team’s Description",


Why doesn't GraphQL.NET honour the errors.extensions schema?

I recently rewrote some GraphQL services from Java to .NET Core.
In Java, I was able to provide custom error messages to the clients using the errors.extensions in the response, ie:
"data": {
"someMutation": null
"errors": [{
"cause": null,
"message": "Unauthorized",
"httpStatusCode": 0,
"extensions": {
"uiMessage": "Oh no, your session expired. You'll need to login again to continue.",
"httpStatusDescription": "Unauthorized",
"httpStatusCode": 401
"errorType": "ValidationError",
"path": null,
"localizedMessage": "Unauthorized",
"suppressed": []
However, in .NET, I don't seem to be able to replicate this format.
ErrorInfo.Extensions is added to the root of the response, not to the the Errors object itself, eg:
"data": {
"someMutation": null
"errors": [{
"message": "Auth token not provided"
"extensions": {
"httpStatusCode": 401,
"httpStatusDescription": null,
"uiMessage": "Oh no, your session expired. You'll need to login again to continue.",
The GraphQL spec reads (ref,
GraphQL services may provide an additional entry to errors with key
extensions. This entry, if set, must have a map as its value. This
entry is reserved for implementors to add additional information to
errors however they see fit, and there are no additional restrictions
on its contents.
"errors": [
"message": "Name for character with ID 1002 could not be fetched.",
"locations": [{ "line": 6, "column": 7 }],
"path": ["hero", "heroFriends", 1, "name"],
"extensions": {
"code": "CAN_NOT_FETCH_BY_ID",
"timestamp": "Fri Feb 9 14:33:09 UTC 2018"
I created a new test project (.NET Core 3.1) using the latest versions of the libraries (GraphQL 7.1.1 et al) but am still unable to add custom properties to errors.extensions.
This is the test mutation which intentionally throws an exception:
.Resolve(context => {
try {
throw new Exception("Invalid input");
return "Hello " + context.GetArgument<String>("name");
} catch(Exception ex) {
// This doesn't seem to get returned anywhere in the response
Dictionary<String, object> extraData = new Dictionary<string, object>();
extraData.Add("error1", "message1");
// Add the error to the response using the overloaded constructor
context.Errors.Add(new ExecutionError("Oh dear, that went wrong", extraData));
// This gets added to the root of the response
context.OutputExtensions.Add("error2", "message2");
return null;
the mutation to invoke it:
mutation {greet(name:"Chewbacca")}
and the response (I don't know where errors.extensions.details comes from):
"errors": [
"message": "Oh dear, that went wrong",
"extensions": {
"details": "GraphQL.ExecutionError: Oh dear, that went wrong"
"data": {
"greet": null
"extensions": {
"error2": "message2"
I would imagine that the GraphQL.NET library would expose an Extensions dictionary on the ExecutionError object so one could add custom values in the usual manner, eg:
ExecutionError executionError = new ExecutionError("Oh dear, that went horribly wrong");
executionError.Extensions.Add("customError", "Your custom error here")
Which would result in a response similar to this:
"data": {
"someMutation": null
"errors": [{
"message": "Oh dear, that went horribly wrong",
"extensions": {
"customError": "Your custom error here"
I am hopeful that some bright individual in the community can (slap me upside the head and) point me in the right direction.

SkillsFuture Credit Pay Not working properly

We are using the API /skillsFutureCredits/claims/encryptRequests with the following payload
"claimRequest": {
"course": {
"id": "TGS-2020002051",
"fee": "1.00",
"runId": "278849",
"startDate": "2022-04-28"
"individual": {
"nric": "T5001077A",
"email": "",
"homeNumber": "87654321",
"mobileNumber": "12345678"
"additionalInformation": "any additional information"
We get the encrypted response back and run /skillsFutureCredits/claims/decryptRequests with the following payload
The response we got back is error
"error": "42+fmhx6gjvNyCQsf1ktG7nFNcfsjarCS1dVJ71ehiTxJcBz9utPN6K9Dv0jpISN7U4jy7Dv5jxcueQyQbC4qq/JWX7o7Pe0OeKUSYIMT/0xaPD19yOOyxuY0y+LWDhV9VP4oTFIGM/2hhoJRuLfGwVevQdQsRh3XLfcpPccO4Xer4D2KelIFACofkn0goY1"
which when decrypt, it is an empty data. In post man, it is showing 500 internal server error but not showing us what error it is.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

Log data from dataPower to splunk

The question might be looking easy but I am quite struck on this.
I have a requirement whereby I have to store data regarding Timestamp,latency,serviceName etc in a variable and then log that into splunk.
However I am unable to call splunk through datapower xslt.
How can we call splunk through datapower using XSLT
Splunk has several interfaces, but XSLT is not one of them. Lucky for you, there's already a Splunk app that can collect data from Datapower and index it. See
I would consider using the Splunk HTTP Event Collector.
You can use XSLT ou Gatewayscript, in conjunction with the Datapower urlopen function (available in both language), to make a simple http call to the collector.
I found here (Code under Apache license) that the call is as simple as a call to https://SPLUNK_SVR:8088/services/collector/event/1.0 with the following body:
"source": "chicken coop",
"sourcetype": "httpevent",
"index": "main",
"host": "farm.local",
"event": {
"message": {
"chickenCount": 500
"msg": "Chicken coup looks stable.",
"name": "my logger",
"put": 98884,
"temperature": "70F",
"v": 0
"severity": "info"
I think it would work better on the datapower by using gateway script, an example of such a call can be found here. Look for the first example. You will find similar code, in which I modified the "Data" section:
//Could be added to a library
var urlopen = require('urlopen');
var jsonData = '{
"source": "Datapower",
"sourcetype": "SOMETHING DYNAMIC",
"index": "main",
"event": {
"message": {
"put": 3333,
"yadayada": "foo",
"bar": 0
"severity": "info"
var options = {
target: 'https://SPLUNK_SVR:8088/services/collector/event/1.0',
method: 'POST',
headers: { },
contentType: 'text/plain',
timeout: 60,
data: jsonData};, function(error, response) {
if (error) {
// an error occurred during the request sending or response header parsing
console.error("Splunk Logging - urlopen error: "+JSON.stringify(error));
} else {
// get the response status code
var responseStatusCode = response.statusCode;
var responseReasonPhrase = response.reasonPhrase;
console.log("Splunk Logging - status code: " + responseStatusCode);
console.log("Splunk Logging - reason phrase: " + responseReasonPhrase);
// no need to read response data - This is just logging

Failed to add a new subscription for my own onedrive 'Documents' folder

I have failed to add a new subscription webhook URL for my personal one drive Documents folder ( not a business account). The request response details is as follows.
Try 1
Request JSON:
"notificationUrl": "https://****.rest/OneDrive/newItemWebhook",
"expirationDateTime": "2017-09-18T11:23:00.000Z",
"resource": "/me/drive/root/Documents",
"changeType": "updated",
"clientState": "client-specific string"
Response JSON:
"error": {
"code": "BadRequest",
"message": "Unsupported segment type. ODataQuery:
"innerError": {
"request-id": "169755ee-bdf5-460e-8577-6f1e22777207",
"date": "2017-09-18T10:46:07"
Try 2
Request JSON:
"notificationUrl": "https://****.rest/OneDrive/newItemWebhook",
"expirationDateTime": "2017-09-18T11:23:00.000Z",
"resource": "/me/drive/root:/Documents",
"changeType": "updated",
"clientState": "client-specific string"
Response JSON:
"error": {
"code": "InvalidRequest",
"message": "resource '/me/drive/root:/Documents' is not supported.",
"innerError": {
"request-id": "403229b0-0554-46c2-82b8-ede69a4ef9a2",
"date": "2017-09-18T10:50:36"
In both cases the cases the failed to add subscription webhook URL but the reason in unknown to me, means what is :
Unsupported segment type. ODataQuery
resource '/me/drive/root:/Documents' is not supported.
and then if I want to set webhook URL for the above mention "resource" then what will be the path for my case!
Apparently, you cannot subscribe to changes in the particular folder, but to a drive, so you should subscribe to /me/drive/root. Then you could use driveitem delta api to track changes: or use your own method (i.e. list files in the Documents folder)
Here is a bit outdated video explaining the process:

How to add an Item to a quote/cart via API on Magento2

I have tried calling [POST] /carts/mine/items, headers with correct bearer, and body:
"cart_item": 1,
"sku": "MY_SKU",
"qty": 1
and I get the folowing response:
"message": "Invalid value of \"%value\" provided for the %fieldName field.",
"parameters": {
"fieldName": "qty",
"value": null
Two things, I do not understand what to put in cart_item (but it is required) and I do not why it keeps telling me qty is null?
First of all empty cart should be created using request with empty body:
[POST] {base URL}/rest/V1/carts/mine
In response you will get ID of your quote.
Now you can add items to your cart using:
[POST] {base URL}/rest/V1/carts/mine/items
"cart_item": {
"quote_id": <cart ID received from previous call>,
"sku": "product_sku",
"qty": 10
In response you should get your cart item data:
"item_id": 1,
"sku": "product_sku",
"qty": 10,
"name": "Simple Product",
"price": 123,
"product_type": "simple",
"quote_id": "1"
Be careful since you may accidentally update existing cart item quantity with POST request, if execute the same request several times.
It is an addition to #Alex Palirush's answer thanks to explain it clearly.
The quote id must be integer otherwise it will through an error unknown field cartId.
"message": "No such entity with %fieldName = %fieldValue",
"parameters": {
"fieldName": "cartId",
"fieldValue": "0"