Where is a dimension structure tab in Visual Studio? - structure

Where can I find a dimension structure tab in Microsoft Visual Studio 2019? Is there a shortcut for it?

I think I found an answer. You just have to simply double click on one of your created dimensions in the solution explorer.


Can't click and edit table relationship in Analysis Services Project

I've installed Visual Studio 2022, Data Tools and the extension for Analysis Services projects.
In design window of a data source I can add a relationship between tables and it is represented by the "arrow line"; but when trying to select that relationship with a click or double click to modify it... it's not possible. It cannot be selected and therefore cannot be edited.
If I open the same project with Visual Studio 2019, it is possible to click and edit or double click and work with the same table relationship that was created in 2022 version.
Has anyone else had this issue? Is there a new function to edit relationships in VS2022?
Thanks in advance for your comments.

Reporting template in Visual Studio 2017

The Reporting template seems missing in VS2017 (I am using Visual Basic). Any way to get it back?
I have already tried installing SQL Server Data tools and the rdlc extension from the marketplace, but it still doesn't show up.
The template is available in the Add New Item window. Select Visual C# and then look for the Report and Report Wizard templates. These templates are only visible under Visual C#, not under any subitem.
Try updating ReportViewer to version and installing Microsoft.RdlcDesigner. This worked for me for Visual C# and then just like J.Bunch said there is no sub item Reporting like there was before so you just scroll down thorough all items. Also try this although the example is for C# I think it should at least help you with VB.Net as well. Hope it helps.

Split view is missing in Visual Studio

Something changed in my Visual Studio (2017) and now I don't have the option the view the design in Split view.
Only Design / XML
You should press the Expand Pane button to get it back:

Open Visual Studio Integrated Design Environment

I somehow managed to close the visual design tab of my project where you drag component from the toolbox to. I've tried every view I can think of. I'm using Visual Studio 2013 if anyone can tell me how to re-open the design view(not the code) that'd be great as I don't know my way around every aspect of visual studio.
When you right-click the "FormName.vb" file in Solution Explorer, you can click "View Designer." Alternatively, you can click "Open With..." and choose Visual Basic Form Editor from the list.
Try using XXX.Designer.cs from your Solution Explorer
hope it'll help

View Designer Code in Visual Studio 2010

What is a standard way to open the Designer (automatically generated) code for a VB file?
As a workaround, I can get to it by searching the entire solution for some keyword that is usually only found in those files: Global, Partial, etc.
Open the Solution Explorer. Along the toolbar at the top there is a tool Show All Files (it is the 2nd from the left on my version of visual studio). Click on that tool. All of your Form files will now have an arrow beside them. click on that arrow to expand. Look for the code file named FormName.designer.vb. Double-click on it to open.
You have to click the "show all files"-Button. Then you can also see the Designer.vb-files.
Note: For C# and VS 2008, but the same applies to VB in VS 2010.
Keyboard shortcut for Show All Files
Show All Files is a useful little button in the Visual Studio solution explorer to give us a full view of the directory structure our project files are sitting in. When it is off, we only see the files that are explicitly included in the project, but when it is on, we see everything. This makes it very easy to explicitly opt a file into the project without doing an add -> existing item -> find existing item in directory structure and add to project.
The default when creating a new Visual Basic application in Visual Studio is to not show all files, and unfortunatly there is no setting you can adjust to change that.
Open the code file, and in the top-right corner of the code window is a drop-down containing all methods. Open this and select "InitializeComponent".
A screenshot from a newer version. Visual Studio 2015 and 2017 will look like this.