Difference between two rows in bigquery - google-bigquery

I have a bigquery table in the following format.
How do I take the difference between the sum of monthly spend across months when the storeID, membership_type are the same. Example output is provided below.

You can use LAG to get the value of the previous row in BigQuery:
FROM dataset.table


SQL: Apply an aggregate result per day using window functions

Consider a time-series table that contains three fields time of type timestamptz, balance of type numeric, and is_spent_column of type text.
The following query generates a valid result for the last day of the given interval.
MAX(DATE_TRUNC('DAY', (time))) as last_day,
SUM(balance) FILTER ( WHERE is_spent_column is NULL ) AS value_at_last_day
FROM tbl
2010-07-12 18681.800775017498741407984000
However, I am in need of an equivalent query based on window functions to report the total value of the column named balance for all the days up to and including the given date .
Here is what I've tried so far, but without any valid result:
DATE_TRUNC('DAY', (time)) AS daily,
SUM(sum(balance) FILTER ( WHERE is_spent_column is NULL ) ) OVER ( ORDER BY DATE_TRUNC('DAY', (time)) ) AS total_value_per_day
FROM tbl
group by 1
order by 1 desc
2010-07-12 16050.496339044977568391974000
2010-07-11 13103.159119670350269890284000
2010-07-10 12594.525752964512456914454000
2010-07-09 12380.159588711091681327014000
2010-07-08 12178.119542536668113577014000
2010-07-07 11995.943973804127033140014000
Here is a sample dataset:
The running total can be computed by applying the first query above on the entire dataset up to and including the desired day. For example, for day 2009-01-31, the result is 97.13522530000000000000, or for day 2009-01-15 when we filter time as time < '2009-01-16 00:00:00' it returns 24.446144000000000000.
What I need is an alternative query that computes the running total for each day in a single query.
Thank you all so very much for your participation and support.
The reason for differences in result sets of the queries was on the preceding ETL pipelines. Sorry for my ignorance!
Below I've provided a sample schema to test the queries.
Now both queries given above and the query given in the answer below return the same result.
Consider calculating running total via window function after aggregating data to day level. And since you aggregate with a single condition, FILTER condition can be converted to basic WHERE:
SELECT daily,
SUM(total_balance) OVER (ORDER BY daily) AS total_value_per_day
DATE_TRUNC('DAY', (time)) AS daily,
SUM(balance) AS total_balance
FROM tbl
WHERE is_spent_column IS NULL
) AS daily_agg
ORDER BY daily

Adding grouping in framing clause window while creating partitions

Using the dataset hosted on Google (MBL Data) as an example, here is what I am accomplishing to do - obtain last 3 weeks score run for a given Venue.
My aggregated dataset looks like this without the strikes_3wk column -
Logic for strikes_3wk column is to partition the aggregated dataset by venueName, order by YearWeek column and then obtain the last 3 weeks aggregated strikes data.
Here is the query I have written so far. I see that the windowing function is where I need to modify the logic. So, is there a way to add grouping within the windowing function? Is there any alternative way of doing this?
In the image I added a new column 'expected', showing values for two weeks.
select inr.*
,sum(inr.strikes) over (Venue_Week rows between current row and 2 following) as strikes_3wk
select seasonType
CAST(EXTRACT(YEAR FROM createdAt) as string)
,CAST(EXTRACT(WEEK(Monday) FROM createdAt) as string)
) as INT64)
as YearWeek
,sum(homeFinalRuns) as homeFinalRuns
,sum(strikes) as strikes
from `bigquery-public-data.baseball.games_wide`
where createdAt is not null
group by seasonType
window Venue_Week as (
partition by inr.venueName
order by inr.YearWeek desc
So you are looking for strikes per venue regardless of who did them, right?
May be something like:
SELECT INR.*, STATS.strikes_3wk
FROM `bigquery-public-data.baseball.games_wide` INR
SELECT venueName, SUM(strikes) as strikes_3wk
FROM `bigquery-public-data.baseball.games_wide` INR2
WHERE YearWeek IN (
FROM `bigquery-public-data.baseball.games_wide`
WHERE venueName = INR2.venueName
GROUP BY venueName
ON INR.venueName = STATS.venueName

Grouping by last day of each month—inefficient running

I am attempting to pull month end balances from all accounts a customer has for every month. Here is what I've written. This runs correctly and gives me what I want—but it also runs extremely slowly. How would you recommend speeding it up?
FROM [DW].[dbo].[dwFactAccount] AS fact
WHERE SourceDate IN (
FROM [DW].[dbo].[dwFactAccount]
I'd try a window function:
PARTITION BY accountno, EOMONTH(sourcedate)
ORDER BY sourcedate DESC
) as rn
FROM [DW].[dbo].[dwFactAccount]
WHERE x.rn = 1
The row number will establish an incrementing counter in order of sourcedate descending. The counter will restart from 1 when the month in sourcedate changes (or the account number changes) thanks to the EOMONTH function quantising any date in a given month to be the last date of the month (2020-03-9 12:34:56 becomes 2020-03-31, as do all other datetimes in March). Any similar tactic to quantise to a fixed date in the month would also work such as using YEAR(sourcedate), MONTH(sourcedate)
You need to build a dimension table for the date with Date as PK, and your SourceDate in the fact table ref. that date dimension table.
Date dimension table can have month, year, week, is_weekend, is_holiday, etc. columns. You join your fact table with the date dimension table and you can group data using any columns in date table you want.
Your absolute first step should be to view the execution plan for the query and determine why the query is slow.
The following explains how to see a graphical execution plan:
Display an Actual Execution Plan
The steps to interpreting the plan and optimizing the query are too much for an SO answer, but you should be able to find some good articles on the topic by Googling. You could also post the plan in an edit to your question and get some real feedback on what steps to take to improve query performance.

SQL Query to partition aggregate data from Amazon AMS

I am using Google Big Query to store data from amazon ams. Each day a csv file is loaded into the database that contains the lifetime spend, clicks and impressions. The data looks something like this:
2017-11-01,product a,100,1000,50
2017-11-01,product b,50,500,20
2017-11-02,product a,175,1600,75
2017-11-02,product b,100,1000,50
2017-11-03,product a,250,2200,110
2017-11-03,product b,150,1500,80
I would like to transform this data to show the daily spend (difference between previous day) so the end result would look like this:
2017-11-02,product a,75,600,25
2017-11-02,product b,50,500,30
2017-11-03,product a,75,600,35
2017-11-03,product b,50,500,30
Is there a way to query BQ to partition data in this way?
You can do this with lag. Difference for the first row in a partition would be null and they can be excluded with a where clause filter. This assumes one row per date,campaign. If there are multiple rows, sum up the values for a given day and use lag.
select * from (
select date_uploaded,campaign,
spend-lag(spend) over(partition by campaign order by date_uploaded) as spend_diff,
impressions-lag(impressions) over(partition by campaign order by date_uploaded) as impressions_diff,
clicks-lag(clicks) over(partition by campaign order by date_uploaded) as clicks_diff
from tbl
) t
where spend_diff is not null and impressions_diff is not null and clicks_diff is not null

analyze range and if true tell me

I want to see if the price of a stock has changed by 5% this week. I have data that captures the price everyday. I can get the rows from the last 7 days by doing the following:
select price from data where date(capture_timestamp)>date(current_timestamp)-7;
But then how do I analyze that and see if the price has increased or decreased 5%? Is it possible to do all this with one sql statement? I would like to be able to then insert any results of it into a new table but I just want to focus on it printing out in the shell first.
It seems odd to have only one stock in a table called data. What you need to do is bring the two rows together for last week's and today's values, as in the following query:
select d.price
from data d cross join
data dprev
where cast(d.capture_timestamp as date = date(current_timestamp) and
cast(dprev.capture_timestamp as date) )= cast(current_timestamp as date)-7 and
d.price > dprev.price * 1.05
If the data table contains the stock ticker, the cross join would be an equijoin.
You may be able to use query from the following subquery for whatever calculations you want to do. This is assuming one record per day. The 7 preceding rows is literal.
SELECT ticker, price, capture_ts
,MIN(price) OVER (PARTITION BY ticker ORDER BY capture_ts ROWS BETWEEN 7 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS min_prev_7_records
,MAX(price) OVER (PARTITION BY ticker ORDER BY capture_ts ROWS BETWEEN 7 PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) AS max_prev_7_records
FROM data