an algorithm that is Theta(n) is also O(n^2), is this correct? - time-complexity

As Theta(n) is about the upper and lower bound, this question confused me.
I am sure O(n) can be O(n^2), but Omega(n) is also O(n^2)?

Bear in mind that O(f),Theta(f), Omega(f) are sets of functions.
O(n) is the set of functions that asymptotically grow at most as fast as n (modulo a constant factor), so O(n) is a proper subset of O(n^2).
Omega(n) is the set of functions that asymptotically grow at least as fast as n, so it is definitely not a subset of O(n^2). But it has a non-empty intersection with it, for example 0.5n and 7n^2 are in both sets.


Is O(n * 2^n ) the same as O(2^n)?

Would O(n * 2^n ) simplify to O(2^n) in Big-O notation?
My intuition is that it is not, even though O(2^n) is significantly worse than O(n)
O(n * 2^n) is not equal to O(2^n) and is much worse than O(2^n).
Your intuition is correct. O(n * 2^n) is not equal to O(2^n) and you can see that by definition of big-O. That is,
But with some random k, with only taking n=k+1 you demonstrate that the inequality isn’t true.
One easy way to elucidate this is to compute the quotient of both quantities and let n tend to infinity. In this case the quotient is
n*2^n/2^n = n
which tends to infinity as n goes to infinity. Since the limit is not bounded by any constant, the answer is that O(n*2^n) grows much faster than O(2^n)

Which one is better in between O(log n) and O(log n^2)?

This is a Question that my (Data Structure)course teacher did in a Class Test. What would be the proper answer here? Since log n^2 =2 log n , as far as I know in a time complexity it could be written as O(log n) since constant multipliers cancels out. Then is one better than the other in any specific way?
Asymptotically they are the same.
Your reasoning is right, O(log n^2) can be simplified to O(log n) and obviously they are equals.
It's like you have two algorithms that works on an array, the first is O(n) and the second is O(2n).
If you look to the number of performed operation, the second performs double the operation of the first but this is not important for the Asymptotic notation.
They are in the same order that is O(n).
In your specific example the order is O(log n) and they can be considered the same.
I would agree with you that any O(log(x^k)) is O(log(x)). The computational complexity scales the same.

Space Complexity - Dropping the non-dominant terms

I know, we should drop the non-dominant terms when calculating time complexity of an algorithm. I am wondering if we should drop them when calculating space complexity. For example, if I have a string of N letters, I'd like to:
construct a list of letters from this string -> Space: O(N);
sort this list -> Worst-case space complexity for Timsort (I use Python): O(N).
In this case, would the entire solution take O(N) + O(N) space or just O(N)?
Thank you.
Welcome to SO!
First of all, I think you do misunderstand complexity: Complexity is defined independently of constant factors. It depends only on the large scale behavior of the data set size N. Thus, O(N) + O(N) is the same complexity as O(N).
Thus, your question might have been:
If I construct a list of letters using an algorithm with O(N) space complexity, followed by a sort algorithm with O(N) space complexity, would the entire solution use twice as much space?
But this question cannot be answered, since a complexity does not give you any measure how much space is actually used.
A well-known example: A brute force sorting algorithm, BubbleSort, with time complexity O(N^2) is faster for small data sets than a very good sorting algorithm, QuickSort, with average time complexity O(Nlog(N)).
It is no contradiction, that one can compute a space complexity, and that it does not say how much space is actually used.
A simple example:
Say, for a certain problem algorithm 1 has linear space complexity O(n), and algorithm 2 space complexity O(n^2).
One could thus assume (but this is wrong) that algorithm 1 would always use less space than algorithm 2.
First, it is clear that for large enough n algorithm 2 will use more space than algorithm 1, because n^2 grows faster than n.
However, consider the case where n is small enough, say n = 1, and algorithm 1 is implemented on a computer that uses storage in doubles (64 bits), whereas algorithm 2 is implemented on a computer that uses bytes (8 bits). Then, obviously, the O(n^2) algorithm uses less space than the O(n) algorithm.

Time complexity of two algorithms running together?

Imagine T1(n) and T2(n) are running times of P1 and P2 programs, and
T1(n) ∈ O(f(n))
T2(n) ∈ O(g(n))
What is the amount of T1(n)+T2(n), when P1 is running along side P2?
The Answer is O(max{f(n), g(n)}) but why?
When we think about Big-O notation, we generally think about what the algorithm does as the size of the input n gets really big. A lot of times, we can fall back on some sort of intuition with math. Consider two functions, one that is O(n^2) and one that is O(n). As n gets really large, both algorithms increases without bound. The difference is, the O(n^2) algorithm grows much, MUCH faster than O(n). So much, in fact, that if you combine the algorithms into something that would be O(n^2+n), the factor of n by itself is so small that it can be ignored, and the algorithm is still in the class O(n^2).
That's why when you add together two algorithms, the combined running time is in O(max{f(n), g(n)}). There's always one that 'dominates' the runtime, making the affect of the other negligible.
The Answer is O(max{f(n), g(n)})
This is only correct if the programms run independently of each other. Anyhow, let's assume, this is the case.
In order to answer the why, we need to take a closer look at what the BIG-O-notation represents. Contrary to the way you stated it, it does not represent time but an upperbound on the complexity.
So while running both programms might take more time, the upperbound on the complexity won't increase.
Lets considder an example: P_1 calculates the the product of all pairs of n numbers in a vector, it is implemented using nested loops, and therefore has a complexity of O(n*n). P_2 just prints the numbers in a single loop and therefore has a complexity of O(n).
Now if we run both programms at the same time, the nested loops of P_1 are the most 'complex' part, leaving the combination with a complexity of O(n*n)

Practical difference between O(n) and O(1 + n)?

Isn't O(n) an improvement over O(1 + n)?
This is my conception of the difference:
for i=0 to n do ; print i ;
O(1 + n):
a = 1;
for i=0 to n do ; print i+a ;
... which would just reduce to O(n) right?
If the target time complexity is O(1 + n), but I have a solution in O(n),
does this mean I'm doing something wrong?
O(1+n) and O(n) are mathematically identical, as you can straightforwardly prove from the formal definition or using the standard rule that O( a(n) + b(n) ) is equal to the bigger of O(a(n)) and O(b(n)).
In practice, of course, if you do n+1 things it'll (usually, dependent on compiler optimizations/etc) take longer than if you only do n things. But big-O notation is the wrong tool to talk about those differences, because it explicitly throws away differences like that.
It's not an improvement because BigO doesn't describe the exact running time of your algorithm but rather its growth rate. BigO therefore describes a class of functions, not a single function. O(n^2) doesn't mean that your algorithms for input of size 2 will run in 4 operations, it means that if you were to plot the running time of your application as a function of n it would be asymptotically upper bound by c*n^2 starting at some n0. This is nice because we know how much slower our algorithm will be for each input size, but we don't really know exactly how fast it will be. Why use the c? Because as I said we don't care about exact numbers but more about the shape of the function - when we multiply by a constant factor the shape stays the same.
Isn't O(n) an improvement over O(1 + n)?
No, it is not. Asymptotically these two are identical. In fact, O(n) is identical to O(n+k) where k is any constant value.