Hook into React Router events in Docusarus? - docusaurus

I'm trying to integrate a simple image zooming library. Basically when clicking on an image, it's expanded so that user can see the image better. Something like this: https://kingdido999.github.io/zooming/
My attempt is to create a plugin that inserts the script to the body.
After some playaround, this is what I ended up with:
* options.selector: css path to the image tags (e.g '.markdown img')
module.exports = function (context, options) {
let selector = options.selector;
let postBodyString = `
<script src="https://unpkg.com/zooming/build/zooming.min.js"></script>
// Listen to images after DOM content is fully loaded
let initImageZoom = function() {
setTimeout(function() {
new Zooming({
customSize: '100%',
bgOpacity: 0.95,
scaleBase: 0.8,
}, 100);
let monitorURLChange = function() {
// capture URL change in SPA
let url = location.href;
document.body.addEventListener('click', () => {
requestAnimationFrame( () => {
if (url !== location.href) {
url = location.href;
}, true);
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', initImageZoom);
document.addEventListener('popstate', initImageZoom);
return {
name: 'docusaurus-image-zoom',
injectHtmlTags() {
return {
headTags: [],
postBodyTags: [postBodyString],
However, this solution feels very hackish since I have to listen to events like popstate or do manual monitoring of browser's URLs.
I imagine there should be a proper way of doing this. What should be the proper way of doing this?

It doesn't seem like you need to listen to the React Router events as this is not really related to routing.
I think the right solution here is to create MDX plugins for the img syntax/tag.


Vue: Preload image with new Image / Transform Directive to Methode

It seems to be simple, but somehow I fail to complete.
I want to preload images in my nuxt app, like in this Codepen but not as a directive, cause I only use it in one component.
It works fine, like this in a picture tag.
(The directive v-img-preloader is on every as well.)
And the directive itselft is:
Vue.directive('img-preloader', {
bind: function (el, binding) {
let img = new Image();
img.src = binding.value;
img.onload = function () {
el.src = binding.value;
But now, I do not know, how to transform this, into a method or mounted hook. I would prefer a method, but do not know, how and what to pass an "el" for this element.
I saw, that this fiddle and tried it like there, with a mounted hook, but stuck ...
mounted() {
let img = new Image();
img.src = require(`#/assets/img/placeholder.png`);
img.onload = () => {
this.src = require(`#/assets/img/placeholder.png`);
I appreciate, if anybody with a clue, sees, what I am doing wrong.
Thanks in advance.

v-on:click never firing on button in Nuxt component, because of middleware

I've seen this elsewhere in other questions, but haven't seen a solution. I'm trying to make a simple GDPR cookie notification that closes on click, using a button. I'm in Universal mode, meaning mounted() isn't available, so I'm trying to set cookies through Vuex. However, the click event I have bound to the button in my component isn't firing.
Edit: After building a codesandbox version of my app, which worked as it should, I went through and hacked up my Nuxt app until I found what was causing the problem. As it turns out, it was my middleware, and more specifically, the fact that I was using the fs-extra library to read JSON files. Still not clear on why this is happening, so any suggestions are welcome. The code below includes my middleware.
<div v-if="cookie != true" class="cookie_notice_wrap">
<div class="cookie_notice">
<p class="notice_message">This site uses cookies for analytics purposes.</p>
<button #click.prevent="dismissNotification" class="notice_dismiss">Close</button>
import { mapGetters } from "vuex";
export default {
name: "CookieNotice",
methods: {
dismissNotification: function(e) {
console.log("we clicked?");
this.store.dispatch("cookieStateChange", true);
computed: {
Actions from store/index.js
export const actions = {
async getPosts({ state, commit, dispatch }) {
if (state.posts.length) {
try {
await axios.get("/api/json-access");
catch (err) {
nuxtServerInit({ state, commit, dispatch }, { req }) {
const seen = this.$cookies.get("cookie_notice_seen");
if (!seen) {
dispatch("cookieStateChange", false);
cookieStateChange({state, commit, dispatch}, bool) {
// this does set the cookie correctly, unsure if it will work the same when bound to the button click
commit("updateCookie", bool);
this.$cookies.set("cookie_notice_seen", bool, {
path: "/",
maxAge: 60 * 60 * 24 * 7
const fse = require('fs-extra');
import axios from 'axios';
const storeLocation = "middleware/full_site.json";
export default async function({ store, route, redirect }) {
const exists = await fse.pathExists(storeLocation);
let posts;
if (!exists) {
await fse.ensureFile(storeLocation);
posts = await postsFromWP();
fse.writeJSON(storeLocation, posts);
else {
try {
posts = await fse.readJSON(storeLocation);
catch (err) {
store.commit("updatePosts", posts);
async function postsFromWP() {
const url = ".../example/json/file.json";
const config = { headers: { "Accept": "application/json" }};
let posts = await axios.get(url, config);
posts = posts.data
.filter(el => el.status === "publish")
.map(({ id, slug, title, excerpt, date, tags, content }) => ({
id, slug, title, excerpt, date, tags, content
return posts;
I had the middleware configured in nuxt.config.js via routes -> middleware before, but currently have it set to go through serverMiddleware instead, for testing. I also added the action that triggers getting the posts, in case that's also part of it. This has definitely hit on a limit of my Nuxt/Vue understanding - I have no idea why this could be happening, so any wisdom is much appreciated.
If you wind up dealing with something similar, fs or fs-extra are your culprits. You can't use file operations on the client side, which is when these middleware actions are happening (I think). The cookie notice only fully worked when I removed the fs-extra import at the very top of the middleware file.

Open a VueJS component on a new window

I have a basic VueJS application with only one page.
It's not a SPA, and I do not use vue-router.
I would like to implement a button that when clicked executes the window.open() function with content from one of my Vue Components.
Looking at the documentation from window.open() I saw the following statement for URL:
URL accepts a path or URL to an HTML page, image file, or any other resource which is supported by the browser.
Is it possible to pass a component as an argument for window.open()?
I was able to use some insights from an article about Portals in React to create a Vue component which is able to mount its children in a new window, while preserving reactivity! It's as simple as:
I appear in a new window!
Try it in this codesandbox!
The code for this component is as follows:
<div v-if="open">
<slot />
export default {
name: 'window-portal',
props: {
open: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
data() {
return {
windowRef: null,
watch: {
open(newOpen) {
if(newOpen) {
} else {
methods: {
openPortal() {
this.windowRef = window.open("", "", "width=600,height=400,left=200,top=200");
this.windowRef.addEventListener('beforeunload', this.closePortal);
// magic!
closePortal() {
if(this.windowRef) {
this.windowRef = null;
mounted() {
if(this.open) {
beforeDestroy() {
if (this.windowRef) {
The key is the line this.windowRef.document.body.appendChild(this.$el); this line effectively removes the DOM element associated with the Vue component (the top-level <div>) from the parent window and inserts it into the body of the child window. Since this element is the same reference as the one Vue would normally update, just in a different place, everything Just Works - Vue continues to update the element in response to databinding changes, despite it being mounted in a new window. I was actually quite surprised at how simple this was!
You cannot pass a Vue component, because window.open doesn't know about Vue. What you can do, however, is to create a route which displays your component and pass this route's URL to window.open, giving you a new window with your component. Communication between the components in different windows might get tricky though.
For example, if your main vue is declared like so
var app = new Vue({...});
If you only need to render a few pieces of data in the new window, you could just reference the data model from the parent window.
var app1 = window.opener.app;
var title = app.title;
var h1 = document.createElement("H1");
h1.innerHTML = title;
I ported the Alex contribution to Composition API and works pretty well.
The only annoyance is that the created window ignores size and position, maybe because it is launched from a Chrome application that is fullscreen. Any idea?
<script setup lang="ts">
import {ref, onMounted, onBeforeUnmount, watch, nextTick} from "vue";
const props = defineProps<{modelValue: boolean;}>();
const emit = defineEmits(["update:modelValue"]);
let windowRef: Window | null = null;
const portal = ref(null);
const copyStyles = (sourceDoc: Document, targetDoc: Document): void => {
// eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prefer-spread
for(const styleSheet of Array.from(sourceDoc.styleSheets)) {
if(styleSheet.cssRules) {
// for <style> elements
const nwStyleElement = sourceDoc.createElement("style");
// eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/prefer-spread
for(const cssRule of Array.from(styleSheet.cssRules)) {
// write the text of each rule into the body of the style element
else if(styleSheet.href) {
// for <link> elements loading CSS from a URL
const nwLinkElement = sourceDoc.createElement("link");
nwLinkElement.rel = "stylesheet";
nwLinkElement.href = styleSheet.href;
const openPortal = (): void => {
nextTick().then((): void => {
windowRef = window.open("", "", "width=600,height=400,left=200,top=200");
if(!windowRef || !portal.value) return;
copyStyles(window.document, windowRef.document);
windowRef.addEventListener("beforeunload", closePortal);
.catch((error: Error) => console.error("Cannot instantiate portal", error.message));
const closePortal = (): void => {
if(windowRef) {
windowRef = null;
emit("update:modelValue", false);
watch(props, () => {
if(props.modelValue) {
else {
onMounted(() => {
if(props.modelValue) {
onBeforeUnmount(() => {
if(windowRef) {
<div v-if="props.modelValue" ref="portal">
<slot />

How to handle anchors (bookmarks) with Vue Router?

I'm looking for a smart way to handle in-page anchors with Vue Router. Consider the following:
<router-link to="#app">Apply Now</router-link>
<!-- some HTML markup in between... -->
<div id="app">...</div>
The "scroll to anchor" behavior described in the docs works fine except:
When you click on the anchor, it brings you down to the div id="app". Now scroll away from the div back to the anchor and try clicking it again -- this time you will not jump down to the div. In fact, the anchor will retain the class router-link-active and the URL will still contain the hash /#app;
With the steps above, if you refresh the page (the URL will still contain the hash) and click on the anchor, nothing will happen either.
This is very unfortunate from the UX perspective because a potential customer has to manually scroll all the way down again to reach the application section.
I was wondering if Vue Router covers this situation. For reference, here's my router:
export default new VueRouter({
mode: 'history',
scrollBehavior(to, from, savedPosition) {
if (to.hash) {
return { selector: to.hash }
} else if (savedPosition) {
return savedPosition;
} else {
return { x: 0, y: 0 }
I haven't found anything in the resources to solve your issue but you could utitlize the $route.hash in your mounted hook of the component that holds your <router-view></router-view> to solve the refresh issue.
export default {
name: 'app',
mounted: function()
// From testing, without a brief timeout, it won't work.
setTimeout(() => this.scrollFix(this.$route.hash), 1);
methods: {
scrollFix: function(hashbang)
location.hash = hashbang;
Then to solve the issue of second clicks you could use the native modifier and bind to your <router-link></router-link>. It's a fairly manual process but will work.
<router-link to="#scroll" #click.native="scrollFix('#scroll')">Scroll</router-link>
There may also be something you could do with the router's afterEach method but haven't figured that out yet.
If you're already on the route with the hash, you can just set it to scroll to the target.
(also note scrollBehavior() method in your router won't get called if you're already on the route you're trying to go to).
export default {
methods: {
anchorHashCheck() {
if (window.location.hash === this.$route.hash) {
const el = document.getElementById(this.$route.hash.slice(1))
if (el) {
window.scrollTo(0, el.offsetTop)
mounted() {
Then add a #click.native to listen to events on the anchor in your <router-link>,
<router-link :to="{hash: '#some-link'}" #click.native="anchorHashCheck">
Some link
Possible solution which is more resusable IMO:
this.$router.push({ name: 'home' }, undefined, () => { location.href = this.$route.hash })
As the 3rd argument is the abort() function, it may have unwanted side effects though..
If you want to use it globally, add a function to your Router:
pushWithAnchor: function (routeName, toHash) {
const fromHash = Router.history.current.hash
fromHash !== toHash || !fromHash
? Router.push({ name: routeName, hash: toHash })
: Router.push({ name: routeName, hash: fromHash }, undefined, () => { window.location.href = toHash })
And use it in components with:
this.$router.options.pushWithAnchor('home', '#fee-calculator-section')
Within a template you could do something like:
<a #click="this.$router.options.pushWithAnchor('home', '#fee-calculator-section')"></a>
Sadly you cant use a scroll offset though
I used this solution:
<router-link to="/about" #click.native="scrollFix('#team')" >The team</router-link>
And this:
methods: {
scrollFix: function(hash) {
setTimeout(() => $('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: $(hash).offset().top
}, 1000), 1)
I realize you asked about anchors and you have an answer already. However, the below function should work for both anchors and regular links. It allows you to scroll to the position of the first instance of the Component a Route has been matched to. I wrote it to see if I could by-pass using a hash while retaining anchor-style scrolling.
scrollBehavior(to, from, savedPosition) {
if (to.matched) {
const children = to.matched[1].parent.instances.default.$children;
for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) {
let child = children[i];
if (child.$options._componentTag === to.matched[1].components.default.name) {
return {
x: child.$el.offsetLeft,
y: child.$el.offsetTop
return {
x: 0,
y: 0
The reason I'm using parent.instances is because the to.matched[1].instances value is empty. It's not the most elegant solution, though it might help someone else out there.
Note: This only works when you want to scroll the first instance of a Component.

Handle methods differently in Vue depending on mobile or not

I'm having trouble setting up my Vue components to handle their methods differently if the user is on mobile. For instance a navigation drop down, if a user clicks on a link, I want to prevent them from going to that location, but instead drop down the drop down. Whereas on desktop, I want them to go to it if they click on it and only drop down on hover. I'll need this for so many other aspects of my project.
I have a main Vue instance:
var Main = new Vue({
el: 'body',
data: {
mobile: true
ready: function() {
if( document.clientWidth >= 992 )
this.mobile = false;
export default Main;
Then for my components, I'm doing something like this:
import Main from './../Main';
var NavLink = Vue.component('navlink', {
template: '#nav-link-template',
replace: true,
data: function() {
return {
props: ['text', 'url'],
ready: function() {
methods: {
handleClick: function(e) {
if( Main.mobile )
if( this.$children.length )
// Has dropdown
// No dropdown so redirect user
window.location = this.url;
// Not mobile so let user go
window.location = this.url;
Not only does Main.mobile return the default value no matter what resolution because their ready methods seem to run BEFORE the Main ready method.. but this also feels like the wrong setup.
Thanks for any insight.
First, according to you code, you dont need Main commonjs module to be a vuejs instance. Make it as a simple js object
Main = {
mobule: document.clientWidth >= 992
export default Main;
Or you may want to handle client window size dynamically
var Main = new Vue({
created: function() {
// dunno why v-on="resize: func" not working
global.window.addEventListener('resize', function () {
//calc width and heigh somehow
self.$broadcast('resize', width, heigh);
export default Main;