Outlook VBA get all AppointmentItems in a Date range and return them as a Collection - vba

I mean to get all AppointmentItems in a Date range and return them as a Collection.
This is the function I wrote
Function GetAppointmentItemsDatesRange(ByVal dstart As Date, ByVal dend As Date) As Outlook.Items
' Get all AppointmentItem in a range of dates
Dim oCalendar As Outlook.Folder
Set oCalendar = Application.Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar)
Dim objItems As Outlook.Items
Dim objRestrictedItems As Outlook.Items
Set objItems = oCalendar.Items
objItems.IncludeRecurrences = True
'objItems.IncludeRecurrences = False
objItems.Sort "[Start]"
Dim filterRange As String
filterRange = "[Start] >= " & Chr(34) & Format(dstart, "dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm AM/PM") & Chr(34) & " AND " & _
"[End] <= " & Chr(34) & Format(dend, "dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm AM/PM") & Chr(34) ' <-- Line #1'
Set objRestrictedItems = objItems.Restrict(filterRange)
Debug.Print "Filter : " & filterRange
Dim oItem As Outlook.AppointmentItem
Dim iIt As Long
Dim nItFilter As Long, nIt As Long
nItFilter = objRestrictedItems.Count
nIt = 0
Debug.Print nItFilter & " total items"
For Each oItem In objRestrictedItems
If (Not (oItem Is Nothing)) Then
nIt = nIt + 1
Debug.Print oItem.Start & "-" & oItem.End ' <-- Line #2'
End If
Next oItem
Debug.Print nIt & " net items"
Set GetAppointmentItemsDatesRange = objRestrictedItems
End Function
I tried with both .IncludeRecurrences = True and False.
This is the output I get.
Filter : [Start] >= "07/11/2020 05:30 PM" AND [End] <= "07/11/2020 06:15 PM"
9 total items
31/12/2015 9:00:00-31/12/2015 9:00:00
31/01/2017 15:30:00-31/01/2017 15:30:00
18/03/2020 12:00:00-18/03/2020 16:00:00
13/04/2020 8:45:00-13/04/2020 9:00:00
09/09/2020 11:00:00-09/09/2020 12:00:00
28/09/2020 14:45:00-28/09/2020 18:00:00
01/10/2020 13:30:00-01/10/2020 15:00:00
07/11/2020 17:30:00-07/11/2020 17:45:00
07/11/2020 17:45:00-07/11/2020 18:15:00
9 net items
Filter : [Start] >= "07/11/2020 05:30 PM" AND [End] <= "07/11/2020 06:15 PM"
2147483647 total items
07/11/2020 17:30:00-07/11/2020 17:45:00
07/11/2020 17:45:00-07/11/2020 18:15:00
2 net items
So I identify two problems to get to my result:
The outputs of Line #1 and Line #2 seem inconsistent, in both cases.
I do not understand why are the first 7 items not filtered out in the False case, even if I can get rid of them with True.
And I do not understand what are those too many Nothing items in the True case.
I do not know hot to define a Collection where I can add the items that satisfy the If (Not (oItem Is Nothing)) condition, so I can return it upon exiting for the caller to use.
What is the explanation for the questions?
How can I achieve my goal?

Since you found a way to identify the required items, add them to a new collection. Pass that collection to the caller.
Option Explicit
Sub collNotNothingItems()
Dim dtSt As Date
Dim dtEn As Date
Dim notNothingItems As Collection
Dim i As Long
dtSt = Date - 7
dtEn = Date
Set notNothingItems = GetAppointmentItemsDatesRange(dtSt, dtEn)
Debug.Print notNothingItems.count & " in the collection passed to the caller"
For i = 1 To notNothingItems.count
With notNothingItems(i)
Debug.Print .Start & "-" & .End
End With
End Sub
Function GetAppointmentItemsDatesRange(ByVal dstart As Date, ByVal dend As Date) As Collection
' Get all AppointmentItem in a range of dates
Dim oCalendar As Folder
Dim objItems As Items
Dim objRestrictedItems As Items
Dim filterRange As String
Dim myItems As Collection
Dim oItem As AppointmentItem
Dim iIt As Long
Dim nItFilter As Long
Dim nIt As Long
Set oCalendar = Application.Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar)
Set objItems = oCalendar.Items
objItems.IncludeRecurrences = True
objItems.Sort "[Start]"
'filterRange = "[Start] >= " & Chr(34) & Format(dstart, "dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm AM/PM") & Chr(34) & " AND " & _
"[End] <= " & Chr(34) & Format(dend, "dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm AM/PM") & Chr(34)
filterRange = "[Start] >= " & Chr(34) & Format(dstart, "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm AM/PM") & Chr(34) & " AND " & _
"[End] <= " & Chr(34) & Format(dend, "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm AM/PM") & Chr(34)
Debug.Print "filterRange: " & filterRange
Set objRestrictedItems = objItems.Restrict(filterRange)
nItFilter = objRestrictedItems.count
Debug.Print nItFilter & " total items"
nIt = 0
Set myItems = New Collection
For Each oItem In objRestrictedItems
If (Not (oItem Is Nothing)) Then
nIt = nIt + 1
Debug.Print oItem.Start & "-" & oItem.End
myItems.Add oItem
End If
Next oItem
Debug.Print nIt & " net items"
Set GetAppointmentItemsDatesRange = myItems
End Function


Format a date variable to display time only in Outlook Calendar

I am trying to show the start time and end time.
In the end time, I don't want the date, as I am trying to show availability.
It shows under the print window "25/06/2021 14:45:34 25/06/2021 16:05:00".
I want to remove the middle date. I tried masks, but just erroring.
Also when the dialog box shows, I want to copy the content to clipboard.
Dim CalFolder As Outlook.Folder
Dim nameFolder
Dim strKeyword As String
Dim strResults As String
' Run this macro
Sub SearchinSharedCalendars()
Dim objPane As Outlook.NavigationPane
Dim objModule As Outlook.CalendarModule
Dim objGroup As Outlook.NavigationGroup
Dim objNavFolder As Outlook.NavigationFolder
Dim objCalendar As Folder
Dim objFolder As Folder
Dim i As Integer
Dim g As Integer
On Error Resume Next
Set objCalendar = Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar)
Set Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder = objCalendar
strKeyword = InputBox("Search subject and body", "Search Shared Calendars")
Set objPane = Application.ActiveExplorer.NavigationPane
Set objModule = objPane.Modules.GetNavigationModule(olModuleCalendar)
With objModule.NavigationGroups
For g = 1 To .Count
Set objGroup = .Item(g)
For i = 1 To objGroup.NavigationFolders.Count
Set objNavFolder = objGroup.NavigationFolders.Item(i)
If objNavFolder.IsSelected = True Then
Set CalFolder = objNavFolder.Folder
Set nameFolder = objNavFolder
Dim NS As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim objOwner As Outlook.Recipient
Set NS = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set objOwner = NS.CreateRecipient(nameFolder)
If objOwner.Resolved Then
Set CalFolder = NS.GetSharedDefaultFolder(objOwner, olFolderCalendar)
End If
txtSearchResults = strResults & vbCrLf & txtSearchResults
End If
Next i
Next g
End With
MsgBox txtSearchResults
Set objPane = Nothing
Set objModule = Nothing
Set objGroup = Nothing
Set objNavFolder = Nothing
Set objCalendar = Nothing
Set objFolder = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub SearchSharedCalendar()
Dim CalItems As Outlook.Items
Dim ResItems As Outlook.Items
Dim oFinalItems As Outlook.Items
Dim sFilter As String
Dim iNumRestricted As Integer
Dim itm As Object
Dim strAppt As String
Dim endAppt As String
Dim dStart1 As Date, dStart2 As Date
Set CalItems = CalFolder.Items
If CalFolder = printCal Then
Exit Sub
End If
' Sort all of the appointments based on the start time
CalItems.Sort "[Start]"
' body key word doesn't work if including recurring
CalItems.IncludeRecurrences = True
On Error Resume Next
' if you arent search subfolders, you only need parent name
strName = CalFolder.Parent.Name & " - " & CalFolder.Name
' set dates
dStart1 = Date
dStart2 = Date + 30
' fileer by date first
sFilter = "[Start] >= '" & dStart1 & "'" & " And [Start] < '" & dStart2 & "'"
Debug.Print sFilter
'Restrict the Items collection for the 30-day date range
Set ResItems = CalItems.Restrict(sFilter)
' Filter the results by keyword
' filter for Subject containing strKeyword '0x0037001E
' body is 0x1000001f
Const PropTag As String = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/mapi/proptag/"
sFilter = "#SQL=(" & Chr(34) & PropTag _
& "0x0037001E" & Chr(34) & " like '%" & strKeyword & "%' OR " & Chr(34) & PropTag _
& "0x1000001f" & Chr(34) & " like '%" & strKeyword & "%')"
Debug.Print sFilter
'Restrict the last set of filtered items for the subject
Set oFinalItems = ResItems.Restrict(sFilter)
'Sort and collect final results
oFinalItems.Sort "[Start]"
iNumRestricted = 0
For Each oAppt In oFinalItems
If oAppt.Start >= dStart1 And oAppt.Start <= dStart2 Then
iNumRestricted = iNumRestricted + 1
strAppt = oAppt.Start & " " & endAppt
endAppt = oAppt.End
End If
strResults = iNumRestricted & " matching Appointment found in " & vbCrLf & strAppt & " " & endAppt
Set itm = Nothing
Set newAppt = Nothing
Set ResItems = Nothing
Set CalItems = Nothing
Set CalFolder = Nothing
End Sub
First of all, there is no need to iterate over all items in the collection:
For Each oAppt In oFinalItems
Instead, you can apply a filter by using the Restrict or Find/FindNext methods of the Items class as you did that earlier in the code.
To format the dates values you need to use the Format function available in VBA:
strAppt = oAppt.Start & " " & Format(endAppt, "hh:mm:ss")

Outlook VBA ignoring filter and deleting all appointments in shared calendar

I have a piece of code that is supposed to find all appointments in a shared calendar between two dates and delete them. However, it ignores the filter and deletes all appointments in the calendar. Could someone take a look at this and give me some idea of what i'm missing please?
Sub DeleteCal_Appts(sCalendarName As String, ap_dateStart As String, ap_startTime As String, ap_dateEnd As String, ap_endTime As String)
Dim objAppointment As AppointmentItem
Dim objAppointments As Items
Dim objNameSpace As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim objRecip As Recipient
Dim sFilter As Object
Dim dtStartTime As Date, dtEndTime As Date
dtStartTime = CDate(ap_dateStart & " " & ap_startTime)
dtEndTime = CDate(ap_dateEnd & " " & ap_endTime)
Dim myOutApp As Object
myOutApp = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
objNameSpace = myOutApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
objRecip = objNameSpace.CreateRecipient(sCalendarName)
'objAppointments = objNameSpace.GetSharedDefaultFolder(objNameSpace.CreateRecipient("Unit 2 Peanut Delivery Calendar"), 9).Items
objAppointments = objNameSpace.GetSharedDefaultFolder(objNameSpace.CreateRecipient(sCalendarName), 9).Items
sFilter = "[Start] > '" & Format(dtStartTime, "ddddd h:nn AMPM") & "' And [Start] < '" & Format(dtEndTime, "ddddd h:nn AMPM") & "'"
objAppointments.Sort("[Start]", False)
MsgBox("Total Items at begin: " & objAppointments.Count)
objAppointment = objAppointments.Find(sFilter)
For i = objAppointments.Count To 1 Step -1
objAppointment = objAppointments.Item(i)
MsgBox("Total Items at finish: " & objAppointments.Count)
objAppointment = Nothing
objAppointments = Nothing
End Sub
Thanks to #TnTinMn got the answer to this. My only remaining stumbling block was for the date conversion from UK to US:
sFilter = "[Start] >= '" & (dtStartTime.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:MM tt")) & "' AND [End] <= '" & (dtEndTime.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:MM tt")) & "'"
objAppointments.Sort("[Start]", False)
itemsCalendar = objAppointments.Restrict(sFilter)
For i = itemsCalendar.Count To 1 Step -1
objAppointment = itemsCalendar.Item(i)

Get only today's appointments through Outlook VBA

I am extracting all appointments across all Outlook accounts for today.
I am experiencing the same issue encountered in this post here, but I am trying to do this through VBA.
Originally I managed to get the appointments for today, but it would also return reoccurring meetings that are not taking place today (like in the linked question).
I do not understand how the Powershell code, in the answer, manages to filter out the reoccurring appointments, because in my VBA attempt I get the whole week of appointments.
This is my attempt. I've included the filter where I get the appointments for today as well the reoccurring appointments which do not take place today.
Sub GetAllCalendarAppointmentsForToday()
Dim olApplication As Outlook.Application
Dim olNamespace As NameSpace
Dim olAccounts As Accounts
Dim olStore As Outlook.Store
Dim olCalendarFolder As Outlook.Folder
Dim olCalendarItems As Outlook.Items
Dim olTodayCalendarItems As Outlook.Items
Dim strFilter As String
Dim strFilter2 As String
Set olApplication = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set olNamespace = olApplication.Session
Set olAccounts = olNamespace.Accounts
Debug.Print olAccounts.Count
For Each oAccount In olAccounts
Debug.Print oAccount
Set olStore = oAccount.DeliveryStore
Set olCalendarFolder = olStore.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar)
Set olCalendarItems = olCalendarFolder.Items
olCalendarItems.Sort "[Start]", True
olCalendarItems.IncludeRecurrences = True
Debug.Print olCalendarItems.Count
'Find your today's appointments
strFilter = Format(Now, "ddddd")
strFilter2 = Format(DateAdd("d", 7, Now), "ddddd")
Debug.Print strFilter
Debug.Print strFilter2
'strFilter = "[Start] > " & Chr(34) & strFilter & " 00:00" & Chr(34) & " AND [Start] < " & Chr(34) & strFilter & " 00:00" & Chr(34)
strFilter = "[Start] > " & Chr(34) & strFilter & " 00:00" & Chr(34) & " AND [Start] < " & Chr(34) & strFilter2 & " 00:00" & Chr(34)
Debug.Print strFilter
Set olTodayCalendarItems = olCalendarItems.Restrict(strFilter)
Debug.Print olTodayCalendarItems.Count
Debug.Print "Begin Print of Appointments"
For Each objAppointment In olTodayCalendarItems
Counter = Counter + 1
Debug.Print Counter & ":" & objAppointment.Subject & " " & objAppointment.Location & " [" & objAppointment.Start & "|" & objAppointment.End & "]"
Debug.Print vbNewLine
End Sub
Edit #1:
As per Eugene's answer, I updated the strFilter to be this to no avail
strFilter = [Start] <= '07/15/2020 11:59 PM' AND [End] >= '07/15/2020 12:00 AM'
In addition, I put IncludeReccurence first as well and no change in the results
Edit #2
Replaced the for each loop to use GetFirst() and GetNext() to no avail
Set olTodayCalendarItems = olCalendarItems.Restrict(strFilter)
Set olItem = olTodayCalendarItems.GetFirst()
Do While Not olItem Is Nothing
Set olAppointment = olItem
counter = counter + 1
Debug.Print counter & ":" & olAppointment.Subject & " " & olAppointment.Location & " [" & olAppointment.Start & "|" & olAppointment.End & "]"
Set olItem = olTodayCalendarItems.GetNext()
Edit #3:
I created a VB.NET application where I used the function, provided in the link in the answer, verbatim and it worked as expected. So maybe there is a issue in VBA (unlikely) or I missed something small in my VBA script?
Edit #4:
The problem was in my logic all along. Items needed to be sorted in ascending. Thank you to both Eugene and niton
The OP left a comment to indicate Restrict is valid.
" ... the link to the docs on IncludeRecurrences ... mentioned that .Sort needs to be done in ascending order"
It is possible .Restrict is not appropriate for this task.
An example using .Find.
Items.IncludeRecurrences property(Outlook) https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/api/outlook.items.includerecurrences
Sub DemoFindNext()
' https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/api/outlook.items.includerecurrences
Dim myNameSpace As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim tdystart As Date
Dim tdyend As Date
Dim myAppointments As Outlook.Items
Dim currentAppointment As Outlook.AppointmentItem
Set myNameSpace = Application.GetNamespace("MAPI")
tdystart = VBA.Format(Now, "Short Date")
tdyend = VBA.Format(Now + 1, "Short Date")
Set myAppointments = myNameSpace.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar).Items
myAppointments.Sort "[Start]"
myAppointments.IncludeRecurrences = True
Set currentAppointment = myAppointments.Find("[Start] >= """ & tdystart & """ and [Start] <= """ & tdyend & """")
While TypeName(currentAppointment) <> "Nothing"
Debug.Print currentAppointment.Subject
' MsgBox currentAppointment.Subject
Set currentAppointment = myAppointments.FindNext
End Sub
Microsoft doesn’t recommend using the Count property in case you set the IncludeRecurrences property. The Count property may return unexpected results and cause an infinite loop. Read more about that in the How To: Use Restrict method in Outlook to get calendar items article.
Here is a sample VB.NET code where you can see how you can filter appointment items properly:
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Diagnostics
' ...
Private Sub RestrictCalendarItems(folder As Outlook.MAPIFolder)
Dim dtEnd As DateTime = New DateTime(DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, _
DateTime.Now.Day, 23, 59, 0, 0)
Dim restrictCriteria As String = "[Start]<=""" + dtEnd.ToString("g") + """" + _
" AND [End]>=""" + DateTime.Now.ToString("g") + """"
Dim strBuilder As StringBuilder = Nothing
Dim folderItems As Outlook.Items = Nothing
Dim resultItems As Outlook.Items = Nothing
Dim appItem As Outlook._AppointmentItem = Nothing
Dim counter As Integer = 0
Dim item As Object = Nothing
strBuilder = New StringBuilder()
folderItems = folder.Items
folderItems.IncludeRecurrences = True
resultItems = folderItems.Restrict(restrictCriteria)
item = resultItems.GetFirst()
If Not IsNothing(item) Then
If (TypeOf (item) Is Outlook._AppointmentItem) Then
counter = counter + 1
appItem = item
strBuilder.AppendLine("#" + counter.ToString() + _
" Start: " + appItem.Start.ToString() + _
" Subject: " + appItem.Subject + _
" Location: " + appItem.Location)
End If
item = resultItems.GetNext()
End If
Loop Until IsNothing(item)
If (strBuilder.Length > 0) Then
Debug.WriteLine("There is no match in the " _
+ folder.Name + " folder.")
End If
catch ex As Exception
If Not IsNothing(folderItems) Then Marshal.ReleaseComObject(folderItems)
If Not IsNothing(resultItems) Then Marshal.ReleaseComObject(resultItems)
End Try
End Sub

Restrict search to the last week of appointments

I'm trying to grab the last week of appointments using VBA in Outlook.
I'm using the .Restrict method, but something is making my string grab 3 years further back.
I start by declaring formatted dates for my time bracket:
myStart = Format(DateAdd("d", -7, Now()), "ddddd h:nn AMPM")
myEnd = Format(Now(), "ddddd h:nn AMPM")
I build a string to hold my restriction criterion.
strRestriction = "[Start] <= '" & myEnd _
& "' AND [End] >= '" & myStart & "'"
Finally I call restrict on my appointment items:
Set oRestrItems = oItems.Restrict(strRestriction)
For a little more context, here's how I use/call the result:
For Each oApptItem In oRestrItems 'oItems will grab everything, but that's hardly perfect.
If oApptItem.Sensitivity <> olPrivate Then
MsgBox (oApptItem.Subject)
MsgBox (oApptItem.Start)
MsgBox (oApptItem.End)
End If
I can guess that you are missing two statements.
oItems.IncludeRecurrences = True
oItems.Sort "[Start]"
If this is the case, you can ask another question about why the Restrict requires these additional statements. Someone may have an answer.
Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example. Try commenting out either or both statements. You should see that the items are not the same.
Option Explicit
Sub LastWeekAppts()
Dim objFolder As Folder
Dim oItems As items
Dim oRestrItems As items
Dim strRestriction As String
Dim myStart As Date
Dim myEnd As Date
Dim temp As Object
Set objFolder = Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar)
Set oItems = objFolder.items
' *****************************************
' Odd results without these two statements
oItems.IncludeRecurrences = True
oItems.Sort "[Start]"
' *****************************************
myEnd = Date
myStart = DateAdd("d", -7, Date)
Debug.Print " myStart: " & myStart
Debug.Print " myEnd : " & myEnd
strRestriction = "[Start] <= '" & myEnd _
& "' AND [End] >= '" & myStart & "'"
Debug.Print strRestriction
Set oRestrItems = oItems.Restrict(strRestriction)
For Each temp In oRestrItems
Debug.Print temp.start & " - " & temp.Subject
Next temp
End Sub

Restrict Outlook Items by Date

I have an Outlook macro that filters email objects by date and returns items based on an array.
The filter for today is the following:
sfilter = "[ReceivedTime]>=""&Date()12:00am&"""
Set myItems = myNewFolder.Items.Restrict(sfilter)
sFilter is a string and this returns the items for today as intended.
I am trying to filter to emails received yesterday.
The following were my attempts.
sfilter = "[ReceivedTime]>=""&Date(-1) 12:00am&"" AND [ReceivedTime]<= ""&Date() 12:00am&"" "
tfilter = Format(DateAdd("d", -1, Date), "mm/dd/yyyy")
rFilter = Format(DateAdd("d", 0, Date), "mm/dd/yyyy")
I intended to use the tFilter and rFilter as the upper and lower bound for sFilter.
I tried to use the DateAdd method after looking on the MSDN site with the function information but that did not return yesterday's items.
I tried the solution offered on this question (Outlook .Restrict method does not work with Date).
The method with date(-1) did not work in tandem with date. According to the MSDN site logical operators should work.
Note: The lower three examples cited compile and do not return any errors.
You can find yesterday's mail with two separate Restricts.
Private Sub EmailYesterday()
Dim oOlInb As Folder
Dim oOlItm As Object
Dim oOlResults As Object
Dim i As Long
Dim sFilter As String
Dim sFilter2 As String
Set oOlInb = Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
'Filter recent - Lower Bound of the range
sFilter = "[ReceivedTime]>'" & format(Date - 1, "DDDDD HH:NN") & "'"
Debug.Print vbCr & sFilter
Set oOlResults = oOlInb.Items.Restrict(sFilter)
Debug.Print oOlResults.count & " items."
If oOlResults.count > 0 Then
For i = 1 To oOlResults.count
Set oOlItm = oOlResults(i)
Debug.Print oOlItm.Subject & " - " & oOlItm.ReceivedTime
Next i
End If
' Filter range - Upper Bound
sFilter2 = "[ReceivedTime]<'" & format(Date, "DDDDD HH:NN") & "'"
Debug.Print vbCr & sFilter; " AND " & sFilter2
Set oOlResults = oOlResults.Restrict(sFilter2) ' Restrict the Lower Bound result
Debug.Print oOlResults.count & " items."
If oOlResults.count > 0 Then
For i = 1 To oOlResults.count
Set oOlItm = oOlResults(i)
Debug.Print oOlItm.Subject & " - " & oOlItm.ReceivedTime
Next i
End If
Set oOlInb = Nothing
Set oOlResults = Nothing
Debug.Print "Done."
End Sub
Yesterday date could be filtered as below
The same for today or this month.
More info here