Filter EC2 based on tag while sending EC2 Instance State-change Notification through SNS using Cloudwatch event rule - amazon-cloudwatch

I am trying to configure AWS Event rule using event pattern. Bye default the code is
"source": [
"detail-type": [
"EC2 Instance State-change Notification"
I want to filter the EC2 based on tag lets say all of my EC2 has unique AppID attached i.e.20567. Reason I want to filter it because other teams have EC2's under same AWS account and I want to configure SNS only for the instances that belongs to me based on tag 'App ID'
Target I have selected SNS topic and using input formatter with value
Any suggestion where can I pass tag key value to filter my EC2 Instances.

I can only speak for Cloudwatch Events (now called as EventBridge). We do not get tag information from EC2 prior to rule-matching. A sample EC2 event is shown at
"detail-type":"EC2 Instance State-change Notification",
So you best course of action would be to fetch the tags for a resource and filter out the events after reading.


Azure Event Grid subcriptions events to Splunk Endpoint

I am trying to configure splunk url (https://xxxxxxxxxxx:8088/services/collector?token=xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx) in event grid subscription as webhook endpoint type.
But i am getting error ." Deployment has failed with the following error: {"code":"Url validation","message":"Webhook validation handshake failed for".
What is the correct process, does the splunk receives the logs ?
Does this work for splunk endpoints : point me to the correct direction.
The error is expected as the webhook needs it needs to validate the endpoint. As you are using splunk endpoint so your splunk needs to validate it. I believe you cannot write any code/logic for the validation event. So, you can search for the validation log on your splunk and the validation event will be as below:
"id": "2d1781af-3a4c-4d7c-bd0c-e34b19da4e66",
"topic": "/subscriptions/xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
"subject": "",
"data": {
"validationCode": "512d38b6-c7b8-40c8-89fe-f46f9e9622b6",
"validationUrl": ""
"eventType": "Microsoft.EventGrid.SubscriptionValidationEvent",
"eventTime": "2022-10-28T04:23:35.1981776Z",
"metadataVersion": "1",
"dataVersion": "1"
Once you find the above event in your logs you can copy the value of validationUrl property and open in the browser to initiate the webhook validation.
Note : The provided URL is valid for 5 minutes. During that time, the provisioning state of the event subscription is AwaitingManualAction. If you don't complete the manual validation within 5 minutes, the provisioning state is set to Failed. You'll have to create the event subscription again before starting the manual validation.

How to cloudform cognito user pool authentication provider with custom mapping

I've successfully cloudformed a cognito identity-pool and could not see how I add the custom mappings to the "Cognito" "Authentication Providers" in cloudformation.
Inside the Cognito Authentication Provider on the console, there is a dropdown where I manually have to select "Use custom mappings" and then I can manually add the mappings to my custom user attributes. However, I need to be able to cloudform this and am struggling to find the correct place for it.
The user pool that goes along with this identity pool has "SupportedIdentityProviders" set to "COGNITO"
I can get a list of identity providers by running ...
aws cognito-identity list-identities --max-results 2 --identity-pool-id xx-xxxx-x:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx
and this returns me
"IdentityPoolId": "xx-xxxx-x:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"Identities": [
"IdentityId": "yy-yyyy-y:yyyyyyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyyyyyyyy",
"Logins": [
"CreationDate": "2021-11-15T12:38:48.249000+00:00",
"LastModifiedDate": "2021-11-15T12:38:48.263000+00:00"
using the "Logins" information I can now run...
aws cognito-identity get-principal-tag-attribute-map --identity-pool-id xx-xxxx-x:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx --identity-provider-name ""
which returns
"IdentityPoolId": "xx-xxxx-x:xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx",
"IdentityProviderName": "",
"UseDefaults": false,
"PrincipalTags": {
"attr_x": "custom:attr_x",
"attr_y": "custom:attr_y",
"attr_z": "custom:attr_z"
However, I still don't know how to setup this mapping via cloudformation...
Setting PrincipalTag attribute mappings is not yet supported in CloudFormation but, according to the CloudFormation roadmap, will be supported soon.
In the meantime, you would have to create a CloudFormation Custom Resource or Resource Provider to achieve this.

how to achieve idempotent behavior in lambda that writes to S3?

I have a AWS lambda that does some calculation and writes output to S3 location. The AWS lambda is triggered by cloudwatch cron expression. Since the lambda can be triggered multiple times, I want to modify lamda code such that it handles multiple triggers for the lambda.
The only major side-effect for my lambda is writing to S3 and sending a mail. In this case, how do I ensure the lambda executes multiple times but still ensuring idempotent behavior?
You need a unique id and check on it before processing.
See if the event has one. For example, Sample event for "cron expression" in cloud watch rule suggests that you will get something like this:
"version": "0",
"id": "89d1a02d-5ec7-412e-82f5-13505f849b41",
"detail-type": "Scheduled Event",
"source": "",
"account": "123456789012",
"time": "2016-12-30T18:44:49Z",
"region": "us-east-1",
"resources": [
"detail": {}
In this case your code would read and write that to S3 (say yourbucket/running/89d1a02d-5ec7-412e-82f5-13505f849b41). When lambda is initiated it can list the keys under "yourbucket/running" and see if matches any of them.
If none matches, create it.
It's not bullet-proof solution, you might conceivably run into some race-condition, say if another lambda fires up while AWS is slow in creating the key but fast at launching the other lambda but that is what you have to live with if you would like to use s3.

How can I delete an existing S3 event notification?

When I try to delete an event notification from S3, I get the following message:
In Text:
Unable to validate the following destination configurations. Not authorized to invoke function [arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:FOOBAR:function:FOOBAR]. (arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:FOOBAR:function:FOOBAR, null)
Nobody in my organization seems to be able to delete that - not even admins.
When I try to set the same S3 event notification in AWS Lambda as a trigger via the web interface, I get
Configuration is ambiguously defined. Cannot have overlapping suffixes in two rules if the prefixes are overlapping for the same event type. (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidArgument; Request ID: FOOBAR; S3 Extended Request ID: FOOBAR/FOOBAR/FOOBAR)
How can I delete that existing event notification? How can I further investigate the problem?
I was having the same problem tonight and did the following:
1) Issue the command:
aws s3api put-bucket-notification-configuration --bucket=mybucket --notification-configuration="{}"
2) In the console, delete the troublesome event.
Assuming you have better permissions from the CLI:
aws s3api put-bucket-notification-configuration --bucket=mybucket --notification-configuration='{"LambdaFunctionConfigurations": []}'
retrieve all the notification configurations of a specific bucket
aws s3api get-bucket-notification-configuration --bucket=mybucket >
the file would look like the following
"LambdaFunctionConfigurations": [
"Id": ...,
"LambdaFunctionArn": ...,
"Events": [...],
"Filter": {...},
{ ... },
remove the notification object from the
modify the like the following
#! /bin/zsh
aws s3api put-bucket-notification-configuration --bucket=mybucket --notification-configuration='{
"LambdaFunctionConfigurations": [
"Id": ...,
"LambdaFunctionArn": ...,
"Events": [...],
"Filter": {...},
{ ... },
run the shell script
There is no 's3api delete notification-configuration' in AWS CLI. Only the 's3api put-bucket-notification-configuration' is present which will override any previously existing events in the s3 bucket. So, if you wish to delete a specific event only you need to handle that programatically.
Something like this:
Step 1. Do a 's3api get-bucket-notification-configuration' and get the s3-notification.json file.
Step 2. Now edit this file to reach the required s3-notification.json file using your code.
Step 3. Finally, do 's3api put-bucket-notification-configuration' (aws s3api put-bucket-notification-configuration --bucket my-bucket --notification-configuration file://s3-notification.json)
i had worked on the logic in AWS CLI, it requires a jq command to merge the json output
I tried but doesnt work for me, I uploaded a lambda with the same name of function but without events, after go to the function in the dashboard and add trigger with the same prefix and suffix, when apply changes the dashboard says error, but if you come back to function lambda, you can see the trigger now is linked to lambda, so after you can remove tha lambda or events

Amazon Step Function with a Lambda that takes trigger from Kinesis

So I am trying to create a simple pipeline in Amazon AWS. I want to execute a step function using data generated by a stream which triggers the first lambda of the state machine
What I want to do is following.
Input data is streamed by AWS Kinesis
This Kinesis stream is used as a trigger for a lambda1 that executes and writes to S3 Bucket.
This would trigger (using step function) a lambda2 that would read the content from the given bucket and write it to another bucket
Now I want to implement a state machine using Amazon Step Function. I have created the state machine which is quite straightforward
"Comment": "Linear step function test",
"StartAt": "lambda1",
"States": {
"lambda1": {
"Type": "Task",
"Resource": "arn:....",
"Next": "lambda2"
"lambda2": {
"Type": "Task",
"Resource": "arn:...",
"End": true
What I want is, that Kinesis should trigger the first Lambda and once its executed the step function would execute lambda 2. Which does not seem to happen. Step function does nothing even though my Lambda 1 is triggered from the stream and writing to S3 bucket. I have an option to manually start a new execution and pass a JSON as input, but that is not the work flow I am looking for
you did wrong to kick off State machine.
you need to add another Starter Lambda function to use SDK to invoke State Machine. The process is like this:
kinesis -> starter(lambda) -> StateMachine (start Lambda 1 and Lambda 2)
The problem of using Step Function is lack of triggers. There are only 3 triggers which are CloudWatch Events, SDK or API Gateway.