Azure Virtual Network subnet connection issues - azure-virtual-network

I'm having is that I have one Vnet with 2x /27 subnets that have been delegated to WebApps.
webApp-1 -> subnet1
WebApp-2 -> subnet2.
I've terraformed the Vnet:
resource "azurerm_resource_group" "main-rg"{
name = "main-rg"
location = "westeurope"
resource "azurerm_virtual_network" "main-vnet" {
name = "main-vnet"
location = azurerm_resource_group.main-rg.location
resource_group_name =
address_space = [""]
subnet {
name = "test"
address_prefix = ""
security_group = ""
resource "azurerm_subnet" "subnet1" {
name = "subnet1"
resource_group_name =
virtual_network_name =
address_prefixes = [""]
delegation {
name = "webapp1delegation"
service_delegation {
name = "Microsoft.Web/serverFarms"
actions = ["Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/action"]
resource "azurerm_subnet" "subnet2" {
name = "subnet2"
resource_group_name =
virtual_network_name =
address_prefixes = [""]
delegation {
name = "webapp2delegation"
service_delegation {
name = "Microsoft.Web/serverFarms"
actions = ["Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/action"]
The problem I'm having is when I'm trying to connect the WebApps to their respective subnets.
FYI: I'm connecting the WebApps from the Azure Portal (old test resources, don't want to import them as they will be removed soon).
The first on (WebApp1 to Subnet1) works out fine.
When I then try to connect WebApp2 to Subnet2 it fails, but I am able to connect WebApp2 to Subnet1.
I also tried the other way around; I'm able to connect both apps to Subnet2 (but I first have to disconnect both apps from Subnet1).
I'm not seeing any error messages other than a little "Connection failed" popup in the Portal UI.
So I guess my question is: is it not possible to have 2x subnets with WebApp-delegations in one Vnet, or am I missing something?
And again, sorry if this is something blatantly obvious that I've overlooked.
In advance; thanks!

It's not possible to have two web apps in the same app service plan to use differently integrated subnets because all web apps in the same app service plan could share the VNet integration. However, you can use each integrated subnet for each app service plan. You could read the limitations:
The integration subnet can be used by only one App Service plan.
You can have only one regional VNet Integration per App Service plan.
Multiple apps in the same App Service plan can use the same VNet.
To avoid any issues with subnet capacity, a /26 subnet address mask with 64 addresses is the recommended size.


MQTTnet Connection Issue with HiveMQ Cloud

I am new to the MQTT world and I am trying to create a .Net 5.0 application that connects to a HiveMQ Cloud Broker.
I have created a free broker and I am able to connect to it with HiveMQ Websocket Client.
Here is a screenshot of my host.
I have created MQTT credentials for the host and I am able to connect over the sample client. Here is a screenshot of that client.
This works, I can publish and subscribe to the message queue.
However, now I am trying to translate this to c# and I am not able to connect. I am starting with this example project:
Then plugged the values from my cluster instance but I am a getting connection timeout on startup.
Here is what my service configuration looks like:
public static IServiceCollection AddMqttClientHostedService(this IServiceCollection services)
services.AddMqttClientServiceWithConfig(aspOptionBuilder =>
//var clientSettinigs = AppSettingsProvider.ClientSettings;
//var brokerHostSettings = AppSettingsProvider.BrokerHostSettings;
.WithCredentials("Test1", "xxxxx") //clientSettinigs.UserName, clientSettinigs.Password)
.WithClientId("clientId-jqE8uIw6Pp") //clientSettinigs.Id)
.WithTcpServer("", 8884); //brokerHostSettings.Host, brokerHostSettings.Port);
return services;
private static IServiceCollection AddMqttClientServiceWithConfig(this IServiceCollection services, Action<AspCoreMqttClientOptionBuilder> configure)
services.AddSingleton<IMqttClientOptions>(serviceProvider =>
var optionBuilder = new AspCoreMqttClientOptionBuilder(serviceProvider);
return optionBuilder.Build();
services.AddSingleton<IHostedService>(serviceProvider =>
return serviceProvider.GetService<MqttClientService>();
services.AddSingleton<MqttClientServiceProvider>(serviceProvider =>
var mqttClientService = serviceProvider.GetService<MqttClientService>();
var mqttClientServiceProvider = new MqttClientServiceProvider(mqttClientService);
return mqttClientServiceProvider;
return services;
I am not sure where I am going wrong, any help would be greatly appreciated.
You appear to be trying to connect to the WebSocket endpoint (port 8884) in your code, when I suspect you really should be using the normal TLS endpoint (port 8883)
Also you will need to use different clientid values if you want to have both clients connected at the same time as having matching will mean the clients will continuously kick each other off the broker.
(edit: on looking closer the client ids are actually different, but only in the last char)
I had this issue in two days ago and it seems coming form TLS confgurations/settings. By the way, my Startup.cs service injections and some configurations were same with yours. I have .NetCore app and I am trying to connect my own hivemq broker (cloud side).
In this case we need to add additional option to our mqtt client option build phase.
When I add this code, Auth problems gone.
Here is part of the client option codes should like that
AddMqttClientServiceWithConfig(services,optionBuilder =>
var clientSettings = BrokerAppSettingsProvider.BrokerClientSettings;
var brokerHostSettings = BrokerAppSettingsProvider.BrokerHostSettings;
.WithCredentials(clientSettings.UserName, clientSettings.Password)
.WithTcpServer(brokerHostSettings.Host, brokerHostSettings.Port);
return services;
We can consider this as a different solution.

Can I version control CloudFlare configuration?

I am utilizing Cloudflare for a public website. Recently, I have been adjusting many different configuration values via the website/UI. Is there a way to download/upload the configuration so that it can be version-controlled?
You can configure Cloudflare using Terraform. Check out Terraform Cloudflare Provider here.
You can use a tool called cf-terraforming delivered by Cloudflare that allows to download the Cloudflare setup into Terraform.
Here is a quick demo of what it would look like using Terraform:
locals {
domain = ""
hostname = "" # TODO: Varies by environment
variable "CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN" { sensitive = true }
provider "cloudflare" {
account_id = var.CLOUDFLARE_ACCOUNT_ID
api_token = var.CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN
resource "cloudflare_zone" "default" {
zone = local.domain
plan = "free"
resource "cloudflare_record" "a" {
zone_id =
name = local.hostname
value = ""
type = "A"
ttl = 1
proxied = true
Find a complete example, see Terraform Starter Kit:
It works especially great with Terraform Cloud "backend" which provides a free account.

Call Service Fabric service from console application using WCF HTTPS endpoint

I have a service hosted in a Service Fabric cluster in Azure (not locally) and I'm trying to call a method in it using a console application on my local machine. Using WCF for communication, I have a HTTPS endpoint set up in my application on a specific port, and have configured load balancing rules for the port in the Azure portal. The cluster has 6 nodes and the application is the only one deployed on the cluster.
Have followed the ServiceFabric.WcfCalc on GitHub (link), which works on a local cluster using HTTP endpoints, but can't call a method on the service using HTTPS endpoints once it has been deployed. What do I need to do to get it working? Have tried following the example here but don't know how to configure this for HTTPS with a service on multiple nodes for a console application to access.
Thanks in advance.
EDIT Here's my client code which I am using to call the service method. I pass the fabric:/ URI into the constructor here.
public class Client : ServicePartitionClient<WcfCommunicationClient<IServiceInterface>>, IServiceInterface
private static ICommunicationClientFactory<WcfCommunicationClient<IServiceInterface>> communicationClientFactory;
static Client()
communicationClientFactory = new WcfCommunicationClientFactory<IServiceInterface>(
clientBinding: new BasicHttpBinding(BasicHttpSecurityMode.Transport));
public Client(Uri serviceUri)
: this(serviceUri, ServicePartitionKey.Singleton)
{ }
public Client(
Uri serviceUri,
ServicePartitionKey partitionKey)
: base(
{ }
public Task<bool> ServiceMethod(DataClass data)
//It hangs here
return this.InvokeWithRetry((c) => c.Channel.ServiceMethod(data));
catch (Exception)
When debugging my console application on my local machine, the application hangs on the InvokeWithRetry call which calls the method in my service in Service Fabric. The application does not throw any exceptions and does not return to the debugger in Visual Studio.
Make sure you run every service instance /replica with a unique url.
Make sure you call the WebHttpBinding constructor using WebHttpSecurityMode.Transport.
Make sure you register the url using the same port number (443 likely) as in you service manifest endpoint declaration.
Make sure the endpoint is configured as HTTPS.
The warning you see in Service Fabric is telling you that there is already another service registered to listen on port 443 on your nodes. This means that Service Fabric fails to spin up your service (since it throws an exception internally when it is trying to register the URL with http.sys). You can change the port for your service to something else that will not conflict with the existing service, e.g.:
<Endpoint Name="CalculatorEndpoint" Protocol="https" Type="Input" Port="44330" />
If you log in to Service Fabric Explorer on https://{cluster_name}.{region} you should be able to see what other applications and services are running there. If you expand services all the way down to node you should be able to see the registered endpoints, including ports, for existing services.
You can query the cluster using FabricClient for all registered endpoints
var fabricClient = new FabricClient();
var applicationList = fabricClient.QueryManager.GetApplicationListAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
foreach (var application in applicationList)
var serviceList = fabricClient.QueryManager.GetServiceListAsync(application.ApplicationName).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
foreach (var service in serviceList)
var partitionListAsync = fabricClient.QueryManager.GetPartitionListAsync(service.ServiceName).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
foreach (var partition in partitionListAsync)
var replicas = fabricClient.QueryManager.GetReplicaListAsync(partition.PartitionInformation.Id).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
foreach (var replica in replicas)
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(replica.ReplicaAddress))
var replicaAddress = JObject.Parse(replica.ReplicaAddress);
foreach (var endpoint in replicaAddress["Endpoints"])
var endpointAddress = endpoint.First().Value<string>();
Console.WriteLine($"{service.ServiceName} {endpointAddress} {endpointAddress}");
Just run that with the proper FabricClient credentials (if it is a secured cluster) and you should see it listing all endpoints for all services there. That should help you find the one that has an endpoint for :443

Sense/net using content query in web application

I try to use content query in web application but it throw an exception " Lucene.Net.Store.AlreadyClosedException: this IndexReader is closed". Please give help me resolve that problem.
var startSettings = new RepositoryStartSettings
Console = Console.Out,
StartLuceneManager = true, // <-- this is necessary
IsWebContext = false,
PluginsPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory,
using (Repository.Start(startSettings))
var resultQuery = ContentQuery.Query("+InTree:#0 + DisplayName:*#1*", null, folderPath, q);
The recommended way to connect to Sense/Net from a different application (app domain) is through the REST API. It is much easier to maintain and involves less configuration (the only exception is where you are working inside the Sense/Net application itself, or you only have a single application and you do not want to access Sense/Net from anywhere else, and you are willing to deal with a local index of Sense/Net and all the config values it needs, etc).
Connecting through the REST API does not mean you have to send HTTP requests manually (although that is also not complicated at all): there is a .Net client library which does that for you. You can access all content metadata or binaries through the client, you can upload files, query content, manage permissions, etc.
// loading a content
dynamic content = await Content.LoadAsync(id);
DateTime date = content.BirthDate;
// querying
var results = await Content.QueryAsync(queryText);
Source and examples:
To use it in a web application, you have to do the following:
initialize the client context once, at the beginning of the application life cycle (e.g. app start)
if you need to make requests to Sense/Net in the name of the currently logged in user (e.g. because you want to query for documents accessible by her), than you have to create a new ServerContext object for every user with the username/password of that user, and provide this object to any client call (e.g. load or save content methods).
var sc = new ServerContext
Url = "",
Username = "user1",
Password = "asdf"
var content = await Content.LoadAsync(id, sc); cluster broadcast only received by one node

I learned from the WebCrawler and created my own cluster test. I have a Processor node(Console App) and an API node(SignalR). Here are the configurations.
Processor node:
akka {
provider = "Akka.Cluster.ClusterActorRefProvider, Akka.Cluster"
deployment {
/dispatcher/signalR {
router = broadcast-group
routees.paths = ["/user/signalr"]
cluster {
enabled = on
#max-nr-of-instances-per-node = 1
allow-local-routees = false
use-role = api
remote {
log-remote-lifecycle-events = DEBUG
helios.tcp {
port = 0
hostname =
cluster {
seed-nodes = ["akka.tcp://stopfinder#"]
roles = [processor]
API node: (Non seed-node will have port = 0)
akka {
provider = "Akka.Cluster.ClusterActorRefProvider, Akka.Cluster"
remote {
log-remote-lifecycle-events = DEBUG
helios.tcp {
port = 4545
hostname =
cluster {
seed-nodes = ["akka.tcp://stopfinder#"]
roles = [api]
Inside of the API node, I created a normal actor called SignalR.
Inside of the processor node I created a normal actor and used the Scheduler to Tell() the API node's signalR actor some string.
This works great when I have one Processor and one API. It also works when I have multiple Processor nodes and a single API node. Unfortunately, when I have multiple API node, no matter how I setup the configuration, the "tell" won't tell all of the API nodes; the message only goes to one of them. Which node receives the message is based on the API node start sequence. It seems that I have the all API nodes registered in the cluster correctly, but I could be wrong.
I'm starting to feel that this is a configuration or understanding issue. Can anyone share any insights?
I did some additional testing. The behavior remains the same when I replace the ASP.NET SignalR API node with a normal console application.
UPDATE: I contacted Akka.NET team. This behavior is a known bug. It will be fixed in 1.1 release.
UPDATE 2: The issue has been marked as fixed for the proejct on GitHub.