How to remove column headings on returned data when making T-SQL calls from within VBA? - sql

I am using VBA to output information into an Excel worksheet that has been gathered from a SQL Server database called "PHB". I can connect to the database and pull information by calling a view.
When I dump the data into my Excel worksheet the column headings of the database data are included and I don't want that. I have to use an offset to get the data to look right. I can manipulate the results worksheet and remove the columns with VBA. If there is some switch I can use on either (VBA or T-SQL) end it seems like it would be a much cleaner and simpler approach.
Here are the relevant parts of my logic:
Public Sub Show_ProductCode()
Dim PHB_cnn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim ProductCode_qry As String
Dim ProductCode_rst As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim ProductCode_qtbl As QueryTable
Dim ProductCode As String
Dim OffsetAmt As String
Dim OffsetAmt_int As Integer
PHB_cnn.Provider = "sqloledb"
PHB_cnn.CursorLocation = adUseClient
PHB_cnn.Open p_PHB_Connect_s 'In Module
For Each c In DataRange_rng
ProductCode = c.Value
ProductCode_qry = "SELECT * FROM vw_ShowPurchaseHistory WHERE ProductCode = '" & ProductCode & "'"
ProductCode_rst.Open ProductCode_qry, PHB_cnn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
With ProductCode_rst
OffsetAmt = .RecordCount
If ProductCode_rst.EOF Then
Debug.Print "No Records"
OffsetAmt_int = OffsetAmt_int + (CInt(OffsetAmt) * 2)
With Worksheets("Results")
Set ProductCodes_qtbl = .QueryTables.Add(ProductCode_rst, .Range("A" & OffsetAmt_int))
End With
End If
End With
If ProductCode_rst.State = adStateOpen Then ProductCode_rst.Close
Set ProductCode_rst = Nothing
Set ProductCode_qtbl = Nothing
Next c
If ProductCode_rst.State = adStateOpen Then ProductCode_rst.Close
Set ProductCode_rst = Nothing
Set ProductCode_qtbl = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description, vbOKOnly
Resume exit_Show_ProductCode
End Sub
My input data:
My output:

your code is going to be very inefficient as it is executing a SQL statement for each ProductCode. It would be better to loop through these values and build up a SQL IN statement and then, after the loop, execute it once e.g.
ProductCode_in = "('productcode1', 'productcode2','productcode3',...., 'productcode_n')"
ProductCode_qry = "SELECT * FROM vw_ShowPurchaseHistory WHERE ProductCode IN '" & ProductCode_in
You'll then end up with all your data in Excel with a single header row - which is simple to delete with a VBA statement (sheet.row(1).delete).


Can't update table fields depending on value on number

So I have a form where I can select an excel file, it'll make a table which is an exact copy of that file, and then it'll try to match fields from that table with a project table and update the matching fields. The issue is sometimes the projects field won't update. As an example the existing value is 1.0319. If my excel file has 1.026 it will not update. 1.026 does appear in the temp table. But if I change it to 1.016 in the excel it will update. Then if I change it back to 1.026, it will update. However if I change it to 1.0319, the original value, it won't update. It honestly has me baffled and I wonder if it's actually a fault in access or VB. Here's the code, I simplified it a bit by removing the other fields it tests for and the excel load as that works fine.
Dim sSQL As String
Dim db As Database
Dim recTemp, recProj As Recordset
Dim intUpdatedRecordCount As Integer
Dim bUpdatedRecord As Boolean
Dim sSelectedFieldsQuery As String
sSelectedFieldsQuery = "P_Ratio"
'Update Generator data with imported table
Set db = CurrentDb()
sSQL = "SELECT TempImpProjRes.Desc, TempImpProjRes.ElemName, TempImpProjRes.BusA, TempImpProjRes.ID, TempImpProjRes.ProjID, " & _
"TempImpProjRes.ElemID, " & sSelectedFieldsQuery & " FROM TempImpProjRes"
Set recTemp = db.OpenRecordset(sSQL, dbOpenDynaset, dbConsistent)
'begin to loop over imported data
If recTemp.RecordCount > 0 Then
Do While Not recTemp.EOF
sSQL = "SELECT Projects.ProjID, Projects.ElemID,"Projects.P_Ratio FROM Projects WHERE Projects.ProjID=" & recTemp!ProjID & " AND Projects.ElemID=" & recTemp!ElemID"
Set recProj = db.OpenRecordset(sSQL, dbOpenDynaset, dbConsistent)
intUpdatedRecordCount = 0
bUpdatedRecord = False
bUpdatedRecord = Not CDbl(Format(recProj!P_Ratio, "0.00")) = CDbl(Format(recTemp!P_Ratio, "0.00"))
intUpdatedRecordCount = intUpdatedRecordCount + BooleanToInt(bUpdatedRecord)
'if any field has been updated then we need to update the respective value in the Projects table
If intUpdatedRecordCount > 0 Then
recProj!P_Ratio = CDbl(Format(recTemp!P_Ratio, "0.0000"))
recProj!Updated = Date
End If
Set recProj = Nothing
End If
Set recTemp = Nothing
Set db = Nothing

Import SQLight database on Excel

I'm trying to import data from a SQLight database to EXCEL with vba and here is my code :
Sub Importer_Contrat()
Dim conn As Object, rst As Object
Dim strSQL As String, table_name As String
Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rst = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
conn.Open "DRIVER=SQLite3 ODBC Driver;Database=" & Chemin_BDD & BDD2 & ";"
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM " & Contract_Table
rst.Open strSQL, conn
sh_test_sql.Range("test_paste").CopyFromRecordset rst
End Sub
My data data base has only 3 columns (chrono is Integer, Nom is Text and Date is Integer)
The vba works wells when I request an Integer but each time it is asked to import Data from the column Name which is Text and not Integer it doesn't work.
With the code above I just receive the first colum Chrono in Integer.
What is also very strange is that if i use this code :
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM " & Contract_Table
rst.Open strSQL, conn
Do While Not rst.EOF
MsgBox rst(1)
I can see the Text I want to import but it doesn't work with the recorset. Do you know where the problem is coming from ? I need to paste a big table on my Excel sheet and I've been looking the answer for days now.
Thank you in advance !
It seems that, while the data is present in the recordset, the CopyFromRecordset method fails to work. As I have used this method quite a lot against other data sources, I would assume that there is an issue with the ODBC driver.
There are many ways to read the data from a recordset. You can loop over it manually, or you can use the GetRows method to build a 2-dimensional array. This 2-dimensional array has the column as first index and the row as second, both dimensions are 0-based.
The following code uses this method and writes the data into a sheet - only that rows and columns are exchanged. I did a test with Worksheetfunction.Transpose to change this but got a runtime error Type mismatch.
Dim myData
myData = rst.GetRows
Dim r As Range
With ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
Set r = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(UBound(x, 1) + 1, UBound(x, 2) + 1))
r.Value = x
End With
Thank you for your answer. I also think that there is an issue with the ODBC driver and the function CopyFromRecordset. I have solved my issue with a loop on each value of the sql database and an Array that I paste in my Excel :
ReDim Contract_Array(nb_row - 1, Nb_col_DB_Contracts - 1)
For row_runner = 0 To nb_row - 1
For col_runner = 0 To Nb_col_DB_Contracts - 1
Contract_Array(row_runner, col_runner) = rst(col_runner)
Next col_runner
Next row_runner
sh_test_sql.Range("A1:G2").Value = Contract_Array
Thank you for your help !

How to query a delimited value list generated by function (Access)

I've got a module sub getFileList() that generates a value list that outputs the following:
10347 C;12-0605 TPX;12-0713 tpx;13-0915 tpx;13-4304 tpx;1345 c;1375 c;14-4201 tpx;
I wanted to build a query against this function.
In the SQL view I've got the following:
SELECT getFileList("\\wwdata\dev\_commons\color","*.jpg") as colors;
Right now the value list is all in one record.
10347 C;12-0605 TPX;12-0713 tpx; etc....
What function/command is available to make this into a list with each delimited item as a record.
Desired output.
10347 C
12-0605 TPX
12-0713 tpx
13-0915 tpx
13-4304 tpx
1345 c
Thanks in advance.
For me, personally, I'd prefer to parse that delimited string in to an actual table in Access, and then run whatever query you want off that.
The following assumes there's already an empty table called "tblColors" and a short text field in that table called "Colors", which will be the target for parsing each ";" delimited item in your string into its own record in that table:
Private Sub Command0_Click()
Dim myDelimStr As String
Dim arrayToParse As Variant
Dim i As Integer
Dim arrayMsg As String
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblColors")
myDelimStr = "10347 C;12-0605 TPX;12-0713 tpx;13-0915 tpx;13-4304 tpx;1345 c;1375 c;14-4201 tpx;"
arrayToParse = Split(myDelimStr, ";", -1, vbTextCompare)
For i = 0 To UBound(arrayToParse) - 1
rs("Colors").Value = arrayToParse(i)
arrayMsg = arrayMsg & arrayToParse(i) & vbCrLf
Next i
Debug.Print "The array has parsed the following to the Colors table: " & vbCrLf & arrayMsg
Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
End Sub
You'll probably want to set myDelimStr to myDelimStr = getFileList("\\wwdata\dev\_commons\color","*.jpg") too.

Issue with importing SQL Server date datatypes into Excel date formats

I am importing data into Excel from a SQL Server 2012 database. The issue I have is that SQL Server 2012 Date datatype columns are not being recognised consistently in Excel.
If I use ADO Recordsets to import data from specific columns, data with column datatype Date or Datetime is copied into the Recordset as VBA datatype String (instead of Date or Integer).
Reproducing the Recordset in Excel yields strings in the format yyyy-mm-dd. These cells are not recognized by Excel as date/time, even if I change the formatting.
Yet when I refer to the Excel cell from another cell the Date type is recognized (eg: A1 contains the result of my SQL VBA Recordset query, for example "2013-04-17". I enter into cell A2 "=A1 + 1", A2 will display it as 41382.
However, when I use MS Query to extract data from the same Database using ListObjects and ODBC, the same data from the same database is returned with dates being interpreted correctly by Excel (ie I import a column called "Transaction Date" with SQL datatype Datetime via MS Query the result will be a MS Excel Date "Integer").
How do I amend my VBA Recordset code to treat data in the format yyyy-mm-dd as dates instead of strings?
PS: SQL queries I execute vary so that sometimes I get data from columns with datatype "date" and sometimes its just integers or Double datatype. This means that hardcording "Convert(INT, TransactionDate)" into the SELECT statement is not really possible. However, I am a total amateur at SQL so there might be a super easy solution to this (eg if I ever access columns with datatype "DateTime" then SQL should always send "CONVERT(DBL, XXX)" instead of XXX where XXX is a column with datatype DATE.
Function GetSQL(strQuery As String) As Variant
Dim rst As ADODB.Recordset
Dim element As Variant
Dim i, j As Integer
Dim v As Variant
On Error GoTo aError
Call ConnecttoDB
Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset
rst.Open strQuery, cnt, adOpenStatic
If rst.RecordCount = 0 Then 'i.e. if it's empty
v = CVErr(xlErrNA)
End If
v = rst.GetRows
For i = 0 To UBound(v, 1)
For j = 0 To UBound(v, 2)
If v(i, j) = -9999 Then
v(i, j) = CVErr(xlErrNA)
End If
Next j
Next i
GetSQL = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(v)
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Description
End Function
The issue arose from using the Excel function Transpose instead of looping through the contents of the Recordset results object.
In the process of Transposing via Excel some information included in the Recordset (such as for eample Datatype) seems to get lost. This results in dates being interpreted as strings by Excel.
Instead of using the Excel Transpose function I guess youre meant to use a loop, as that avoids the loss of information described above.
The type of field in ado recodset can't be changed but have you tried UDT? Here a short sample with user defined type which will wrap the ado recordset. Then in your code you will use your own recordset which will use Date data type.
Add reference to Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects Library.
Standard module vba code:
Private Const CONNECTION_STRING As String = "Provider=sqloledb;Data Source=SQLSERVER2012;Initial Catalog=Test;Integrated Security=SSPI;"
Private Const SQL_QUERY As String = "select * from dbo.DateTest"
Public Type MyRecord
Id As Long
CreatedAt As Date
End Type
Public Sub test()
Dim myRecodset() As MyRecord
myRecodset = GetSQL
End Sub
Public Function GetSQL() As MyRecord()
On Error GoTo aError
Dim adodbConnection As ADODB.Connection
Set adodbConnection = New ADODB.Connection
With adodbConnection
.ConnectionString = CONNECTION_STRING
.CursorLocation = adUseServer
End With
Dim newRecordset() As MyRecord
Dim newRecord As MyRecord
Dim rowIndex As Long
Dim adodbRecordset As ADODB.Recordset
Set adodbRecordset = New ADODB.Recordset
With adodbRecordset
.Open SQL_QUERY, adodbConnection, adOpenStatic
ReDim newRecordset(.RecordCount - 1)
Do While Not .EOF
newRecord.Id = .Fields("Id")
newRecord.CreatedAt = .Fields("CreatedAt")
newRecordset(rowIndex) = newRecord
rowIndex = rowIndex + 1
End With
GetSQL = newRecordset
If (Err.Number <> 0) Then MsgBox Err.Description
End Function
Tested with this table:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DateTest]
[Id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[CreatedAt] [date] NOT NULL

How to List Field's Name in table in Access Using SQL

Can you please let me know if it is possible to list all fields name in a MS Access table?
I work in ms access far too much.
The only way I know of to do this, would be using vba, and defining for example a recordset, and looping through the fields.
Sub ListFields()
dim rst as new adodb.recordset "SELECT * FROM SomeTable", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly
' Note: adOpenForwardOnly and adLockReadOnly are the default values '
' for the CursorType and LockType arguments, so they are optional here '
' and are shown only for completeness '
dim ii as integer
dim ss as string
for ii = 0 to rst.fields.count - 1
ss = ss & "," & rst.fields(ii).name
next ii
Debug.Print ss
End Sub
The string variable ss will contain a comma-delimited list of all the column names in the table named "SomeTable".
With a little reformatting of the logic you should be able to insert this data into another table if you wanted to, then query it out.
Does this help?
This version is easy to run and will paste right into Access. Add this function to a module, run with F5, and copy the result from the inputbox:
Public Function FieldNames() As String
Dim sTable As String
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim n As Long
Dim sResult As String
sTable = InputBox("Name of table?")
If sTable = "" Then
Exit Function
End If
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(sTable)
With rs
For n = 0 To .Fields.Count - 1
sResult = sResult & .Fields(n).Name & vbCrLf
Next 'n
End With
Set rs = Nothing
InputBox "Result:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf _
& "Copy this text (it looks jumbled, but it has one field on each line)", _
"FieldNames()", sResult
End Function
Alternative Output:
User user1003916 supplied an alternative to the InputBox to overcome the 1024 character limit (I have not tested this yet):
Sub CopyText(Text As String)
'VBA Macro using late binding to copy text to clipboard.
'By Justin Kay, 8/15/2014
Dim MSForms_DataObject As Object
Set MSForms_DataObject = CreateObject("new:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}")
MSForms_DataObject.SetText Text
Set MSForms_DataObject = Nothing
End Sub
YIKES! IMO: I can't imagine wanting to dive into the dark underbelly of VBA
How to get Access Table Columns by SQL
SELECT * FROM information_schema.columns
PS I noticed Access called my Schema "PUBLIC"
Above used an Access 2016 and was tested over ODBC and jdbc:ucanaccess and works like a charm.
Example output
You can simply use the Documenter tool. Go to Database Tools > Database Documenter, select the table and press OK.
This SQL works in Access 2016 for Queries, not Tables, but might be useful.
SELECT MSysObjects.Name AS QueryName,
AS FieldName
FROM MSysQueries INNER JOIN MSysObjects
ON MSysQueries.ObjectId = MSysObjects.Id
WHERE MSysQueries.Attribute=6;
A quick and dirty method involves Excel. Do the following:
Open the table in Datasheet view.
Export to an Excel file, using the particular procedure for your Access version.
Open Excel file (if not already open).
Select and copy the first row containing the headers.
Add another sheet to the workbook (if none exist).
Click A1.
Paste Special > Transpose
The Fields will be pasted in a single column. To find out their Field Index number, in Cell B1 type "0", then series fill down to the last row of the field numbers.
In addition, you can sort the column alphabetically, especially for legacy flat files involving dozens of fields. This really saves a lot of time when I'm trying to convert a flatfile to a relational model.
There are already some good answers but I decided to add my own twist. Hopefully, they are self-explanatory.
I use this to build an array of field names:
Chr(34) & getFieldNames(TableName:="Table1",IncludeBrackets:=False, Delimiter:= Chr(34) & "," & Chr(34)) & Chr(34)
Function getFieldNames(ByVal TableName As String, Optional ByVal IncludeBrackets As Boolean, Optional ByVal Delimiter As String = ", ", Optional ByVal CopyToClipboard As Boolean) As String
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
On Error Resume Next
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(TableName)
On Error GoTo 0
If rs Is Nothing Then Exit Function
Dim results() As String
ReDim results(rs.Fields.Count - 1)
Dim n As Long
For n = 0 To rs.Fields.Count - 1
results(n) = rs.Fields(n).Name
Dim result As String
If IncludeBrackets Then
result = "[" & Join(results, "]" & Delimiter & "[") & "]"
result = Join(results, Delimiter)
End If
If CopyToClipboard Then
With CreateObject("new:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}")
.SetText result
End With
End If
getFieldNames = result
End Function
This is not SQL, but this question is the top Google result for someone like me who just needs to list out the field names needed for a query to select since Access does not support "* except foo, bar" for getting 99% of a table.
Answer adapted from a answer by Patrick Wood, Access MVP
Change tablename to your name in the module. This Function should be at the global level:
Function ListTdfFields()
' NOT doing DIMs, since then you must enable/attach ADODB or DAO
' Dim db As ADO.Database
Set db = CurrentDb
tablename = "tblProductLicense" ' <=== YOUR TABLE NAME HERE
Set tdf = db.TableDefs(tablename)
For Each fld In tdf.Fields
Debug.Print tablename; ".["; fld.Name; "]," ;
' remove ending ; for 1 line per field
Debug.Print ""
Set tdf = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
End Function
Then add a macro RunCode ListTdfFields() and run it. Output will be sent to the Immediate window of the VBA design view for the module.
I would like to share this VBA solution, which I did not write, only slightly modified (changed the tableName to use 'SourceTable'). Once it is run you can query the table it creates. It takes advantage of hidden system tables.
Sub GetField2Description()
'************************************************* *********
'Purpose: 1) Deletes and recreates a table (tblFields)
' 2) Queries table MSysObjects to return names of
' all tables in the database
' 3) Populates tblFields
'Coded by: raskew
'Inputs: From debug window:
' Call GetField2Description
'Output: See tblFields
'************************************************* *********
Dim db As DAO.Database, td As TableDef
Dim rs As Recordset, rs2 As Recordset
Dim Test As String, NameHold As String
Dim typehold As String, SizeHold As String
Dim fielddescription As String, tName As String
Dim n As Long, i As Long
Dim fld As Field, strSQL As String
n = 0
Set db = CurrentDb
' Trap for any errors.
On Error Resume Next
tName = "tblFields"
'Does table "tblFields" exist? If true, delete it;
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, "tblFields"
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
'End If
'Create new tblTable
db.Execute "CREATE TABLE tblFields(Object TEXT (55), FieldName TEXT (55), FieldType TEXT (20), FieldSize Long, FieldAttributes Long, FldDescription TEXT (20));"
strSQL = "SELECT MSysObjects.Name, MSysObjects.Type From MsysObjects WHERE"
strSQL = strSQL + "((MSysObjects.Type)=1)"
strSQL = strSQL + "ORDER BY MSysObjects.Name;"
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
If Not rs.BOF Then
' Get number of records in recordset
n = rs.RecordCount
End If
Set rs2 = db.OpenRecordset("tblFields")
For i = 0 To n - 1
fielddescription = " "
Set td = db.TableDefs(i)
'Skip over any MSys objects
If Left(rs!Name, 4) <> "MSys" And Left(rs!Name, 1) <> "~" Then
NameHold = rs!Name
On Error Resume Next
For Each fld In td.Fields
tableName = fld.SourceTable
fielddescription = fld.Name
typehold = FieldType(fld.Type)
SizeHold = fld.Size
rs2!Object = tableName
rs2!FieldName = fielddescription
rs2!FieldType = typehold
rs2!FieldSize = SizeHold
rs2!FieldAttributes = fld.Attributes
rs2!FldDescription = fld.Properties("description")
Next fld
Resume Next
End If
Next i
End Sub
Function FieldType(intType As Integer) As String
Select Case intType
Case dbBoolean
FieldType = "dbBoolean" '1
Case dbByte
FieldType = "dbByte" '2
Case dbInteger
FieldType = "dbInteger" '3
Case dbLong
FieldType = "dbLong" '4
Case dbCurrency
FieldType = "dbCurrency" '5
Case dbSingle
FieldType = "dbSingle" '6
Case dbDouble
FieldType = "dbDouble" '7
Case dbDate
FieldType = "dbDate" '8
Case dbBinary
FieldType = "dbBinary" '9
Case dbText
FieldType = "dbText" '10
Case dbLongBinary
FieldType = "dbLongBinary" '11
Case dbMemo
FieldType = "dbMemo" '12
Case dbGUID
FieldType = "dbGUID" '15
End Select
End Function
Build query:
SELECT Table_Name.*
FROM Table_Name
WHERE False;
Export to Excel
You will have each field name in one row without any data. If you select the row and copy, you can paste special>transpose and have them all in a single column.
I came here searching for the same requirement and after refering to this thread, drafted below code for my requirement. The Field names form the source table will be added to an array and later the Field names are assigned to the second table. Just sharing it here, this migh help someone later..
Public Sub FieldName_Change()
Dim intNumberOfFields, intX As Integer
Dim txtTableName,txttmpTableName txtFieldName() As String
intNumberOfFields = GetFieldNames(txtTableName, txtFieldName())
For intX = 1 To intNumberOfFields
CurrentDb.TableDefs(txttmpTableName).Fields("F" & intX).Name = txtFieldName(intX)
Next intX
End Sub
Public Function GetFieldNames(ByVal txtTableName As String, ByRef txtFiledName() As String) As Integer
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim n As Long
Dim sResult As String
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(txtTableName)
ReDim txtFiledName(rs.Fields.Count)
With rs
For n = 0 To .Fields.Count - 1
txtFiledName(n + 1) = .Fields(n).Name
Next n
GetFieldNames = n
End With
Set rs = Nothing
End Function
Not sure why no-one came up with the following, I had the same issue and none of the above answers either worked or were suitable (No VB,thank you).
This is simple Java (error checking etc omitted)
String query="SELECT TOP 1 * FROM mytable";
ResultSet rs=connectionSQL.createStatement().executeQuery(query);
ResultSetMetaData rsm=rs.getMetaData();
int colcount=rsm.getColumnCount();
for(int f=1; f<=colcount; f++) {
String coltype=rsm.getColumnTypeName(f);
String colname=rsm.getColumnName(f);
.... (whatever)
So there's your columNames and the data types.
Works like a charm in MSACCESS
Seems like this task was easier in older days. Likely this answer is highly version-dependent. It works for me in a quick test against an Access 2007 DB:
Specs.SpecName AS TableName,
MSysIMEXColumns Columns
inner join MSysIMEXSpecs Specs on Specs.SpecID = Columns.SpecID
order by
Give this a go...
private void Button_OldDDLDump_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string _cnstr = "connectionstringhere";
OleDbConnection _cn = new OleDbConnection(_cnstr);
System.Data.DataTable _dt = null;
_dt = _cn.GetSchema("tables");
m_msghelper.AppendArray( DataTableHelper.DataTableToString(_dt) );
catch (Exception _ex)
catch (Exception _ex)
Helper method to dump the database structure to a string array here..
public static class DataTableHelper
public static string[] DataTableToString( System.Data.DataTable dt )
List<string> _retval = new List<string>();
foreach (System.Data.DataRow row in dt.Rows)
foreach (System.Data.DataColumn col in dt.Columns)
_retval.Add( string.Format("{0} = {1}", col.ColumnName, row[col]) );
_retval.Add( "============================");
return _retval.ToArray();
select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name='table'