why it is showing project name as "Default" in sitefinity dashboard portal once I run it - sitefinity

I am new to Sitefinity. But I followed steps from tutorial and created the one project named as "SFcmsDemo" and when I run this project and Sitefinity dashboard appears on localhost it is showing name as "Default" instead of "SFcmsDemo", The tutorial I read is showing the correct name in that but when I tried it is showing as "Default". Can anyone please help me find out the root cause and solution for this. I am attaching some screenshot which will help to understand more. Thanks.

Default can be easily changed if you click on it and then Manage Site.
From the decompiled Telerik.Sitefinity.dll (v.12.2):
internal static Site GetOrCreateDefaultSite()
Site site;
string str = "CreateDefaultSite";
MultisiteManager manager = MultisiteManager.GetManager(null, str);
using (ElevatedModeRegion elevatedModeRegion = new ElevatedModeRegion(manager))
ProjectConfig projectConfig = Config.Get<ProjectConfig>();
Guid siteMapRootNodeId = projectConfig.DefaultSite.SiteMapRootNodeId;
Site site = (
from s in manager.GetSites()
where s.SiteMapRootNodeId == siteMapRootNodeId
select s).FirstOrDefault<Site>();
if (site == null)
site = (projectConfig.DefaultSite.Id == Guid.Empty ? manager.CreateSite() : manager.CreateSite(projectConfig.DefaultSite.Id));
site.IsDefault = true;
site.IsOffline = false;
site.site = projectConfig.DefaultSite.site;
site.SiteMapRootNodeId = siteMapRootNodeId;
site.Name = (projectConfig.ProjectName != "/" ? projectConfig.ProjectName : "Default");
Note in the last line how it looks in the projectConfig.ProjectName value and if it is equal to "/" then it sets it to "Default"
Now, if we look at the ProjectConfig there is this:
[ConfigurationProperty("projectName", DefaultValue="/")]
[ObjectInfo(typeof(ConfigDescriptions), Title="ProjectNameTitle", Description="ProjectNameDescription")]
public string ProjectName
return (string)this["projectName"];
internal set
this["projectName"] = value;
So, default value is indeed "/", so that's why when the site is created it has a name of Default.


Terraform 0.12: Output list of buckets, use as input for another module and iterate

I'm using Tf 0.12. I have an s3 module that outputs a list of buckets, that I would like to use as an input for a cloudfront module that I've got.
The problem I'm facing is that when I do terraform plan/apply I get the following error count.index is 0 |var.redirect-buckets is tuple with 1 element
I've tried all kinds of splats moving the count.index call around to no avail. My sample code is below.
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "redirect" {
count = length(var.redirects)
bucket = element(var.redirects, count.index)
output "redirect-buckets" {
value = [aws_s3_bucket.redirect.*]
variable "redirect-buckets" {
description = "Redirect buckets"
default = []
The error is thrown down here
resource "aws_cloudfront_distribution" "redirect" {
count = length(var.redirect-buckets)
default_cache_behavior {
// Line below throws the error, one amongst many
target_origin_id = "cloudfront-distribution-origin-${var.redirect-buckets[count.index]}.s3.amazonaws.com"
//Another error throwing line
target_origin_id = "cloudfront-distribution-origin-${var.redirect-buckets[count.index]}.s3.amazonaws.com"
Any help is greatly appreciated.
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "redirects" {
for_each = var.redirects
bucket = each.value
Your variable definition for redirects needs to change to something like this:
variable "redirects" {
type = map(string)
output "redirect_buckets" {
value = aws_s3_bucket.redirects
resource "aws_cloudfront_distribution" "redirects" {
for_each = var.redirect_buckets
default_cache_behavior {
target_origin_id = "cloudfront-distribution-origin-${each.value.id}.s3.amazonaws.com"
Your variable definition for redirect-buckets needs to change to something like this (note underscores, using skewercase is going to behave strangely in some cases, not worth it):
variable "redirect_buckets" {
type = map(object(
id = string
root module
module "s3" {
source = "../s3" // or whatever the path is
redirects = {
site1 = "some-bucket-name"
site2 = "some-other-bucket"
module "cdn" {
source = "../cdn" // or whatever the path is
redirects_buckets = module.s3.redirect_buckets
From an example perspective, this is interesting, but you don't need to use outputs from S3 here since you could just hand the cdn module the same map of redirects and use for_each on those.
There is a tool called Terragrunt which wraps Terraform and supports dependencies.

Paypal Php Sdk - NotifyUrl is not a fully qualified URL Error

I have this code
$product_info = array();
$product_info = $cms['class']['product']->get($cms['site']['url_data']['product_id']);
echo 'No product info.';
$fee = $product_info['yearly_price_end'] / 100 * $product_info['fee'];
$yearly_price_end = $product_info['yearly_price_end'] + $fee;
$fee = ($product_info['setup_price_end'] / 100) * $product_info['fee'];
$setup_price_end = $product_info['setup_price_end'] + $fee;
$setup_price_end = $setup_price_end - $_SESSION['discountcode_amount'];
$error = false;
$plan_id = '';
$approvalUrl = '';
$ReturnUrl = SITE_URL.'payment/?payment_type=paypal&payment_page=process_agreement';
$CancelUrl = SITE_URL.'payment/?payment_type=paypal&payment_page=cancel_agreement';
$now = $cms['date'];
$now->modify('+5 minutes');
$apiContext = new \PayPal\Rest\ApiContext(
new \PayPal\Auth\OAuthTokenCredential(
$cms['options']['plugin_paypal_clientid'], // ClientID
$cms['options']['plugin_paypal_clientsecret'] // ClientSecret
use PayPal\Api\ChargeModel;
use PayPal\Api\Currency;
use PayPal\Api\MerchantPreferences;
use PayPal\Api\PaymentDefinition;
use PayPal\Api\Plan;
use PayPal\Api\Patch;
use PayPal\Api\PatchRequest;
use PayPal\Common\PayPalModel;
use PayPal\Api\Agreement;
use PayPal\Api\Payer;
use PayPal\Api\ShippingAddress;
// Create a new instance of Plan object
$plan = new Plan();
// # Basic Information
// Fill up the basic information that is required for the plan
// # Payment definitions for this billing plan.
$paymentDefinition = new PaymentDefinition();
// The possible values for such setters are mentioned in the setter method documentation.
// Just open the class file. e.g. lib/PayPal/Api/PaymentDefinition.php and look for setFrequency method.
// You should be able to see the acceptable values in the comments.
$setFrequency = 'Year';
//$setFrequency = 'Day';
$paymentDefinition->setName('Regular Payments')
->setAmount(new Currency(array('value' => $yearly_price_end, 'currency' => $cms['session']['client']['currency']['iso_code'])));
// Charge Models
$chargeModel = new ChargeModel();
->setAmount(new Currency(array('value' => 0, 'currency' => $cms['session']['client']['currency']['iso_code'])));
$merchantPreferences = new MerchantPreferences();
// ReturnURL and CancelURL are not required and used when creating billing agreement with payment_method as "credit_card".
// However, it is generally a good idea to set these values, in case you plan to create billing agreements which accepts "paypal" as payment_method.
// This will keep your plan compatible with both the possible scenarios on how it is being used in agreement.
->setSetupFee(new Currency(array('value' => $setup_price_end, 'currency' => $cms['session']['client']['currency']['iso_code'])));
// ### Create Plan
try {
$output = $plan->create($apiContext);
} catch (Exception $ex){
echo $output->getId().'<br />';
echo $output.'<br />';
Been working with paypal php sdk for some days now and my code stop working.
So i went back to basic and i am still getting the same damn error.
I am trying to create a plan for subscription but getting the following error:
"NotifyUrl is not a fully qualified URL"
I have no idea how to fix this as i dont use NotfifyUrl in my code?
Could be really nice if anyone had an idea how to fix this problem :)
PayPal did a update to their API last night which has caused problem within their SDK.
They are sending back null values in their responses.
I MUST stress the error is not on sending the request to PayPal, but on processing their response.
BUG Report : https://github.com/paypal/PayPal-PHP-SDK/issues/1151
Pull Request : https://github.com/paypal/PayPal-PHP-SDK/pull/1152
Hope this helps, but their current SDK is throwing exceptions.
Use below simple fix.
Replace below function in vendor\paypal\rest-api-sdk-php\lib\PayPal\Api\MerchantPreferences.php
public function setNotifyUrl($notify_url)
UrlValidator::validate($notify_url, "NotifyUrl");
$this->notify_url = $notify_url;
return $this;
If you get the same error for return_url/cancel_url, add the if condition as above.
Note: This is not a permanent solution, you can use this until getting the update from PayPal.
From the GitHub repo for the PayPal PHP SDK, I see that the error you mentioned is thrown when MerchantPreferences is not given a valid NotifyUrl. I see you're setting the CancelUrl and ReturnUrl, but not the NotifyUrl. You may simply need to set that as well, i.e.:
$NotifyUrl = (some url goes here)
Reason behind it!
error comes from.
if (filter_var($url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) === false) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("$urlName is not a fully qualified URL");
FILTER_VALIDATE_URL: according to this php function.
INVALID URL: "http://cat_n.domain.net.in/"; // IT CONTAIN _ UNDERSCORE.
VALID URL: "http://cat-n.domain.net.in/"; it separated with - dash
here you can dump your url.
public static function validate($url, $urlName = null)
And then check this here: https://www.w3schools.com/PHP/phptryit.asp?filename=tryphp_func_validate_url
you can check here what character will reason for invalid.

Sense/net using content query in console application

I try to use content query in console application but it throw an exception "Object reference not set to an instance of an object".
Please give help me resolve that problem.
var startSettings = new RepositoryStartSettings
Console = Console.Out,
StartLuceneManager = false,
IsWebContext = false,
PluginsPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory,
using (Repository.Start(startSettings))
string path = "/Root/Sites/Default_Site/workspaces/Document/HACCP/Document_Library/SanXuat/ChonLocChuanBiDiaDiemSXRau";
string fieldName1 = "Name";
var content = Content.Load(path);
int count = ContentQuery.Query(".AUTOFILTERS:OFF .COUNTONLY Infolder:" + path).Count;
catch (Exception ex)
if you want to execute a content query, you have to enable LuceneManager when you start the repository, because that component is responsible for querying.
new RepositoryStartSettings
Console = Console.Out,
StartLuceneManager = true, // <-- this is necessary
IsWebContext = false,
PluginsPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory,
Please make sure that all the config values are in place (e.g. index directory path, enable outer search engine). You can copy them from the Export or Import tool's config file.
A few more notes:
in a content query please always enclose path expressions in quotes, because if there is a space in the path, it causes a query error that is hard to find (because it would return a different result set). For example:
InTree:'/Root/My Folder'
Or you can use the built-in parameter feature that makes sure the same:
// note the #0 parameter, which is a 0-based index
ContentQuery.Query("+TypeIs:Article +InTree:#0", null, containerPath);

Trying to get the Grails ldap-0.8.2 plugin to work for non-authentication searching of AD

I've been trying to get the ldap-0.8.2 or gldapo plugin to work with Grails 2.3.5 to perform a simple person search in AD. I'm not looking for authentication, just to build a person directory search form. I have close to a week now looking at old references to problems implementing this plugin and just can not seem to figure out what the right combination of fiery hoops to jump through are.
In BuildConfig.groovy I have:
compile ":ldap:0.8.2"
In Config.groovy I have:
import edu.fgcu.gtd.GldapoUser
ldap {
directories {
directory1 {
defaultDirectory = true
url = "ldap://FGCU-AMBERJACK.primary.ad.fgcu.edu"
userDn = "CN=******,OU=******,OU=******,OU=******,DC=**,DC=**,DC=***,DC=***"
password = "********"
searchControls {
countLimit = 40
timeLimit = 600
searchScope = "subtree"
schemas: [edu.fgcu.gtd.GldapoUser]
I have the following groovy file at path "Ldap/edu/fgcu/gtd/GldapoUser.groovy"
package edu.fgcu.gtd
import gldapo.schema.annotation.GldapoNamingAttribute
import gldapo.schema.annotation.GldapoSynonymFor
import gldapo.schema.annotation.GldapoSchemaFilter
* #author pallen
class GldapoUser {
String username
String name
String title
String office
String phone
String email
String department
And then I have the following controller
package edu.fgcu.gtd
import edu.fgcu.gtd.GldapoUser
class PersonSearchController {
def index() {
render(view: "search")
def search() {
String searchString = params?.lastName + "*"
if (params.firstName){
searchString += "," + params.firstName + "*"
def List personSearchList = GldapoUser.findAll(
base: "OU=Florida Gulf Coast University,DC=primary,DC=ad,DC=fgcu,DC=edu") {
like "cn", searchString
respond personSearchList, model:[personSearchCount: personSearchList.count()]
When I run the application I receive the following error, which I have seen others reference, but none of the suggestions that I have found so far have helped me resolve this.
URI: /GroovyGTD/personSearch/search
Class: groovy.lang.MissingMethodException
Message: No signature of method: static edu.fgcu.gtd.GldapoUser.findAll() is applicable for argument types: (java.util.LinkedHashMap, edu.fgcu.gtd.PersonSearchController$_search_closure1) values: [[base:OU=Florida Gulf Coast University,DC=primary,DC=ad,DC=fgcu,DC=edu], ...] Possible solutions: findAll(), findAll(groovy.lang.Closure), find(), find(groovy.lang.Closure)
I'm relatively new to Grails, but am fairly adept with Java, and have worked through some difficult configurations for external libraries, but this plugin has me stumped.
Thanks in advance,
I was able to get it all to work.
First issue was the schemas comment. I had to put schemas = [ edu.fgcu.gtd.GldapoUser] in config.groovy.
Next I had to add a #GldapoNamingAttribute to my GldapoUser object for the "cn" attribute, and "uid" is not in my AD person entry so I got rid of it and used the "sAMAccountName" for username.
It is all working well after those few changes.

Adding roles to users in team area in RTC

I need to add users ( users are already present in repository. I only need to add them.) and roles from a CSV file to team areas. Project area and Team Area already exists.I could successfully add users but not the roles from csv file.
The CSV file format is :
Project name,Team Area name,Members,roles
Project1,User_Role_TA,Alex,Team Member
Project2,TA2,David,Scrum Master
Below is the code for it. It successfully add the users and currently add roles to them from project area but I need to add roles to the users from CSV file. In the below code, If I can get roles from csv file in the line "IRole[] availableRoles = clientProcess.getRoles(area, null);" , I think it should resolve the issue. I am not getting any error but it doesn't add the roles.
while((row = CSVFileReader.readLine()) != null )
st = new StringTokenizer(row,",");
while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
for (int i=1; i<rowNumber; i++)
projectAreaName = projectAreaList.get(i);
teamAreaName = teamAreaList.get(i);
members = membersList.get(i);
member_roles =roleList.get(i);
URI uri = URI.create(projectAreaName.replaceAll(" ", "%20"));
IProjectArea projectArea = (IProjectArea) processClient.findProcessArea(uri, null, null);
if (projectArea == null)
System.out.println("Project Area not found");
if (!teamAreaName.equals("NULL")){
List <TeamAreaHandle> teamlist = projectArea.getTeamAreas();
ITeamAreaHandle newTAHandle = findTeamAreaByName(teamlist,teamAreaName,monitor);
if(newTAHandle == null) {
System.out.println("Team Area not found");
else {
ITeamArea TA = (ITeamArea)teamRepository.itemManager().fetchCompleteItem(newTAHandle,ItemManager.DEFAULT,monitor);
IRole role = getRole(projectArea);
IContributor user = teamRepository.contributorManager().fetchContributorByUserId(members,monitor);
/*role1 = getRole(area).getId();
user_role = getRole(area);
IProcessAreaWorkingCopy areaWc = (IProcessAreaWorkingCopy)service.getWorkingCopyManager().createPrivateWorkingCopy(TA);
new IContributor[] {user},
new IRole[] {role});
public static IRole getRole(IProcessArea area) throws TeamRepositoryException {
ITeamRepository repo = (ITeamRepository) area.getOrigin();
IProcessItemService service =(IProcessItemService) repo
IClientProcess clientProcess = service.getClientProcess(area, null);
IRole[] availableRoles = clientProcess.getRoles(area, null);
for (int i = 0; i < availableRoles.length; i++) {
return availableRoles[i];
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Couldn't find role");
Some of the API you are trying to use are private in RTC3.x
See this thread for different options (a bit similar to your code):
ProjectAreaWorkingCopy workingCopy = (ProjectAreaWorkingCopy)manager.getWorkingCopy(project);
this class extends to ProcessAreaWorkingCopy
public class ProjectAreaWorkingCopy extends ProcessAreaWorkingCopy implements IProjectAreaWorkingCopy
In ProcessAreaWorkingCopy setRoleCast retrieves the team and sets the role.
One can set the role at the team level via
team.setRoleCast(contributor, roleCast);
# or
projWc.getTeam().addContributorsSettingRoleCast(new IContributor[] {contributor}, roles);
The OP Kaushambi Suyal reports:
Created a method as mentioned in the thread with few changes and it worked.
Also we need to pass the process area here and not the project area, because I am trying to add roles to users in team area and not project area.