SQL query group by using day startdatetime and end datetime - sql

I have the following table Jobs:
|Id | StartDateTime | EndDateTime
|1 | 2020-10-20 23:00:00 | 2020-10-21 05:00:00
|2 | 2020-10-21 10:00:00 | 2020-10-21 11:00:00
Note job id 1 spans October 20 and 21.
I am using the following query
SELECT DAY(StartDateTime), COUNT(id)
GROUP BY DAY(StartDateTime)
To get the following output. But the problem I am facing is that day 21 is not including job id 1. Since the job spans two days I want to include it in both days 20 and 21.
Day | TotalJobs
20 | 1
21 | 1
I am struggling to get the following expected output:
Day | TotalJobs
20 | 1
21 | 2

One method is to generate the days that you want and then count overlaps:
with days as (
select convert(date, min(j.startdatetime)) as startd,
convert(date, max(j.enddatetime)) as endd
from jobs j
union all
select dateadd(day, 1, startd), endd
from days
where startd < endd
select days.startd, count(j.id)
from days left join
jobs j
on j.startdatetime < dateadd(day, 1, startd) and
j.enddatetime >= startd
group by days.startd;
Here is a db<>fiddle.

You can first group by with same start and end date and then group by for start and end date having different start and end date
SELECT a.date, SUM(counts) from (
SELECT DAY(StartDateTime) as date, COUNT(id) counts
FROM Table1
WHERE DAY(StartDateTime) = DAY(EndDateTime)
GROUP BY StartDateTime
SELECT DAY(EndDateTime), COUNT(id)
FROM Table1
WHERE DAY(StartDateTime) != DAY(EndDateTime)
GROUP BY EndDateTime
SELECT DAY(StartDateTime), COUNT(id)
FROM Table1
WHERE DAY(StartDateTime) != DAY(EndDateTime)
GROUP BY StartDateTime) a
GROUP BY a.date
Here is SQL Fiddle link
SQL Fiddle
Also replace Table1 with Jobs when running over your db context


Count by week between dates

I'm trying to show a count by week but I am unsure of how to find the week that isn't showing between effdate and expdat. How do show the week and count shown below? Thanks.
You could use a recursive query to enumerate the weeks, then join it with the table
with cte as (
select min(effweek) week, max(expweek) max_week from mytable
union all
select week + 1, max_week from cte where week < max_week
select c.week, count(t.id_num) cnt
from cte c
left join mytable t on c.week between t.effweek and t.expweek
group by c.week
order by c.week
(Simplified) demo on DB Fiddle:
week | cnt
---: | --:
12 | 2
13 | 1
14 | 1

Get detail days between two date (mysql query)

I have data like this:
id | start_date | end_date
1 | 16-09-2019 | 22-12-2019
I want to get the following results:
id | month | year | days
1 | 09 | 2019 | 15
1 | 10 | 2019 | 31
1 | 11 | 2019 | 30
1 | 12 | 2019 | 22
Is there a way to get that result ?
This is what you want to do:
SELECT id, EXTRACT(MONTH FROM start_date ) as month , EXTRACT(YEAR FROM start_date ) as year , DATEDIFF(end_date, start_date ) as days
From tbl
You can use MONTH() , YEAR() and DATEDIFF() functions
SELECT id, MONTH(start_date) as month, YEAR(start_date ) as year, DATEDIFF(end_date, start_date ) as days from table-name
One way is to create a Calendar table and use that.
select month,year, count(*)
from Calendar
where db_date between '2019-09-16'
and '2019-12-22'
group by month,year
Also you can use recursive CTE to achieve the same.
You can use a recursive CTE and aggregation:
with recursive cte as (
select id, start_date, end_date
from t
union all
select id, start_date + interval 1 day, end_date
from cte
where start_date < end_date
select id, year(start_date), month(start_date), count(*) as days
from cte
group by id, year(start_date), month(start_date);
Here is a db<>fiddle.

sum last 7 days of sales in new column

I have the following data set:
I want to create a new column that sums the last 7 days of sales. So the query result should look be the following:
Pls help
In standard SQL, you would use a window function -- assuming you have data for each day:
select t.*,
sum(sales) over (partition by itemid order by date rows between 6 preceding and current row) as sales_7
from t;
use sum() aggregate function and group by
select country,itemid,year,monthnumber,week sum(sales) as sales_last_7days from your_table
where date>=DATEADD(day, -7, getdate()) and date< getdate()
group by country,itemid,year,monthnumber,week
with window:
select (list other columns here), sum(sum(sales)) over
(partition by week
order by day
rows between 6 preceding and current row)
from table
group by date, week;
note that week doesen't change group by beacause a date is reffered to one week only, but it is needed in window.
Seems you are working with SQL Server if so, then you can use apply :
select t.*, t1.[last7day]
from table t outer apply
(select sum(t1.sales) as [last7day]
from table t1
where t.itemid = t1.itemid and
t1.date <= dateadd(day, -6, t.dt)
) t1;
If you don't have exactly one day for each row, for example if you have a list of transactions...
The below example completely confused me the first time I saw it, so I've tried to comment as much as I can to explain what's happening.
Suppose we have a table tbl with date column dt and amount column amt, and for each date in tbl we want to return a rolling sum of the amount from the current day and the past 6 days.
select distinct -- see note after code on what this distinct is doing.
, ( -- Has to be in brackets to denote we're returning 1 value per row.
-- for each row of T1:
select sum(b.amt) -- the sum of amounts in T2. The where clause will restrict which rows in T2 will be summed.
from tbl T2
where T2.dt between T1.dt - 6 and T1.dt -- for each row in T1, give me all rows in T2 where the date is between 6 days before this T1 row's date and T1 row's date, giving us our rolling sum
-- we don't need a group by, because we're returning one value for each row in T1
from tbl T1
We have a main version of tbl, aliased T1. We then have a secondary table, aliased T2. For each row in T1, we're going to ask for a set of rows in T2 that we're going to sum before giving it to our main query.
To understand what's happening, run the code without the distinct. You'll notice that we have the same number of rows as in tbl, because the T2 statement is happening for every row in T1.
If you have any days for which no rows exist in your table you will not get a calculation for this day. To be certain this doesn't happen, join your table to a table containing a distinct list of consecutive dates, and use this as your date column.
If you have nulls in your amount column the calculation will still work, but if the rolling average contains only nulls you will have null instead of 0 as your result. If that troubles you convert all your nulls to zero's before (or after) you use the query.
The beginning of the period will have a 'ramp up'. But this would be the same whatever method you use to do a rolling sum. If it bothers you, don't return the first 6 days.
Finally a worked example if you're playing along at home using SQL Server:
with tbl as (
-- a list of transactions from 1.10.2019 to 14.10.2019
select cast('2019-10-01' as date) dt, 1 amt
union select cast('2019-10-02' as date), 4
union select cast('2019-10-01' as date), 10
union select cast('2019-10-03' as date), 3
union select cast('2019-10-04' as date), 20
union select cast('2019-10-04' as date), 2
union select cast('2019-10-04' as date), 12
union select cast('2019-10-04' as date), 17
union select cast('2019-10-05' as date), null -- a whole week of null values because we all had the week off... I hope this data wasn't important
union select cast('2019-10-06' as date), null
union select cast('2019-10-07' as date), null
union select cast('2019-10-08' as date), null
union select cast('2019-10-09' as date), null
union select cast('2019-10-10' as date), null
union select cast('2019-10-10' as date), null
union select cast('2019-10-10' as date), null
union select cast('2019-10-11' as date), null
union select cast('2019-10-12' as date), 1
union select cast('2019-10-12' as date), 1
union select cast('2019-10-12' as date), 1
union select cast('2019-10-12' as date), 1
union select cast('2019-10-12' as date), 1
union select cast('2019-10-12' as date), 1
union select cast('2019-10-13' as date), 2
union select cast('2019-10-14' as date), 1000
select distinct
, (
select sum(b.amt)
from tbl b
where b.dt between dateadd(dd, -6, a.dt) and a.dt
) past_7_days_amt
from tbl a
| dt | past_7_days_amt |
| 2019-10-01 | 11 |
| 2019-10-02 | 15 |
| 2019-10-03 | 18 |
| 2019-10-04 | 69 |
| 2019-10-05 | 69 |
| 2019-10-06 | 69 |
| 2019-10-07 | 69 |
| 2019-10-08 | 58 |
| 2019-10-09 | 54 |
| 2019-10-10 | 51 |
| 2019-10-11 | NULL |
| 2019-10-12 | 1 |
| 2019-10-13 | 3 |
| 2019-10-14 | 1003 |

Combining multiple scalar bigquery queries into a single query to generate one table

I have a BiqQuery query that basically takes a date as a parameter and calculates the number of active users our app had near that date.
Right now, if I want to make a graph over a year of active users, I have to run the query 12 times (once per month) and collate the results manually, which is error-prone and time consuming.
Is there a way to make a single bigquery query that runs the subquery 12 times and puts the results on 12 different rows?
For example, if my query is
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM MyTable WHERE activityTime < date '2017-01-01'
How can I get a table like
| Date | Count |
| 2017-01-01 | 50000 |
| 2017-02-01 | 40000 |
| 2017-03-01 | 30000 |
| 2017-04-01 | 20000 |
| 2017-05-01 | 10000 |
Supposing that you have a column called date and one called user_id and you want to calculate distinct users on a monthly basis, you can run a query such as:
DATE_TRUNC(date, MONTH) AS month,
COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) AS distinct_users
FROM YourTable
GROUP BY month
(Here you can replace YourTable with the subquery that you want to run). As a self-contained example:
WITH YourTable AS (
SELECT DATE '2017-06-25' AS date, 10 AS user_id UNION ALL
SELECT DATE '2017-05-04', 11 UNION ALL
SELECT DATE '2017-06-20', 10 UNION ALL
SELECT DATE '2017-04-01', 11 UNION ALL
SELECT DATE '2017-06-02', 12 UNION ALL
SELECT DATE '2017-04-13', 10
DATE_TRUNC(date, MONTH) AS month,
COUNT(DISTINCT user_id) AS distinct_users
FROM YourTable
GROUP BY month
Elliot taught me UNION ALL and it seemed to do the trick:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM MyTable WHERE activityTime < date '2017-01-01'
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM MyTable WHERE activityTime < date '2017-02-01'
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM MyTable WHERE activityTime < date '2017-03-01'
Maybe there's a nicer way to parameterize the dates in the WHERE clause, but this did the trick for me.

Query to return all the days of a month

This problem is related to this, which has no solution in sight: here
I have a table that shows me all sessions of an area.
This session has a start date.
I need to get all the days of month of the start date of the session by specific area (in this case)
I have this query:
SELECT idArea, idSession, startDate FROM SessionsPerArea WHERE idArea = 1
idArea | idSession | startDate |
1 | 1 | 01-01-2013 |
1 | 2 | 04-01-2013 |
1 | 3 | 07-02-2013 |
And i want something like this:
date | Session |
01-01-2013 | 1 |
02-01-2013 | NULL |
03-01-2013 | NULL |
04-01-2013 | 1 |
........ | |
29-01-2013 | NULL |
30-01-2013 | NULL |
In this case, the table returns me all the days of January.
The second column is the number of sessions that occur on that day, because there may be several sessions on the same day.
Anyone can help me?
Please try:
DECLARE #SessionsPerArea TABLE (idArea INT, idSession INT, startDate DATEtime)
INSERT #SessionsPerArea VALUES (1,1,'2013-01-01')
INSERT #SessionsPerArea VALUES (1,2,'2013-01-04')
INSERT #SessionsPerArea VALUES (1,3,'2013-07-02')
DECLARE #RepMonth as datetime
SET #RepMonth = '01/01/2013';
WITH DayList (DayDate) AS
SELECT #RepMonth
FROM DayList
WHERE (DayDate < DATEADD(d, -1, DATEADD(m, 1, #RepMonth)))
FROM DayList t1 left join #SessionsPerArea t2 on t1.DayDate=startDate and t2.idArea = 1
This will work:
DECLARE #SessionsPerArea TABLE (idArea INT, idSession INT, startDate DATE)
INSERT #SessionsPerArea VALUES
SELECT startDate
, DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, '1900-01-01', startDate), '1900-01-01') firstInMonth
, DATEADD(DAY, -1, DATEADD(MONTH, DATEDIFF(MONTH, '1900-01-01', startDate) + 1, '1900-01-01')) lastInMonth
, COUNT(*) cnt
FROM #SessionsPerArea
WHERE idArea = 1
, calendar AS
SELECT DISTINCT DATEADD(DAY, c.number, t1.firstInMonth) d
JOIN master..spt_values c ON
type = 'P'
AND DATEADD(DAY, c.number, t1.firstInMonth) BETWEEN t1.firstInMonth AND t1.lastInMonth
SELECT d date
, cnt Session
FROM calendar c
LEFT JOIN t1 ON t1.startDate = c.d
It uses simple join on master..spt_values table to generate rows.
Just an example of calendar table. To return data for a month adjust the number of days between < 32, for a year to 365+1. You can calculate the number of days in a month or between start/end dates with query. I'm not sure how to do this in SQL Server. I'm using hardcoded values to display all dates in Jan-2013. You can adjust start and end dates for diff. month or to get start/end dates with queries...:
WITH data(r, start_date) AS
SELECT 1 r, date '2012-12-31' start_date FROM any_table --dual in Oracle
SELECT r+1, date '2013-01-01'+r-1 FROM data WHERE r < 32 -- number of days between start and end date+1
SELECT start_date FROM data WHERE r > 1