DDE - Mail Merge From Excel to Word 2016 using OpenDataSource - vba

I have a old legacy code which is programmed for mail merge. I have a add-in code to populate xls file which in turn should merge the data to word template defined. Code snippet :
Public Sub ProcessForSharePoint(DataSource As Object, MainDoc As Document)
Dim tempPath As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim recordCount As Integer
Dim ActualCount As Integer
Dim ws As Variant
Dim tempName As String
Dim rowEmpty As Boolean
On Error GoTo tempFileError
tempName = Left(MainDoc.name, InStrRev(MainDoc.name, ".") - 1)
tempPath = Environ("TEMP") + "\" + tempName + ".xls"
If (Dir(tempPath) <> "") Then
SetAttr tempPath, vbNormal
Kill tempPath
End If
DataSource.SaveAs (tempPath)
On Error GoTo openDataSourceError
MainDoc.MailMerge.OpenDataSource tempPath, ConfirmConversions:=False, ReadOnly:=False, LinkToSource:=True,
AddToRecentFiles:=False, Revert:=False, Connection:="Entire Spreadsheet", SubType:=wdMergeSubTypeWord2000
recordCount = 0
On Error GoTo wsError
Set ws = DataSource.WorkSheets(1)
Dim r As Integer
Dim c As Integer
' Work out how many rows we have to process
For r = 2 To ws.UsedRange.Rows.Count
rowEmpty = True
For c = 1 To ws.UsedRange.Columns.Count
If Not IsEmpty(ws.Cells(r, c)) Then
rowEmpty = False
Exit For
End If
Next c
If rowEmpty Then
Exit For
End If
recordCount = recordCount + 1
Next r
GoTo DoMerge
GoTo CloseMerge
ActualCount = 0
If (recordCount = 0) Then
OutputDebugString "PSLWordDV: ProcessForSharePoint: No records to process"
GoTo CloseMerge
End If
On Error GoTo mergeError
For i = 1 To recordCount
' .Destination 0 = DOCUMENT, 1 = PRINTER
MainDoc.MailMerge.Destination = 0 'wdSendToNewDocument
MainDoc.MailMerge.SuppressBlankLines = True
With MainDoc.MailMerge.DataSource
.FirstRecord = i 'wdDefaultFirstRecord
.LastRecord = i 'wdDefaultLastRecord
.ActiveRecord = i
End With
MainDoc.MailMerge.Execute Pause:=False
Populate MainDoc, ActiveDocument
ActualCount = ActualCount + 1
Next i
GoTo CloseMerge
When I call this function, my xls files gets open and populate data (I want data from Sheet 1 only). Then my WORD opens (OpenDataSource) and on selection of "Yes" for population on Word --> My code fails and catches the error "462".
On further analysis (not sure correct or not), it seems, there is a problem in :
Set ws = DataSource.WorkSheets(1)
NOTE: If I hard code my recordCount variable to 1 (say) -> merging process works absolutely fine.
Can anyone please help on priority to sort my client issue please.


Word VBA - How to edit the text in cells in tables in Header

I dont do much word work, but I need to amend the address in the headers of a batch of letters. The address is held in tables in the headers. I also need to retain the formatting.
Below is the code I have ended up with - am I getting close?
Dim doc As Word.Document
Dim hf As Word.HeaderFooter
Dim lr As ListRow
Dim updated As Boolean
Dim tableCount As Integer
Dim t As Integer
Dim c As Cell
Set doc = wd.Documents.Open(Filename:=fi.Path, ReadOnly:=False)
For Each hf In doc.Sections(1).Headers()
tableCount = hf.Range.Tables.Count
For t = 1 To tableCount
For Each c In hf.Range.Tables(t).Range.Cells
If InStr(1, c.Range.Text, AddLOneOld) > 0 Then
updated = True
c.Range.Text = Replace(c.Range.Text, AddLOneOld, AddLOneNew)
End If
If InStr(1, c.Range.Text, AddLTwoOld) > 0 Then
updated = True
c.Range.Text = Replace(c.Range.Text, AddLTwoOld, AddLTwoNew)
End If
If InStr(1, c.Range.Text, AddLThreeOld) > 0 Then
updated = True
c.Range.Text = Replace(c.Range.Text, AddLThreeOld, AddLThreeNew)
End If
Next c
Next t
Next hf
If updated Then
Set lr = filesUpdated.ListRows.Add
lr.Range(1, 1) = fi.Path
End If
doc.Close False
This is the nearest I have got it to go as far as running, but all it does now is produce the error
"Microsoft Excel is waiting for another application to complete an OLE action"

Autofilter loop using array

I am having trouble debugging my code. I have an array with the criterial of an autofilter column. My code is supposed to loop through the array, open a set of files and copy-paste information into my workbook.
When I run the code it does not autofiler to the desired criterial and shows a Run-time error 1004. I already tried searching for solutions or similar problems, but found nothing. I also tried recording a macro to change the approach, but when trying to implement the loop it does not work :(
Any help is appreaciated!
Sub Update_Database()
Dim directory As String
Dim fileName As String
Dim my_array() As String
Dim iLoop As Integer
ReDim my_array(18)
my_array(0) = "Aneng"
my_array(1) = "Bayswater"
my_array(2) = "Bad Blankenburg"
my_array(3) = "Halstead"
my_array(4) = "Jorf Lasfar"
my_array(5) = "Kolkatta"
my_array(6) = "Marysville"
my_array(7) = "Northeim"
my_array(8) = "Ponta Grossa"
my_array(9) = "Puchov"
my_array(10) = "Renca"
my_array(11) = "Padre Hurtado"
my_array(12) = "Shanxi"
my_array(13) = "San Luis Potosi"
my_array(14) = "Szeged"
my_array(15) = "Tampere"
my_array(16) = "Uitenhage"
my_array(17) = "Veliki Crljeni"
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)
.AllowMultiSelect = False
directory = .SelectedItems(1)
End With
fileName = Dir(directory & "\", vbReadOnly)
Dim mwb As Workbook
Set mwb = Workbooks("OEE_Database_Final.xlsm")
Do While fileName <> ""
For iLoop = LBound(my_array) To UBound(my_array)
On erro GoTo ProcExit
With Workbooks.Open(fileName:=directory & "\" & fileName, UpdateLinks:=False, ReadOnly:=True)
Selection.AutoFilter Field:=1, Criterial:=my_array(iLoop)
mwb.Worksheets(8).Range("O9:Z2945") = .Worksheets(8).Range("O9:Z2945").Value2
.Close SaveChanges:=False
End With
fileName = Dir
Next iLoop
Exit Sub
End Sub

how split rows in a new worksheet when I exceed the limit of a worksheet?

I'm using Epplus to export data in vb.net to .xlsx file, but what can I do when the rows exceed the limit of the current worksheet? How can I stop the export process to create a new sheet?
This is my code for exporting:
Private Function GeneraExcel(ByVal NombreArchivo As String) As Boolean
Dim file As New System.IO.FileInfo(NombreArchivo)
Dim Paquete As New OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage(file)
Dim Hoja As OfficeOpenXml.ExcelWorksheet
Dim columna As Infragistics.Win.UltraWinGrid.UltraGridColumn
'numero de columnas de la grilla
Dim numColumnas As Integer = -1
For Each columna In grdDatos.Rows.Band.Columns
If columna.Hidden = False Then
numColumnas = numColumnas + 1
End If
Hoja = Paquete.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(Globales.TITULO_APLICACION)
'convirtiendo grilla a datatable
Dim dtDatos As New DataTable
dtDatos = TryCast(grdDatos.DataSource, DataTable)
For i As Integer = 0 To numColumnas
dtDatos.Columns(i).ColumnName = grdDatos.Rows.Band.Columns(i).Header.Caption
'imprimiendo en excel
'Insertando título
Hoja.SelectedRange(4, 2, 4, numColumnas + 1).Merge = True
Hoja.Cells("B4").Value = "CONSULTA DE IMPORTES"
Hoja.Cells("B4").Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center
Hoja.Cells("B4").Style.Font.Bold = True
'Ingresando data con cabeceras
Hoja.Cells("B6").LoadFromDataTable(dtDatos, True)
'Colocando formatos
Dim colNumber As Integer = 1
For Each col As Data.DataColumn In dtDatos.Columns
colNumber += 1
If (col.DataType) Is GetType(DateTime) Then
Hoja.Column(colNumber).Style.Numberformat.Format = "dd/mm/yyyy"
End If
Hoja.Row(6).Style.Font.Bold = True
Hoja.Cells(Hoja.Dimension.Address).Style.Font.Name = "Arial"
Hoja.Cells(Hoja.Dimension.Address).Style.Font.Size = 8
'Guardando archivo
Return True
Catch ex As Exception
Return False
End Try
End Function
This will do what you want. Just take the relevant parts, as the methodology is slightly different from your own....
'All lines that begin with an apostrophe (') are remarks and are not
'required for the macro to run.
Sub LargeFileImport()
'Dimension Variables
Dim ResultStr As String
Dim FileName As String
Dim FileNum As Integer
Dim Counter As Double
'Ask User for File's Name
FileName = InputBox("Please enter the Text File's name, e.g. test.txt")
'Check for no entry
If FileName = "" Then End
'Get Next Available File Handle Number
FileNum = FreeFile()
'Open Text File For Input
Open FileName For Input As #FileNum
'Turn Screen Updating Off
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Create A New WorkBook With One Worksheet In It
Workbooks.Add template:=xlWorksheet
'Set The Counter to 1
Counter = 1
'Loop Until the End Of File Is Reached
Do While Seek(FileNum) <= LOF(FileNum)
'Display Importing Row Number On Status Bar
Application.StatusBar = "Importing Row " & _
Counter & " of text file " & FileName
'Store One Line Of Text From File To Variable
Line Input #FileNum, ResultStr
'Store Variable Data Into Active Cell
If Left(ResultStr, 1) = "=" Then
ActiveCell.Value = "'" & ResultStr
ActiveCell.Value = ResultStr
End If
'For xl97 and later change 16384 to 65536
If ActiveCell.Row = 15000 Then
'If On The Last Row Then Add A New Sheet
'If Not The Last Row Then Go One Cell Down
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
End If
'Increment the Counter By 1
Counter = Counter + 1
'Start Again At Top Of 'Do While' Statement
'Close The Open Text File
'Remove Message From Status Bar
Application.StatusBar = False
End Sub

VBA issue with operators

I am facin strange problem looks like = is not working as it should be. I got code below:
Dim lineText As String
For Each p In WordDoc.Paragraphs
lineText = p.Range.Text
If lineText = "" Then GoTo Dalej
even if i do:
lineText = ""
If lineText = "" Then GoTo Dalej
its not going to Dalej but going next. Looks like its not problem with code but with operators i got similar problem with <>. I tried to workaround tht with InStr or StrComp but its doing completly not as it should be like something inside excel has been changed with application itself. Do you have any idea what this could be?
This is full code:
Sub Sprawdz_Pola_Korespondencji_Click()
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Dim RowNr As Integer
Dim EWS As Worksheet
RowNr = 30
Set EWS = Sheets("Arkusz do wypełnienia")
Dim FileName As Variant, wb As Workbook
FileName = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:="Word File (*.docx),*.docx", Title:="Select File To Be Opened")
If FileName = False Then Exit Sub
Set WordApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
WordApp.Visible = False
Set WordDoc = WordApp.Documents.Open(FileName)
Dim p As Paragraph
If lineText = "" Then GoTo Dalej
If InStr(lineText, PoleExcel) Then
EWS.Cells(5, X).Interior.ColorIndex = 18
EWS.Cells(5, X).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
End If
Next p
Loop Until EWS.Cells(RowNr, X) = "KONIEC"
'EWS.Activate 'WordDoc.Activate '<============================================================
WordDoc.Close savechanges:=False 'or false
Set WordDoc = Nothing
Set WordApp = Nothing
End Sub
Public Function ReplaceSpaces(strInput As String) As String
' Replaces spaces in a string of text with underscores
Dim Result As String
Result = strInput
If InStr(strInput, " ") > 0 Then
Result = Replace(strInput, " ", "_")
End If
ReplaceSpaces = Result
End Function
You need to write:
Next p
instead. (i.e. switch round the Next p and Dalej:). Currently the label is inside the for loop.
But, it would be far better to use Exit For instead of the GoTo. Doing this means you don't need to maintain a label.
GoTo statements are notoriously brittle.
To strip out the CR do this:
lineText = replace(lineText, chr(13), "")

Populate result of another query into combo box

I have an Excel file for colleagues to extract reports from SQL server.
We created separate user and password for their department.
I have the module which shows the result of SQL query in an Excel file.
Here is working code:
Sub Button3_Click()
Dim qt As QueryTable
sqlstring1 = "SELECT * FROM dbo.ReportDataAdded ORDER BY ProductID, CountryCodeID"
With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:=getConnectionStr2, Destination:=Range("A3"), Sql:=sqlstring1)
End With
End Sub
Private Function getConnectionStr2()
getConnectionStr2 = "ODBC;DRIVER={SQL Server};" & _
"DATABASE=em_CountryConsumer;" & _
"SERVER=;" & _
"UID=UserName;" & _
End Function
I need to populate the result of another query into combo box. For that I need to get result of query into variable with dataset datatype.
How can I change my VBA code to do that?
Here is an example of how I have handled a similar problem in the past:
First here is a function to Query the database based with a given connection_string and query.
Function GetQuery(SQL As String, connect_string As String, Optional HasFields As Long = 0) As Variant
' Returns: A Variant() Array with results from query.
' HasFields is an optional field to include the field names in the array
' Any integer in this field will include fields, leave it blank for just data
Dim Conn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim RS As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim data_sheet As Worksheet
Dim R As Long, C As Long
Dim dbArr() As Variant
' Setting Up DB connection
On Error GoTo ConnectErr:
With Conn
.ConnectionString = connect_string
End With
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox "There was an issue connecting to the Central DB."
Resume subexit
End If
On Error GoTo 0
' Starting the connection to DB
On Error GoTo QueryErr:
RS.Open SQL, Conn, adOpenStatic
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox "There was a problem with the Query. Could not get results from the statement:" & vbCrLf & Err.Description
dbArr = Array(" Failed Q ", " Failed Q ")
Resume subexit
End If
On Error GoTo 0
' Parse Data and fill array: DBarr
R = 0
#If VBA7 Then
Dim tmp_rowNum As LongPtr, tmp_colNum As LongPtr
Dim rowNum As Integer, colNum As Integer
tmp_rowNum = RS.RecordCount
tmp_colNum = RS.Fields.Count
rowNum = CLng(tmp_rowNum)
colNum = CLng(tmp_colNum)
Dim rowNum As Long, colNum As Long
rowNum = RS.RecordCount
colNum = RS.Fields.Count
#End If
If HasFields = 0 Then
ReDim dbArr(1 To rowNum + 1, 1 To colNum)
ReDim dbArr(1 To rowNum + 2, 1 To colNum)
End If
Do While Not RS.EOF
R = R + 1
For C = 1 To RS.Fields.Count
If R = 1 And HasFields = 1 Then
dbArr(R, C) = RS.Fields(C - 1).Name
ElseIf Not R = 1 Then
dbArr(R, C) = RS.Fields(C - 1).Value
End If
If Not R = 1 Then RS.MoveNext
GetQuery = dbArr
Set Conn = Nothing
Set RS = Nothing
End Function
Next use the result of the Query (A [multi-dimensional] Array) to set the range in a worksheet:
Sub SetInitData()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
Dim sql_string As String, connect_String as String
Dim ws as Worksheet
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(config.DATA_SHEET_NAME)
sql_string = config.GET_INITIAL_PACKTYPE_QUERY
connect_string = config.MAIN_CONNECTION_STRING
Debug.Print sql_string
Dim packtypedata As Variant
packtypedata = GetQuery(sql_string)
ws.Range(ws.Cells(1, 1), ws.Cells(UBound(packtypedata), UBound(packtypedata, 2))).Value = packtypedata
'' Keep Total Rows for next routine explained below
Dim total_rows as Integer
total_rows = UBound(packtypedata)
''' Turn on events and screen updating again
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
Finally you want to set the ComboBox:
Sub SetComboBoxValues(total_rows As Integer)
Dim ws as Worksheet, data_ws as Worksheet
Dim data_arr as Variant
Dim pack_dd as DropDown
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(config.INPUT_SHEET_NAME)
Set data_ws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(config.DATA_SHEET_NAME)
data_arr = data_ws.Range(data_ws.Cells(1,config.DATA_COL_DROPDOWN_INDEX),
Set pack_dd = ws.Shapes(config.MAIN_DATA_DROPDOWN_NAME).OLEFormat.Object
pack_dd.List = pack_dd
''' To set the index
pack_dd.ListIndex = 1
End Sub
** Note -- The GetQuery function has some kinks that I haven't had time to work out, namely I don't think the HasFields option to include headers actually works.
Also I'm using DropDowns, so I'm not sure if you are using the same type of object.
Good Luck