Finding color of the text in selenium - selenium

Below is the code, trying to find the colour of the text 'Special Assistance' in I am expecting rgb value as (196,18,48) (as shown in the developer view during inspection of the element)
however when i run the program it displays value as rgba (0,0,0,1);
WebElement ele = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//a[text()='Special Assistance']"));
please help

That page looks like it has multiple elements that match that xpath. As such I think you're getting the wrong one returned and the color is actually correct.
If you're actually looking for the red special assistance link this might be a better (more specific) xpath:
//*[#id='discount-checkbox']//a[text()='Special Assistance']
Try that, and I think you may find the expected results.


Can t find the xpath for Following button instagram for selenium

I try to get the xpath for the following button on instagram making an automate unfollowing soft. enter image description here
I found it just like this:
driver.find_element_by_xpath('//div[#class="qF0y9 Igw0E rBNOH YBx95 ybXk5 _4EzTm soMvl "]').click()
But i want to itterate over all ,,Following" Buttons , but like this is stuck at the first one!
This is my Code:
fBody = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[#class='isgrP']")
for i in range(1, 1500):
driver.find_element_by_xpath('//div[#class=" qF0y9 Igw0E rBNOH YBx95 ybXk5 _4EzTm soMvl "]').click()
print("Am apasat follow")
driver.find_element_by_xpath('//button[#class="aOOlW -Cab_ "]').click()
driver.execute_script('arguments[0].scrollTop = arguments[0].scrollTop + arguments[0].offsetHeight;', fBody)
print("Ma bag la somn 1 min")
Selenium does Not "like" empty or white spaces in the attributes.
I suggest using a CSS selector and using *= in order to find text contains:
Avoid using white or empty spaces and, underscores (_) and hyphens (-) for the element's attributes.
I think the classes on the elements change as yours do not match with mine. Here is a more generic XPath that matches the "following" button.
When using this in a test I found it instantly failing unless I surrounded it with an explicit wait condition.
Ill post my example when Instagram stops giving me connectivity issues.

How to get the clicked element in selenium when we don't know what are we clicking

I am clicking with the help of following lione oc code->
Basically i double click at a position(x,y) in our application. Individually we cannot click that particular element bcoz it has to be clicked at particular (x,y) itself. So i want to get the properties of that clicked element(which i click using actions command which i mentioned above) liked id, classname. Can some one help me with this...kinda stuck here..........
try execute.elementFromPoint() with JavascriptExecutor to get element by coordinates
JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor)driver;
WebElement theElement = (WebElement)js.executeScript("return document.elementFromPoint(arguments[0], arguments[1])", coordinates.getX(), coordinates1.getY()-1);
you are using negative value in getY()-1 which mean coordinates above the element, it maybe the parent or preceding-sibling of element try to select it using xpath
WebElement popcodeBefore = objDriver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[#id='id_popcode']/parent::*"));
// Or
// WebElement popcodeBefore = objDriver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[#id='id_popcode']/preceding-sibling::*"));
If you have any specific text at that particular coordinates make use of it. I too had the same issue like this where I need to double click on a cell which had text 0.00%. I have done hovering action first using the text and then performed the double-click
Ignore the syntax issues since I am working on the protractor these days
and then perform the click
Still, you have issues, check if you have any attribute like ng-click which can be helpful to get the coordinates for that particular location. please always share the HTML code so that It may help us to check more deeply

WebDriver find by xpath where //input[#value='empty']

I need to find an input element with an 'empty' value by xpath.
Something like //input[#value='empty']. I don't mean the word 'empty', but the value is empty or blank.
What Xpath will return such element?
Since the link I posted in the comment is a potential solution
So, I thought to post it as an answer:
How do I select an empty element in XPath?
Based on advice from the comment to duplicate the essential parts of the linked answer (incase the link becomes obsolete), please find it below:
You could use XPath's not() function.
a[#href='#'][#class='button save-as'][#title='SaveAs...'][not(text())]
Next time post html snippet so that people will understand parent and target element
the below code will work, but if more input fields with null values are there then more than one result will be returned. [i am sure below xpath will return many results]
so please include parent node in below xpath
the input belongs to text area, submit button, radio button , check box ....
again, post the HTML snippet next time. when you ask question related to xpath.

WebDriver not identifying WebElement

I using xpath="//div[#class='localityKewordDropDown']/descendant::div[#class='over']/span[text()='Dwarka, New']
but the element is not getting recognized. NosuchElementException is getting encountered.
Could anyone help me out here.I want to click the drop down value highlighted in the image.
It's failing beacuse there is a space after the word 'New'. The following should work.
//div[#class='localityKewordDropDown']/div/div[text()='Dwarka, New ']
Or consider serarching for the element containing the text rather than matching the entire text.
//div[#class='localityKewordDropDown']/div/div[contains(.,'Dwarka, New')]
And as cathal mentioned, you are searching for a div and not a span.
EDIT:As you request (although I don't believe there is a difference between "descendent" and "//".
//div[#class='localityKewordDropDown']/descendant::div[text()='Dwarka, New ']
//div[#class='localityKewordDropDown']/descendant::div[contains(text(),'Dwarka, New')]
Contains is an xpath function that allows you to query on something containing a value. It can be used with attributes, nodes but it's generally most useful for finding elements containg text. The reason this is working where as your query for the exact string fails is because the element you seek is padded with a trailing space. The contains query will find the element you are seeking as it's ignoring this trailing space.
i dont see anyw spans around your element, try the following:
WebElement name = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[#id='keyword_suggest']//div[text()='Dwarka, New']"));
Try this:
WebElement name = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[contains(text()='Dwarka, New')]"));

Finding text on page with Selenium 2

How can I check whether a given text string is present on the current page using Selenium?
The code is this:
def elem = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[contains(.,'search_text')]"));
if (elem == null) println("The text is not found on the page!");
If your searching the whole page for some text , then providing an xpath or selector to find an element is not necessary. The following code might help..
Assert.assertEquals(driver.getPageSource().contains("text_to_search"), true);
For some reason, certain elements don't seem to respond to the "generic" search listed in the other answer. At least not in Selenium2library under Robot Framework which is where I needed this incantation to find the particular element:
xpath=//script[contains(#src, '')]
A simpler (but probably less efficient) alternative to XPaths is to just get all the visible text in the page body like so:
def pageText = browser.findElement(By.tagName("body")).getText();
Then if you're using JUnit or something, you can use an assertion to check that the string you are searching for is contained in it.
assertThat("Text not found on page", pageText, containsString(searchText));
Using an XPath is perhaps more efficient, but this way is simpler to understand for those unfamiliar with it. Also, an AssertionError generated by assertThat will include the text that does exist on the page, which may be desirable for debugging as anybody looking at the logs can clearly see what text is on the page if what we are looking for isn't.