.htaccess RewriteRule Not Working with Apache2 - apache

I know there are a million posts about this, but I have read through a lot of them and made so many changes to get this to work, but I am at a loss. I have setup a redirect rule in my apache2 server web server, but it does not redirect.
My web server root folder structure:
/var/www/example/l/.htaccess content is:
$ cat /var/www/example/l/.htaccess
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^l/([a-zA-Z0-9]{6})$ l/index.php?redirect=$1 [R=302,L]
I have also tried putting it in the root folder /var/www/example/.htaccess
My rewrite rule appears to be working correctly from this site:
mod_rewrite.so is installed and rewrite_module is loaded.
I ran sudo a2enmod rewrite and it was turned on
$ cat /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
<Directory "/var/www/example">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
When ever I go to https://example.com/l/i4Ikn2 I just get a 404 error.
I just want to know if I am missing something or somewhere to look. I checked the apache2 error.log and there are no error in there pertaining to this.

As #mrwhite and #anubhava mentioned in the comments below my OP, I was mixing up the way my .htaccess file was being used.
I removed the sub-directory flags (the l in the pattern) and added the QSA instead of the redirect (R=302).
This was because I was using the .htaccess file in the sub-directory.
The QSA was the correct 'option' for the redirect/rewrite (still unsure of the difference).
RewriteRule ^l/([a-zA-Z0-9]{6})$ l/index.php?redirect=$1 [R=302,L]
New (working):
RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9]{6})$ index.php?redirect=$1 [QSA,L]


Apache .htaccess URL rewrite adding additional directory in URL path

I'm trying to build a URL rewrite by adding an additional directory in the URL path; for example, changing;
https://FQDN/mypage/ to https://FQDN/dev/mypage/
https://FQDN/template/ to https://FQDN/dev/template/
I have written the following .htaccess although this is having no affect. I have already enabled a2enmod rewrite.
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^dev/(.+)$ /$1
Thank you #anubhava - simple fix, the rewrite was not activating due to AllowOverride None being active in the apache2.conf file. Changing this to AllowOverride All allowed the .htaccess file to be active.

Enable mod_rewrite Apache 2.4 on Ubuntu 14.04

So I've gone through most of the questions on this topic, but I still seem to having issues. I can't seem to rewrite any URLs using an htaccess.
Details: Using Apache 2.4 and Ubuntu 14.04
I do have mod_rewrite enabled as can be seen by the following two pieces of information:
$: apachectl -M
Loaded Modules:
rewrite_module (shared)
$: ls /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/
.... rewrite.load ....
I tried restarting apache using the following three methods:
$: service apache2 restart
$: apachectl restart
$: apachectl graceful
And nothing is working. In order to test things fully, I added a log level in /etc/apache2/apache2.conf as follows:
LogLevel notice rewrite:trace8
Which if I understand correctly means that almost all information on rewrite should be going to my error logs, BUT I am not getting any log information.
Finally, the rewrite portion in my .htaccess is as follows:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^[^.]+\.[^.]+$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www2.%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [L,R=301]
I put www2 instead of www because for some reason it's already redirecting website.com to www.website.com so I'm wondering if it's the browser that's automatically doing it. Oddly, it also automatically changes website.com/index.php to www.website.com
Is there anything I might be missing that might be causing this? It seems like it's rewriting something (or it's the browser doing something), but when I try and rewrite it to a bad url for it to fail, it doesn't fail and instead goes to the proper url.
Any thoughts?
Forgot to include that, I have the following in my directory:
<Directory />
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Require all denied
<Directory /var/www/>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride All
Require all granted
So I do have AllowOverride set to All for the directory that everything lives in.
I assume that you want to force www URLs.
Now, if you're using just one domain (i.e: example.com), try:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^example\.com$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.example.com/$1 [L,R=301]
If you have several domains over there, try:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^[^\.]+\.[^\.]+$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www.%{HTTP_HOST}/$1 [L,R=301]
Note that this one won't match third (or more) level domains. To deal with these, consider using RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\., but again, watch out for sub-domain cases.
Also watch for QSA flag in your RewriteRules, you may need to add it.

How to use DAV and DirectoryIndex in Apache 2.4?

In my apache configuration I have a virtual host configured like this:
Alias /mediamanager /storage/files/mediamanager
<Directory /storage/files/mediamanager>
DirectoryIndex /mediaManagerIndex.php
# ... And some authentication directives ... #
The idea is that someone can access the files both by a WebDAV-Client and also a simple web browser in which case some pretty directory view is generated by a PHP script.
That worked great in Apache 2.2, but recently I upgraded to Apache 2.4 and now it is broken. I highly suspect I I suffer from this bug which is already 2 years old and no fix in sight. The proposed workaround to add:
DirectoryIndex never-encounterable-file-name.html
Does not work for me. Probably because I still want to have a directory index. If I remove my DirectoryIndex altogether WebDAV works again (no index.html or similar files exists in this directory) but of course I loose the ability to use my PHP file as directory index. I tried to specify my DirectoryIndex in a <Limit GET> but this had no effect.
Is there any way to get both DAV and DirectoryIndex to work simultaneously in Apache 2.4 on Debian (if anyhow possible without changing the source code and recompiling)?
In order to fix this, disable directory indexing for the WebDAV site.
In your sites-available/site.conf file add DirectoryIndex disabled to the <Directory> declaration, like so:
<Directory /path/to/my/webdav/dir>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride all
Require all granted
DirectoryIndex disabled
Then just reload Apache and you will no longer have that issue:
sudo service apache2 reload
For me, the following configuration solved both problems:
WebDAV works again
directory indexing, if the user uses a web browser to access the repository
It works by manually implementing the directory-indexing feature with simple rewrite rules, which are applied only for the GET request method.
The following code has to be placed inside the server config or virtual host context in the apache configuration file.
# Turn off (automatic) Directory-Indexing
DirectoryIndex disabled
RewriteEngine On
# Rewrite rules for the root directory
RewriteCond "%{REQUEST_METHOD}" "(GET)"
RewriteRule "^/$" "/index.php" [L]
# Rewrite rules for other sub-directories
RewriteCond "%{REQUEST_METHOD}" "(GET)"
# The following line checks, if the index.php file exists
RewriteCond "%{DOCUMENT_ROOT}/$1/index.php" "-f"
RewriteRule "^/(.*)/$" "/$1/index.php" [L]
Don't forget to reload Apache!
This is the solution I am currently using, located in a .htaccess file at the root of the directory tree used by the WebDav service. In this case I do not use PHP, only html files, but it can be easily adapted:
# Turn off automatic directory indexing
Options -Indexes
DirectoryIndex disabled
# Redirect directory requests to index.html, only for GET requests
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1index.html [L]
In order to launch always the requested PHP file, just replace "index.html" on the last line by the PHP file name:
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ $1mediaManagerIndex.php [L]

This mod rewrite not working correctly?

I have a url like this
I want it to look like this
I am trying this
RewriteRule ^v/?$ view.php?id=$1 [NC,L]
But it is not working and I have no idea why
Try this tweak:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^v/([^/]+)/?$ view.php?id=$1 [NE,L]
This assumes that mod_rewrite is both installed and activated for htaccess files.
If you are not sure, to check if mod_rewrite is installed, look at the list of installed modules in the output of phpinfo();
By default, mod_rewrite is not enabled for htaccess files. If you are managing your own server, open httpd.conf
and make sure that the webroot directory block contains one of these lines: AllowOverride FileInfo or AllowOverride All

Url masking through htaccess not working

I was trying to setup Lithium Php framework. I followed the documentation for getting started.
I have done this: *"make sure mod_rewrite is enabled, and the AllowOverride directive is set to 'All' on the necessary directories involved. Be sure to restart the server before checking things."*
Rewrite module is enabled. Verified by
apache2ctl -M
I have changed the AllowOverride in /etc/apache2/sites-available/default file.
Now when I go to http://localhost/LithiumTestApp/, the page loads but sans css, js, images etc as the links do not work.
I can't seem to find what I have done wrong.
I'm running Apache2 on Ubuntu 11.10.
Edit: Contents of .htaccess are:
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^$ webroot/ [L]
RewriteRule (.*) webroot/$1 [L]
Part of Lithium Framework itself. I haven't changed anything here.
I'd recommend first checking to see if your rewrite is working properly.
I usually set a rewrite log path in my vhost file (or set it in your httpd.conf or apache2.conf, whichever your OS uses).
RewriteLog "/var/log/apache2/rewrite.log"
RewriteLogLevel 5
Then do:
tail -f /var/log/apache2/rewrite.log
That will allow you to see the log contents while it's happening and refresh the page and see if everything is in order. I also recommend having a look at your Apache error log to see if there are errors in the request.
Also, make sure your resources folder has write permission.