How to transform jsonb object to an array of objects? - sql

From this:
"data": {
"media_object_uuid": ["5171167e-c109-4926-9606-5212ee250e2f"]
to this:
"data": {
"media_object":[{"media_object_uuid": "5171167e-c109-4926-9606-5212ee250e2f"]
In words, I want to extract the first value of this array and set it on the new field media_object_uuid inside media_object. My approach to resolve this was:
update demo_test set data = jsonb_set(data,'{media_object_uuid}',('{"media_object": { "media_object_uuid":' || (data->"media_object_uuid"[0])::text || '}}'));
But I have in return media_object_uuid column doesn't exist

I think you need to call data->"media_object_uuid" as data->'media_oject_uuid', since in Postgres, double-quotes are used to refer to column/entity names (unless they are first encapsulated in single-quotes):
edb=# create table abc (data jsonb);
edb=# insert into abc values ('{
edb'# "media_object_uuid": ["5171167e-c109-4926-9606-5212ee250e2f"]
edb'# }');
edb=# select ('{"media_object": [{ "media_object_uuid":' || (data->'media_object_uuid')::text || '}]}') from abc;
{"media_object": [{ "media_object_uuid":["5171167e-c109-4926-9606-5212ee250e2f"]}]}
(1 row)
edb=# update abc set data = jsonb_set(data,'{media_object_uuid}', ('{"media_object": [{ "media_object_uuid":' || (data->'media_object_uuid')::text || '}]}')::jsonb);
edb=# select * from abc;
{"media_object_uuid": {"media_object": [{"media_object_uuid": ["5171167e-c109-4926-9606-5212ee250e2f"]}]}}
(1 row)


Query key values in a json column

I have a table "jobs" with one of the columns called "check_list" ( varchar(max) that has JSON values, an example value would be
"name":"machine 1",
"name":"machine 2",
Now how would I write a SQL query to only return the rows where the column "check_list" has items[machine_id] = 12
In the end after some trial and error this was the solution that worked for me. I had to add the ISJSON check because some of the older data was invalid
WITH jobs (id, workorder, selectedMachine) AS(
openjson(check_list, '$.items') with (machine_id int '$.machine_id')
machine_id = 12
) as selectedMachine
ISJSON(check_list) > 0
selectedMachine = 12

Update column with the same value apart from an object removed in column in Sqlite

I want to remove an object from a json column in Sqlite and I can't make it work. The json column contains a nested object, has the following type:
a: number;
pair: {
field1: string;
field2: string;
I want to update the column "ArrayColumn" with the same values but remove the object that has field1 equal to "0" and field2 equal to "1" . Every row contains the "pair" array, but not all the "pair" arrays in ArrayColumn contain this value ({"field1":"0", "field2":"1"})
I have the following structure:
Id| ArrayColumn
1 | { "a":1, "pair":[{"field1":"0", "field2":"1"},{"field1":"C", "field2":"D"},{"field1":"E", "field2":"F"}] }
2 | { "a":5, "pair":[{"field1":"C", "field2":"D"},{"field1":"E", "field2":"F"}] }
3 | { "a":8, "pair":[{"field1":"G", "field2":"G"},{"field1":"0", "field2":"1"},{"field1":"A", "field2":"A"}] }
4 | { "a":1, "pair":[{"field1":"F", "field2":"T"},{"field1":"C", "field2":"D"},{"field1":"0", "field2":"1"}] }
5 | { "a":1, "pair":[{"field1":"A", "field2":"B"}] }
After updating the rows, the values would be:
Id| ArrayColumn
1 | { "a":1, "pair":[{"field1":"C", "field2":"D"},{"field1":"E", "field2":"F"}] }
2 | { "a":5, "pair":[{"field1":"C", "field2":"D"},{"field1":"E", "field2":"F"}] }
3 | { "a":8, "pair":[{"field1":"G", "field2":"G"},{"field1":"A", "field2":"A"}] }
4 | { "a":1, "pair":[{"field1":"F", "field2":"T"},{"field1":"C", "field2":"D"}] }
5 | { "a":1, "pair":[{"field1":"A", "field2":"B"}] }
I tried with JSON_TREE but can't make it work.
I was thinking that the first step would be to select all the rows that contain that value, I retreived them using these 2 ways:
With LIKE operator searching for the stringified form:
select Id, json_extract(json(par), '$.pair') as pair from Table pair like '%{"field1":"0","field2":"1"}%'
Using json_tree
select Id, value from Table, json_tree(Table.ArrayColumn, '$.pair' ) where json_extract(value, '$.field1' ) = '0' AND json_extract(value, '$.field2' ) = '1'
I tried using json_remove with this small example but no luck:
SELECT json_remove('[{"field1":"1","field2":"0"},{"field1":"A","field2":"B"}]', '${"field1":"1","field2":"0"}' )
I tried using json_remove but had no luck.
Thank you
For this sample data the simplest way to do this is to treat the json column as a string and use string functions to remove the value that you want:
UPDATE tablename
SET ArrayColumn = REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(ArrayColumn, ']', ',]'), '{"field1":"0", "field2":"1"},', ''), ',]', ']')
WHERE ArrayColumn LIKE '%{"field1":"0", "field2":"1"}%';
See the demo.

Migrating data from jsonb to integer[] SQL

I have jsonb field(data) in Postgresql with a structure like:
{ "id" => { "some_key" => [1, 2, 3] } }
I need to migrate the value to a different field.
t.jsonb "data"
t.integer "portals", default: [], array: true
When I'm trying to do like this:
UPDATE table_name
SET portals = ARRAY[data -> '1' ->> 'portals']
WHERE id = 287766
It raises an error:
Caused by PG::DatatypeMismatch: ERROR: column "portals" is of type integer[] but expression is of type text[]
Here is one way to do it. But if you search the site, as you should had to do, you get more.
create table t (
data jsonb
insert into t values ('{"1" : { "k1" : [1,2,3,5]} }');
insert into t values ('{"2" : { "k2" : [4,5,6,7]} }');
create table i (
id int,
v int[]
Some tests
select data -> '1' -> 'k1'
from t
where data ? '1'
insert into i values(1,ARRAY[1,2,3]);
update i
set v = (select replace(replace(data -> '1' ->> 'k1', '[', '{'), ']', '}')::int[] from t where data ? '1')
where id = 1;
select * from i;
The above gets array as a text, as you did. After that, just some text replacements to cast the text to an integer array literal.
DB Fiddle

BigQuery SQL JSON Returning additional rows when current row contains multiple values

I have a table that looks like this
keyA | data:{"value":false}}
keyB | data:{"value":3}}
keyC | data:{"value":{"paid":10,"unpaid":20}}}
For keyA,keyB I can easily extract a single value with JSON_EXTRACT_SCALAR, but for keyC I would like to return multiple values and change the key name, so the final output looks like this:
keyA | false
keyB | 3
keyC-paid | 10
keyD-unpaid | 20
I know I can use UNNEST and JSON_EXTRACT multiple values and create additional but unsure how to combine them to adjust the key column name as well?
Even more generic approach
create temp function extract_keys(input string) returns array<string> language js as """
return Object.keys(JSON.parse(input));
create temp function extract_values(input string) returns array<string> language js as """
return Object.values(JSON.parse(input));
create temp function extract_all_leaves(input string) returns string language js as '''
function flattenObj(obj, parent = '', res = {}){
for(let key in obj){
let propName = parent ? parent + '.' + key : key;
if(typeof obj[key] == 'object'){
flattenObj(obj[key], propName, res);
} else {
res[propName] = obj[key];
return JSON.stringify(res);
return flattenObj(JSON.parse(input));
select col || replace(replace(key, 'value', ''), '.', '-') as col, value,
from your_table,
unnest([struct(extract_all_leaves(data) as json)]),
unnest(extract_keys(json)) key with offset
join unnest(extract_values(json)) value with offset
if applied to sample data in your question - output is
Benefit of this approach is that it is quite generic and thus can handle any level of nesting in json
For example for below data/table
the output is
Try this one:
WITH sample AS (
SELECT 'keyA' AS col, '{"value":false}' AS data
SELECT 'keyB' AS col, '{"value":3}' AS data
SELECT 'keyC' AS col, '{"value":{"paid":10,"unpaid":20}}' AS data
SELECT col || IFNULL('-' || k, '') AS col,
IFNULL(v, JSON_VALUE(data, '$.value')) AS data
SELECT col, data,
`bqutil.fn.json_extract_keys`(JSON_QUERY(data, '$.value')) AS keys,
`bqutil.fn.json_extract_values`(JSON_QUERY(data, '$.value')) AS vals
FROM sample

Update data of array json

id | data
1 |[{"Session1": "", "DeviceId1": ""}, {"Session2": "", "DeviceId2": ""}]
I want update data and set Session1 equal to xxx and DevicceId1 eaqual to yyy
I write this query but this not worked
update MyTable data=jsonb_set(data, '{Session1}', 'xxx',true)
How can update value of array of json in PostgreSQL?
data is a json array, so the path to Session1 needs to be {0,Session1}, similarly {0,DeviceId1} for DeviceId1
Which would make the update statement:
UPDATE "MyTable"
SET "data" = jsonb_set(jsonb_set(data, '{0,Session1}', '"xxx"', true), '{0,DeviceId1}', '"yyy"', true)
WHERE id = 1
You can use a json array index (starting from 0) as a path:
update my_table
set data = jsonb_set(data, '{0}', '{"Session1": "xxx", "DeviceId1": "yyy"}')
where id = 1
returning *;
id | data
1 | [{"Session1": "xxx", "DeviceId1": "yyy"}, {"Session2": "", "DeviceId2": ""}]
(1 row)