Is it possible to change font size for telegram bot? - telegram-bot

I have a telegram bot and want to send text in a bigger font. How is it possible to do so using node.js?

There is limited support of HTML and Markup in Telegram, but it is not possible to increase the font size. See Formatting Options.
One option is to use bold and italic to achieve a nice formatting (see example in Python)
update.message.reply_text('Some *boldtext*' and some _italictext_',


Automatic fitting of text content to page with rst2pdf

Does rst2pdf provide automatic adjustment of text size to fit a bullet or numbered list to the page for presentation purposes? Similar to what LaTeX provides.
No, it doesn't have size-to-fit. I use rst2pdf for presentations and I use a consistent font size throughout my slide decks, and I quite like the effect it produces. (Sorry this is probably not the answer you were hoping for!)

Scale text to fit in a text box in illustrator using scripts(javascript)?

I have been trying to figure out how to get a font to shrink to fit in to its text box, but it needs to scale down the font size. I want to be able to do it to multiple text boxes at once. I dont have any coding right now. I know a little JavaScripting but not 100% sure how to do if for illustrator.
You can use the code snippet in my LinkedIn article: Dealing with Overset Text.
The Illustrator scripting API gives one some control over the paragraphs, lines, words, characters and arbitrary text ranges of an Illustrator text frame. One upgrade my script could use though is to incorporate text-on-a-path - maybe someday soon I'll fix it up and update my article.
As for using the snippet, just run it however you choose to run scripts (put into App scripts folder or use File > Scripts > Other Scripts. When you run it, any overset text boxes which are area text will have their font shrunk to no longer be overset. You can use this same snippet with Illustrator variable data to ensure a batch process will not have oversets.

How to bold a text in PDF?

I'm developing a new function to "my" program. This function is able to write PDF files by the simple way, making a simple text file with some codes of PDF standard.
I'm trying to understand how it works yet, but my first problem is about how to apply bold on some line of my document.
I've already downloaded the PDF REFERENCES GUIDE, but I've not found nothing about it.
Any idea?
PDF is not like HTML where you can apply formatting tags for emphasis. As you've read in the PDF reference, all that you do in PDF is to setup a graphics environment (colours used, fonts used, etc) and then put text on the page.
If you want to have something show in bold, use a font that is bold. If you want to have something show in italic, use a font that is italic.
Older software used dirty tricks to create "bold-alike" text, but the good (and easy) way to do it is to make sure you select the correct font before you start drawing text.

Creating RTF text for clipboard and sharing DataPackage in WinRT

I'm sure this is just a google search away, but I can't find the right search terms to find what I'm looking for.
I've created a DataPackage that has both HTML annd plain text content. I've used this in my copy and my sharing code and it works fine. I now want to create RTF output as some apps don't seem to accept HTML clipboard content.
I'm looking for a good guide to making RTF text that can be added to the DataPackage. I just need simple formatting including changing the font family, font size, font weight and adding newlines. The data comes from a list of objects taht I want to serialise as RTF, not from a text control on the screen.
WordPad outputs fairly clean RTF and some other text editors do as well. If that's not enough, you can download the RTF Specification 1.9.1 although like any specification that's probably overkill for what you're doing.
You can also use the SaveToStream method on the Document property of a RichEditBox from a Metro style app to share out as well.

Best way to generate a custom document?

I am working on generating a document for printing. It should use a specific TTF font and everything must be printed with vector graphics (for quality). Some of the text should be replaced automatically (e.g. current time). Also it should include a custom-generated EPS image with a chart.
Ideally I would like to have some kind of document template where the text could be replaced easily, and it would be nice if it could import the image through path. But I am not sure which format could be good for this. Best I can come to think of is LaTeX, but I don't like that it's a lot of manual work to use it with TTF... any other ideas?
By the way, I am using OS X...
Memoir package is very flexible for your special layouts.
Xetex uses your system fonts (Installed together with TexLive).
You could blend most of those elements to an EPS using imagemagick or gimp script-fu
There are several products out there that will build you a PDF programmatically. I've only used the Coldfusion Report Builder myself and that may not be practical/affordable for your application. If your budget allows I'd look into a commercial reporting product. I know Adobe have several that will generate Flash, FlashPaper or PDF output.