Android emulator not opening in vs code - react-native

When I use `flutter in vs code I am able to start the android emulator easily but when I do it in vs code with react native I get this:
Command 'React Native: Launch Android Emulator' resulted in an error (Error while executing command 'emulator -list-avds': Command failed: emulator -list-avds 'emulator' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. )
This error is killing me please help. I am using expo CLI with react native.

In windows you can go to Start > Control Panel > System > Advanced System Settings > Environment Variables .
Then under System Variables find Path and double click on it and add this path C:\Users\<your-username>\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\emulator
or in windows 7 append the path with a ; at the end of line.
Then click the OK buttons to get out.
If you already have a Command Prompt window open, close it then re-open and the emulator -list-avds command should then work.


My UIautomator is not starting in mac. I have done everything possible

I am learning appium and I have set up everything that is required. I have setup paths, installed android studio, run appium and created a virtual android device too. But when i am writing uiautomatorviewer its giving me an error
mac#Macs-MacBook-Pro ~ % uiautomatorviewer
-Djava.ext.dirs=/Users/mac/Library/Android/sdk/tools/lib/x86_64:/Users/mac/Library/Android/sdk/tools/lib is not supported. Use -classpath instead.
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
mac#Macs-MacBook-Pro ~ %
Can anyone help me please
A. I encountered this issue once, sometime env var doesn't load and it throws error, open and load bash profile and run that command.
open ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
B. if appium server is running, try to close it and run the command.
Try the following command:
sudo ./uiautomatorviewer

PhpStorm doesn't see any android devices

Now command npx react-native run-android work in Windows command line, but when I try call it in PhpStorm Terminal:
"adb" ­Ґ пў«пҐвбп ў­гв७­Ґ© Ё«Ё ў­Ґи­Ґ©
Є®¬ ­¤®©, ЁбЇ®«­пҐ¬®© Їа®Ја ¬¬®© Ё«Ё Ї ЄҐв­л¬ д ©«®¬.
info Launching emulator...
info Installing the app...
error Failed to launch emulator. Reason: No emulators found as an output of `emulator -list-avds`.
warn Please launch an emulator manually or connect a device. Otherwise app may fail to launch.
Before I reinstalled Windows, it worked fine. I don't understand what I forgot to configure. Where could be the problem?
I just reinstall IDE and problem went away.
Probably it's too late but it may still help others.
"adb" ­Ґ пў«пҐвбп ў­гв७­Ґ© Ё«Ё ў­Ґи­Ґ©
Є®¬ ­¤®©, ЁбЇ®«­пҐ¬®© Їа®Ја ¬¬®© Ё«Ё Ї ЄҐв­л¬ д ©«®¬.
Is actually a Russian equivalent of
'adb' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file
affected by some encoding issues.
It means that you need to add the path to your adb file to the System PATH variable and then restart the IDE.
adb should be located in the platform-tools folder of your android SDK.

Test instrumentation process crashed - where is the .txt file?

Sometimes, while Espresso testing, I see the following exception.
Test instrumentation process crashed. Check package_name.TestName#methodName.txt for details
Where is this .txt file stored? I can't seem to find it anywhere.
Use Case
In Jenkins (CI), I want the logs to see exactly what stacktrace caused the crash.
If you are working with an emulator, in A.S open Device File Explorer and go to:
/data/user_de/0/, then you can look for a particular file there
EDIT: June 25 - 2019 >> If you have updated to AndroidX dependencies, then the .txt file is located in
In my case, it was simpler to just check Logcat, rather than listen to that recommendation
For others encountering this issue, as #antek pointed out the files might not be accessible on a non-rooted device. You might try using an emulator running a non-Google Play API where you can obtain a root shell.
adb root
adb shell
ls /data/data/androidx.test.orchestrator/files
Alternatively, you could try running the tests using the debugger.
I could not find the text file, but I was able to get logcat and view the fatal that caused the orchestrator to crash
first I clear the logcat
adb logcat -c
then I run the test, then I grab the logcat
adb logcat > ~/Desktop/logcat
then I open logcat file and search for string FATAL
I just did wipe data in Android studio for my emulator using Device manager.
Restarted the emulator and run the test works for me

MonoDevelop on Linux: "file name has not been provided"

I installed MonoDevelop on Ubuntu following these instructions:
I opened a new console project and ran a simple "Hello World" code.
Then, I got the following error:
Do you know how to resolve it?
Try changing the 'custom configuration' from tab run > run with > custom configuration > uncheck run on external console > run this works for printing on console but cant insert values, ReadLine() does not works.

Reload a React Native app on an Android device manually via command line

I'd like to manually force a Reload of my React Native app on demand without physically shaking the device. (I'm getting carpal tunnel.)
I know that Live Reload / Hot Reload are available. I'm looking for a on-demand command line solution.
Using the cmd line you can send a command to the Android device.
adb shell input text "RR"
This command tells the Android device to type the character "R" twice which is the React Native command to Reload on Android.
The adb shell command has many useful features many of which are described here:
ADB Shell Input Events
To open the developer menu:
adb shell input keyevent 82
Just posting it here in case you didn't know this trick
long press the menu button in your android device. Then you'll get this menu
tap the reload option and you are good to go
I use the following command. It doesn't reload the app, but it brings up the developper menu on the device, so I can then press the "Reload" option:
adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_MENU
I develop with a real device (not the emulator) and sending the "double-R" through adb doesn't work (it just shows the keyboard and types 2 Rs).
Add the following script to your package.json:
"android-shake": "adb shell input keyevent 82"
Then you will be able to call
yarn android-shake
If you are looking for ios then checkout my answer on this link
One trick would be to add this command on ~/.bashrc profile in the case you're using unix.
use your favorite editor (ex: nano on Ubuntu) and type nano ~/.bashrc
on the end of file write alias rnreload='adb shell input text "RR"'
save it and run source ~/.bashrc in order to active it.
Now whenever you need, just type rnreload on a terminal.
Next time you enter your computer it should be already done.
Also, there's the possibility to add an other alias as well: alias rnshake='adb shell input keyevent 82' which "shakes" android. You can use it to access other commands like Hot Reloading, Debugger, Inspector, etc.
Made an autohotkey script to reload and open the menu with keyboard shortcuts.
^+r:: run, %comspec% /c adb shell input text "RR",,hide
^+e:: run, %comspec% /c adb shell input keyevent 82,,hide
ctrl+shift+r to reload
ctrl+shift+e to open dev menu
If you're on a Mac and using Hammerspoon, you can put the following bit of code in your ~/.hammerspoon/init.lua file:
hyper = {'ctrl', 'alt', 'cmd'}
placid = {'ctrl', 'cmd'}
-- React native reload JS on connected device
hs.hotkey.bind(placid, 'R', function()
os.execute('/Users/peter/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb shell input text "RR"')
-- React native show dev menu on connected device
hs.hotkey.bind(hyper, 'R', function()
os.execute('/Users/peter/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb shell input keyevent 82')
the os.execute command doesn't load your ENV (doing so would make running commands really slow), so make sure to run which adb in your terminal to figure out what the exact path to adb is. (in my case it was /Users/peter/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools/adb).
Now you can reload your app using ctrl+cmd+R and show the dev menu using ctrl+option+cmd+R from anywhere and without even bothering to cmd-tab out of your favorite editor!
For device you have just to shake your device than a menu appears so click on Reload