users are not able to query one specific table in the azure sql database - getting Error Code 8630 - azure-sql-database

I'm hoping someone else may have encountered this and been able to resolve. I'm presently waiting for an azure support tech to help, so figured I'd reach out here in the mean-time since I couldn't find anything online...
I have a read-only database that users can query all tables without issues except for one specific table. Azure recommended solution pointed to login to user mapping issues, however, that would not allow the user to access the database which is not the case here.
There are no long running queries or open transactions and the server is more or less idle. I'm not seeing any locking or blocking either, so this is quite puzzling to me.
I can reproduce the issue with all users of all types testing with:
SELECT TOP 1 * FROM dbo.{table 1} - results in no issues
SELECT TOP 1 * FROM dbo.{table 2} - gets following error
Msg 40197, Level 20, State 200, Line 3
The service has encountered an error processing your request. Please try again. Error code 8630.
Msg 0, Level 20, State 0, Line 1
A severe error occurred on the current command. The results, if any, should be discarded.

In the end, Azure Support had me scale up and scale down the database and that has resolved the issue.


SQL - SSMS - Working script no longer working

I am training up on a bit of SQL and yesterday thought that I got the general idea of it. My script yesterday was completely working and returning the data I asked for when I asked for it - I reloaded the script today and for some reason the following error message is showing up.
"Msg 208, Level 16, State 1, Line 25
Invalid object name 'dbo.DoubleClick_Floodlight'."
I have a colleague who is also training with me and despite us having to 2 same scripts my one won't load and hers will - She also emailed me over her script so I could copy and paste it in and implement i on my computer but still no luck.
I have also tried dragging over the table name into my script to ensure it matches but the following error is still presented - I've attached screenshots of the script..
The problem will be one of:
you are connected to the wrong database (see the database drop down in the top left hand corner of SSMS). Check that it matches the database you are expecting to connect to. (Ctrl+U will take you to this drop down).
the object no longer exists within the database. If the above is correct, have a look in the Object explorer to see if you can still see the object there - again check that you're looking under the correct database in the tree.
you no longer have permissions on the object.

Oracle error: Application failover does not support non-single-SELECT statement

We are getting the following error using Oracle:
[Oracle JDBC Driver]Application failover does not support non-single-SELECT statement
The error occurs when we try to make a delete or insert over a large number of rows (tens of millions of rows).
I know that the script works, because it was working for almost an year before these error messages start to pop.
We know that no one change any database configuration, so we figure out that the problem must be on the volume of processed data (row number is growing as time goes by...).
But we never see that kind of error before! What does it means? It seems that a failover engine tries to recover from an error, but when oracle is 'taken over' by this engine, it enter in a more restricted state, where some kinds of queries does not work (like Windows Safe Mode...)
Well, if this is what is happening, how can I get the real error message? The one that trigger the failover mechanism?
BTW, below is one of the deletes that triggers the error:
delete from odf_ca_rnv_av_snapshot_week
(we tried this one just to test the simplest delete we could think of... a truncate won't help us with the real deal :) )
check this link
the error seems to come not from Oracle or JDBC, but from "progress". It means that it can only recover from SELECT statements and not from DML.
You'll have to figure out why the failover occurs in the first place.

Syntax error on executing a script in Sybase database

I created a Sybase database emp_details using SQL Anywhere and Sybase Central. I had given emp/emp as dba username/password while creating.
The db got created and the files were generated in the given folder.
When I tried running the below script using Ineractive SQL:
use master
if exists (select 1 from master..sysdatabases where name='emp_details')
checkpoint emp_details
It threw the following exception
Could not execute statement.
Syntax error near 'checkpoint' on line 2
SQLCODE=-131, ODBC 3 State="42000"
Line 4, column 1
Haven't been able to figure out what exactly the syntax issue is and have been stuck up with this for a while.
Any ideas?
First of all, you may want to think about posting your SQL Anywhere questions to the forum. It's a forum dedicated to the SQL Anywhere product line.
Is there any possibility that the two periods together might be causing your syntax issue?
Normally you're not going to get an exact area where the error is coming from. See if that helps. Also check out the other forum as well.

A severe error occurred on the current command. The results, if any, should be discarded

For the past couple of days, I have been getting quite a bit of the messages below with no clue how to fix them. I use temp tables in many of my procedures for processing.
Msg 0, Level 11, State 0, Line 0. A severe error occurred on the
current command. The results, if any, should be discarded
All my stored procedures have NO COUNT set to ON. I don't use a whole lot of CTEs and I drop all temp tables after use.
I checked the log files C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.WORKBOX\MSSQL\Log but found nothing that I believe explains what is happening to me. I would appreciate any help tackling this issue please.

What problems may occur while querying SQL databases with big amount of data over internet

I am having this big database on one MSSQL server that contains data indexed by a web crawler.
Every day I want to update SOLR SearchEngine Index using DataImportHandler which is situated in another server and another network.
Solr DataImportHandler uses query to get data from SQL. For example this query
SELECT * FROM DB.Table WHERE DateModified > Config.LastUpdateDate
The ImportHandler does 8 selects of this types. Each select will get arround 1000 rows from database.
To connect to SQL SERVER i am using
The parameters I can add for connection are:
So my question is:
What can go wrong while doing this queries every day ? ( except network errors )
I want to know how is SQL Server working in this context ?
Further more I have to take a decicion regarding the way I will implement this importing and how to handle errors, but first I need to know what errors can arise.
Later edit
My problem is that I don't know how can this SQL Queries fail. When i am calling this importer every day it does 10 queries to the database. If 5th query fails I have to options:
rollback the entire transaction and do it again, or commit the data I got from the first 4 queries and redo somehow the queries 5 to 10. But if this queries always fails, because of some other problems, I need to think another way to import this data.
Can this sql queries over internet fail because of timeout operations or something like this?
The only problem i identified after working with this type of import is:
Network problem - If the network connection fails: in this case SOLR is rolling back any changes and the commit doesn't take place. In my program I identify this as an error and don't log the changes in the database.
Thanks #GuidEmpty for providing his comment and clarifying out this for me.
There could be issues with permissions (not sure if you control these).
Might be a good idea to catch exceptions you can think of and include a catch all (Exception exp).
Then take the overall one as a worst case and roll-back (where you can) and log the exception to include later on.
You don't say what types you are selecting either, keep in mind text/blob can take a lot more space and could cause issues internally if you buffer any data etc.
Though just a quick re-read and you don't need to roll-back if you are only selecting.
I think you would be better having a think about what you are hoping to achieve and whether knowing all possible problems will help?