What is the equivalent toassertAlmostEqual() from Python in Junit? - kotlin

I am programming an application in Kotlin that converts radians to degrees and vise-versa. I was testing it with JUnit and received this error.
// The code I ran
assertEquals(60.0, radians.toDegrees())
// The stacktrace
Expected :60.0
Actual :59.99999999999999
There is nothing I can do about this, as the program was dividing by PI and then multiplying by PI later on. I was wondering if there was a way I could run a comparison that would count this as a success because the values are close enough. In Python, you can use assertAlmostEqual() with a couple of parameters. What is the equivalent of doing this with JUnit.
I am using JDK 11, Java 8, Kotlin 1.3(whatever the latest version is)

In JUnit 4 and JUnit 5 you can specify a delta in the method when comparing doubles, specifying how much variance you are willing to tolerate.
assertEquals(60.0, myValue, 0.005);
There's also the Hamcrest IsCloseTo matcher, which sounds more like what you're used to.


Does Kotlin have it's own function for rounding up when a number is greater than zero, but rounding down when a number is less than zero?

Prepended: I just found a similar question about Java. This question is the exact same as that except about Kotlin. This means I would prefer not referencing any Java code and am wondering about native Kotlin.
Is there a function that always rounds up, but relative to zero. Essentially a rounding function that will always round away from zero. A cousin of ceil if you will. For example...
\\ Ceil does this
\\ And floor does this
I want to know if there is a built-in function that reproduces this in Kotlin. I know how to program one myself, I just want to know if there is a built-in (for elegance). It might look something like this.
fun round(num: Double) == if (num > 0) ceil(num) else floor(num)
Kotlin has ceil in it's kotlin.math library, but it rounds to the next whole number.
kotlin.math is in kotlin-stdlib so I'd assume it fits your requirement of native Kotlin.

Using bc from C code

I am writing the code for expression evaluator using lex and yacc which can have following operations:
/ , * , + , - , pow(a,b) , sqrt(a) , log(a)
also there can be brackets in the expression.
Input expression is in the file "calculator.input"
I have to compare the time of my code with bc, I am facing following problems:
1) bc doesn't accept pow(a,b) and log(a) it instead accepts a^b and l(a) .
How do I change it?
2) How do I use the bc from the main funtion in the yacc program ? or that can't be done?
I think it would be easier to change your code than to change bc, but if you want to try, you can find pointers to bc's source bundles on the GNU project page and in the FreeBSD source mirror. Of course, the end result would not strictly speaking be bc any more, so I don't know if it would still count, for the purposes of your assignment.
I don't know what the specifications are for the pow function you are supposed to implement, but note that bc's ^ operator only allows integer exponents, so it might not work on all your test cases (unless, of course, all your test cases have integer exponents.) You could compute a^b with e(l(a)*b), but it won't be as accurate for integer exponents:
You might want to consult with your tutor, professor, or teaching assistant.
If you don't want to (or are not allowed to) generate the bc equivalent test cases by hand, you might be able to automate the process with sed (if the exponential sub-expressions are not complicated), or by adapting your calculator to output the expression in bc's syntax. The latter would be a fairly easy project, and you'd probably learn something by implementing it.
If you are using a Unix-like system, you can easily run any command-line utility from a C program. (Indeed, you can do that on non-Unix-like systems, too, but the library functions will differ.) If you don't need to pass data to bc through its stdin, you can use the popen(3) library function, which is certainly the easiest solution.
Otherwise, you will have to set up a pair of pipe(2)s (one for writing to bc's stdin and the other for reading from its stdout), fork(2) a child process, and use one of the exec* function calls, probably execlp(3) or execvp(3), to run bc in the child. (Watch out for pipe deadlock while you are writing to and reading from the child.) Once the child process finishes (which you'll notice because you'll get an EOF on the pipe you're using to read from its stdout, you should use wait(3) or waitpid(3) to get its status code.
If all that seems too complicated, you could use the much simpler solution of running both your program and bc from your shell. (You can use the time shell built-in on Unix-like shells to get a measure of execution time, although it will not be microsecond resolution which might be necessary for such a simple program.)

How to make MPFR to use standard types?

I'm using MPFR multiple precision library, and in particular the implementation from here.
Is there any way to compile the code in such a way that all operations are carried out using the standard types (e.g. double)? E.g. a compilation flag that would turn all "software operations" into "hardware operations" normally implemented in standard types?
In practice, the code is slow even when I'm using 64 bits, I profiled that the culprit is the mpfr/gmp, and I would like to measure how much I gain by changing to double (without having to re-write all the code).
This is not possible in the MPFR library for several reasons. First the formats are different. In particular, MPFR has a different exponent range, no subnormals, a single NaN... Moreover it provides correct rounding in 5 rounding modes, while processors only have 4 rounding modes, and for the native types, most operations are not correctly rounded.
You might want to write wrappers, C++ classes or whatever to do what you want, but this is not necessarily interesting as you may get many conversions between both formats.
EDIT: If you don't care about the exact behavior, perhaps what you want is something based on C++ templates. You probably need to look at another C++ MPFR interface such as MPFRCPP or mpfr::real class.
As far as I understand, the implementation you mention (MPFR C++ from Pavel Holoborodko) uses operator overloading to make MPFR calls look like standard C float operations, from the site:
//MPFR C - version
void mpfr_schwefel(mpfr_t y, mpfr_t x)
mpfr_t t;
can be written like this:
// MPFR C++ - version
mpreal mpfr_schwefel(mpreal& x)
return "418.9829"-x*sin(sqrt(abs(x)));
which is cool by the way, so you just have to make slighty changes like replacing "418.9829" by 418.9829, and comment out MPFR inclusion to your code.
If your code still has remaining mpfr_... calls you can get native double-like behaviour by setting the MPFR precision to 53 bits in variable initialization or using, say, specific functions like mpfr_set_prec, but note that (as another answer points out), results won't be exactly the same:
In particular, with a precision of 53 bits and in any of the four standard rounding modes, MPFR is able to exactly reproduce all computations with double-precision machine floating-point numbers (e.g., double type in C, with a C implementation that rigorously follows Annex F of the ISO C99 standard and FP_CONTRACT pragma set to OFF) on the four arithmetic operations and the square root, except the default exponent range is much wider and subnormal numbers are not implemented (but can be emulated).
This might be just good enough for you to have a rough idea of how much MPFR performance differs from native floats.
If that isn't precise enough though, you can place a temporary include into your main file after including MPFR, with defines that override the MPFR functions you use, more or less like so:
typedef double mpfr_t;
#define mpfr_add(a,b,c,r) {a=b+c;}

Why is my very small number not being stored precisely?

In an answer on StackOverflow en Español, I showed that Perl 6 avoids the calculation errors of many other languages because it keeps track of the numerators and denominators. That is to say, decimal numbers are actually represented as Ratios. However, it does make a small error with very small numbers:
> 0.000000000000000000071.nude.perl
(71, 1000000000000000000000)
> 0.0000000000000000000071.nude.perl
(71, 10000000000000000000000)
> 0.00000000000000000000071.nude.perl
(71, 99999999999999991611392)
Is this something that will be fixed in future versions?
I get the same answers using perl6/rakudo-star-2015.09 and perl6/rakudo-star-2015.11
Denominators are supposed to be limited to 64-bit - you need a FatRat to go beyond that.
However, said limit does not appear to be enforced in current Rakudo: If you do so manually, it will happily construct your number via Rat.new(71, 10**23).
My guess would be you have uncovered a bug in the handling of rational literals, but it might only trigger in code that is not future-proof anyway.
edit: It is possible to use angle brackets to get an allomorphic value, and this produces the correct value. In fact, regular rational literals are also specced to fall back to RatStr on overflow.
However, this fallback mechanism does not appear to be implemented in Rakudo.

How do I process enormous numbers? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Most efficient implementation of a large number class
Suppose I needed to calculate 2^150000. Obviously that number is going to exceed the size of an int, float, or double. How can I make a data type that allows normal math functions but exceeds the basic number types?
If this is a "depends which language you use" kind of deal. I will say C#.
Most efficient implementation of a large number class
for some leads.
If C# is not cast in stone, and you want something that just works out of the box, then there are several options. The one I know best is Python, but I think that languages like Scheme and Ruby support large numbers, too.
Python: 2**150000. Prints the result after about 1 second.
If you want free mathematics software, look at Maxima or Sage.
You might also consider using Frink, which is a language with the native capability of dealing with measurement units.
It computes 2^150000 without difficulty, deals with fractions (e.g. 1/3+2/5 --> 11/15), computes 3 meters + 2 inch --> 3.0508 m and is a full programming language.
Frink - Copyright 2000-2008 Alan Eliasen, eliasen#mindspring.com
Several languages have built in support for arbitrary large numbers. You could use Mathematica, for example. I tried your example in Mathematica, and the result has 45,155 digits. I tried the same example with bc on a Unix machine. bc supports extended precision, but not that extended; it bombed on the example.
Lisp is your friend. Default biginteger numbers.
I find it very frustrating to use a language without arbitrarily large numbers: it seems nonsensical to be able to use ordinary operators like addition on most numbers, but to have to switch to method calls on a BigInt instance simply because of its size.
A whole bunch of languages have more complete numeric towers, and seamlessly coerce when needed; e.g., Allegro Common Lisp evaluates and prints all 45,155 digits of (expt 2 150000) in 1ms.
cl-user(2): (time (expt 2 150000))
; cpu time (non-gc) 0 msec user, 0 msec system
; cpu time (gc) 0 msec user, 0 msec system
; cpu time (total) 0 msec user, 0 msec system
; real time 1 msec
; space allocation:
; 2 cons cells, 18,784 other bytes, 0 static bytes
There is a product in C called calc which is an arbitrary precision calculator. I used it once when working as a researcher and found it fairly straightforward to use...
It can be programmed for difficult or long calculations and can accept arguments from the command line. In interactive mode, it accepts one command at a time, and displays the answer.
Ordinarily the commands are simply expressions such as:
3 * (4 + 1)
and calc will print:
Calc does the arithmetic operators +, -, /, * as well as ^ (exponentiation), % (modulus) and // (integer divide).
For example:
3 * 19 ^ 43 - 1
will produce:
Calc values can be VERY large. For example:
2 ^ 23209 - 1
will print:
402874115778988778181873329071 ... loads of digits ... 3779264511
Hope this helps...
I don't know C# but I do know the Ruby programming language has the BigDemical class that seems to allow numbers of unlimited size.
Python has a bignum library. If you need to implement a bignum library in another language you can at least use the Python one as reference for validating your work. Note that bignums have a few implementation gotchas that aren't immediately obvious if you don't know what you're looking for.