What could cause FileSystemWatcher to only trigger methods when a user connects to the website? - asp.net-core

I have a FileSystemWatcher that is supposed to process incomming files (on an IIS server, in ASP.NET Core) and after processing these, move them to another destination.
It works like a charm, but only when there are users connected to the website, I was wondering what causes this kind of behaviour.
Extra info: When a file pops up in the directory it is listening to and there is no user connected to the website, the code that is defined in the Watcher_Created() method is not executed, and when processing multiple files, upon disctonnection the other files are no longer beeing processed.
Kind regards

Solution found here:
I hope it helps others.


Is it possible to implement that an interrupted download can be continued on a server in ASP.NET Core?

I have created a webapplication and set up an endpoint which returns a FileStreamResult, these can be large zip and pdf files for example. The main issue I'm facing is that if a download gets interrupted (for example the internet goes down by the client), the temporary file that is generated by the browser is immediately deleted.
I'm aware of range-requests, but to utilize them, I would have to read files from the client, to determine how much progress the download made, which is not possible from the server side and also, the same problem persists about the temporary file deletion.
So this seems like a browser limitation to me, but please correct me if I'm wrong, I would appreaciate any ideas.

How to terminate an EventSource CGI?

A bit unsure where to look for this one...
HTML5 web page, that uses HTML5 EventSource / server-side events to get refresh notifications
OpenWrt BarrierBreaker server, running uHTTPd as the web server
a two-level CGI script that provides the server-side events:
the CGI is a shell script (ash, not bash), that parses QUERY_STRING, and calls...
a C application that do the true data extraction (from an SQLite database) and pushes the data to the web page
Everything works, except for a little detail: when the web page is closed,
the C application keeps running. Since it doesn't expect any user input, its current structure is a simple while(1). So after some time, the openwrt box has dozens of copies of the app running.
So the question: how can the application be changed to detect that the client isn't there anymore, and that it should quits?
Since posting this a few hours ago, i investigated if the information was somehow available in the script's input stream. It appears it isn't.
I also found http://html5doctor.com/server-sent-events/ that describes a strategy to do exactly this in a Node.js environment, but I have no idea how to translate this in a script-based one.

How do I start a console application in one project from a web form in another project?

I have a website created in VS 2010 with .NET 4.0. There are multiple projects in the solution. In one of the projects I have a form that gives a user the option to run a console application that is in another project of the solution. (called update.exe)
I have tried just using
process.start(filepath + "update.exe")
but it doesn't seem to run.
It finds the file but then finishes immediately. I tried adding Console.readKey() to the console application so it would stay open after being called, but it was to no avail.
On top of this, I know that the console app isn't running as I have logs set up throughout the console's code and it never even seems to kick off.
Should I be calling the console app differently? (note: I am writing in VB.net)
Purely speculative here.. but my guess is that when the page finishes processing the process is terminated. Try having the page wait for the process to close.
My 'work-around' for a similar requirement is this:
Use the ASP page to create a CMD or BAT file on the server.
Create/write a service that 'watches' for the CMD/BAT file - and when it finds one, it runs it. The service can be written to start a process as a user.

How to test a cocoa touch app for the case when the network fails while downloading a file?

My iOS application, among its features, download files from a specific server. This downloading occurs entirely in the background, while the user is working on the app. When a download is complete, the resource associated with the file appears on the app screen.
My users report some misbehavior about missing resources that I could not reproduce. Some side information leads me to suspect that the problem is caused by the download of the resource's file to be aborted mid-way. Then the app has a partially downloaded file that never gets completed.
To confirm the hypothesis, to make sure any fix works, and to test for such random network vanishing under my feet, I would like to simulate the loss of the network on my test environment: the test server is web sharing on my development Mac, the test device is the iOS simulator running on the same Mac.
Is there a more convenient way to do that, than manually turning web sharing off on a breakpoint?
Depending on how you're downloading your file, one possible option would be to set the callback delegate to null halfway through the download. It would still download the data, but your application would simply stop receiving callbacks. Although, I don't know if that's how the application would function if it truly dropped the connection.
Another option would be to temporarily point the download request at some random file on an external web server, then halfway though just disconnect your computer from the internet. I've done that to test network connectivity issues and it usually works. The interesting problem in your case is that you're downloading from your own computer, so disconnecting won't help. This would just be so you can determine the order of callbacks within the application when this happens, (does it make any callbacks at all? In what order?) so that you can simulate that behavior when actually pointed to your test server.
Combine both options together, I guess, to get the best solution.

ClickOnce Online-Only Application as a TS RemoteApp

I've attempted just about everything to get our ClickOnce VB.NET app to run under Terminal Services as a RemoteApp. I have a batch file that runs the .application file for the app.
This works fine via RDP desktop session on the terminal server. As a TS RemoteApp, however, well... not so much.
I get a quick flash of command prompt (the batch file) on the client system and then... nothing...
Same goes for having it point to the .application file directly (without using a batch file) or even copying the publication locally and having it point to that.
I found a technet.microsoft.com discussion about a similar issue, but there's no resolution to it listed.
For anyone who has run into this before and got it working, what did you have to do?
We currently use RemoteApp's for everything else on that server, so I'm hoping to stick with that if possible.
The current workaround is to build and run an MSI-based installer for the app on our terminal server whenever we publish via OneClick out to the network, but this can be quite a pain at times and is easy to forget to do.
Since the app works fine via Terminal Services when run in full desktop mode but not during RemoteApp, I don't think it's anything specific to Terminal Server permissions so much as ClickOnce requiring something that isn't available when running as a RemoteApp.
The Key to getting it to work is to use Windows Explorer "C:\windows\explorer.exe". This process is the base process when you login to a full session.
If you setup the RemoteApp to use Windows Explorer and the command line argument of the path to the .application file for the ClickOnce application then it will work when launched as a remote application. Windows Explorer will flash for a second when it starts, but it will disappear then the ClickOnce application will launch.
Why does it have to be a ClickOnce application? I would consider just deploying the exe file and assemblies.
I know it only half a solution, but if the application does not change much, it might be a good solution.
I believe your problem is related to the fact that ClickOnce needs to store it's data in a special user folder called the ClickOnce application cache. Apparently because of how Terminal Services sets up user folders ClickOnce can't access this in TerminalServices mode.
See this link for more information.
There may not be a way to do it :(
Can you launch the .exe directly? It's buried under your profile in \AppData\Local\Apps\2.0[obfuscated folders], but you should be able to find it.
That will skip the built-in update process, but if it can be launched that way you could then write code to do a manual update after the application starts.
Faced the same problem this morning and got it resolved by copying the clickonce app's directory from the user settings folder to somewhere like c:\MyApp\ - I know its nasty and not very ideal.. but good enough for me!
We recently ran across this issue and decided to post a bug report on this issue to the Visual Studio development team. Feel free to comment on the bug report. It has to be a bug in ClickOnce caused by some changes in Server 2008.
We also have a discussion on the MSDN forums covering this issue:
Try using RegMon and FileMon when starting the app - You may be able to track it down to a file and/or registry permission issue.
Also maybe check the event logs to see if anything's getting logged when the process fails.