Search data in DataGridView using FilterDataRow VB.Net -

DV = New DataView(ds.Tables("CustomerList"))
FlxCustomerList.DataSource = ds.Tables("CustomerList").DefaultView
myDataTable = CType(FlxCustomerList.DataSource, DataView).ToTable
drToAdd = myDataTable.NewRow()
drToAdd("Customer Account") = ""
drToAdd("Customer Name") = ""
drToAdd("Customer Group") = ""
drToAdd("City") = ""
drToAdd("Mobile No") = ""
drToAdd("Status") = ""
myDataTable.Rows.InsertAt(drToAdd, 0)
FlxCustomerList.DataSource = myDataTable.DefaultView
For Each dtrow As DataGridViewRow In FlxCustomerList.Rows
If dtrow.Index = 0 Then
dtrow.Frozen = True
dtrow.ReadOnly = True
End If
To achieve the search in Datagridview functionality, I'm getting the first row by this, on search enter, key-down function call this
CustomerAccountFilterStr = CStr(Me.DataGridView1.Rows(0).Cells("CustomerAccount").Value)
sStr = sStr & " [Customer Account] like '%" & CustomerAccountFilterStr & "%'"
ds.Tables("CustAcc").DefaultView.RowFilter = sStr
This is how I binding Data to DataGridView
myDataView.RowFilter = sStr
FlxCustomerList.DataSource = myDataView
And Then The DataGridView which is bound to the DefaultView of DataSet. I froze the first row but now, couldn't understand how to put back filtered values from the second-row onwards to the grid.
The example output should resemble like below.
I'm stuck to implement this functionality. please guide How to implement this functionality?


DataGridView Yes No ComboBox Column

I have what on the face of it seems a pretty simple requirement, I need an unbound combobox column to hold an option list of 'Yes' and 'No'. In combobox parlance Yes and No are the DisplayMembers corresponding to ValueMembers 1 and 0 respectively which in turn are the values held in the field of the database table. I use bound combobox columns in the application extensively and am very familiar with building them, but can't for the hell of me work out how to incorporate this simple list functionality in the datagridview application. Could somebody please put me out of my misery with some sample code.
Thanks for your feedback Plutonix. The DGV is bound to an underlying table. Hopefully, the following code should give you some idea of what I am attempting to acheive. The code specifically relevant to this post is in the call to PopulateUnboundComboBox(comboBoxCol, {"Yes", "No"}).
Private Sub GetData()
Const procName As String = "GetData()"
Dim myValue As String = ""
Dim myDataSource As Integer = 0
'First clear the existing grid
With Me.uxGrid
If .ColumnCount > 0 Then
'clear the grid
End If
End With
_Logger.SendLog(Me.Name & "." & procName & " - Fetching device data.", NLog.LogLevel.Trace)
'Get the data from the database
If Not _dataSourceID = 0 Then
_criteria = "WHERE DATASOURCEID = " & _dataSourceID
_sqlStatement = ""
_criteria = ""
End If
_myDeviceMngr = New DeviceManager(_currentDB, _userName, _myPwd)
'Now get the latest data
_myDataSet = _myDeviceMngr.GetData(_sqlStatement)
_Logger.SendLog(Me.Name & "." & procName & " - Device data fetch completed.", NLog.LogLevel.Trace)
'Update the display
Call BuildGrid(_myDataSet, uxGrid)
Catch ex As Exception
MsgBox(ex.Message, MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, System.Windows.Forms.Application.ProductName)
_Logger.SendLog(ex.Message & ". Thrown in module " & Me.Name.ToString & "." & procName, NLog.LogLevel.Error, ex)
Call System.GC.Collect()
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub BuildGrid(ByVal myDataSet As DataSet, ByVal myGrid As DataGridView)
Dim myTable As New System.Data.DataTable
Dim myColCount As Integer
Dim comboBoxCol As DataGridViewComboBoxColumn
Dim readOnlyCellStyle As New DataGridViewCellStyle
Dim textBoxCol As DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
Dim gridObject As Object = Nothing
Const procName As String = "BuildGrid"
readOnlyCellStyle.ForeColor = Color.Gray
_Logger.SendLog(Me.Name & "." & procName & " - Building device data grid.", NLog.LogLevel.Trace, Nothing)
myTable = myDataSet.Tables(0)
With myGrid
'Now add the columns to the grid
Dim column As System.Data.DataColumn
For Each column In myDataSet.Tables(0).Columns
'We dont want to include the changedon and changedby fields in the grid build
If column.ColumnName.IndexOf("CHANGED") = -1 Then
Select Case column.ColumnName
gridObject = New Object
comboBoxCol = New DataGridViewComboBoxColumn
'First create the comboboxcolumn for the column
'Populate combobox
comboBoxCol.DataPropertyName = "DATASOURCEID"
comboBoxCol.HeaderText = "SCADA SOURCE"
comboBoxCol.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.AllCells
comboBoxCol.DisplayStyle = DataGridViewComboBoxDisplayStyle.Nothing
gridObject = comboBoxCol
Case "TEXT"
textBoxCol = New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
gridObject = textBoxCol
'Now add the columns to the grid
gridObject.DataPropertyName = column.ColumnName.ToString
gridObject.HeaderText = column.ColumnName.Replace("TEXT", "DEVICE") = column.ColumnName.Replace("TEXT", "DEVICE")
gridObject.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.AllCells
textBoxCol = New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
gridObject = textBoxCol
'Now add the columns to the grid
gridObject.DataPropertyName = column.ColumnName.ToString
gridObject.HeaderText = "CATEGORY" = "CATEGORY"
gridObject.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.AllCells
textBoxCol = New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
gridObject = textBoxCol
'Now add the columns to the grid
gridObject.DataPropertyName = column.ColumnName.ToString
gridObject.HeaderText = "MOUNTING" = "MOUNTING"
gridObject.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.AllCells
comboBoxCol = New DataGridViewComboBoxColumn
'First create the comboboxcolumn for the column
'Populate combobox
PopulateUnboundComboBox(comboBoxCol, {"Yes", "No"})
comboBoxCol.DataPropertyName = "TANALYSIS"
comboBoxCol.HeaderText = "TELECONTROL ANALYSIS"
comboBoxCol.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.AllCells
comboBoxCol.DisplayStyle = DataGridViewComboBoxDisplayStyle.Nothing
gridObject = comboBoxCol
Case Else
textBoxCol = New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
gridObject = textBoxCol
'Now add the columns to the grid
gridObject.DataPropertyName = column.ColumnName.ToString
gridObject.HeaderText = "ID" = "ID"
gridObject.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.AllCells
End Select
'Now add the textbox columns to the grid
'gridObject.DataPropertyName = column.ColumnName.ToString
'gridObject.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.AllCells
End If
'Set grid default styles/values
.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 10, FontStyle.Regular)
.AllowUserToResizeColumns = True
.AllowUserToResizeRows = True
.AllowUserToAddRows = True
.ReadOnly = True
.ClipboardCopyMode = DataGridViewClipboardCopyMode.EnableAlwaysIncludeHeaderText
'Now bind the datatable to the DGV datasource property
.DataSource = myTable
End With
_Logger.SendLog(Me.Name & "." & procName & " - Building of device data grid has been completed.", NLog.LogLevel.Trace, Nothing)
Catch ex As Exception
textBoxCol = Nothing
comboBoxCol = Nothing
readOnlyCellStyle = Nothing
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub PopulateUnboundComboBox(ByVal comboBoxCol As DataGridViewComboBoxColumn, byval valList() as string)
comboBoxCol.Name = "TANALYSIS"
comboBoxCol.DataSource = valList
comboBoxCol.ValueMember = ???
comboBoxCol.DisplayMember = ???
End Sub
Ok, I've made some progress and seem to have almost solved my issue. The one remaining bug is that the column in the DGV is displaying the 'ValueMember' (1 or 0) rather than the 'DisplayMember' (Yes or No). I've checked the valuemember and displaymember properties in the comboboxcolumn definition and and they appear to be set correctly. Here is the associated code:
Excerpt from original code posting listed above
gridObject = New Object
comboBoxCol = New DataGridViewComboBoxColumn
'First create the comboboxcolumn for the column
'Populate combobox
Dim item As New CBOItem
Dim itemList As New CBOItemList
item.ValueMember = 0
item.DisplayMember = "No"
item = New CBOItem
item.ValueMember = 1
item.DisplayMember = "Yes"
PopulateComboBox(comboBoxCol, itemList)
comboBoxCol.DataPropertyName = "TANALYSIS"
comboBoxCol.HeaderText = "TELECONTROL ANALYSIS"
comboBoxCol.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.AllCells
comboBoxCol.DisplayStyle = DataGridViewComboBoxDisplayStyle.Nothing
gridObject = comboBoxCol
Private Sub PopulateComboBox(ByRef comboBoxCol As DataGridViewComboBoxColumn, ByVal itemList As CBOItemList)
Dim tbl As DataTable = New DataTable
Dim row As DataRow
row = tbl.NewRow
row.Item("ValueMember") = itemList(0).ValueMember
row.Item("DisplayMember") = itemList(0).DisplayMember
row = tbl.NewRow
row.Item("ValueMember") = itemList(1).ValueMember
row.Item("DisplayMember") = itemList(1).DisplayMember
comboBoxCol.ValueMember = tbl.Columns("ValueMember").ToString
comboBoxCol.DisplayMember = tbl.Columns("DisplayMember").ToString
comboBoxCol.DataSource = tbl
End Sub
Kind Regards
Paul J. GridView store value but display text from datatable

Please I want to store the value of address in the gridview or datatable but display it's name, so when saving data to database I will insert the value.
dtCust_dtls.DefaultView.RowFilter = String.Format("SR_ID = '{0}'", SrLookup.GetSelectedItem("SR_ID"))
GCCustList.DataSource = dtCust_dtls.DefaultView
GVCustList.Columns("CUSTOMER_CODE").VisibleIndex = 0
GVCustList.Columns("ADDRESS_ID").VisibleIndex = 1
GVCustList.Columns("CUSTOMER_CODE").Caption = "Customer Code"
GVCustList.Columns("ADDRESS_ID").Caption = "Address"
on button add
dtCust_dtls.DefaultView.RowFilter = String.Format("SR_ID = '{0}' and CUSTOMER_CODE = '{1}'", SrLookup.GetSelectedItem("SR_ID"), txtCust_Code.Text.Trim)
If (dtCust_dtls.DefaultView.Count = 0) Then
Dim dr As DataRow = dtCust_dtls.NewRow()
dr("SR_ID") = SrLookup.GetSelectedItem("SR_ID")
dr("CUSTOMER_ID") = DataRowSelectedCust("CUSTOMER_ID")
dr("ADDRESS_ID") = cmbCustAdd.SelectedValue
dr("CUSTOMER_CODE") = txtCust_Code.Text.Trim
dr("CUSTOMER_BARCODE") = DataRowSelectedCust("CUSTOMER_ID") & "." & cmbCustAdd.SelectedValue 'custId + . + addID
dr("STAMP_DATE") = Now
MsgBox("The Customer code '" & txtCust_Code.Text & "' already exist for " & txtSrName.Text)
End If
on save btn I am saving the datatable dtCust_dtls as it is.
I had an idea to add one column : Address Name and leave the column Address ID but I don't have any idea how to do it !
USING THE RepositoryItemLookUpEdit
Dim xCust_Code As New DevExpress.XtraEditors.Repository.RepositoryItemLookUpEdit
With xCust_Code
.DataSource = dtCustList.DefaultView
.DisplayMember = "Customer_Description"
.ValueMember = "Customer_Code"
.NullText = String.Empty
End With
GVCustDUE.Columns("CUSTOMER_CODE").ColumnEdit = xCust_Code

How to search a record using find next method

I have multiple records with the same customer number and I using Find next method to search for the next record with the customer number is same. my code will only search for the 2nd record and not go for the 3rd or 4th search for the same customer number. below is the code can you please help
Private Sub Command114_Click()
Dim db As dao.Database
Dim rs1 As dao.Recordset
Dim pn As Long
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set rs1 = db.OpenRecordset("Application", dbOpenDynaset)
If (Text85 & vbNullString) = vbNullString Then
MsgBox "Please enter the Account no/CIF"
pn = Me.Text85.Value
rs1.FindNext "[Cus_Number] = " & pn
If rs1.NoMatch Then
MsgBox ("Sorry The Accountno/CIF is not found")
Me.S_No = rs1.Fields("sno").Value
Me.Cus_Name = rs1.Fields("Cus_Name").Value
Me.App_level1 = rs1.Fields("App_level1").Value
Me.App_level2 = rs1.Fields("App_level2").Value
Me.App_level3 = rs1.Fields("App_level3").Value
Me.Dec_level1 = rs1.Fields("Dec_level1").Value
Me.Dec_level2 = rs1.Fields("Dec_level2").Value
Me.Dec_level3 = rs1.Fields("Dec_level3").Value
Me.Com_level1 = rs1.Fields("Com_level1").Value
Me.Com_level2 = rs1.Fields("Com_level2").Value
Me.Com_level3 = rs1.Fields("Com_level3").Value
Me.Date1 = rs1.Fields("Date1").Value
Me.Date2 = rs1.Fields("Date2").Value
Me.Date3 = rs1.Fields("Date3").Value
End If
End If
rs1.FindNext "[Cus_Number] = " & pn
Set rs1 = Nothing
End Sub
I am assuming the functionality you want is to change all instances (2, 3, 4 etc.) to the values entered. Remove this (the one near the end, after the End If):
rs1.FindNext "[Cus_Number] = " & pn
and put the FindNext into a loop which will keep on finding and updating your records until there is NoMatch:
rs1.FindNext "[Cus_Number] = " & pn
If rs1.NoMatch Then
MsgBox ("Sorry The Accountno/CIF is not found")
Do Until rs1.NoMatch
Me.S_No = rs1.Fields("sno").Value
Me.Cus_Name = rs1.Fields("Cus_Name").Value
Me.App_level1 = rs1.Fields("App_level1").Value
Me.App_level2 = rs1.Fields("App_level2").Value
Me.App_level3 = rs1.Fields("App_level3").Value
Me.Dec_level1 = rs1.Fields("Dec_level1").Value
Me.Dec_level2 = rs1.Fields("Dec_level2").Value
Me.Dec_level3 = rs1.Fields("Dec_level3").Value
Me.Com_level1 = rs1.Fields("Com_level1").Value
Me.Com_level2 = rs1.Fields("Com_level2").Value
Me.Com_level3 = rs1.Fields("Com_level3").Value
Me.Date1 = rs1.Fields("Date1").Value
Me.Date2 = rs1.Fields("Date2").Value
Me.Date3 = rs1.Fields("Date3").Value
rs1.FindNext "[Cus_Number] = " & pn
End If
In general, though, I'm not sure what you are looking to do. Are you looking to update the recordset with the latest information on the form? The code you have will overwrite the current values on the form with the last set of found values in the recordset. I would have thought you want the opposite...

Error when I set a radio button to be checked by default

I have a radio button in my VB.NET dll that I wan't to be checked by default. There is a total of 3 radio buttons in this group. Under its properties I set Checked = true. I verified the code was there, this is all the form generated code for the radio button:
Me.rdbProductPC.AutoSize = True
Me.rdbProductPC.Checked = True
Me.rdbProductPC.Font = New System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma", 8.25!, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Point, CType(0, Byte))
Me.rdbProductPC.Location = New System.Drawing.Point(49, 12)
Me.rdbProductPC.Name = "rdbProductPC"
Me.rdbProductPC.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(45, 17)
Me.rdbProductPC.TabIndex = 1
Me.rdbProductPC.TabStop = True
Me.rdbProductPC.Text = "P&&C"
Me.rdbProductPC.UseVisualStyleBackColor = True
For some reason I get this error when I start the application:
An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is: ExecuteReader requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is closed.
Nothing has changed besides the one line adjusting the checked value. Any idea what could be causing this?
This is the code for my GetProducts() method. The error arises after the call to ExecuteReader() but I cannot see the code for this. If my g_strSQL = pc_mis_busunit_product_relate_summary it executes fine. But when g_strSQL = pc_mis_busunit_product_relate_summary '','','N' it errors out.
That being said, if I leave the radio button unchecked by default and then check it later while the program is running it will go into this same method and g_strSQL will look like pc_mis_busunit_product_relate_summary '','','N' and it will work fine.
Private Sub GetProducts(ByVal ProductList As ListBox)
Dim g_strSQL As String
lstProduct.Enabled = True
g_strSQL = String.Empty
objcmd.Connection = ControlConnection
'Clear location combo box
Select Case intProduct
Case Product.Summary
g_strSQL = g_strSQL & "pc_mis_busunit_product_relate_summary "
Case Product.Detail
g_strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT b.dtl_prod_cd, rtrim(ltrim(b.dtl_prod_desc))"
g_strSQL = g_strSQL & " FROM product_detail_ref b "
g_strSQL = g_strSQL & " ORDER BY rtrim(ltrim(b.dtl_prod_desc)) "
Case Else
Exit Sub
End Select
If p_and_C <> String.Empty Then
g_strSQL = g_strSQL & "'" & String.Empty & "','" & String.Empty & "','" & p_and_C & "'"
End If
If g_strSQL <> "" Then
objcmd.CommandText = g_strSQL
rsProducts = objcmd.ExecuteReader()
End If
'Process results from query
If rsProducts.HasRows = False Then
Exit Sub
' This nested if will check which radio button is selected and add the corresponding
' 'all' entry to the top of the lstProduct box
If rdbProductPC.Checked = True Then
ElseIf rdbProductNonPC.Checked = True Then
End If
ProductList.SelectedIndex = 0
While rsProducts.Read()
End While
ProductList.SetSelected(0, True)
End If
rsProducts = Nothing
End Sub

Displaying a checkbox in a databound DataGridView

I am unable to correctly populate a DataGridView checkbox column from a boolean column from a database.
First form_load code:
Me.DataGridView1.DataSource = Me.bindingSource1
GetData("SELECT myInt, myBool, myString " & _
"FROM " & myFavTable & " " & _
"WHERE (myInt > 100) ORDER BY myString")
In GetData I fill myTable with data:
Me.bindingSource1.DataSource = myTable
And finally I format grid the before showing.
I format it manually because loading is much faster than with automatic formatting.
With DataGridView1
.AllowUserToAddRows = False
.AllowDrop = False
.AllowUserToOrderColumns = False
.AllowUserToResizeRows = False
.SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.FullRowSelect
.MultiSelect = False
.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
.EditMode = DataGridViewEditMode.EditProgrammatically
With .Columns(0)
.Name = "postN"
.HeaderText = "Postal"
.Width = 55
End With
With .Columns(1) 'here should be a checkbox
.Width = 20
End With
With .Columns(2)
.Name = "colCity"
.HeaderText = "City"
.Width = 180
End With
End With
But with this code, in my column that should show checkboxes the string value 0 is displayed when in database is FALSE.
How in this situation can I get checkboxes in the middle column instead of text?
I try with .Columns.Add... before and after binding but with no wanted results.
That way I can get checkboxes, but in the new column.
In design-time add the columns to the DataGridView and set the middle column as a CheckBoxColumn.
Then set:
With DataGridView1
.AutoGenerateColumns = False
I see the problem now. You need to set the DataPropertyName to be the same as the column.
When you add columns to the DataGridView, in that dialog set the DataPropertyName to match the DataTable (myTable) column Names. That's the magic behind the mapping.
Here is the code:
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
dr[0] = "Hello";
dr[1] = false;
dr = dt.NewRow();
dr[0] = "World";
dr[1] = true;
dataGridView1.DataSource = dt;
I had the same problem.
I had a DataSet that it was filling with this SQL:
"SELECT nombre, CASE WHEN fecha IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS baja"
dtgEmpleado.DataSource = ds.Tables(0)
With dtgEmpleado
.Columns(0).HeaderText = "Nombre"
.Columns(0).DataPropertyName = "nombre"
.Columns(0).Name = "nombre"
.Columns(0).Width = 100
.Columns(1).HeaderText = "Baja"
.Columns(1).DataPropertyName = "baja"
.Columns(1).Name = "baja"
.Columns(1).Width = 70
End With
I wanted that the column "Baja" it was displaying as a "Checkbox".
I could do it with:
AutoGenerateColumns = False
But an easier way, changing the SQL sentence:
Dim cell As DataGridViewCell = New DataGridViewCheckBoxCell()
With DataGridView1
With .Columns(1)
.CellTemplate = cell
End With
End With
This a suggestion, don't try to add columns at design-time in your DataGridView because you query itself it will generate a DataGridViewCheckBoxCell
GetData("SELECT myInt AS Id, myBool AS Bool, myString AS String " & _
"FROM " & myFavTable & " " & _
"WHERE (myInt > 100) ORDER BY myString")
Me.bindingSource1.DataSource = myTable
DataGridView1.DataSource = bindingSource1;