(vuetify in nuxt js) autocomplete isnt update relative to items prop - vue.js

Every input in search i update the items prop but the v-autocomplete become empty
although the data in my component changed
i tried to add the no-filter prop it didnt help i guess something with the reactivity destroyed
i allso tried with computed property as an items but still same result
Every input in search i update the items prop but the v-autocomplete become empty
although the data in my component changed
i tried to add the no-filter prop it didnt help i guess something with the reactivity destroyed
i allso tried with computed property as an items but still same result
import ProductCartCard from "~/components/cart/ProductCartCard";
export default {
name: "search-app",
components: {
props: {
items: {
type: Array,
default: () => []
data() {
return {
loading: false,
filteredItems: [],
search: null,
select: null
watch: {
search(val) {
if (!val || val.length == 0) {
this.filteredItems.splice(0, this.filteredItems.length);
} else {
val !== this.select && this.querySelections(val);
methods: {
querySelections(v) {
this.loading = true;
// Simulated ajax query
setTimeout(() => {
...this.items.filter(i => {
return (i.externalName || "").toLowerCase().includes((v || "").toLowerCase());
this.loading = false;
}, 500);
<div class="search-app-container">
<template v-slot:item="data">
<ProductCartCard :regularProduct="data" />

One of the caveat of the v-autocomplete as described in the documentation:
When using objects for the items prop, you must associate item-text and item-value with existing properties on your objects. These values are defaulted to text and value and can be changed.
That may fix your issue


How do have unique variables for each dynamically created buttons/text fields?

I'm trying to create buttons and vue element inputs for each item on the page. I'm iterating through the items and rendering them with v-for and so I decided to expand on that and do it for both the rest as well. The problem i'm having is that I need to to bind textInput as well as displayTextbox to each one and i'm not sure how to achieve that.
currently all the input text in the el-inputs are bound to the same variable, and clicking to display the inputs will display them all at once.
<div class="container">
<div v-for="(item, index) in items" :key="index">
<icon #click="showTextbox"/>
<el-input v-if="displayTextbox" v-model="textInput" />
<el-button v-if="displayTextbox" type="primary" #click="confirm" />
<ItemDisplay :data-id="item.id" />
import ItemDisplay from '#/components/ItemDisplay';
export default {
name: 'ItemList',
components: {
props: {
items: {
type: Array,
required: true,
data() {
displayTextbox = false,
textInput = '',
methods: {
confirm() {
// todo send request here
this.displayTextbox = false;
showTextbox() {
this.displayTextbox = true;
EDIT: with the help of #kissu here's the updated and working version
<div class="container">
<div v-for="(item, index) in itemDataList" :key="itemDataList.id">
<icon #click="showTextbox(item.id)"/>
<El-Input v-if="item.displayTextbox" v-model="item.textInput" />
<El-Button v-if="item.displayTextbox" type="primary" #click="confirm(item.id)" />
<ItemDisplay :data-id="item.item.uuid" />
import ItemDisplay from '#/components/ItemDisplay';
export default {
name: 'ItemList',
components: {
props: {
items: {
type: Array,
required: true,
data() {
itemDataList = [],
methods: {
confirm(id) {
const selected = this.itemDataList.find(
(item) => item.id === id,
selected.displayTextbox = false;
// todo send request here
showTextbox(id) {
(item) => item.id === id,
).displayTextbox = true;
populateItemData() {
this.items.forEach((item, index) => {
id: item.uuid + index,
displayTextbox: false,
textInput: '',
item: item,
created() {
// items prop is obtained from parent component vuex
// generate itemDataList before DOM is rendered so we can render it correctly
[assuming you're using Vue2]
If you want to interact with multiple displayTextbox + textInput state, you will need to have an array of objects with a specific key tied to each one of them like in this example.
As of right now, you do have only 1 state for them all, meaning that as you can see: you can toggle it for all or none only.
You'll need to refactor it with an object as in my above example to allow a case-per-case iteration on each state individually.
PS: :key="index" is not a valid solution, you should never use the index of a v-for as explained here.
PS2: please follow the conventions in terms of component naming in your template.
Also, I'm not sure how deep you were planning to go with your components since we don't know the internals of <ItemDisplay :data-id="item.id" />.
But if you also want to manage the labels for each of your inputs, you can do that with nanoid, that way you will be able to have unique UUIDs for each one of your inputs, quite useful.
Use an array to store the values, like this:
<div v-for="(item, index) in items" :key="index">
<el-input v-model="textInputs[index]" />
export default {
props: {
items: {
type: Array,
required: true,
data() {
textInputs: []

Quasar custom input component field validation

I am trying to create Quasar custom select component with autocomplete. Everything works fine except the validation error, the validation error is showing only when I click the input box and leave without adding any value. But, the form is submitting even there are any errors.
Component code
<template v-slot:prepend>
<q-icon :name="icon" />
export default {
props: {
value: Array,
rules: Array,
icon: String,
label: String,
optionValue: String,
optionLabel: String,
options: Array,
multiple: Boolean,
useChips: Boolean
data () {
return {
filteredOptions: this.options,
sModel: this.value,
methods: {
filterFn (val, update) {
if (val === '') {
update(() => {
this.filteredOptions = this.options
// with Quasar v1.7.4+
// here you have access to "ref" which
// is the Vue reference of the QSelect
update(() => {
const needle = val.toLowerCase()
const optionLabel = this.optionLabel
this.filteredOptions = this.options.filter(function(v){
// optionLabel
return v[optionLabel].toLowerCase().indexOf(needle) > -1
handleInput (e) {
this.$emit('input', this.sModel)
In the parent component, this is how I am implementing it,
label="Team Members *"
:rules="[ val => val && val.length && !validationErrors.members > 0 || validationErrors.members ? validationErrors.members : 'Please enter Team members' ]">
Try adding this method on select component methods:
validate(...args) {
return this.$refs.members.validate(...args);
It worked for me, apparently it sends the validation of the input to the parent
Source consulted: https://github.com/quasarframework/quasar/issues/7305
add ref to the form and try to validate the form.
you can give give props "greedy" to the form.

setting up v-autocomplete with search function

Trying to setup v-autocomplete, without a watcher, the flow would be:
Type a string, value is accepted by function
Function searches api for string and returns a list
List is put into "entries"
Computed property "tagsFound" is reevaluated.
"tagsFound" are displayed (since they are :items)
The main difference between the docs here and my code is my attempt to do this without a watcher rather with a simple function.
Relevant code:
data() {
return {
newTag: '',
entries: [],
methods: {
async search(term){
this.query.term = term
this.entries = await this.searchTerms(this.query)
computed: {
return this.entries
Expected behavior is search for the term typed and display the results as a dropdown.
Actual behavior is that it does not search and therefore does not display anything.
The sync modifier effectively makes a prop behave like v-model, so just like with v-model there's a prop and an event. The value needs to be a property, not a method, so :search-input.sync="search" doesn't make sense if search is a method.
The tagsFound computed property in your example isn't really doing anything. If you're just going to return entries you might as well just use entries directly in your template.
Not sure why you would want to do this without a watch but it can be done, either by splitting search-input.sync into a prop/event pair or by using a computed property with a getter and setter. The example below uses the latter approach.
function fakeServer (search) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => {
'Red', 'Yellow', 'Green', 'Brown', 'Blue', 'Pink', 'Black'
].filter(c => c.toLowerCase().includes(search.toLowerCase())))
}, 1000)
new Vue({
el: '#app',
data () {
return {
newTag: '',
entries: [],
queryTerm: ''
computed: {
search: {
get () {
return this.queryTerm
set (searchInput) {
if (this.queryTerm !== searchInput) {
this.queryTerm = searchInput
created () {
methods: {
async loadEntries () {
this.entries = await fakeServer(this.queryTerm || '')
<link href="https://unpkg.com/vuetify#1.5.16/dist/vuetify.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:100,300,400,500,700,900|Material+Icons" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue#2.6.10/dist/vue.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vuetify#1.5.16/dist/vuetify.js"></script>
<div id="app">
In this part, you bind search-input to an async method, this is wrong. You need to bind search-input to a data field and create a watch over it.
Define your component like below:
data: function(){
return {
newTag: '',
entries: [],
searchInput: null
watch: {
this.entries = await this.searchTerms(val)
And v-autocomplete template:
This is a working example I created on CodePen

Browser was freeze when i update array items in v-for block

I use v-autocomplete component and updating items list after http request. But browser was freeze when i set items. What's wrong?
mixins: [search_field_block],
data: function () {
return {
item_component: {
props: ['item'],
template: '<div v-html="item.full_name"></div>'
methods: {
search: function (text) {
this.search_text = text.trim();
if (this.search_text) {
this.doGET('/api-method/search_place/', {'query': this.search_text}, this.update_items);
update_items: function (data) {
this.items = data;
I use a mixin for other components. It contained universal template with v-autocomplete:
<field-block :label="label" :error="field_error" :description="item_description">
<v-autocomplete slot="input"
class="page-form__field required"
:class="{ focused: focused, 'not-empty': not_empty, error: field_error != null, 'list-open': is_list_open }"
:inputAttrs="{ref: 'input', autocomplete: 'off'}"
I was find v-autocomplete on the github. It contain a v-for block for rendering search results
I found the problem. I have "computed" property and set value to parent app:
computed: {
is_list_open: function () {
this.$parent.list_opened = this.focused && this.items.length > 0 || (this.$refs.autocomplete ? this.$refs.autocomplete.show : false);
return this.$parent.list_opened;
This is incorrect behavior.

how to make el-select and v-model work together when extracting a custom component

I'm using el-select to build a select component. Something like this:
//omitted code
<el-select v-model="filterForm.client"
placeholder="Please enter a keyword"
v-for="item in clientCandidates"
export default {
data() {
filterForm: {
client: ''
clientCandidates: [],
loading: false
methods: {
filterClients(query) {
if (query !== '') {
this.loading = true;
setTimeout(() => {
this.loading = false;
this.clientCandidates = [{_id: '1', name: 'foo'}, {_id: '2', name: 'bar'}];
}, 200);
} else {
this.clientCandidates = [];
So far so good, but since the component will appear in different pages, so I want to extract a custom component to avoid duplication.
According to the guideline,
is equivalent to
v-on:input="$emit('input', $event)"
So I extracted the select component like this:
v-on:input="$emit('input', $event)"
placeholder="Filter by short name"
v-for="item in clients"
export default {
props: {
clientId: {
type: String,
required: true
data() {
return {
clients: [],
loading: false,
methods: {
filter(query) {
if (query !== '') {
this.loading = true;
setTimeout(() => {
this.loading = false;
this.clients = [{_id: '1', name: 'foo'}, {_id: '2', name: 'bar'}];
}, 200);
} else {
this.clients = [];
And the parent component looks like this:
<select-client v-model="filterForm.clientId"></select-client>
The select drop down works fine, but unfortunately, the select does not reveal the option I selected, it remains empty after I choose an option. I suspect that maybe I should switch the v-on:input to 'v-on:change', but it does not work either.
I created a simple example, you can clone it here, please checkout the el-select-as-component branch. Run
npm install
npm run dev
You will see a simple page with 3 kinds of select:
The left one is a custom component written in raw select, it works fine.
The middle one is a custom component written in el-select, the dropdown remains empty but you can see the filterForm.elClientId in the console once you click Filter button. This is why I raise this question.
The right one is a plain el-select, it works fine.
The guideline says v-model is equivalent to v-bind:value and v-on:input but if you look closer, in the listener function, the variable binded is set with the event property. What you do in your exemple isn't the same, in your listener you emit another event. Unless you catch this new event, your value will never be set.
Another thing is you can't modify a props, you should consider it like a read-only variable.
If you want to listen from the parent to the emitted event into the child component, you have to do something like this
placeholder="Filter by short name"
v-for="item in clients"
export default {
name: 'SelectClient',
data() {
return {
selected: '',
clients: [],
loading: false,
methods: {
filter(query) {
if (query !== '') {
this.loading = true;
setTimeout(() => {
this.loading = false
this.clients = [{_id: '1', name: 'foo'}, {_id: '2', name: 'bar'}]
}, 200)
} else {
this.clients = []
dispatch (e) {
this.$emit('input', e)
this.selected = e
NB: a v-model + watch pattern will work too. The important thing is to $emit the input event, so the v-model in the parent will be updated.
And in your parent you can use this component like this: <select-client v-model="clientId"/>.
Tips: if you want to modify the same data in different place, you should have a single source of truth and prefer something like vuex. Then your component will be like this
<template lang="html">
value="">Please select one</option>
export default {
data () {
return {
clientId: ''
watch: {
clientId (newValue) {
// Do something else here if you want then commit it
// Of course, listen for the 'setClientId' mutation in your store
this.$store.commit('setClientId', newValue)
Then in your other components, you can listen to $store.state.clientId value.