What is the best way to pass credentials to and from Dialogflow - authentication

I might be missing this entirely in the documentation, but I'm looking for examples of passing authentication to and from Dialogflow.
The Dialogflow examples I find are open for all users, but I want the Dialogflow interaction to be logged into a specific authenticated user. I setup Google Cloud Identity and Firestore Auth, but I can not find good examples of how to move that authentication information securely through Dialogflow in its requests to the Firestore database. I am using NodeJS on the backend webhooks.

There's no straight-forward option to authenticate a user for Dialogflow fulfillment. A suggestion to handle how to pass credentials and the webhook connection is as follows:
The end-user authenticates to your server
The server creates a new session for this conversation in Dialogflow (or validates the current session)
Your server uses the payload field in the QueryParameters object in the detectIntent request to pass the necessary information to validate the user during the fulfillment
Configure mTLS for your webhook to create a secure connection
Use the payload data in the webhook request to authenticate the user
When using Dialogflow-Messenger, you don't have access to the Dialogflow API directly; however, for the step 3, you can still pass a value to queryParams.payload through the user-id HTML customization.
Here's an example of how to set it dynamically:
const dfMessenger = document.querySelector('df-messenger');
dfMessenger.setAttribute("user-id", YOUR_USER); // Sent to Dialogflow API through queryParams.payload


How to Authenticate a user by recovering a token on their behalf - Azure AD

My I am trying to deploy azure AD to my application because I want to expose some of my APIs to users but I need to make sure only people that are authorized can use the resource.
I have never worked with azure AD before and I am a little lost in all the documentation.
What I need is to be able to recover a token on behalf of the user in order to authenticate them. The application does not have any webpages and I do not want to introduce any. I want to be able to grab the token, authenticate the user, and then release the resource. I expect that the endpoint will be accessed through python, java or postman.
Example of basic flow:
call security function/api in app
validate user cred (or any other type of validation)
return token if authenticated
validate token and return response
5.authentication allows user to call apis
I have just explored the authorization code pattern that azure AD offers but this requires an interactive step from what I was able to test so its no good.
I would like to be able to do something like the example flow
In case my question hasn't clued you in I am very new to this so any help is appreciated
Thanks in advance
I agree with #Gopal you can make use of client credentials flow that does not require user interaction to call an API.
You just need to enter Azure AD client application’s ID, Secret, scope to generate the access token and use that access token to call the API via Postman or in your code.
I created one Asp.net core API in VS studio and used Azure Ad authentication to call the API.
I tried accessing this API via Postman App with different flows that you can try :-
Client Credentials flow:-
GET https://login.microsoftonline.com/<tenantID>/oauth2/v2.0/token
scope: https://management.azure.com/.default
Results :-
API can be accessed by the Access token generated by the client app with its secret and scope.
Alternatively, you can make use of Implicit flow which will ask for user credentials via browser.
Implicit flow :-
Here, Your log in page pops up while asking for access token and you need to enter user credentials to get access token and fetch API.
Get the token and hit the token to fetch the API like below :-
Browser Pop up:-
Access Token:-
Now, copy our API URL from browser and try to access the API :-
Results :-
You can find the code samples below :-

Authorizing access to Google Cloud Functions with ID token from Identity Platform

So I have read official docs Authenticating for invocation which is about helping developer testing and I got that working, but this approach requires a SA and a generated token. It seems the docs mix up "authentication" (proving identity) and "authorization" (giving access) which is not making it easier to get the whole picture.
I want to authorize Google Cloud Function with the user's ID token generated from Identity Platform. The official Firebase docs says:
"When a user or device signs in using Firebase Authentication, Firebase creates a corresponding ID token that uniquely identifies them and grants them access to several resources, such as Realtime Database and Cloud Storage. You can re-use that ID token to authenticate the Realtime Database REST API and make requests on behalf of that user."
My setup
I got the following artifacts to test function authorization with user:
A local React app with npm 'firebase' and a login form calling firebase.auth().signInWithEmailAndPassword.
firebase is initialized with config fields apiKey and authDomain.
An Express API deployed to Cloud Functions with default permissions, but I've provided the cloudbuild file with --allow-unauthenticated as an attempt to only focus on authorization.
A local Postman request setup calling the Express API with authorization type=Bearer Token and token set to the ID token received in the React app's onAuthStateChanged from user.getIdToken()
The Postman request responds with 401 Unauthorized. Notice it says Unauthorized, not 403 Forbidden.
When reading up on the topic, I came across the following approaches to solve my problem:
Fetch the user id from the token and push it to a custom backend service which does admin.auth().setCustomUserClaims and then do the function request. GC should then hopefully know about the token's new claims.
Also about claims; generate a new token (based on current ID token?) and set claims.aud to the URL of the function. The ID token I'm using has claims.aud=projectname which I'm not sure what means.
Verify token in function code by using firebase admin. But the authorization of access is still not performed, so this approach seems to miss something.
What is required?
I suppose authentication is ok, Google Cloud should recognize the bearer token (?) but I've also read that there's no built-in functionality for this. Anyway, the authorization part is less clear to me when it comes to function requests on user level.
To summarize:
How should we authorize an ID token from Identity Platform to Google Cloud Functions? Could any of the three above-mentioned approaches be used?

How to protect frontend and rest API with Keycloak

I am very new to Keycloak server and want to use it to protect my front-end app and the backend rest API which are also open over the internet. So far what I understand and did is to create 2 clients on Keycloack, 1 is for frontend which used Client Protocol(openid-connect) with access type(Public) and then in client side i am using adopter to redirect the users to Keycloak login page and authenticate and get token. Now for the backend(rest-apis), I have created a separate client which again use Client Protocol(openid-connect) but with access type(confidential) and in Authentication Flow: both Browser Flow and Direct Grant Flow are direct grant and after that i get client-id and client-secret to call Keycloak rest api.
Now i want that when user are authenticated from frontend and get the token and send in header request to my rest API, here i call some Keycloak rest api to verify this token by providing client_id and client_secret.
I am using following rest api from Keycloak to verify the token which i generated at frontend:
but result is getting like that:
"active": false
It my be i am using some wrong api OR the whole archetecture to verify and protect my backend apis are not correct. Can someone help me to understand where is the problem?
#user565 I found this medium post that works for me. I believe that you can benefit from it as well.
It basically creates two clients, one for the backend, and another for the frontend. The catch is that they share the same roles by leveraging the client scope, roles, and composite roles features.
Hope it helps: https://medium.com/devops-dudes/secure-front-end-react-js-and-back-end-node-js-express-rest-api-with-keycloak-daf159f0a94e

Can't modify user private data with Client Credential Flow by Spotify Web API

Is there any method to modify i.e. playlist by Web API by with console based application in Client Credential Flow ?
Propably not, but maybe I am wrong ? I want to modify only my user's data.
Here I created issue at API specification
One of the benefits with the Client Credentials oAuth 2.0 flow is that applications can make authenticated requests to a web service without a need to involve an end user. Since a user isn't involved, the requests that can be made from the application is limited. For example, using Spotify's API, you can still make requests to retrieve track metadata, playlist contents, and search for albums. Any endpoint that requires a scope can't be used since it requires user interaction.
So using Client Credentials simply doesn't make sense if you're interested in making requests on behalf of a user, or if you want to access private data since the user needs to give you permission first.
You need to use Implicit Grant or Authentication Code Flow for this. I advise that you read further about the supported oAuth 2.0 flows in the Authorization Guide. One of the benefits of using the Authorization Code flow is that you'll also retrieve a new refresh token, which you can use to retrieve access tokens indefinitely. It however requires you to write a web service that accepts an authorization code and exchanges it for the tokens. The Implicit Grant flow doesn't return a refresh token, so it's only possible to use for one hour until the access token has expired.

How to protect the 'create new user' action for a private mobile API?

I'm developing a private API for a mobile app. I plan on securing and authenticating logged in users using JSON Web Tokens.
When a user authenticates and logs in to the service, the server will return a signed JWT in the response. The device stores this securely and sends it back as an HTTP Authorization header in every subsequent request.
So far so good. However, where I'm a bit puzzled is this: the token is generated for a new user when their account is created (ie they registered). This API endpoint (POST to create) is open and there is no token verification (naturally since it's a new user).
How can I ensure that POST requests to create new users are only authorized from the mobile app? In other words, if a malicious user sends POSTs to create spam users, how do I recognize this?
The API is over https. Though, even if I were to require the app to use an API key as a query param, that would expose it on the wire. I suppose I could pass in a Basic Header with a hashed API key/Secret.
What is a way to do this securely?
Edit: How to protect the 'public' part of a REST service from spam?