Vue/Nuxt - Mouseleave triggers from child element - vue.js

Currently trying to build a portion of my site that when text is hovered over, a modal box appears below it (so people can hover over it). This would keep the modal present until they move their mouse outside of this.
The issue I face is as soon as my mouse moves from the text to the modal, the model dismisses (as it seems the mouseleave event is triggered).
<div class="relative" #mouseover="guestDropdown = true" #mouseout="guestDropdown = false">
<p class="flex items-center justify-between mt-4 text-xs font-medium leading-4 text-gray-600">
<span class="cursor-pointer text-deepskyblue-500">Hover</span>
<div class="absolute right-0 z-20 mt-2 -mx-3 bg-white border rounded" v-show="guestDropdown">
<p class="px-3 py-2">Some modal!</p>
Thank you.

It's hard to say without more code and reproducible example but mouseover/mouseout trigger on descendants which is probably something you don't want in this case. You can use mouseenter/mouseleave instead - those doesn't trigger on descendants and doesn't bubble...


Why is my transition not working on "leave"?

I have a global confirmModal.vue which looks like this:
class="bg-black/50 z-50 fixed inset-0 flex justify-center items-center transition duration-300 ease-in-out p-8 cursor-pointer"
<Transition appear enter-from-class="scale-50" enter-to-class="scale-100">
class="flex flex-col gap-4 shadow-2xl p-8 rounded min-w-[300px] max-w-[480px] bg-lf-white transition duration-300 ease-in-out cursor-auto"
<h3 class="font-medium text-2xl">{{ title }}</h3>
<p>{{ text }}</p>
<div class="flex justify-end gap-2">
<Button #click="$emit('cancel')" variant="white">Annuler</Button>
<Button #click="$emit('confirm')">Supprimer</Button>
The first transition adds a fade in effect to the backdrop while the nested transition adds a smooth apparition effect for the modal itself.
It works fine but what I don't understand is that when I close the modal, the leave part of the transition does not trigger at all.
This is what the component calling this modal looks like:
text="Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cet article ?"
Here's a gif of what it's currently looks like:
EDIT: I achieved the wanted result by wrapping ConfirmModal.vue with Transition from the parent component, like this:
text="Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer cet article ?"
I don't understand why I have to do this and why in this exemple the person doesn't need to do that though, they use Transition from inside the child component and the transition works fine
It's also not ideal because every time I use this component I will have to think to wrap it inside this transition for it to fully work
It's probably caused by the use of different versions of Vue.
Your question is tagged vuejs3, so you are very likely using Vue 3, but, in the example you linked, vue version 2.6.4 is being used.
In vue 3, at least, you must use the directives v-if or v-show in the root element inside the Transition component for it to trigger the changes whenever the root component inside appears and disappears.
you can read more about transitions here

How to create a clickable q-card with hover effect?

We're using Quasar Framework with Vue.js. Consider the following q-card that is clickable:
<div class="q-pa-md row items-start q-gutter-md cursor-pointer">
<q-card class="my-card" clickable #click="GetSapRoster">
<q-card-section class="bg-primary text-white">
<div class="text-h6">SAP Truck Roster</div>
<div class="text-subtitle2">Get the truck planning</div>
How is it possible to achieve the same effect for a q-card as with a q-btn?
At the moment when using the class cursor-pointer it only fixes the mouse pointer but not the shading effect like a q-btn has.
You can use v-ripple + q-hoverable + q-focus-helper to simulate a button.
For example:
<q-card v-ripple class="my-box cursor-pointer q-hoverable">
<span class="q-focus-helper"></span>

How to set router-link for a component except some parts

I've created a card using VueJS & tailwind. There are some buttons on the card like edit & delete. I want to add a router-link on this Card Component, so that when a user clicks on the card, it opens up, but then the edit and delete buttons don't work any more and clicking on them, redirects the page too.
How can I solve this problem?
Here is my code:
<router-link to="somewhere">
<card-component :data="products"></card-component>
Card Component:
<div :key="id" v-for="(row, id) in data">
<img alt="Product Image"
class="vs-images-hover-zoom rounded-lg p-0 h-24 w-32 object-center object-cover"/>
<p class="product-name font-medium">{{ }}</p>
<div class="whitespace-no-wrap">
<feather-icon icon="EditIcon" svgClasses="w-5 h-5 hover:text-primary stroke-current" #click="editPopup = true"/>
<feather-icon icon="TrashIcon" svgClasses="w-5 h-5 hover:text-danger stroke-current" class="ml-2" #click="deletePopup = true"/>
Seems like you're having trouble with event handling because button's clicks are being caught by router-link. You can do one of them:
Use #click.stop in your buttons inside the Card component (it will stop event propagation);
Don't use router-link wrapping the whole card and put it just on image and title elements, for example;
Don't use router-link at all and get the #click event in right peaces of card, using this.$router.push to handle it.

how to make modal movable from one end to other end using vue js

Have code like this in vue.js ,my agenda is to make the modal movable from one end to other end, here is my code,have used bootstrap modal for this purpose and have included : draggable
<b-modal ref="my-modal" hide-footer title="Edit Record">
<div class="card">
<div class="card-header d-flex justify-content-between">
<div class="">Viz Attributes</div>
<div class="card-body">
you can't position them absolutely in the viewport.
You would need to change the positioning of the modal dialog sub-container to absolute and control the left/top position based on dragging. This is not an overly easy task. You would need to create your own modal to draggable.
I suggest to you use Vue.js modal component DEMO:
<modal name="bar" draggable=".window-header">
<div class="window-header">DRAG ME HERE</div>
Draggable property can accept not only Boolean but also String parameters.

Vue - Nested Click Event Bubbling Issue

I have a menu button with a click event in Vue. When the button is clicked, it's supposed to activate the menu itself. This is the parent element which when clicked activates the menu (the toggleMenu function makes menuIsActive true). This part works fine:
<div class="navbar-item has-dropdown #click="toggleMenu">
<div class="navbar-link"></div>
<app-navmenu :class="{'is-active': menuIsActive}"/>
And this is the app-navmenu component that gets rendered:
<div class="navbar-dropdown" #click.stop>
<div class="container is-fluid">
<div class="column">
<h1 class="title">Title</h1>
<router-link class="navbar-item" :to="route" exact>
<div class="navbar-content">
<p class="has-text-info">info</p>
<small>meta info</small>
The problem I am running into is that I don't want the menu to disappear when I click on the actual navbar-dropdown div element, hence why I have a #click.stop. However, I do want the menu to disappear when I click on a router-link element, but since I have #click.stop in the navbar-dropdown element, the menu persists. If I don't have a #click.stop event on the navbar-dropdown element, then the menu disappears as soon as the navbar-dropdown element is clicked on, which I don't want.
How can I have the menu persist when clicking on the dropdown body, but also have it disappear when I click on a router-link? I've tried other click methods like .self and .prevent, but those don't seem to do what I need.
I am exactly not sure with your requirement, but following your comment, you can use something like this:
This will even push to the router link:
<router-link class="navbar-item" :to="route" exact
This will prevent to go to the router link:
<router-link class="navbar-item" :to="route" exact
#click.native.prevent="callYourMethod" event="">
This is what I ended up doing to fix my issue. First, I moved the click function in the parent to one of its children:
<div class="navbar-item has-dropdown">
<div class="navbar-link" #click="toggleMenu"></div>
<app-navmenu :class="{'is-active': menuIsActive}"/>
This lets the body of the menu stay active even when I click on the body without having to use a #click.stop. Then in the menu itself, I did this so that links will close the menu:
<div class="navbar-dropdown" #click.stop>
<div class="container is-fluid">
<div class="column">
<h1 class="title">Title</h1>
<div #click="toggleMenu">
<router-link class="navbar-item" :to="route" exact>
<div class="navbar-content">
<p class="has-text-info">info</p>
<small>meta info</small>
One strange behavior I noticed is that if I put the #click="toggleMenu" function in the <router-link/> element itself, it doesn't get called on, even if I use .prevent. Hence the need for the div wrapper around the router-link element.