Vue + Webpack - exclude .scss from build - vue.js

Is there a way with Webpack to exclude a specific .scss file from being compiled to css and included in the build?
I have tried adding the following to vue.config.js, but it does not work —
module.exports = {
chainWebpack: (config) => {


Vue-CLI: Remove '.umd' from filename in dist folder

I'm generating a library with Vue CLI 4.4:
vue-cli-service build --target lib --formats=umd,umd-min --name example main.js
As a result, I get a number of files in the dist folder:
I'd like to remove the .umd from the file name. How to accomplish that?
I've tried the following two things in my vue.config.js, but it did not help:
configureWebpack: {
output: {
filename: 'example.js',
chunkFilename: 'example.[name].js'
chainWebpack: config => {
It seems vue-cli sets this "postfix" here:
Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to override it without forking the whole project.

No CSS files when running 'vue-cli-service build --watch'

I have a simple project generated with vue-cli. When I run the vue-cli-service build command it produces CSS file correctly. When I run the vue-cli-service build --watch command it only builds JavaScript files. There are no CSS files.
How can I generate CSS files in watch mode?
You can achieve this by adding this line of code in your vue.config.js
module.exports = {
//adding extract css true solves this issue
css: {
extract: true
There is a good chance that you have to use an extract plugin for webpack.
I know that in my vue.config.js file I'm using :
chainWebpack: config => {
if (config.plugins.has('extract-css')) {
const extractCSSPlugin = config.plugin('extract-css');
extractCSSPlugin &&
extractCSSPlugin.tap(() => [
filename: 'build.css',
chunkFilename: 'build.css'
Hopefully this help you. However vue inject your css in watch mode right at the top of your file for automatic re-rendering purpose I think.

Giving static filenames for build files in vue-cli3

I am using vue-cli3, when i build using npm run build -- --mode=production, it gives 2 css files and 2 js files.
Everytime i make a code change the name of the file also changes like app.de90cdf7.js and chunk-vendors.a9204242.js.
Is there a way in vue-cli to hardcode the files names as app.js and chunk-vendors.js ?
I'm little late to the party. We can chain webpack to apply name changes.
Using version #vue/cli 5.0.4 in year 2022
const { defineConfig } = require("#vue/cli-service");
module.exports = defineConfig({
transpileDependencies: true,
chainWebpack : (config) => {
css: {
extract: {
filename: '[name].css',
chunkFilename: '[name].css'

Adding pug-plain-loader configuration in vue.config.js

I have a project created through Vue CLI and now I want to use Pug with my Single File Components i.e. the .vue files.
To do that I started following this vue-loader documentation and installed pug and pug-plain-loader with the command npm install -D pug pug-plain-loader. And the next step there proposes inserting the follows in webpack.config.js
// webpack.config.js -> module.rules
test: /\.pug$/,
loader: 'pug-plain-loader'
But, using Vue CLI, I do not have an explicit webpack config file, but vue.config.js.
So, how to add such a pug-plain-loader configuration in vue.config.js (preferably using webpack-chain)?
My current vue.config.js already featuring a svg-loader is as follows:
module.exports = {
// ...
chainWebpack: (config) => {
const svgRule = config.module.rule('svg')
//TODO: add pug-plain-loader configuration here
Accordingly with the example here, Vue CLI has it own way to define new rules in webpack. So this code seems to be the right way to define the pug loader (in your vue.config.js file - if doesn't exists, create it):
module.exports = {
chainWebpack: (config) => {
// Pug Loader
This worked for me c:
(this apply only in .vue files that have lang="pug" specified in template tag)

webpack2 vue-cli autoprefixer not work in js file when require scss file?

I use vue-cli, which depends on webpack2. I know vue-loader can compile .vue file, it can compile scss&autoprefixer successfully in .vue file,
but when I use require .scss file in a js file, autoprefixer does not work, how can i solve it?
I have try this(vue-loader.conf.js) but it does not work:
module.exports = {
loaders: utils.cssLoaders({
sourceMap: isProduction
extract: isProduction
postcss: [
browsers: ['last 7 versions']