Get the original filename of symlinks in nginx - variables

From another script i got some generated symlinks.
2QGPCKVNG1R -> /anotherdir/movie1.mp4
HJS7J9ND2L5 -> /anotherdir/movie2.mp4
LKA6A9LA7SK -> /anotherdir/movie3.mp4
Displaying these files in NGINX works fine, but I'd like to rename the files at download via content disposition.
Question is how do i get the original filename in nginx variable?

I'm not sure it is possible at all. Is that another script yours or under your control? You can generate an additional nginx config file with a map block with the same script where you can describe a ruleset for mapping an URI value to the Content-Disposition header value (or you can write an additional script to do it with readlink -f <symlink> command:
map $uri $content_disposition {
~/2QGPCKVNG1R$ movie1.mp4;
~/HJS7J9ND2L5$ movie2.mp4;
~/LKA6A9LA7SK$ movie3.mp4;
And then include that file to the main nginx config:
include /path/to/content-disposition-map.conf;
server {
add_header Content-Disposition $content_disposition;
Another way I see is to use lua-nginx-module and a LUA script like
map $symlink_target $content_disposition {
~/([^/]*)$ $1;
server {
set_by_lua_block $symlink_target {
local result = io.popen("/bin/readlink -n -f " .. ngx.var.request_filename)
return result:read()
add_header Content-Disposition $content_disposition;


NGINX - Limit access to folder to a list of user from ldap authentication

A have an nginx reverse proxy behind ldap authentication.
I can read username in php from variable $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER']. I think this means that username is passed from ldap to nginx and than to php.
Is it possible in nginx configuration to allow access to a folder only to a list of users?
In nginx the user is stored in $remote_user variable. Is it possible to compare $remote_user with a list of users stored in a file? And then deny or allow access to a folder?
Probably I have to use map directive, for example:
map $remote_user $allowed_user {
default 0;
user1 1;
user2 1;
and then test it in the appropriate location:
location /folder/ {
if($allowed_user != 1){
return 403;
proxy_pass http://site;
but when I do sudo nginx -t, I receive the following error:
nginx: [emerg] unknown directive "if($allowed_user" in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:104
nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test failed
You can do it via map directive (please note that map translate definitions block should be placed in the http context outside the server block):
map $remote_user $deny
username1 0;
username2 0;
usernameN 0;
default 1;
server {
location /folder/ {
if ($deny) { return 403; }
You can pre-generate users list in the above form (username1 0; username 2 0; ...) and then include this list to the nginx configuration:
map $remote_user $deny {
include /path/userlist.txt;
default 1;
Whenever this user list file get changed you'd need to reload nginx configuration (nginx -s reload).

Nginx - variable usage (set vs map) context and usage

In Nginx configurations,
I do not know when / where I can use map or set.
I want to do something like this:
I tried using map:
map $host $proxy_destination_include {
default '/etc/nginx/conf.d/params/proxy.params/proxy_params_destination.conf';
Or tried using set:
server {
### I want to use this as either a variable / map ###
set $proxy_destination_include /etc/nginx/conf.d/params/proxy.params/proxy_params_destination.conf;
root /var/www/html;
location / {
set_proxy_header X-Forwarded-Location-Site 'static-value';
include $proxy_destination_include;
location /otherlocation {
set_proxy_header X-Forwarded-Location-Site 'static-value-2';
include $proxy_destination_include;
But I think map can only be used when a 'site request' is done? So since it has not been mapped Nginx cannot successfully compile its settings - sudo nginx -t fails
Is there any way to do this using Nginx and 'variables'?

Disable a hash URL (like http://localhost/#/login) without changing frontend code

I want to disable a hash URL (like http://localhost/#/login)
But I can not change the frontend code.
Can I solve it in some other ways (like Nginx or Apache Config)?
According to the spec the hash part of the URI is processed on the client-side, and does not get sent to the server.
So, unfortunately not.
It can redirect the #/foo hash URL in this demo
Install Nginx.
Use for Mac
Install Nginx module for Mac
brew reinstall nginx-full --with-sub-module; Then we can use the sub_filter expression
delete the js code in demo1.we get demo2;
use this nginx config
location / {
root html; (use your folder)
index index.html index.htm;
sub_filter </head>
function redirect() {
if (location.hash === "#/foo") {
window.onhashchange = function() {
if (location.hash === "#/foo") {
sub_filter_once on;
run nginx -c nginx.config to use this config
We can find a new snippet in the HTML, then we solve the question.

Where the correct place should i define a port of server( express )?

I keep any hard coding information inside models/config.js, but i'm not sure that the models/config.js file is the correct place for a port.
Keep a ./config/my_database_config.js and put all there.
Similar for ./config/main_server_config.js
usually all other config files can also go there.
You can hardcode values in this my_database_config.js file . Or this file could suppose make a request to the server for the config file that returns a following json.
The config could be a json of type :
configJson = {
"env_production": {
"db_host_production": "",
"db_password_production": ""
"env_staging": {
"db_host_staging": "",
"db_password_staging": ""
"env_local": {
"db_host_local": "",
"db_password_local": ""
If its is just for local testing puposes you could even pass in config values as env variables to the json in config.js

Rewrite Requests for Images to CDN URL with Varnish

I've got Varnish (3.0.3) sitting as a load-balancer/static cache in front of two web servers. I've got a CDN set up using Original Pull method. If I grab a URL from an image on my site manually, drop in the CDN address, I can verify that original pull is working and the image is pulled to the CDN and served.
My application is fairly complex and I'm testing this CDN to see if it significantly speeds up the web app, so I don't want to rewrite any of my php code to use the CDN images just yet.
What I'd like to do is set Varnish up to rewrite requests received for image files and pull them through the CDN instead of from the two Apache servers directly in my cluster.
I've read through the Varnish documentation and a couple howto's online about doing something similar, but I just can't get it to work properly and need a little help here.
Here are a couple different ways I tried doing this (edited for brevity):
sub vcl_recv {
#if request is image, redirect to CDN
if (req.url ~ "\.(gif|ico|jpg|jpeg|png)$") {
set = "";
error 750 + req.url;
sub vcl_error {
if (obj.status == 750) {
set obj.status = 302;
set obj.http.Location = obj.response;
That didn't work. It resulted in broken images everywhere, and anything that did show up was using the .webp extension, so it wasn't being processed by the condition above.
So I tried this:
backend cdn {
.host = "";
.port = "80";
sub vcl_recv {
#if request is image, redirect to CDN
if (req.url ~ "\.(gif|ico|jpg|jpeg|png)$") {
set req.backend = cdn;
This showed some images on the page, but when viewing their source, they looked to be coming from the Apache servers (the domain name wasn't that of the CDN) and only about half the images were displaying...probably browser cache.
I'd love some input here, thanks guys.
Is there no way to use Varnish for this kind of redirect? Would I be better off setting nginx up in front of Varnish to rewrite requests to the cdn?
Using both answers given below, I have the redirect working and an ACL in place to allow the CDN to pull images directly vs redirecting to itself. However, though I verified the ACL is allowing connection through by using my own external IP, the CDN isn't pulling new images from the server. It gives a 502 error (odd<) instead of pulling the image from the local server to the CDN and serving it. This is what the block of my vcl_recv looks like now:
acl cdn {
sub vcl_recv {
#if request is image, redirect to CDN
if (req.url ~ "\.(gif|ico|jpg|jpeg|png)$") {
if(!client.ip ~ cdn){
error 750 "" + req.url;
sub vcl_error {
if (obj.status == 750) {
set obj.status = 302;
set obj.http.Location = obj.response;
You can definitely do this with Varnish quite easily - no need to setup nginx or anything. Actually your first solution is very close to doing the trick. It just needs a few modifications.
sub vcl_recv {
#if request is image, redirect to CDN
if (req.url ~ "\.(gif|ico|jpg|jpeg|png)$") {
error 750 "" + req.url;
sub vcl_error {
if (obj.status == 750) {
set obj.status = 302;
set obj.http.Location = obj.response;
You forgot "http://" from your CDN URL, and you can omit the last slash from the host as all req.urls begin with /.
You also need to make sure that the vcl_error code is the first one that is run in vcl_error(). I.e. if you have multiple definitions of vcl_error, make sure that none of them get to deliver any output before the if (obj.status == 750) check is reached.
Bear in mind that this solution causes all client browsers to query your server first and then make another request to the CDN after the 302 redirect. This adds a significant delay to each image load, and is probably not the best way of determining if CDN improves your app performance.
Update: Regarding your problems with CDN showing 502 errors when trying to pull content from your origin. Relying on the remote IP address for determining the redirection is quite risky, as the CDN could very well use a number of servers to do the pull, and the addresses could change over time. That would make the VCL very laborious and error-prone to maintain.
Would it be possible setting up a unique virtual host for the CDN to use? For instance and setup the CDN so that it pulls content from that address instead of your primary address?
You could then modify the vcl_recv() as follows:
sub vcl_recv {
#if request is image and request is not made from CDN, redirect to CDN
if ( != "" &&
req.url ~ "\.(gif|ico|jpg|jpeg|png)$") {
error 750 "" + req.url;
That would ensure that the requests from CDN will never be redirected.
Assuming you have the CDN pulling it's copy of the images from the site, and your not manually pushing images to the CDN. Aren't you missing a simple exclusion of the CDN network, from either your rewrite, or backend proxy? As the CDN needs to be able to directly pull a copy of the images, from your site to populate it's caches.
Been a while since I played with Varnish, and never an expert, but something along the following lines may work:
# Defnine the IP ranges of the CDN server.
acl cdn {
#if request is image, redirect to CDN, unless from the CDN
if (req.url ~ "\.(gif|ico|jpg|jpeg|png)$") {
if (!client.ip ~ cdn) {
error 750 "" + req.url;