Vulkan: Sync of UniformBuffer and StoreBuffer - vulkan

UniformBuffers and StoreBuffers are updated, on the CPU side, using memcpy. How does synchronization work for those descriptor types? Does using memcpy imply that the application waits for memcpy to upload data to the GPU prior to continuing to next statement? If so, does this mean that barriers are not needed for sync'ing these types of buffers?

Synchronization works the same way for any memory resource: with certain rare exceptions, if you've changed memory, you need a memory dependency to ensure visibility of those changes. The synchronization system doesn't care whether it's used as a UBO or whatever. It cares about the nature of the source operation (the host) and the destination operation (reading from certain shader stages).
For host-to-device memory operations, you need to perform a form of synchronization known as a "domain operation". Fortunately, vkQueueSubmit automatically performs a domain operation on any host writes made visible before the vkQueueSubmit call. So if you write stuff to GPU-visible memory, then call vkQueueSubmit (either in the same thread or via CPU-side inter-thread communication), any commands in that submit call (or later ones) will see the values you wrote.
Assuming you have made them visible. Writes to host-coherent memory are always visible to the GPU, but writes to non-coherent memory must be made visible via a call to vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges.
If you want to write to memory asynchronously to the GPU process that reads it, you'll need to use an event. You write to the memory, make it visible if needs be, then set the event. The GPU commands that read from it would wait on the event, using VK_ACCESS_HOST_WRITE_BIT as the source access, and VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_HOST_BIT as the source stage. The destination access and stage are determined by how you plan to read from it.
Vulkan knows nothing about memcpy. It doesn't care how you modify the memory; it only cares that you do so in accord with its rules.


Does a system call involve a context switch or not?

I am reading the wikipedia page on system calls and I cannot reconcile a few of the statements that are made there.
At the bottom, it says that "A system call does not generally require a context switch to another process; instead, it is executed in the context of whichever process invoked it."
Yet, at the top, it says that "[...] applications to request services via system calls, which are often initiated via interrupts. An interrupt [...] passes control to the kernel [and then] the kernel executes a specific set of instructions over which the calling program has no direct control".
It seems to me that if the interrupt "passes control to the kernel," that means that the kernel, which is "another process," is executing and therefore a context switch happened. Therefore, there seems to be a contradiction in the wikipedia page. Where is my understanding wrong?
Your understanding is wrong because the kernel isn't a separate process. The kernel is sitting in RAM in shared memory areas. Typically, it sits in the top half of the virtual address space.
When the kernel is invoked with a system call, it is not necessarily using an interrupt. On x86-64, it is invoked directly using a specific processor instruction (syscall). This instruction makes the processor jump to the address stored in a special register.
Syscalls don't necessarily involve a full context switch. They must involve a user mode to kernel mode context switch. Most often, kernels have a kernel stack per process. This stack is mostly unused and empty when no system call is active as it then makes no sense to have anything stored in it.
The registers also need to be saved since the kernel can use them. I don't know for other processors but x86-64 does have the TSS allowing for automated user mode to kernel mode stack switch. The registers still need to be saved manually.
In the end, there is actually a necessary partial context switch when entering the kernel through a system call but it doesn't involve switching the whole process. Since the temporary storage for swapped registers and the kernel stack are already reserved, it involves much less overhead as the kernel doesn't need to touch the page tables. Swapping page tables often involves cache managing and some cache flushing to make it consistent.

Can vkQueuePresentKHR be synced using a pipeline barrier?

The fact vkQueuePresentKHR gets a queue parameter makes me think that it is like a command that is delivered to the queue for execution. If so, it is possible to make it waits (until the writing into the image to be presented is finished) using a pipeline barrier where source stage is VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_COLOR_ATTACHMENT_OUTPUT_BIT and destination is VK_PIPELINE_STAGE_TOP_OF_PIPE_BIT. Or maybe even by an image barrier to ease the sync constraint for the image only.
But the fact that in every tutorial and books the sync is done using semaphore , makes me think that my assumption is wrong. If so, why vkQueuePresentKHR needs a queue parameter ? because the semaphore parameter is seems to be enough: when it is signaled, vkQueuePresentKHR can present the image according to the image index parameter and the swapchain handle parameter.
There are couple of outstanding Issues against the specification. Notably KhronosGroup/Vulkan-Docs#1308 is exactly your question.
Meanwhile everyone usually follows this language:
The processing of the presentation happens in issue order with other queue operations, but semaphores have to be used to ensure that prior rendering and other commands in the specified queue complete before the presentation begins.
Which implies semaphore has to be used. And given we are not 110 % sure, that means semaphore should be used until we know any better.
Another semi-official source is the sync wiki, which uses a semaphore.
Despite what this quote says, I think it is reasonable to believe it is also permissible to use other sync that makes the image already visible before the vkQueuePresent, such as fence wait.
But just pipeline barriers are likely not sufficient. The presentation is outside the queue system:
However, the scope of this set of queue operations does not include the actual processing of the image by the presentation engine.
Additionally there is no VkPipelineStageFlagBit for it, and vkQueuePresentKHR is not included in the submission order, so it cannot be in the synchronization scope of any vkCmdPipelineBarrier.
The confusing part is this unfortunate wording:
Any writes to memory backing the images referenced by the pImageIndices and pSwapchains members of pPresentInfo, that are available before vkQueuePresentKHR is executed, are automatically made visible to the read access performed by the presentation engine.
I believe the trick is the "before vkQueuePresentKHR is executed". As said above, vkQueuePresentKHR is not part of submission order, therefore you do not know if the memory was or wasn't made available via a pipeline barrier before the vkQueuePresentKHR is executed.
Presentation is a queue operation. That's why you submit it to a queue. A queue that will execute the presentation of the image. And specifically to a queue that is able to perform present operations.
As for how to synchronize... the specification is a bit ambiguous on this point.
Semaphores are definitely able to work; there's a specific callout for this:
Semaphores are not necessary for making the results of prior commands visible to the present:
Any writes to memory backing the images referenced by the pImageIndices and pSwapchains members of pPresentInfo, that are available before vkQueuePresentKHR is executed, are
automatically made visible to the read access performed by the presentation engine. This automatic visibility operation for an image happens-after the semaphore signal operation, and happens-before the presentation engine accesses the image.
While provisions are made for semaphores, there is no specific statement of other things. In particular, if you don't wait on a semaphore, it's not clear what "happens-after the semaphore signal operation" means, since no such signal operation happened.
Now, the API for vkQueuePresentKHR makes it clear that you don't need to provide a semaphore to wait on:
waitSemaphoreCount is the number of semaphores to wait for before issuing the present request.
The number may be zero.
One might thing that, as a queue operation, all prior synchronization on that queue would still affect presentation. For example, an external subpass dependency if you wrote to the swapchain image as an attachment. And it probably would... if not for one little problem.
See, synchronization is ultimately based on dependencies between stages. And presentation... doesn't have a stage. So while your source for the external dependency would be well-understood, it's not clear what destination stage would work. Even specifying the all-stages flag wouldn't necessarily work.
Does "not a stage" exist in the set of all stages?
In any case, it's best to just use a semaphore. You'll probably need one anyway, so just use that.

The best way to add a new 3D object at runtime

All the time till now I had 3D objects created during the startup. But now I need to add them dynamically. What can be simpler, I thought...
The main issue right now is how to upload the new object's data in the fastest way and find out when the data is uploaded.
Here's my setup:
I'm using the vulkan memory allocator library, so I'm free form memory management burden.
I'm planning to use a separate VkBuffer for every object - this way I don't need to manage offsets, alignments and it would be easier to add/remove objects.
And here are my thoughts/questions:
How to upload the data? I want the buffer to be gpu-visible only, that means I need a staging buffer.
If I use the staging buffer I need to know when the data is ready to use on the gpu. I don't want to flush the pipeline and wait. The only way I see is to use a fence per object and only call the draw command when this fence is ready.
If I use a staging buffer and want to upload multiple objects during a short frame, I need somehow to be sure that the parts of this staging buffer not being overridden by different objects. For this, I need to keep it big, handle alignment for the offsets. But how big?
I'm pretty sure I'm overcomplicating. I believe there should be a much simpler pattern. How would you do this?
I believe there should be a much simpler pattern.
It's Vulkan; it's an explicit, low-level API. "Simple" is not its goal.
Overall, your Vulkan code needs to be written to adapt to the capabilities of the hardware. That's the best way to get performance out of it.
The first decision that needs to be made is whether you need staging at all. Staging (for buffer copies) is only necessary if your device's DEVICE_LOCAL memory is not mappable. And yes, there are (integrated) GPUs that allow you to map DEVICE_LOCAL memory. If that is the case, then you can just write directly to where you need the data to go.
If staging is needed, then you need to decide if the hardware supports an independent transfer-only queue. If so, then you will likely get performance benefits by employing it. Not all hardware supports transfer-only queues, so your application needs to adapt. Also, transfer-only queues can have restrictions on the granularity of memory transfers taking place on those queues, so you need to check to see if your streaming strategy fits within the limits of that particular hardware.
Also, if there is no appropriate transfer queue, you can create the effect of a transfer queue by using a second compute or graphics queue... if the hardware supports multiple queues at all. Being able to submit transfer commands and rendering commands on different queues is a good thing, assuming you are taking advantage of threading (ie: issuing submits of the batches to the different queues on different threads).
If you are able to use a separate queue for transfers (whether a true transfer queue or just a separate compute/graphics queue), then you get to play around with semaphores. The batch that transfers data must signal a semaphore when it completes; this is part of the batch in the vkQueueSubmit call. The batch on the main queue that uses the transferred data for some process needs to wait on that semaphore. So both threads need to be using the same VkSemaphore object. And the wait on the semaphore should just have a global memory barrier, to make the memory visible.
The tricky part is this: you cannot submit the batch that waits on the semaphore until the submit call for the batch that signals it has been submitted. You don't have to wait until completion, but you do have to wait until the vkQueueSubmit call on the transfer queue has returned. So you need a way to transfer the semaphore between different threads, or you could just issue both submit commands on the same thread.
If you aren't using a second queue, then things are slightly simpler.
You still want to build the transfer command buffer itself on a different thread (to take advantage of threading CB construction). But that CB now needs to be communicated to the thread responsible for submitting the rendering stuff. And this channel of communication needs to know that this CB contains transfer commands, which some of the rendering CB processes ought to wait on.
The simplest and most flexible way to do this is to build the transfer CB so that the last command is a vkCmdSetEvent command (and the first command is a vkCmdResetEvent to reset it from previous frames of usage). The submission thread then only needs to create a small CB that only contains a vkCmdWaitEvents command which waits on the transfer event that will be set. That command should issue a full memory barrier, and that CB should execute between the transfer CB and any rendering CBs that read from the transferred data.
The flexibility of this is in the structure of the process. It is structured similarly to how the multi-queue version works. In both cases, a separate thread needs to communicate something to the render submission thread (in one case, a semaphore; in the other, a CB and an event). And the render submission thread needs to do things to wait on that "something", but without disrupting the process of building the rendering commands itself (in one case, you just change the batch to wait on the semaphore; in the other, you insert a CB that waits for the event).
If you want to get a bit smarter about execution dependencies, you can even have the transfer operation forward information about which pipeline stages need to wait on the operation. But that's mostly an optimization.
Here's the thing though: all of the staging cases are not performance-friendly. They're problematic because you can't do anything while the transfer operation is going on. And that is the case because... you're trying to read from the memory in the same frame you're writing to it. That's bad.
You should endeavor instead to delay rendering any objects for which loading is not complete. Or put another way, you want to load the data for new objects before you need them, not on the same frame you need them. This is what streaming systems do: they pre-emptively load data that will be needed soon, but not right now.
But how big?
Only you and your use cases can answer that question. If you are streaming in fixed-sized blocks (which you should do where possible), then it's fairly easy: your staging buffer should be one or maybe two streaming blocks in size. If your rendering system is more flexible, imposing few limitations on the higher-level code, then your staging buffer and your streaming system needs to be more flexible. And there's no right answer for that; it depends entirely on how it gets used.
Welcome to using explicit, low-level APIs.

Should I syncronize an access to a memory with HOST_VISIBLE_BIT | HOST_COHERENT_BIT flags?

In other words is it possible that the GPU will read the memory while I mapping it on the host and writing to it?
There is a distinction between "visibility" and "availability" in Vulkan's memory model. You need both if you want to access a value.
Coherency is about "visibility". But you still need availability. HOST_COHERENT says that you don't need vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges or vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges. For CPU writes, visibility requires vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges (which HOST_COHERENT effecitvely provides), but that alone is insufficient for availability:
vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges guarantees that host writes to the memory ranges described by pMemoryRanges can be made available to device access, via availability operations from the VK_ACCESS_HOST_WRITE_BIT access type.
The "availability operations" section links to the Vulkan section on "Execution and Memory Dependencies". So even with coherent mapping, you still need to have a dependency between the host writing that memory and the GPU operation reading it.
For GPU reading operations from CPU-written data, a call to vkQueueSubmit acts as a host memory dependency on any CPU writes to GPU-accessible memory, so long as those writes were made prior to the function call.
If you need more fine-grained write dependency (you want the GPU to be able to execute some stuff in a batch while you're writing data, for example), or if you need to read data written by the GPU, you need an explicit dependency.
For in-batch GPU reading, this could be handled by an event; the host sets the event after writing the memory, and the command buffer operation that reads the memory first issues vkCmdWaitEvents for that event. And you'll need to set the appropriate memory barriers and source/destination stages.
For CPU reading of GPU-written data, this could be an event, a timeline semaphore, or a fence.
But overall, CPU writes to GPU-accessible memory still need some form of synchronization.
Coherent memory just means that you don't need to manually manage the CPU caches with vkInvalidateMappedMemoryRanges and vkFlushMappedMemoryRanges. You still need to use synchronization to make sure that reads and writes from CPU and GPU happen in the right order, and you need memory barriers on the GPU side to manage GPU caches (make CPU writes visible to GPU reads, and make GPU writes available to CPU reads).

Off-chip memcpy?

I was profiling a program today at work that does a lot of buffered network activity, and this program spent most of its time in memcpy, just moving data back and forth between library-managed network buffers and its own internal buffers.
This got me thinking, why doesn't intel have a "memcpy" instruction which allows the RAM itself (or the off-CPU memory hardware) to move the data around without it ever touching the CPU? As it is every word must be brought all the way down to the CPU and then pushed back out again, when the whole thing could be done asynchronously by the memory itself.
Is there some architecture reason that this would not be practical? Obviously sometimes the copies would be between physical memory and virtual memory, but those cases are dwindling with the cost of RAM these days. And sometimes the processor would end up waiting for the copy to finish so it could use the result, but surely not always.
That's a big issue that includes network stack efficiency, but I'll stick to your specific question of the instruction. What you propose is an asynchronous non-blocking copy instruction rather than the synchronous blocking memcpy available now using a "rep mov".
Some architectural and practical problems:
1) The non-blocking memcpy must consume some physical resource, like a copy engine, with a lifetime potentially different than the corresponding operating system process. This is quite nasty for the OS. Let's say that thread A kicks of the memcpy right before a context switch to thread B. Thread B also wants to do a memcpy and is much higher priority than A. Must it wait for thread A's memcpy to finish? What if A's memcpy was 1000GB long? Providing more copy engines in the core defers but does not solve the problem. Basically this breaks the traditional roll of OS time quantum and scheduling.
2) In order to be general like most instructions, any code can issue the memcpy insruction any time, without regard for what other processes have done or will do. The core must have some limit to the number of asynch memcpy operations in flight at any one time, so when the next process comes along, it's memcpy may be at the end of an arbitrarily long backlog. The asynch copy lacks any kind of determinism and developers would simply fall back to the old fashioned synchronous copy.
3) Cache locality has a first order impact on performance. A traditional copy of a buffer already in the L1 cache is incredibly fast and relatively power efficient since at least the destination buffer remains local the core's L1. In the case of network copy, the copy from kernel to a user buffer occurs just before handing the user buffer to the application. So, the application enjoys L1 hits and excellent efficiency. If an async memcpy engine lived anywhere other than at the core, the copy operation would pull (snoop) lines away from the core, resulting in application cache misses. Net system efficiency would probably be much worse than today.
4) The asynch memcpy instruction must return some sort of token that identifies the copy for use later to ask if the copy is done (requiring another instruction). Given the token, the core would need to perform some sort of complex context lookup regarding that particular pending or in-flight copy -- those kind of operations are better handled by software than core microcode. What if the OS needs to kill the process and mop up all the in-flight and pending memcpy operations? How does the OS know how many times a process used that instruction and which corresponding tokens belong to which process?
--- EDIT ---
5) Another problem: any copy engine outside the core must compete in raw copy performance with the core's bandwidth to cache, which is very high -- much higher than external memory bandwidth. For cache misses, the memory subsystem would bottleneck both sync and async memcpy equally. For any case in which at least some data is in cache, which is a good bet, the core will complete the copy faster than an external copy engine.
Memory to memory transfers used to be supported by the DMA controller in older PC architectures. Similar support exists in other architectures today (e.g. the TI DaVinci or OMAP processors).
The problem is that it eats into your memory bandwidth which can be a bottleneck in many systems. As hinted by srking's answer reading the data into the CPU's cache and then copying it around there can be a lot more efficient then memory to memory DMA. Even though the DMA may appear to work in the background there will be bus contention with the CPU. No free lunches.
A better solution is some sort of zero copy architecture where the buffer is shared between the application and the driver/hardware. That is incoming network data is read directly into preallocated buffers and doesn't need to be copied and outgiong data is read directly out of the application's buffers to the network hardware. I've seen this done in embedded/real-time network stacks.
Net Win?
It's not clear that implementing an asynchronous copy engine would help. The complexity of such a thing would add overhead that might cancel out the benefits, and it wouldn't be worth it just for the few programs that are memcpy()-bound.
Heavier User Context?
An implementation would either involve user context or per-core resources. One immediate issue is that because this is a potentially long-running operation it must allow interrupts and automatically resume.
And that means that if the implementation is part of the user context, it represents more state that must be saved on every context switch, or it must overlay existing state.
Overlaying existing state is exactly how the string move instructions work: they keep their parameters in the general registers. But if existing state is consumed then this state is not useful during the operation and one may as well then just use the string move instructions, which is how the memory copy functions actually work.
Or Distant Kernel Resource?
If it uses some sort of per-core state, then it has to be a kernel-managed resource. The consequent ring-crossing overhead (kernel trap and return) is quite expensive and would further limit the benefit or turn it into a penalty.
Idea! Have that super-fast CPU thing do it!
Another way to look at this is that there already is a highly tuned and very fast memory moving engine right at the center of all those rings of cache memories that must be kept coherent with the move results. That thing: the CPU. If the program needs to do it then why not apply that fast and elaborate piece of hardware to the problem?