Consume wcf service in .net core which to use services.AddSingleton or services.AddTransient - wcf

I am consuming a WCF service in my .net core API project and I used the following steps:
The binding in WCF service (for testing) <add binding="basicHttpsBinding" scheme="https" />
Created a proxy class using (This created a proxy which has an interface IService1 and calls Service1Client).
In the startup class I have bound the interface with the class services.AddSingleton<IService1, Service1Client>();
The method endpoint in the WCF service gets the data form the database according to the parameter passed to consume the WCF service.
I am not sure which one I should use, services.AddSingleton or services.AddTransient, because I am not sure what the proxy class is using to call the method.
If I create a single instance, will it be locked?
I have done a Jmeter test with 1000 rows in the database and 1000 rows from csv as a parameter to consume the API, but did not find any lock and all were successful under 3 minutes.

You can view the servicereference.cs file to see which method in the wcf service is called by the proxy class.
Then we need to instantiate the proxy class and call the WCF service through the instantiated proxy class:
ServiceReference.Service1Client service1 = new Service1Client();

By this documentation in a web api a single httpclient should be instantiated:
Of course if you have multiple target services, with different endpoints, an HttpClient per service is needed (you set the base address in the HttpClient)
In your case your generated client should use an HttpClient under the covers. If you can determine if the whole genrated client is thread safe then you can inject the client as a Singleton, if not you should add it as scoped


WCF- Differences between proxy object, service object and normal class object

what is difference between the WCF proxy object and the normal class object and service object (actual WCF service object) in detail ?
Is there any functionality which can be performed on class object and which cannot beperformed on WCF proxy.
Your client proxy is a usual .NET class which is inhereted from ServiceModel.ClientBase class. When you create proxy, .NET environment just adds the logic of consuming your service methods so as if they are locals. Proxy contains the dublicates of your service methods and some constructors, where you can define bindings, endpoints and so on. When you call method in proxy - it opens the chanel, creates a message and sends it to the server. That is what proxy does. It does not contais the logic of your methods.
You service class - is also a usual .NET class, marked with some special service attributes. When you start your service, the .NET environment begins to listen for the messages, sent by clients. And when it recives such messages - it unpacks them, creates the instance of your service class (or uses created already) and executes the method. Then the result is send back in return message.
So client proxy does not contains any logic - it is used only to send messages with info of what method it called and what params are used. The service class contains all the logic of your methods.

Need to understand the concept from a book

I am learning WCF using a book named "Window communication foundation 4: step by step". I the second chapter, there was a tutorial about developing windows service for WCF. The client communicates to the named pipe endpoint.
//WCF inside Windows service.
protected override void OnStart(string[] args)
productsServiceHost = new ServiceHost(typeof(ProductsServiceImpl));
NetNamedPipeBinding binding = new NetNamedPipeBinding();
binding, "net.pipe://localhost/ProductsServicePipe");
And the client has an endpoint defined in App.config
<endpoint address="net.pipe://localhost/ProductsServicePipe"
binding="netNamedPipeBinding" bindingConfiguration=""
name="NetNamedPipeBinding_IProductsService" />
I need to create a proxy object to a "Service reference" which is not the windows service I mentioned earlier.
// Create a proxy object and connect to the service
// There service reference for "ProductsServiceClient" is
// "http://localhost:51397/ProductsService/Service.svc"
ProductsServiceClient proxy = new ProductsServiceClient("NetNamedPipeBinding_IProductsService");
Without "ProductsServiceClient", I could not initiate the proxy. Why do I need to that service reference, as I connect to a window service. I could not understand the concept clearly.
In this case the term service is being used in two senses. You have the windows service which is the host for the WCF service. The reason that you had to create a service reference was so that your project could generate all off the code necessary to create a proxy to communicate with the WCF service. As an alternative to adding a service reference you could also have used a Channel Factory. The key thing to understand is that when you are creating a WCF service you generally access that service through the WCF pipeline (via a proxy or a channel factory), even if you are doing so from the project where it is defined.
If it is the case that you are unclear about how to generate a proxy for self hosted WCF service, you should look into how svcutil.exe can used to generate proxies for compiled services.

Define Endpoints for each web service and contract in wcf

I have WCf application with4 webserivce with indivdual Interface as contract. so do i need to define endpoint, serviceBehaviors for each web service in config file? to access individual web service in single or multiple web applications?
Each Webservice can be exposed using one (i.e. one endpoint for all webservices) or multiple endpoints (i.e. one for each webservice). Each endpoint will have behavior,binding etc
If you go with 1st option client will have one proxy-contract for an endpoint.
In your case you can expose all four service interface using single endpoint.
Each service must have a corresponding address, endpoint and binding definition. If you are using config files each service must be declared in a separate <service> node in the <services> collection.

Configure WCF without using config file and instantiating proxy client with default constructor

I am not sure this is even possible to be honest,
I am wondering if there is a way of removing the use of the config file without having to override the creation of the client proxy. Let me give an example:
In a client app we have a WCF DAL project. This is a wrapper for their WCF Server for the client app to consume. At present the client app would need all the bindings and endpoints given in the config file and would normally (in our projects) do something like the following to wrap the WCF service:
public MyObject GetMyObject(int id)
using(var service = new MyObjectDataServiceClient())
return service.GetMyOBject(id);
This would create the call to the server and get an object back. If the client app didn't have the bindings and endpoints it would blow up. We could change each creation of the data service client to create the binding and endpoint, or create our own chanelfactory to do this for us but this means changing the current WCF DAL layer code.
My goal is to try and create a way of inserting a process into the WCF DAL layer that will handle the bindings and endpoints without the consuming code having to change, whilst removing the need for the config file.
My thoughts so far were to try and use a TT file so that it would create a partial class of the data service client and override the channel factory part. This failed because of the constructor call for the data service client goes straight into the abstract class (System.ServiceModel.ClientBase<T>) and tries to get the config stuff out. I could not find a way of stopping it looking in the config via this partial class and not changing the WCF DAL service layer.
If you have the binding and the endpoint at the DAL, you can use a different constructor of the client class (one which takes the binding + endpoint address). That constructor completely bypasses configuration, so you don't need to have anything in config.

Can I add ony specific WCF endpoints to a .NET 2.0 project as web references?

I'm developing a .NET 2.0 client application that needs to connect to a WCF service. I add a web reference to a basicHttpBinding WCF service that we've developed and VS creates the proxy class and the config paraphenalia which is fine. The problem is that I only want to use a small fraction of the methods that the WCF service implements and not carry around the extra implementations that the client app doesn't need.
I was thinking of creating a different basicHttpBinding endpoint and put the methods there. Is there a way for only one endpoint of a WCF service to be referenced by a .NET 2.0 project?
When you add a web reference to a service, you always get all the service methods. It's the service (implementation) that defines the scope of what ends up in the WSDL.
The only option to limit the scope of the method your client generates would be to create a second WCF service on the backend, which only implements those few methods that you want in your client - just having a second endpoint won't really help.