.NET Core 3.x setting development AWS credentials - amazon-s3

I have EC2 instances (via Elastic Beanstalk) running my ASP.Net Core 3.1 web app without a problem. AWS credentials are included in the key pair configured with the instance.
I want to now store my Data Protection keys in a S3 bucket that I created for them, so I can share the keys among all of the EC2 instances. However, when I add this service in my Startup.ConfigureServices, I get a runtime error locally:
My app runs fine locally if I comment out the .PersistKeysToAWSSystemsManager("/CrumsWeb/DataProtection"); line above. When I uncomment the line, the error occurs. So it has something to do with that, but I can't seem to figure it out.
I was going to use PersistKeysToAwsS3 by hotchkj, but it was deprecated when AWS came out with PersistKeysToAWSSystemsManager.
The runtime error AmazonClientException: No RegionEndpoint or ServiceURL configured happens on CreateHostBuilder in my Program.cs:
I've spent many hours on this trying just to get Visual Studio 2019 to run my app locally, using suggestions from these sites:
ASP NET Core AWS No RegionEndpoint or ServiceURL configured when deployed to Heroku
No RegionEndpoint or ServiceURL configured
My appsettings.Development.json (and I also tried it in appsettings.json) contains:
"AWS": {
"Profile": "default",
"Region": "us-east-1",
"ProfilesLocation": "C:\\Users\\username\\.aws\\credentials"
And the credentials file contains:
aws_access_key_id = MY_ACCESS_KEY
aws_secret_access_key = MY_SECRET_KEY
region = us-east-1

I ended up abandoning PersistKeysToAWSSystemsManager for storing my Data Protection keys because I don't want to set up yet another AWS service just to store keys in their Systems Manager. I am already paying for an S3 account, so I chose to use the deprecated NuGet package AspNetCore.DataProtection.Aws.S3.
I use server-side encryption on the bucket I created for the keys. This is the code in Startup.cs:
.PersistKeysToAwsS3(new AmazonS3Client(RegionEndpoint.USEast1), new S3XmlRepositoryConfig("S3BucketName")
KeyPrefix = "DataProtectionKeys/", // Folder in the S3 bucket for keys
Notice the RegionEndpoint parameter in the PersistKeysToAwsS3, which resolved the No RegionEndpoint or ServiceURL Configured error.
I added the AmazonS3FullAccess policy to the IAM role that's running in all my instances.
This gives the instance the permissions to access the S3 bucket. My local development computer also seems to be able to access the S3 bucket, although I don't know where it's getting credentials from. I tried several iterations of appsettings.json and credentials file changes to locally set region and credentials, but nothing worked. Maybe it's using credentials I entered when I set up the AWS Toolkit in Visual Studio.


Cant get hierarchic properties by S3 Backend spring config server

I created spring config server with s3 backend as it described here:
I created 4 files in my-config-server s3 bucket:
When I ran client-app application with dev profile, I got only client-app-dev.properties properties.
I am interested if it is possible to get also client-app-default.properties, app-dev.properties and app-default.properties properties, if its were not defined in client-app-dev.properties
In another words, Is it possible to support following hierarchic:
application.properties # Applicable for all environments.
application-dev.properties # Environment level commons across all services.
client-app-dev.properties # Overrides specific to the service for one environment.
for example:
when I am running client-app application with dev profile I what to get:
private String property1; //"my-propertyDev1"
private String property2; //"my-property2Default"
private String property3; //"my-propertyAppDefault3"
It works so with regular spring config server but I didn't succeed with s3 backed. It goes directly to specific app and specific profile

How to programmatically set up Airflow 1.10 logging with localstack s3 endpoint?

In attempt to setup airflow logging to localstack s3 buckets, for local and kubernetes dev environments, I am following the airflow documentation for logging to s3. To give a little context, localstack is a local AWS cloud stack with AWS services including s3 running locally.
I added the following environment variables to my airflow containers similar to this other stack overflow post in attempt to log to my local s3 buckets. This is what I added to docker-compose.yaml for all airflow containers:
- AIRFLOW__CORE__REMOTE_BASE_LOG_FOLDER=s3://local-airflow-logs
I've also added my localstack s3 creds to airflow.cfg
aws_access_key_id = foo
aws_secret_access_key = bar
aws_default_region = us-east-1
host = http://localstack:4572 # s3 port. not sure if this is right place for it
Additionally, I've installed apache-airflow[hooks], and apache-airflow[s3], though it's not clear which one is really needed based on the documentation.
I've followed the steps in a previous stack overflow post in attempt verify if the S3Hook can write to my localstack s3 instance:
from airflow.hooks import S3Hook
s3 = S3Hook(aws_conn_id='MyS3Conn')
But I get botocore.exceptions.NoCredentialsError: Unable to locate credentials.
After adding credentials to airflow console under /admin/connection/edit as depicted:
this is the new exception, botocore.exceptions.ClientError: An error occurred (InvalidAccessKeyId) when calling the PutObject operation: The AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records. is returned. Other people have encountered this same issue and it may have been related to networking.
Regardless, a programatic setup is needed, not a manual one.
I was able to access the bucket using a standalone Python script (entering AWS credentials explicitly with boto), but it needs to work as part of airflow.
Is there a proper way to set up host / port / credentials for S3Hook by adding MyS3Conn to airflow.cfg?
Based on the airflow s3 hooks source code, it seems a custom s3 URL may not yet be supported by airflow. However, based on the airflow aws_hook source code (parent) it seems it should be possible to set the endpoint_url including port, and it should be read from airflow.cfg.
I am able to inspect and write to my s3 bucket in localstack using boto alone. Also, curl http://localstack:4572/local-mochi-airflow-logs returns the contents of the bucket from the airflow container. And aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4572 s3 ls returns Could not connect to the endpoint URL: "http://localhost:4572/".
What other steps might be needed to log to localstack s3 buckets from airflow running in docker, with automated setup and is this even supported yet?
I think you're supposed to use localhost not localstack for the endpoint, e.g. host = http://localhost:4572.
In Airflow 1.10 you can override the endpoint on a per-connection basis but unfortunately it only supports one endpoint at a time so you'd be changing it for all AWS hooks using the connection. To override it, edit the relevant connection and in the "Extra" field put:
{"host": "http://localhost:4572"}
I believe this will fix it?
I managed to make this work by referring to this guide. Basically you need to create a connection using the Connection class and pass the credentials that you need, in my case I needed AWS_SESSION_TOKEN, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, REGION_NAME to make this work. Use this function as a python_callable in a PythonOperator which should be the first part of the DAG.
import os
import json
from airflow.models.connection import Connection
from airflow.exceptions import AirflowFailException
def _create_connection(**context):
Sets the connection information about the environment using the Connection
class instead of doing it manually in the Airflow UI
credentials = [
if not credentials or any(not credential for credential in credentials):
raise AirflowFailException("Environment variables were not passed")
extras = json.dumps(
except Exception as e:
raise AirflowFailException(
f"Error creating connection to Airflow :{e!r}",

NServiceBus endpoint is not starting on Azure Service Fabric local cluster

I have a .NetCore stateless WebAPI service running inside Service Fabric local cluster.
return Endpoint.Start(endpointConfiguration).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
When I'm trying to start NServiceBus endpoint, I'm getting this exception :
Access to the path 'C:\SfDevCluster\Data_App_Node_0\AppType_App10\App.APIPkg.Code.1.0.0.diagnostics' is denied.
How can it be solved ? VS is running under administrator.
The issue you are having is because the folder you are trying to write to is not supposed to be written by your application.
The package folder is used to store you application binaries and can be recreated dynamically whenever an application is hosted in the node.
Also, the binaries are reused by multiple service instances running on same node, so it might compete to use the files by different instances.
You should instead instruct your application to write to the WorkFolder,
public Stateless1(StatelessServiceContext context): base(context)
string workdir = context.CodePackageActivationContext.WorkDirectory;
The code above will give you a path like this:
This folder is dynamic, will change depending on the node or instance of your application is running, when created, your application should already have permission to write to it.
For more info, see:
Open folder properties Security tab
Select ServiceFabricAllowedUsers
Add Write permission

Stackdriver Node.js Logging not showing up

I have a Node.js application, running inside of a Docker container and logging events using Stackdriver.
It is a Node.Js app, running with Express.js and Winston for logging and using a StackDriverTransport.
When I run this container locally, everything is logged correctly and shows up in the Cloud console. When I run this same container, with the same environment variables, in a GCE VM, the logs don't show up.
What do you mean exactly by locally? Are you running the container on the Cloud Shell vs running it on an instance? Keep in mind that if you create a container or instance that has to do something that needs privileges (like the Stackdriver logging client library) and run it, if that instance doesn't have a service account with that role/privileges set up it won't work.
Yu mentioned that you use the same environment variables, I take that one of the env vars points to your json key file. Is the key file present in that path on the instance?
From Winston documentation it looks like you need to specify the key file location for the service account:
const winston = require('winston');
const Stackdriver = require('#google-cloud/logging-winston');
winston.add(Stackdriver, {
projectId: 'your-project-id',
keyFilename: '/path/to/keyfile.json'
Have you checked if this is defined with the key for the service account with a logging role?

Configuring Google cloud bucket as Airflow Log folder

We just started using Apache airflow in our project for our data pipelines .While exploring the features came to know about configuring remote folder as log destination in airflow .For that we
Created a google cloud bucket.
From Airflow UI created a new GS connection
I am not able to understand all the fields .I just created a sample GS Bucket under my project from google console and gave that project ID to this Connection.Left key file path and scopes as blank.
Then edited airflow.cfg file as follows
remote_base_log_folder = gs://my_test_bucket/
remote_log_conn_id = test_gs
After this changes restarted the web server and scheduler .But still my Dags is not writing logs to the GS bucket .I am able to see the logs which is creating logs in base_log_folder .But nothing is created in my bucket .
Is there any extra configuration needed from my side to get it working
Note: Using Airflow 1.8 .(Same issue I faced with AmazonS3 also. )
Updated on 20/09/2017
Tried the GS method attaching screenshot
Still I am not getting logs in the bucket
Anoop R
I advise you to use a DAG to connect airflow to GCP instead of UI.
First, create a service account on GCP and download the json key.
Then execute this DAG (you can modify the scope of your access):
from airflow import DAG
from datetime import datetime
from airflow.operators.python_operator import PythonOperator
def add_gcp_connection(ds, **kwargs):
"""Add a airflow connection for GCP"""
new_conn = Connection(
scopes = [
conn_extra = {
"extra__google_cloud_platform__scope": ",".join(scopes),
"extra__google_cloud_platform__project": "<name_of_your_project>",
"extra__google_cloud_platform__key_path": '<path_to_your_json_key>'
conn_extra_json = json.dumps(conn_extra)
session = settings.Session()
if not (session.query(Connection).filter(Connection.conn_id ==
msg = '\n\tA connection with `conn_id`={conn_id} already exists\n'
msg = msg.format(conn_id=new_conn.conn_id)
dag = DAG('add_gcp_connection', start_date=datetime(2016,1,1), schedule_interval='#once')
# Task to add a connection
AddGCPCreds = PythonOperator(
Thanks to Yu Ishikawa for this code.
Yes, you need to provide additional information for both, S3 and GCP connection.
Configuration is passed via extra field as JSON. You can provide only profile
{"profile": "xxx"}
or credentials
{"profile": "xxx", "aws_access_key_id": "xxx", "aws_secret_access_key": "xxx"}
or path to config file
{"profile": "xxx", "s3_config_file": "xxx", "s3_config_format": "xxx"}
In case of the first option, boto will try to detect your credentials.
Source code - airflow/hooks/S3_hook.py:107
You can either provide key_path and scope (see Service account credentials) or credentials will be extracted from your environment in this order:
Environment variable GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS pointing to a file with stored credentials information.
Stored "well known" file associated with gcloud command line tool.
Google App Engine (production and testing)
Google Compute Engine production environment.
Source code - airflow/contrib/hooks/gcp_api_base_hook.py:68
The reason for logs not being written to your bucket could be related to service account rather than config on airflow itself. Make sure it has access to the mentioned bucket. I had same problems in the past.
Adding more generous permissions to the service account, e.g. even project wide Editor and then narrowing it down. You could also try using gs client with that key and see if you can write to the bucket.
For me personally this scope works fine for writing logs: "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform"