How to call method in setup of vuejs3 app? - vue.js

In vuejs3 app I retrieve data from db with axios in method, like :
import appMixin from '#/appMixin'
import app from './../../App.vue' // eslint-disable-line
import axios from 'axios'
const emitter = mitt()
export default {
name: 'adminCategoriesList',
mixins: [appMixin],
data: function () {
return {
categoriesPerPage: 20,
currentPage: 1,
categoriesTotalCount: 0,
categories: []
components: {
setup () {
const adminCategoriesListInit = async () => {
this.loadCategories() // ERROR HERE
function onSubmit (credentials) {
alert(JSON.stringify(credentials, null, 2))
return {
// schema,
}, // setup
methods: {
loadCategories() {
and I got error in browser's console :
Cannot read property 'loadCategories' of undefined
If to remove “this.” in loadCategories call
I got error :
'loadCategories' is not defined
I need to make loadCategories as method, as I need to cal;l it from different places.
Which way is correct ?

You could use composition and options api in the same component but for different properties and methods, in your case the data properties could be defined inside setup hook using ref or reactive, the methods could be defined as plain js functions :
import {ref} from 'vue'
export default {
name: 'adminCategoriesList',
mixins: [appMixin],
components: {
setup () {
const categoriesPerPage= ref(20);
const currentPage=ref(1);
const categoriesTotalCount=ref(0),
const categories=ref[])
const adminCategoriesListInit = async () => {
function onSubmit (credentials) {
alert(JSON.stringify(credentials, null, 2))
functions loadCategories(){
return {
// schema,
the properties defined by ref could be used/mutated by property.value and used in template like {{property}}


Vue - Composable and emit - Passing function from parent to grandchild

I am new to Vue and I have recently started to use Composition api.
I understand that emit in Option Api but I am not really sure what is the benefit in Composition Api...
For example, in OptionApi:
export default {
name: 'Parent',
Methods: {
sayHi (name) {
console.log('Hi!' + name);
// Pass parent method to GrandChild.vue
export default {
name: 'GradeChild',
Methods: {
emitToChild () {
In Composition Api:
export default {
name: 'Parent',
setup() {
const { name } = useName();
const sayHi = () => {
console.log('Hi!' + name.value);
return {
export default {
name: 'GradeChild',
setup() {
const { setName } = useName();
const name = ref('');
export const useColorPicker = () => {
const setName = (newName) => {
name.value = newName;
return {
Correct me if I am wrong but Composable can do the same thing without emit, right?
If we have a parent component who passes a function down to a grandchild to get grandchild's data, we can just use composable and create a setter function and use it in the grandchild and then use the variable in the parent component without having to pass the function all components down, no?

Getting access to varaibles when testing Vue with Jest

I am using the structure below in my Vue.js web application. I am now trying to implement testing to it. But when trying to test the exampleOfFunction it says that this.exampleOfData2 is undefined.
*Some HTML*
*Some Imports*
export default {
data() {
return {
exampleOfData1: [],
exampleOfData2: 100
methods: {
if(this.exampleOfData2 === 100)
return false;
return true;
created() {
mounted() {
In my testfile I then try to access the code above and I succeed with console.log(; I can see the values of data and I can access the function with FileToTest.methods.exampleOfFunction(); but when I call the function it says that this.exampleOfData2 is undefined.
It looks like you're using the component options definition instead of the component instance in your tests.
You should be creating a wrapper by mounting the component, and then you could access the component method via wrapper.vm:
import { shallowMount } from '#vue/test-utils'
import FileToTest from '#/components/FileToTest.vue'
describe('FileToTest', () => {
it('exampleOfFunction returns false by default', () => {
const wrapper = shallowMount(FileToTest)
it('exampleOfFunction returns true when data is not 100', () => {
const wrapper = shallowMount(FileToTest)
wrapper.setData({ exampleOfData2: 0 })

Vue 3 Composition API - How to specify a prop in setup()

I wrote a "loading state" mixin for Vue 2:
export default {
props: {
loading: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
data () {
return {
innerLoading: false,
mounted () {
this.innerLoading = !!this.loading
methods: {
startLoading () {
this.$emit('update:loading', this.innerLoading = true)
stopLoading () {
this.$emit('update:loading', this.innerLoading = false)
computed: {
isLoading () {
return !!this.innerLoading
isNotLoading () {
return !this.innerLoading
watch: {
loading (loading) {
this.innerLoading = !!loading
I use this mixin for other components to hold the loading state. For example for forms, buttons, tables etc.
Now, Im trying to rewrite this mixin to composition API style for Vue 3. Ideally, I would like to use my loading composable like this:
// components/Table.vue
import 'useLoading' from 'src/composables/loading'
export default defineComponent({
setup () {
const { startLoading, stopLoading, innerLoading } = useLoading()
// ...
return { startLoading, stopLoading, innerLoading, ... }
My question:
// How can I define the loading prop inside the setup() function?
props: {
loading: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
Of course I can define my component like this:
import 'useLoading' from 'src/composables/loading'
export default defineComponent({
props: {
loading: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
setup () {
const { startLoading, stopLoading, innerLoading } = useLoading();
But imagine, I have 20 components using this mixin/composable. So I want to define that loading prop only ONCE (like I did in mixin).
Is there a way how to do it with composition API?
you may be able to do something like this
import {withProps, useLoading} from "src/composables/loading";
export default defineComponent({
props: {
setup () {
const { startLoading, stopLoading, innerLoading } = useLoading();
where withProps is a function that would have your definitions
export const withProps = () => ({
loading: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
of course it doesn't need to be a function, but in some cases it may be helpful and preemptively making it a function can make api consistent.
Define an Object called loadingProps in separate file called makeLoadingProps:
export const loadingProps = {
loading: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
then import it inside your component defined using the script setup syntax:
<script setup lang="ts">
import {defineProps} from 'vue'
import { loadingProps } from 'src/composables/makeLoadingProps';
const props = defineProps({
//other props
const { startLoading, stopLoading, innerLoading } = useLoading(props)

How to use composition API to create a new component in vue3?

When we use vue2 to create API, we just follow options API like below:
data are in data
methods are in methods
export default {
name: 'demo',
components: {},
props: {},
methods: {},
But the vue3 changed, how should I build a component with vue3 composition API?
Some example say that I should import reactive etc. From vue first and put all codes in setup(){}?
Some example show that I can add setup to <script>?
Please give me an example.
ok bro , Composition Api works like that:
import { fetchTodoRepo } from '#/api/repos'
import {ref,onMounted} from 'vue'
export default {
const arr = ref([]) // Reactive Reference `arr`
const getTodoRepo = async () => {
arr.value = await fetchTodoRepo(props.todo)
onMounted(getUserRepo) // on `mounted` call `getUserRepo`
There are two ways to create a component in vue3.
One:<script> + setup(){},such as this:
import { reactive, onMounted, computed } from 'vue'
export default {
props: {
title: String
setup (props, { emit }) {
const state = reactive({
username: '',
password: '',
lowerCaseUsername: computed(() => state.username.toLowerCase())
onMounted(() => {
console.log('title: ' + props.title)
const login = () => {
emit('login', {
username: state.username,
password: state.password
return {
Two:use <script setup="props">

Vue composable scoping issue

We're using Vue 2 with the Vue Composition API and we're trying to create a composable that will expose application preferences:
// useApplicationPreferences.ts
import { ref, watch } from '#vue/composition-api'
import { useSetDarkModeMutation, useViewerQuery } from 'src/graphql/generated/operations'
const darkMode = ref(false) // global scope
export const useApplicationPreferences = () => {
const { mutate: darkModeMutation } = useSetDarkModeMutation(() => ({
variables: {
darkMode: darkMode.value,
watch(darkMode, async (newDarkMode) => {
console.log('darkMode: ', newDarkMode)
await darkModeMutation()
return { darkMode }
This code works fine but when the composable is used in two components that are rendered at the same time we can see that watch has been triggered twice. This is easily solved by moving the watch function to the global scope (outside the function).
However, the issue then is that we can't use the darkModeMutation. This graphql mutation can not be moved to the global scope outside of the function, if we do that the page doesn't even get rendered.
The goal is to have darkMode available in many places and when the value of the darkMode ref changes the mutation is only triggered once. How can this be achieved?
Solved the issue by creating a callable function that starts watch only when required (i.e. only once somewhere in the app).
// useApplicationPreferences.ts
import { ref, watch } from '#vue/composition-api'
import { useSetDarkModeMutation, useViewerQuery } from 'src/graphql/generated/operations'
const darkMode = ref(false) // global scope
export const useApplicationPreferences = () => {
const { mutate: darkModeMutation } = useSetDarkModeMutation(() => ({
variables: {
darkMode: darkMode.value,
const startWatch = () => {
watch(darkMode, async (newDarkMode) => {
await darkModeMutation()
return { darkMode, startWatch }
Which the can be called once in MainLayout.vue:
// MainLayout.vue
import { defineComponent } from '#vue/composition-api'
import { useApplicationPreferences } from 'useApplicationPreferences'
export default defineComponent({
setup() {
const { startWatch } = useApplicationPreferences()
All other components can then simply consume (get/set) the darkMode ref as required while watch is only running once.
// Settings.vue
import { defineComponent } from '#vue/composition-api'
import { useApplicationPreferences } from 'useApplicationPreferences'
export default defineComponent({
setup() {
const { darkMode } = useApplicationPreferences()
return { darkMode }