How to find the povinces where the longest Road of Ecuador begins and ends? (SQL) - sql

For a project, I have to find the longest road (codigo) in Ecuador and display the provinces (provincia) where it starts and ends using SQL. The data is provided in a table (see Figure). Each row represents a road segment and has a geometry (geom column). Of course, a road is built up by a number of segments having the same name (codigo).
I already have the following code, which returns the longest road and the length in kilometres:
select v.codigo as road_name,
sum(ST_Length(geom)/1000) as length_km, v.provincia as province
from vias v
group by v.codigo
order by length_km desc
limit 1
I am still struggling on how to get the provinces (provincia) where this longest road starts and ends. Does anyone know how to write the code?

This is one way you can extract the rows that correspond to the longest road. There's no information in the schema displayed in the image that's a good indication of where the start and the start province (At least, I don't understand the data set well enough). This is a set based approach using CTE (Common Table Expression).
with TotalLengthOfRoads
as (select codigo as road_name,
sum(ST_Length(geom)/1000) as total_length_km
from vias
group by codigo)
select v.*
from vias as v
inner join TotalLengthOfRoads as tlor
on v.codigo = tlor.codigo
and tlor.total_length_km = (select max(length_km)
from TotalLengthOfRoads);


SQL query malfunction

So Im trying to use INNER JOIN in my sql command because I am trying to replace the Foreign keys ID numbers with the text value of each column. However, when I use INNER JOIN, the column for "Standards" always gives me the same value. The following is what I started with
SELECT Grade_Id, Cluster_Eng_Id, Domain_Math_Eng_Id, Standard
FROM `math_standards_eng`
and returns this (which is good). Notice the value of Standard values are different
Grade_Id Cluster_Eng_Id Domain_Math_Eng_Id Standard
103 131 107 Explain equivalence of fractions in special cases...
104 143 105 Know relative sizes of measurement units within o...
When I try to use Inner Join, the values for Grade_Id, Cluster_Eng_Id, and Domain_Math_Eng_Id are changed from numbers to actual text. Standard column values, however, seems to return the same value. Here is my code:
grades_eng.Grade, domain_math_eng.Domain, cluster_eng.Cluster,
grades_eng ON math_standards_eng.Grade_Id = grades_eng.Id
domain_math_eng ON math_standards_eng.Domain_Math_Eng_Id
cluster_eng ON math_standards_eng.Cluster_Eng_Id
This is what I get when I run the query:
Grade Domain Cluster Standard
3rd Counting and cardinality Know number names and the count sequence Explain equivalence of fractions in special cases...
3rd Expressions and Equations Know number names and the count sequence Explain equivalence of fractions in special cases...
3rd Functions Know number names and the count sequence Explain equivalence of fractions in special cases.
4th Counting and cardinality Know number names and the count sequence Know relative sizes of measurement units within o...
4th Expressions and Equations Know number names and the count sequence Know relative sizes of measurement units within o...
The text value for Standard keeps on showing the same value per grade and I do not know why. 3rd Will keep showing the same thing, and then the next grade will change to a new value and repeat over and over. Lastly, each table has a 1:M relationship with standard as they each appear multiple times in the standard Table. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
You are missing the = part of your INNER JOIN on domain_math_eng and cluster_eng. I would expect something like:
SELECT grades_eng.Grade, domain_math_eng.Domain, cluster_eng.Cluster, math_standards_eng.Standard FROM math_standards_eng
INNER JOIN grades_eng ON math_standards_eng.Grade_Id = grades_eng.Id
INNER JOIN domain_math_eng ON math_standards_eng.Domain_Math_Eng_Id = domain_math_eng.Id
INNER JOIN cluster_eng ON math_standards_eng.Cluster_Eng_Id = cluster_eng.Id

recursive geometric query : five closest entities

The question is whether the query described below can be done without recourse to procedural logic, that is, can it be handled by SQL and a CTE and a windowing function alone? I'm using SQL Server 2012 but the question is not limited to that engine.
Suppose we have a national database of music teachers with 250,000 rows:
teacherName, address, city, state, zipcode, geolocation, primaryInstrument
where the geolocation column is a geography::point datatype with optimally tesselated index.
User wants the five closest guitar teachers to his location. A query using a windowing function performs well enough if we pick some arbitrary distance cutoff, say 50 miles, so that we are not selecting all 250,000 rows and then ranking them by distance and taking the closest 5.
But that arbitrary 50-mile radius cutoff might not always succeed in encompassing 5 teachers, if, for example, the user picks an instrument from a different culture, such as sitar or oud or balalaika; there might not be five teachers of such instruments within 50 miles of her location.
Also, now imagine we have a query where a conservatory of music has sent us a list of 250 singers, who are students who have been accepted to the school for the upcoming year, and they want us to send them the five closest voice coaches for each person on the list, so that those students can arrange to get some coaching before they arrive on campus. We have to scan the teachers database 250 times (i.e. scan the geolocation index) because those students all live at different places around the country.
So, I was wondering, is it possible, for that latter query involving a list of 250 student locations, to write a recursive query where the radius begins small, at 10 miles, say, and then increases by 10 miles with each iteration, until either a maximum radius of 100 miles has been reached or the required five (5) teachers have been found? And can it be done only for those students who have yet to be matched with the required 5 teachers?
I'm thinking it cannot be done with SQL alone, and must be done with looping and a temporary table--but maybe that's because I haven't figured out how to do it with SQL alone.
P.S. The primaryInstrument column could reduce the size of the set ranked by distance too but for the sake of this question forget about that.
EDIT: Here's an example query. The SINGER (submitted) dataset contains a column with the arbitrary radius to limit the geo-results to a smaller subset, but as stated above, that radius may define a circle (whose centerpoint is the student's geolocation) which might not encompass the required number of teachers. Sometimes the supplied datasets contain thousands of addresses, not merely a few hundred.
rowpos = row_number()
over(partition by
order by DistanceInMiles)
SINGER.zipcode, as TEACHERname,
TEACHERS.streetaddress as TEACHERaddress, as TEACHERcity,
TEACHERS.state as TEACHERstate,
TEACHERS.zipcode as TEACHERzip,
geography::Point(, SINGER.lon, 4326).STDistance(TEACHERS.geolocation)
/ (1.6 * 1000) as DistanceInMiles
( TEACHERS.geolocation).STDistance( geography::Point(, SINGER.lon, 4326))
< (SINGER.radius * (1.6 * 1000 ))
and TEACHERS.primaryInstrument='voice'
where rowpos < 6 -- closest 5 is an abitrary requirement given to us
I think may be if you need just to get closest 5 teachers regardless of radius, you could write something like this. The Student will duplicate 5 time in this query, I don't know what do you want to get.
S.zipcode, as TEACHERname,
T.streetaddress as TEACHERaddress, as TEACHERcity,
T.state as TEACHERstate,
T.zipcode as TEACHERzip,
T.geolocation.STDistance(geography::Point(, S.lon, 4326))
/ (1.6 * 1000) as DistanceInMiles
from SINGER as S
outer apply (
select top 5 TT.*
where TT.primaryInstrument='voice'
order by TT.geolocation.STDistance(geography::Point(, S.lon, 4326)) asc
) as T

How do I use the MAX function over three tables?

So, I have a problem with a SQL Query.
It's about getting weather data for German cities. I have 4 tables: staedte (the cities with primary key loc_id), gehoert_zu (contains the city-key and the key of the weather station that is closest to this city (stations_id)), wettermessung (contains all the weather information and the station's key value) and wetterstation (contains the stations key and location). And I'm using PostgreSQL
Here is how the tables look like:
s_id[PK] standort lon lat hoehe
10224 Bremen 53.05 8.8 4
stations_id[PK] datum[PK] max_temp_2m ......
10224 2013-3-24 -0.4
loc_id[PK] name lat lon
15 Asch 48.4 9.8
loc_id[PK] stations_id[PK]
15 10224
What I'm trying to do is to get the name of the city with the (for example) highest temperature at a specified date (could be a whole month, or a day). Since the weather data is bound to a station, I actually need to get the station's ID and then just choose one of the corresponding to this station cities. A possible question would be: "In which city was it hottest in June ?" and, say, the highest measured temperature was in station number 10224. As a result I want to get the city Asch. What I got so far is this
SELECT name, MAX (max_temp_2m)
FROM wettermessung, staedte, gehoert_zu
WHERE wettermessung.stations_id = gehoert_zu.stations_id
AND gehoert_zu.loc_id = staedte.loc_id
AND wettermessung.datum BETWEEN '2012-8-1' AND '2012-12-1'
ORDER BY MAX (max_temp_2m) DESC
There are two problems with the results:
1) it's taking waaaay too long. The tables are not that big (cities has about 70k entries), but it needs between 1 and 7 minutes to get things done (depending on the time span)
2) it ALWAYS produces the same city and I'm pretty sure it's not the right one either.
I hope I managed to explain my problem clearly enough and I'd be happy for any kind of help. Thanks in advance ! :D
If you want to get the max temperature per city use this statement:
SELECT gz.loc_id, MAX(max_temp_2m) as temperature
FROM wettermessung as wm
INNER JOIN gehoert_zu as gz
ON wm.stations_id = gz.stations_id
WHERE wm.datum BETWEEN '2012-8-1' AND '2012-12-1'
GROUP BY gz.loc_id) as subselect
INNER JOIN staedte as std
ON std.loc_id = subselect.loc_id
ORDER BY subselect.temperature DESC
Use this statement to get the city with the highest temperature (only 1 city):
SELECT name, MAX(max_temp_2m) as temp
FROM wettermessung as wm
INNER JOIN gehoert_zu as gz
ON wm.stations_id = gz.stations_id
INNER JOIN staedte as std
ON gz.loc_id = std.loc_id
WHERE wm.datum BETWEEN '2012-8-1' AND '2012-12-1'
ORDER BY MAX(max_temp_2m) DESC
LIMIT 1) as subselect
ORDER BY temp desc
For performance reasons always use explicit joins as LEFT, RIGHT, INNER JOIN and avoid to use joins with separated table name, so your sql serevr has not to guess your table references.
This is a general example of how to get the item with the highest, lowest, biggest, smallest, whatever value. You can adjust it to your particular situation.
select fred, barney, wilma
from bedrock join
(select fred, max(dino) maxdino
from bedrock
where whatever
group by fred ) flinstone on bedrock.fred = flinstone.fred
where dino = maxdino
and other conditions
I propose you use a consistent naming convention. Singular terms for tables holding a single item per row is a good convention. You only table breaking this is staedte. Should be stadt.
And I suggest to use station_id consistently instead of either s_id and stations_id.
Building on these premises, for your question:
... get the name of the city with the ... highest temperature at a specified date
SELECT, w.max_temp_2m
SELECT station_id, max_temp_2m
FROM wettermessung
WHERE datum >= '2012-8-1'::date
AND datum < '2012-12-1'::date -- exclude upper border
ORDER BY max_temp_2m DESC, station_id -- id as tie breaker
) w
JOIN gehoert_zu g USING (station_id) -- assuming normalized names
JOIN stadt s USING (loc_id)
Use explicit JOIN conditions for better readability and maintenance.
Use table aliases to simplify your query.
Use x >= a AND x < b to include the lower border and exclude the upper border, which is the common use case.
Aggregate first and pick your station with the highest temperature, before you join to the other tables to retrieve the city name. Much simpler and faster.
You did not specify what to do when multiple "wettermessungen" tie on max_temp_2m in the given time frame. I added station_id as tiebreaker, meaning the station with the lowest id will be picked consistently if there are multiple qualifying stations.

Is there away in SQL Server to sort by the number of matched words in a contains function on a full text index

I have a table in a database that has a description of an item. I want to be able to have the user type a search term and return the rows that had at least one match, sorted by the number of matches they had, descending.
I don't know if this is possible, I haven't been able to find an answer googling so I'm coming here.
Basically if the user enters "truck blue with gold two tone", this will be generated:
SELECT * FROM MyItemsTable
WHERE contains(Description, 'truck or blue or with or gold or two or tone')
and have that return sorted by the number of words that matched.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. This table will become very large in time so efficiency is also in the back of my mind as well.
This seems to have worked very well, thanks very much to Gordon Linoff.
SELECT * FROM MyItemsTable m
CONTAINSTABLE(MyItemsTable, Description, 'truck or blue or with or gold or two or tone') AS l ON m.MyItemsTable=l.[KEY]
In case you have a record like "truck blue with gold two tone". You can use below query.
MyItemsTable as t
JOIN CONTAINSTABLE(MyItemsTable , Description,'"truck"') fulltextSearch
t.[Id] = fulltextSearch.[KEY]
This will also bring this record.

SQL Cross Apply Performance Issues

My database has a directory of about 2,000 locations scattered throughout the United States with zipcode information (which I have tied to lon/lat coordinates).
I also have a table function which takes two parameters (ZipCode & Miles) to return a list of neighboring zip codes (excluding the same zip code searched)
For each location I am trying to get the neighboring location ids. So if location #4 has three nearby locations, the output should look like:
4 5
4 24
4 137
That is, locations 5, 24, and 137 are within X miles of location 4.
I originally tried to use a cross apply with my function as follows:
CROSS APPLY (SELECT SL_StoreNum FROM tbl_store_locations WHERE SL_Zip in (select zipnum from udf_GetLongLatDist(A.Sl_Zip,7))) AS Q
WHERE A.SL_StoreNum='04'
However that ran for over 20 minutes with no results so I canceled it. I did try hardcoding in the zipcode and it immediately returned a list
CROSS APPLY (SELECT SL_StoreNum FROM tbl_store_locations WHERE SL_Zip in (select zipnum from udf_GetLongLatDist('12345',7))) AS Q
WHERE A.SL_StoreNum='04'
What is the most efficient way of accomplishing this listing of nearby locations? Keeping in mind while I used "04" as an example here, I want to run the analysis for 2,000 locations.
The "udf_GetLongLatDist" is a function which uses some math to calculate distance between two geographic coordinates and returns a list of zipcodes with a distance of > 0. Nothing fancy within it.
When you use the function you probably have to calculate every single possible distance for each row. That is why it takes so long. SInce teh actual physical locations don;t generally move, what we always did was precalculate the distance from each zipcode to every other zip code (and update only once a month or so when we added new possible zipcodes). Once the distances are precalculated, all you have to do is run a query like
select zip2 from zipprecalc where zip1 = '12345' and distance <=10
We have something similar and optimized it by only calculating the distance of other zipcodes whose latitude is within a bounded range. So if you want other zips within #miles, you use a
where latitude >= #targetLat - (#miles/69.2) and latitude <= #targetLat + (#miles/69.2)
Then you are only calculating the great circle distance of a much smaller subset of other zip code rows. We found this fast enough in our use to not require precalculating.
The same thing can't be done for longitude because of the variation between equator and pole of what distance a degree of longitude represents.
Other answers here involve re-working the algorithm. I personally advise the pre-calculated map of all zipcodes against each other. It should be possible to embed such optimisations in your existing udf, to minimise code-changes.
A refactoring of the query, however, could be as follows...
tbl_store_locations AS A
dbo.udf_GetLongLatDist(A.Sl_Zip,7) AS B
tbl_store_locations AS C
ON C.SL_Zip = B.zipnum
Also, the performance of the CROSS APPLY will benefit greatly if you can ensure that the udf is INLINE rather than MULTI-STATEMENT. This allows the udf to be expanded inline (macro like) for a much cleaner execution plan.
Doing so would also allow you to return additional fields from the udf. The optimiser can then include or exclude those fields from the plan depending on whether you actually use them. Such an example would be to include the SL_StoreNum if it's easily accessible from the query in the udf, and so remove the need for the last join...