How to pass the Azure DevOps variables into Postman tests? - variables

I have a Postman collection exported as json and integrated into Azure DevOps pipelines. It currently uses a URL variable from the Postman environment exported as json.
I need to set the URL variable in Azure DevOps and use it in my Postman tests.
I have set the variable in the Command Line task for running tests (see the screenshot).
Question 1. I'm not sure if this is the correct place to set this variable.
Question 2. How do I pass the Azure variable into the Postman tests?

In addition to running postman test with a script, I also recommend that you use this out-of-the-box task:Newman the cli Companion for Postman from extension: Newman the cli Companion for Postman.
You can directly set the global variable in this task.
Yaml sample:
- task: NewmanPostman#4
displayName: 'Newman - Postman'
collectionFileSource: 'test1.postman_collection.json'
environment: 'test.postman_environment.json'
globalVars: 'aa=azuretest23'
ignoreRedirect: false
bail: false
sslInsecure: false
htmlExtraDarkTheme: false
htmlExtraLogs: false
htmlExtraTestPaging: false
You can hard code global variables directly, or you can use pipeline variables(e.g. aa=$(var))
Using this task may make it easier for you to set environment variables and global variables.
Here is my example:
In Release Pipeline:
You could test the same settings in Postman and check if it could work.
In Postman:
testurl is global variable. version is environment variable.

Environment Variables is a correct place if you inside of you scripts use syntax like $env:url (for powershell for instance) and from what I found this is not possible. Please check here
But you can pass variable like it is shown here or here
newman run -g environment.json --global-var "foo=$(YOURVARIABLE)"
So you should go to variables tab and there define this variable and use as above ot paste url instead of $(YOURVARIABLE)


Change environment variable value of react app using azure devops - Deployment on aws (s3)

I have a react application in which they are getting backend api address by using Environment variable. Below in the example:
this._baseUrl = process.env.API_GATEWAY;
In local development environment, development team create .env. file and set environment variable value in that file, to call backend api and every things work fine, like below.
When i create CI/CD pipeline for same project then every things works fine and application is also successfully deployed on AWS (s3 bucket) but i am not able to change the value of environment variable while building the project using npm, like below:
- script: |
npm run build
displayName: 'npm build'
API_GATEWAY: $(envAppApi)
API_GATEWAY used above is the name of environment variable used in code and $(envAppApi) is variable defined in variable group.
But when application is deployed on AWS then environment variable value not changed and it shows below error.
mutation.js:106 ReferenceError: process is not defined
at new e (http-api.ts:17:42)
at Function.value (http-api.ts:24:12)
at Object.mutationFn (Auth.ts:13:26)
at Object.fn (mutation.js:132:31)
at c (retryer.js:95:31)
at new u (retryer.js:156:3)
at t.executeMutation (mutation.js:126:20)
at mutation.js:86:20
(http-api.ts:17:42) => This is the same line where API_GATEWAY environment variable is set and already showed above.
Problem statement:
Is there is any way that we can update the value of environment variable while creating CI/CD pipeline? so the application run successfully. Thanks.
Note: I don't want to use .env. file in my pipeline for updating environment values in react application.
Is there is any way that we can update the value of environment variable while creating CI/CD pipeline?
Yes. I suggest that you can use RegEx Match & Replace task from RegEx Match & Replace.
This task will use regular expressions to match fields in the file.
Here is an example:
- task: RegExMatchReplace#2
displayName: 'RegEx Match & Replace'
PathToFile: test.js
RegEx: 'this._baseUrl = ([a-zA-Z]+(\.[a-zA-Z]+)+)_[a-zA-Z]+;'
ValueToReplace: ' this._baseUrl = $(envAppApi)'
Then the value will update.
You can use this site to convert the regular expressions : Regex Generator

Azure Devops Browserstack integration - BrowserStackResults task - Unexpected "Build not found by name" error

Trying to set up Azure Devops pipeline for test automation run (Java + Maven + Selenium) tests are running on Browserstack
To view Browser Stack Results I added two tasks BrowserStackConfig and BrowserStackResults to pipiline YAML file
(according to instructions from BrowserStack)
But I am getting unexpected error on BrowserStackResults step : 'Build not found by name ..'
Now I am trying to get results for "old" automation run on BS (Set BROWSERSTACK_BUILD_NAME to existing BS results = 20220114_666666)
Using Azure Devops with installed Browserstack extension
Prepared YML file
Add pipeline for YML
Run pipeline
BS Configuration step works
Unexpected error on BrowserStackResults step "##[error] Build not found by name: "20220114_666666" error
The following only fixes BrowserStackConfig task:
value: "test-001"
But not for BrowserStackResults task. Is there another environment variable that controls the later? Or a list of variables used by browserstack?
According to the Browserstack
Note: Ensure to set the build capability in your test script using the environment variable BROWSERSTACK_BUILD_NAME. The extension will fail to embed test reports in your pipeline if this capability is missing.
Set variables for BrowserStack Azure DevOps Extension
The BrowserStack Azure DevOps extension, by default, sets the following environment variables:
When you create a service connection, the BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME and the BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY are automatically added as variables during the configuration step.
The extension also adds the BROWSERSTACK_BUILD_NAME variable that autogenerates a build name for your test runs.
Edit your test script to call environment variables
Edit your test script to add the environment variables for setting capabilities using the following code snippets:
String buildName = System.getenv("BROWSERSTACK_BUILD_NAME");
DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
capabilities.setCapability("build", buildName); // CI/CD job name using BROWSERSTACK_BUILD_NAME env variable
Seems you need to check your code if BROWSERSTACK_BUILD_NAME environment variable value is passed to buildName and added to capabilities. Otherwise, the report won't be generated

How to dynamically set an ENV variable using a Dockerfile

I have a Dockerfile that has access to a variable that indicates the environment it is being targeted to. Our CICD pipeline makes this environment variable available to the Dockerfile and I can test for a particular environment using "Run if $Environment =".
When I detect a "test" environment, I need to create another environment variable on-the-fly. However, code like this doesn't seem to work:
RUN if $Environment="test" ; then ; /
ENV NewEnvironmentVariable = "test" ; /
The get "ENV" not found when it runs. So obviously, you can't use ENV this way within a RUN .. if.
I CAN however, use bash commands to export the variable, but it's probably creating this export in a different context, so, the Dockerfile doesn't have access to it. I would have thought that exporting it would make the new environment variable to the Docker file (when it returns from the "if" block.
In short, I simply need to evaluate and existing environment variable and if it contains the value I'm looking for it will create a new ENV variable just as if I have done "ENV MyNewVar=1".
Is this possible?

Passing environment variables from command line

Is it possible to pass environment variable with sls deploy , sls doesn't seem to have switch like -e and the only possible way looks like having a seperate yaml file to manage variables and pass it on using "environment:" element in the serverless.yml file as mentioned in this article.
You can use any arbitrary name for your environment variable and pass it to serverless.yml with:
serverless deploy --myEnvVar <value>
You reference this inside serverless.yml with:
myLocalVar: ${opt:myEnvVar}
You can use serverless parameters
Parameters can be passed directly via CLI --param flag, following the pattern --param="<key>=<value>":
serverless deploy --param="" --param="key=value"
Parameters can then be used via the ${param:XXX} variables:
APP_DOMAIN: ${param:domain}
KEY: ${param:key}

Global environment variables for gitlab CI runner

I am working to set up a gitlab runner for multiple projects, and we want to be able to set up environment variables for all of the projects. I tried to set global variables in the .bashrc for both the gitlab-runner and root users but it did not recognize them during the CI script. What is the correct location to declare global environment variables?
You can also inject environment variables to your gitlab-runner directly in the commandline, as the gitlab-runner exec docker --help states:
--env value Custom environment variables injected to build environment [$RUNNER_ENV] ..
Here is a small example how I use it in a script:
Change the declarations as needed:
declare jobname="your_jobname"
declare runnerdir="/path/to/your/repository"
Get the env file into a bash array.
[ -f "$runnerdir/env" ] \
&& declare -a envlines=($(cat "$runnerdir/env"))
declare -a envs=()
for env in "${envlines[#]}"; do
envs+=(--env "$env")
And finally pass it to the gitlab-runner.
[ -d "$runnerdir" ] && cd "$runnerdir" \
&& gitlab-runner exec docker "${envs[#]}" $jobname \
&& cd -
You can define environment variables to inject in the runner's config.toml file. See the advanced runner configuration documentation in the [[runners]] section.
There doesn't seem to be a way to specify environment variables in the GitLab UI just for a specific runner.
With GitLab 13.1 (June 2020), you now have:
Instance-level CI/CD variables
GitLab now supports instance-level variables.
With this ability to set global variables, you no longer need to manually enter the same credentials repeatedly for all your projects.
This MVC introduces access to this feature by API, and the next iteration of this feature will provide the ability to configure instance-level variables directly in the UI.
See Documentation and issue.
Consider using an external persistent secret storage service like Vault or Keywhiz
Disclaimer: I am not associated nor used any of the above services
I have added export MY_VAR="FOO" to gitlab-runner's .bashrc, and it works.
echo export MY_VAR=\"FOO\" >> /home/gitlab-runner/.bashrc
Check which type of executor do you use? (shell, kubernetes, docker-ssh, parallels...) I use shell executor.
Check what type of shell does gitlab-runner use? (How to determine the current shell I'm working on) And edit the proper rc file for that.
Check the Gitlab CI Runner user.
I suggest dump all environment variables for further debugging, by add env to the .gitlab-ci.yml's script:
script: env
Making changes in ~/.bash_profile NOT ~/.bashrc.
See my answer
You can easily setup Variables in the GitLab Settings:
Project-level variables can be added by going to your project's Settings > CI/CD, then finding the section called Variables.
To make sure your variables are only used in