Cannot create a new return policy in eBay sandbox - ebay-api
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odoo dynamic snippet does not works correctly for public user

When i create dynamic snippet, it works correctly only if you log in like an administrator account, snippet uses data from the odoo model. So if you don't log in and go on the website as a public user from another browser, odoo displays a message, something like
"Odoo session is expired. The current page is about to be refreshed."
, and snippet uses default content from template(not data from database).
I didn't find an answer to my question in the documentation or on the forums. Please, if anyone has encountered such a problem, write how you solved it. Thank you in advance. p.s.: clearing the cache does not help
I didn't find an answer to my question in the documentation or on the forums. Please, if anyone has encountered such a problem, write how you solved it. Thank you in advance.
p.s.: clearing the cache does not help api update type. Make previously created link appear on quick links

I created a bunch of links through the API without specifying the type which defaults to 0. This doesn't make the links show on the dashboard under quick links. Now, I would like to make them show there but there doesn't seem to be an option to add a quick link, only create new. Given this, my idea was to use the API to read and update it however, update doesn't seem to allow passing argument type. Any hints on how to overcome this?
I have made a get request, retrieving the whole link details, copied the result, added the branch_key and branch_secret, changed type from 0 to 2 and sent an update request.
I've opened the link with ?debug=true but it doesn't seem to be a way to edit it to make it show on quick links either.
Response code was:
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "Invalid parameter: type"
As soon as I remove the type parameter, I get the proper link response with all the data.
The error that you saw is the expected behavior. The "type" key is reserved key and is not able to be changed once you created the link. You can manually set this only when you create the link using the API call. Please do reach out at if you have any further questions!
We store API created links and quick links in different DBs due to the volume of each type. This means that it's actually impossible to create a quick link through our public API or SDK. The only place would be from the dashboard. :( Hopefully, you understand our reasoning for doing it this way.

Can't upload new product image backend prestashop

I need a little help here, i hope someone here can help me for a hint or clue.
First of all, I'm not programmer. I'm just web admin who can use cms and basic html.
I was using PrestaShop for my online shop. In the backend, I can't upload new product image anymore.
The error just blank without any sign for me. Here for the screenshot:
I appreciate it, if someone can help me, thanks, and sorry for my english.
#PanjiWiyono This errors don't really give us a quality information, but this is a start. In your JS code should be a ajax query that has an error when converting results to json (first error). You should check what's the exact error that this request is returning by inspecting in browser developer console.
If you detect that the second error is in fact, the response of this ajax query, well now we almost have the problem.
The second error should be related to data size. Check this: Error while sending QUERY packet
Anyway, you should check DbPDO.php class. You can use debug_backtrace function to display the complete stack, but definitly if error is related to a basic PHP class issue you will have not help knowing wich classes are in calling stack.
Good luck.
Simple solution
maybe a extra module is in a conflict with the prestashop core files. go to advanced parameters, performance and disable third party modules and try again.
other option is reupload admin folder with other name and
js folder check again
hope it will work for you

Magento Rest API Error missing media_gallery

I have completed setting up the Magento Rest API and been able to retrieve a list of product without any errors using the API Example code Magento provides. However when I try to use the create a simple product example provided at
I get the below error.
{"messages":{"error":[{"code":400,"message":"Missing \"media_gallery\" in request."}
I have looked everywhere and can't seem to find out how to fix the error. I don't see any reference here saying media_gallery is required in the request.
Can anyone shed some light on this error and how to fix it?
I've been looking that up as well, but you can always modify that attribute in magento's administration and just turn it off (catalog/attributes/manage attributes), as in make it NOT required.

Google Custom Search API curl trouble

I'm a newbie at stackoverflow so please be patient with me :)
I'm trying to get access with the Google Custom Search API.
But I get return that I can't understand.
My query is like this:********&q=red%2Bsox&cx=**********&start=0&num=10&cr=countryCA&lr=lang_fr&client=google-csbe&output=xml_no_dtd
And the result I get is this?
string '{"error": {"errors": [{"domain": "global","reason": "invalid","message": "Invalid Value"}],"code": 400,"message": "Invalid Value"}}' (length=172)
What am I doing wrong?
I want the result from Google to appear.
Thanks in advance :)
You don't have a cx.
Take a look at this answer
What happens is because this api is used mostly for adding a search option
for your site you have to specify you custom search engine (e.g. search only your site).
When you want this to search the web by code you need to do the above. Add a fake
site (where you would add your search textbox), configure it (search the web, or your site, or whatever else) and then delete the fake site
Oh god, i just saw that. Sorry. Well the problem is that you start with 0. Valid is 1. Change start=0 with start=1 and i think you would be good to go. Take a look at this for valid values for the start parameter official page