I am using wildcards in a join statement to find when a specific phrase is contained in a text field. Originally, I tried something like:
[Text Field] LIKE '%[^0-9A-Z]' + [Phrase] + '[^0-9A-Z]%'
However, this only gives me results that contain the phrase inside of the text field surrounded by spaces or special characters. Instead I need it to be when the phrase is surrounded by a leading or trailing space, or if the phrase is at the beginning or end of text field. Does anyone have any idea on how to accomplish this? I have searched around to no avail.
Presumably, you are using SQL Server. Just add spaces to the beginning and end of the column:
' ' + [Text Field] + ' ' LIKE '%[^0-9A-Z]' + [Phrase] + '[^0-9A-Z]%'
Can anyone help me out with this-
There is a column in the database as "TEXT".
This column hold some string value.
I want to search any row that is having '%' in this column .
For eg how will i search for a row having value 'Vivek%123' in the column TEXT
In sql there is something known as an escape character, basically if you use this character it will be ignored and the character right behind it will be used as a literal instead of a wildcard in the case of %
WHERE Text LIKE '%!%%'
The above sql statement will allow you to search for any string containing a percentage character '%' so it could find anything in the format of
You must escape the % character
WHERE COL1 LIKE 'Vivek#%123' ESCAPE '#' ;
Is it possible to run a query that can search an Oracle clob for any record that contains an ampersand character where the word in which the character is located in is not one of any of the following (or possible any escape code):
& - &
< - <
> - >
" - "
' - '
I want to extract 5 character before the ampersand and 5 characters after the ampersand so i can see the actual value.
Basically i want to search for any record that contains those fields and replace it with the escape code.
At the moment i am doing something like this:
Select * from articles
where dbms_lob.instr(article_summary , '&' ) = 0 and dbms_lob.instr(article_summary , '&' )
If i was to use a regular expression, how would i specify it if i want to retrieve all fields where the value is & followed by any character other than 'a'?
You can use DBMS_XMLGEN.CONVERT for this. The second parameter is optional and if left out will escape the the XML special characters.
select DBMS_XMLGEN.CONVERT(article_summary)
from articles;
But, if article summary contains a mixture of escaped and unescaped characters, then this will give wrong result. Easiest way to solve it, is to unescape the characters first and then escape it.
DBMS_XMLGEN.CONVERT(article_summary,1) --1 as parameter does unescaping
from articles;
Just looking for another way to remove any excess spaces(>1) throughout a query. I'm taking information for my Oracle query from an Excel spreadsheet so there's bound to be some excess zeroes due to user error and whatnot so that when I'm taking the information from the excel it will have 2 sometimes 3 extra spaces after some values so we won't get any records returned from Oracle when we query it through the application. I have tried Trim(ds.Tables.Item(0).Rows.Item(k).Item(i).ToString.ToUpper) but this isn't removing the extra spaces in some of the values. Is there some SQL statement I don't know of or perhaps another reason why Trim isn't working?
Edit: Was writing replace function incorrectly.
Original: string.Replace(" ", " ")
New: string = string.replace(" ", " ")
Use String.Replace(" ", String.Empty) instead. Trim only removes leading and trailing spaces.
On the Oracle side, you can use the REGEXP_REPLACE function, but you need to apply it to each column you want to remove the extra spaces from:
REGEXP_REPLACE(myCol1, ' {2,}', ' ') AS myCleanCol1,
REGEXP_REPLACE(myCol2, ' {2,}', ' ') AS myCleanCol2,
FROM myTable
The example here looks for all occurrences of two or more spaces (that's the second parameter) and replaces them with a single space (the third parameter).
Could be something like this:
regexp_replace(your_column, '\s{2,}', '')
Here is a sqlfiddle demo
Im curious if and how you can use regular expressions to find white space in SQL statments.
I have a string that can have an unlimited amount of white space after the actual string.
For example:
would match, but
would not.
Right now I have:
like 'STRING%'
which doesnt quite return the results I would like.
I am using Sql Server 2008.
A simple like can find any string with spaces at the end:
where col1 like '% '
To also allow tabs, carriage returns or line feeds:
where col1 like '%[ ' + char(9) + char(10) + char(13) + ']'
Per your comment, to find "string" followed by any number of whitespace:
where rtrim(col1) = 'string'
You could try
where len(col1) <> len(rtrim(col1))
Andomar's answer will find the strings for you, but my spidey sense tells me maybe the scope of the problem is bigger than simply finding the whitespace.
If, as I suspect, you are finding the whitespace so that you can then clean it up, a simple
SET col1 = RTRIM(col1)
will remove any trailing whitespace from the column.
Or RTRIM(LTRIM(col1)) to remove both leading and trailing whitespace.
Or REPLACE(col1,' '.'') to remove all whitespace including spaces within the string.
Note that RTRIM and LTRIM only work on spaces, so to remove tabs/CRs/LFs you would have to use REPLACE. To remove those only from the leading/trailing portion of the string is feasible but not entirely simple. Bug your database vendor to implement the ANSI SQL 99 standard TRIM function that would make this much easier.
where len(col1 + 'x') <> len(rtrim(col1)) + 1
BOL provides workarounds for LEN() with trailing spaces : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms190329.aspx
LEN(Column + '_') - 1
I have a table of common words that are used in sentences (i.e. A, the, and, where, etc...)
What I want to do is loop through all those words and strip them out of the descriptions that people have entered to attempt to generate common keywords or tags. But I can't use replace because replace will remove any instance of the common word regardless of whether it is only a couple of letters that make up a larger word. For instance:
I want to replace A in the description. Now obviously a lot of words contain the letter a. So all those A's will be stripped from the words. I don't want that. I only want it when A is used a a whole word. I can figure this out using regular expressions but was wondering if there was anyway to do this in SQL without having to resort to CLR proc.
Maybe I am missing something but I couldn't seem to find an easy way to do this without having to write some specific scenarios like: word plus space before, word plus space after, word plus period after, etc... I don't think that is the best way.
For quick and dirty, I used to slosh through the various SQL functions PATINDEX, LEFT, RIGHT and LIKE to do this sort of thing. For one-time data prep, I export to something like Excel and eyeball it.
A good approach also is to create a new StringSubstitutionTable with two columns SOURCESTRING and TARGETSTRING and run a replace function to replace the SOURCESTRING with the TARGETSTRING on the joined table. This is cool because you can just add substitution entries as needed.
You can try nesting the replaces for each word you would like to replace. For example:
UPDATE TableName
SET ColumnName = REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(TableName.ColumnName,' a ',' '),' the ',' '),' and ',' '), ' ', ' ')
Let me know if this is what you were looking for.
Here is they way I did something similar to what you are trying to do.
During your replace action...
Append a space before and after the common word.
Append a space before and after the description.
Let's suppose you want to remove the CommonWord "A" from the Description.
Description: "A good phrase never starts with A or ends with A"
CommonWord: "A"
Update TableName
Set Description =
LTRIM(RTRIM(Replace(' ' + Description + ' ', ' ' + CommonWord + ' ', ' ')))
This lets you delete all whole words that equal 'A'. Because you are replacing ' A ' with a space you need to LTRIM RTRIM to remove any leading or trailing spaces.
You could also do this in two steps:
-- Step 1 Loop through all common words removing them
Update TableName
Set Description = Replace(' ' + Description + ' ', ' ' + CommonWord + ' ', ' ')
-- Step 2 Unconditionally Trim all Descriptions
Update TableName
Set Description = LTRIM(RTIM(Description))