How to generate several legends for single plot matplotlib - matplotlib

I was making a plot of f(x,y,z) and wanted this to be displayed in a 2D-plane. To avoid cluttering my legend i decided to have different linestyles for y, different colors for z and place the two in two separate legends. I couldn't find out how to do this even after a lot of digging, so I'm posting the solution i came up with here :) If anyone has more elegant solutions I'm all ears :)

Basically the solution was to make three plots, set two of them to have size (0,0) and place those two where i wanted the legends. It feels like an ugly way to do it, but it gave a nice plot and i didn't find any other way :) The resulting plot looks like this:
def plot_alt(style = 'log'):
cmap = cm.get_cmap('inferno')
color_scale = 1.2 #Variable to get colors from a certain part of the colormap
#Making grids for delta T and average concentration
D_T_axis = -np.logspace(np.log10(400), np.log10(1), 7)
C_bar_list = np.linspace(5,10,4)
ST_list = np.logspace(-3,-1,100)
# f(x,y,z)
DC_func = lambda C_bar, ST, DT: 2*C_bar * (1 - np.exp(ST*DT))/(1 + np.exp(ST*DT))
#Some different linestyles
styles = ['-', '--', '-.', ':']
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,3, figsize = (10,5))[0])
for i, C_bar in enumerate(C_bar_list): #See plot_c_rel_av_DT() for 'enumerate'
for j, DT in enumerate(D_T_axis):
plt.plot(ST_list, DC_func(C_bar, ST_list, DT), color = cmap(np.log10(-DT)/(color_scale*np.log10(-D_T_axis[0]))),
linestyle = styles[i])
# Generating separate legends by plotting lines in the two other subplots
# Basically: to get two separate legends i make two plots, place them where i want the legends
# and set their size to zero, then display their legends.[1]) #Set current axes to ax[1]
for i, C_bar in enumerate(C_bar_list):
# Plotting the different linestyles
plt.plot(C_bar_list, linestyle = styles[i], color = 'black', label = str(round(C_bar, 2)))[2])
for DT in D_T_axis:
#plotting the different colors
plt.plot(D_T_axis, color = cmap(np.log10(-DT)/(color_scale*np.log10(-D_T_axis[0]))), label = str(int(-DT)))
#Placing legend
#This is where i move and scale the three plots to make one plot and two legends
box0 = ax[0].get_position() #box0 is an object that contains the position and dimentions of the ax[0] subplot
box2 = ax[2].get_position()
ax[0].set_position([box0.x0, box0.y0, box2.x0 + 0.4*box2.width, box0.height])
box0 = ax[0].get_position()
ax[1].set_position([box0.x0 + box0.width, box0.y0 + box0.height + 0.015, 0,0])
ax[2].set_position([box0.x0 + box0.width ,box0.y0 + box0.height - 0.25, 0,0])
#Displaying plot[0])
plt.xlim(0.001, 0.1)
plt.ylim(0, 5)
plt.ylabel(r'$\Delta C$')
ax[1].legend(title = r'$\langle c \rangle$ [mol/L]',
bbox_to_anchor = (1,1), loc = 'upper left')
ax[2].legend(title = r'$-\Delta T$ [K]', bbox_to_anchor = (1,1), loc = 'upper left')
#Suptitle is the title of the figure. You can also have titles for the individual subplots
plt.suptitle('Steady state concentration gradient as a function of Soret-coefficient\n'
'for different temperature gradients and total concentrations')


Tick labels in between colors (discrete colorer)

Hi I want to put the ticklabels between colors (center of the intervals), and the figure is plotted by discrete colors. But the min value is not 0. How can I write the code to do that?
I used following code to do that, but what I got is wrong...
n_clusters = len(cbar_tick_label)
tick_locs = (np.arange(n_clusters)+0.5)*(n_clusters-1)/(n_clusters)
This code is from question: Discrete Color Bar with Tick labels in between colors. But it does not work when the min value of data is not zero.
Suppose there are N (e.g. 6) clusters. If you subdivide the range from the lowest number (e.g. 5) to the highest number (e.g. 10) into N equal parts, there will be a tick at every border between color cells. Subdividing into 2*N+1 equal parts, will also have a tick in the center of each color cell. Now, skipping every other of these 2*N+1 ticks will leave us with only the cell centers. So, np.linspace(5, 10, 6*2+1) are the ticks for borders and centers; taking np.linspace(5, 10, 6*2+1)[1::2] will be only the centers.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x, y = np.random.rand(2, 100)
c = np.random.randint(5, 11, x.shape)
n_clusters = c.max() - c.min() + 1
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
cmap = plt.get_cmap('inferno_r', n_clusters)
scat = ax.scatter(x, y, c=c, cmap=cmap)
cbar = plt.colorbar(scat)
tick_locs = np.linspace(c.min(), c.max(), 2 * n_clusters + 1)[1::2]
cbar_tick_label = np.arange(c.min(), c.max() + 1)

Standard Plot size in Python-matplotlib

I am generating multiple plots using matplotlib.patches.rect depending on the requirements. Some cases 2 rectangles are plotted sometimes 4 rectangles. But the visualisation size differs depending on the numbers of such rectangles although the dimensions of rectangles remains the same. Here in my case every rectangle has fixed shape (1200X230).
Below is the entire working code:
sampledata = {'Layer':[1,2,3,4,5,6], 'Type':[1,1,2,2,2,2]}
ip0 = pd.DataFrame(sampledata, columns=['Layer','Type'])
for i in range(ip0['Type'].nunique()):
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ip = ip0[ip0['Type']== i+1]
b = i+1
ax.grid(linestyle='--',linewidth = '0.3', color = 'black')
for i in range(ip['Layer'].nunique()):
y_pos = (i*300)
r = matplotlib.patches.Rectangle(xy=(0, y_pos), width=1201,height=233,
facecolor = None, edgecolor = 'red', linewidth=1.2, fill = False)
ax.text(-230, y_pos+175, 'Layer-{}'.format(i),
color='g',rotation='vertical', fontsize= (36/ip['Layer'].nunique()))
plt.xlim([0, 1500])
plt.ylim([0, (ip['Layer'].nunique()*300)])
plt.savefig(f'image_bin_{b}.jpeg',bbox_inches='tight', dpi =
I have attached pictures of 2 cases one where there 2 rectangles and one 4. Please help me making them look similar since the actual dimensions are equal.

Scatterplot with marginal KDE plots and multiple categories in Matplotlib

I'd like a function in Matplotlib similar to the Matlab 'scatterhist' function which takes continuous values for 'x' and 'y' axes, plus a categorical variable as input; and produces a scatter plot with marginal KDE plots and two or more categorical variables in different colours as output:
I've found examples of scatter plots with marginal histograms in Matplotlib, marginal histograms in Seaborn jointplot, overlapping histograms in Matplotlib and marginal KDE plots in Matplotib ; but I haven't found any examples which combine scatter plots with marginal KDE plots and are colour coded to indicate different categories.
If possible, I'd like a solution which uses 'vanilla' Matplotlib without Seaborn, as this will avoid dependencies and allow complete control and customisation of the plot appearance using standard Matplotlib commands.
I was going to try to write something based on the above examples; but before doing so wanted to check whether a similar function was already available, and if not then would be grateful for any guidance on the best approach to use.
#ImportanceOfBeingEarnest: Many thanks for your help.
Here's my first attempt at a solution.
It's a bit hacky but achieves my objectives, and is fully customisable using standard matplotlib commands. I'm posting the code here with annotations in case anyone else wishes to use it or develop it further. If there are any improvements or neater ways of writing the code I'm always keen to learn and would be grateful for guidance.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import gridspec
from scipy import stats
label = ['Setosa','Versicolor','Virginica'] # List of labels for categories
cl = ['b','r','y'] # List of colours for categories
categories = len(label)
sample_size = 20 # Number of samples in each category
# Create numpy arrays for dummy x and y data:
x = np.zeros(shape=(categories, sample_size))
y = np.zeros(shape=(categories, sample_size))
# Generate random data for each categorical variable:
for n in range (0, categories):
x[n,:] = np.array(np.random.randn(sample_size)) + 4 + n
y[n,:] = np.array(np.random.randn(sample_size)) + 6 - n
# Set up 4 subplots as axis objects using GridSpec:
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2, width_ratios=[1,3], height_ratios=[3,1])
# Add space between scatter plot and KDE plots to accommodate axis labels:
gs.update(hspace=0.3, wspace=0.3)
# Set background canvas colour to White instead of grey default
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.subplot(gs[0,1]) # Instantiate scatter plot area and axis range
ax.set_xlim(x.min(), x.max())
ax.set_ylim(y.min(), y.max())
axl = plt.subplot(gs[0,0], sharey=ax) # Instantiate left KDE plot area
axl.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) # Hide tick marks and spines
axb = plt.subplot(gs[1,1], sharex=ax) # Instantiate bottom KDE plot area
axb.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) # Hide tick marks and spines
axc = plt.subplot(gs[1,0]) # Instantiate legend plot area
axc.axis('off') # Hide tick marks and spines
# Plot data for each categorical variable as scatter and marginal KDE plots:
for n in range (0, categories):
ax.scatter(x[n],y[n], color='none', label=label[n], s=100, edgecolor= cl[n])
kde = stats.gaussian_kde(x[n,:])
xx = np.linspace(x.min(), x.max(), 1000)
axb.plot(xx, kde(xx), color=cl[n])
kde = stats.gaussian_kde(y[n,:])
yy = np.linspace(y.min(), y.max(), 1000)
axl.plot(kde(yy), yy, color=cl[n])
# Copy legend object from scatter plot to lower left subplot and display:
# NB 'scatterpoints = 1' customises legend box to show only 1 handle (icon) per label
handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
axc.legend(handles, labels, scatterpoints = 1, loc = 'center', fontsize = 12)`
Version 2, using Pandas to import 'real' data from a csv file, with a different number of entries in each category. (csv file format: row 0 = headers; col 0 = x values, col 1 = y values, col 2 = category labels). Scatterplot axis and legend labels are generated from column headers.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import gridspec
from scipy import stats
import pandas as pd
Create scatter plot with marginal KDE plots
from csv file with 3 cols of data
formatted as following example (first row of
data are headers):
'x_label', 'y_label', 'category_label'
4,6, 'virginica' etc...
df = pd.read_csv('iris_2.csv') # enter filename for csv file to be imported (within current working directory)
cl = ['b','r','y', 'g', 'm', 'k'] # Custom list of colours for each categories - increase as needed...
headers = list(df.columns) # Extract list of column headers
# Find min and max values for all x (= col [0]) and y (= col [1]) in dataframe:
xmin, xmax = df.min(axis=0)[0], df.max(axis=0)[0]
ymin, ymax = df.min(axis=0)[1], df.max(axis=0)[1]
# Create a list of all unique categories which occur in the right hand column (ie index '2'):
category_list = df.ix[:,2].unique()
# Set up 4 subplots and aspect ratios as axis objects using GridSpec:
gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 2, width_ratios=[1,3], height_ratios=[3,1])
# Add space between scatter plot and KDE plots to accommodate axis labels:
gs.update(hspace=0.3, wspace=0.3)
fig = plt.figure() # Set background canvas colour to White instead of grey default
ax = plt.subplot(gs[0,1]) # Instantiate scatter plot area and axis range
ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)
ax.set_xlabel(headers[0], fontsize = 14)
ax.set_ylabel(headers[1], fontsize = 14)
ax.yaxis.labelpad = 10 # adjust space between x and y axes and their labels if needed
axl = plt.subplot(gs[0,0], sharey=ax) # Instantiate left KDE plot area
axl.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) # Hide tick marks and spines
axb = plt.subplot(gs[1,1], sharex=ax) # Instantiate bottom KDE plot area
axb.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) # Hide tick marks and spines
axc = plt.subplot(gs[1,0]) # Instantiate legend plot area
axc.axis('off') # Hide tick marks and spines
# For each category in the list...
for n in range(0, len(category_list)):
# Create a sub-table containing only entries matching current category:
st = df.loc[df[headers[2]] == category_list[n]]
# Select first two columns of sub-table as x and y values to be plotted:
x = st[headers[0]]
y = st[headers[1]]
# Plot data for each categorical variable as scatter and marginal KDE plots:
ax.scatter(x,y, color='none', s=100, edgecolor= cl[n], label = category_list[n])
kde = stats.gaussian_kde(x)
xx = np.linspace(xmin, xmax, 1000)
axb.plot(xx, kde(xx), color=cl[n])
kde = stats.gaussian_kde(y)
yy = np.linspace(ymin, ymax, 1000)
axl.plot(kde(yy), yy, color=cl[n])
# Copy legend object from scatter plot to lower left subplot and display:
# NB 'scatterpoints = 1' customises legend box to show only 1 handle (icon) per label
handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
axc.legend(handles, labels, title = headers[2], scatterpoints = 1, loc = 'center', fontsize = 12)

Marker size/alpha scaling with window size/zoom in plot/scatter

When exploring data sets with many points on an xy chart, I can adjust the alpha and/or marker size to give a good quick visual impression of where the points are most densely clustered. However when I zoom in or make the window bigger, the a different alpha and/or marker size is needed to give the same visual impression.
How can I have the alpha value and/or the marker size increase when I make the window bigger or zoom in on the data? I am thinking that if I double the window area I could double the marker size, and/or take the square root of the alpha; and the opposite for zooming.
Note that all points have the same size and alpha. Ideally the solution would work with plot(), but if it can only be done with scatter() that would be helpful also.
You can achieve what you want with matplotlib event handling. You have to catch zoom and resize events separately. It's a bit tricky to account for both at the same time, but not impossible. Below is an example with two subplots, a line plot on the left and a scatter plot on the right. Both zooming (factor) and resizing of the figure (fig_factor) re-scale the points according to the scaling factors in figure size and x- and y- limits. As there are two limits defined -- one for the x and one for the y direction, I used here the respective minima for the two factors. If you'd rather want to scale with the larger factors, change the min to max in both event functions.
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols = 2)
ax1,ax2 = axes
fig_width = fig.get_figwidth()
fig_height = fig.get_figheight()
fig_factor = 1.0
##saving some values
xlim = dict()
ylim = dict()
lines = dict()
line_sizes = dict()
paths = dict()
point_sizes = dict()
## a line plot
x1 = np.linspace(0,np.pi,30)
y1 = np.sin(x1)
lines[ax1] = ax1.plot(x1, y1, 'ro', markersize = 3, alpha = 0.8)
xlim[ax1] = ax1.get_xlim()
ylim[ax1] = ax1.get_ylim()
line_sizes[ax1] = [line.get_markersize() for line in lines[ax1]]
## a scatter plot
x2 = np.random.normal(1,1,30)
y2 = np.random.normal(1,1,30)
paths[ax2] = ax2.scatter(x2,y2, c = 'b', s = 20, alpha = 0.6)
point_sizes[ax2] = paths[ax2].get_sizes()
xlim[ax2] = ax2.get_xlim()
ylim[ax2] = ax2.get_ylim()
def on_resize(event):
global fig_factor
w = fig.get_figwidth()
h = fig.get_figheight()
fig_factor = min(w/fig_width,h/fig_height)
for ax in axes:
def lim_change(ax):
lx = ax.get_xlim()
ly = ax.get_ylim()
factor = min(
for line,size in zip(lines[ax],line_sizes[ax]):
except KeyError:
paths[ax].set_sizes([s*factor*fig_factor for s in point_sizes[ax]])
except KeyError:
fig.canvas.mpl_connect('resize_event', on_resize)
for ax in axes:
ax.callbacks.connect('xlim_changed', lim_change)
ax.callbacks.connect('ylim_changed', lim_change)
The code has been tested in Pyton 2.7 and 3.6 with matplotlib 2.1.1.
Motivated by the comments below and this answer, I created another solution. The main idea here is to only use one type of event, namely draw_event. At first the plots did not update correctly upon zooming. Also ax.draw_artist() followed by a fig.canvas.draw_idle() like in the linked answer did not really solve the problem (however, this might be platform/backend specific). Instead I added an extra call to fig.canvas.draw() whenever the scaling changes (the if statement prevents infinite loops).
In addition, do avoid all the global variables, I wrapped everything into a class called MarkerUpdater. Each Axes instance can be registered separately to the MarkerUpdater instance, so you could also have several subplots in one figure, of which some are updated and some not. I also fixed another bug, where the points in the scatter plot scaled wrongly -- they should scale quadratic, not linear (see here).
Finally, as it was missing from the previous solution, I also added updating for the alpha value of the markers. This is not quite as straight forward as the marker size, because alpha values must not be larger than 1.0. For this reason, in my implementation the alpha value can only be decreased from the original value. Here I implemented it such that the alpha decreases when the figure size is decreased. Note that if no alpha value is provided to the plot command, the artist stores None as alpha value. In this case the automatic alpha tuning is off.
What should be updated in which Axes can be defined with the features keyword -- see below if __name__ == '__main__': for an example how to use MarkerUpdater.
As pointed out by #ImportanceOfBeingErnest, there was a problem with infinite recursion with my answer when using the TkAgg backend, and apparently problems with the figure not refreshing properly upon zooming (which I couldn't verify, so probably that was implementation dependent). Removing the fig.canvas.draw() and adding ax.draw_artist(ax) within the loop over the Axes instances instead fixed this issue.
I updated the code to fix an ongoing issue where figure is not updated properly upon a draw_event. The fix was taken from this answer, but modified to also work for several figures.
In terms of an explanation of how the factors are obtained, the MarkerUpdater instance contains a dict that stores for each Axes instance the figure dimensions and the limits of the axes at the time it is added with add_ax. Upon a draw_event, which is for instance triggered when the figure is resized or the user zooms in on the data, the new (current) values for figure size and axes limits are retrieved and a scaling factor is calculated (and stored) such that zooming in and increasing the figure size makes the markers bigger. Because x- and y-dimensions may change at different rates, I use min to pick one of the two calculated factors and always scale against the original size of the figure.
If you want your alpha to scale with a different function, you can easily change the lines that adjust the alpha value. For instance, if you want a power law instead of a linear decrease, you can write path.set_alpha(alpha*facA**n), where n is the power.
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
class MarkerUpdater:
def __init__(self):
##for storing information about Figures and Axes
self.figs = {}
##for storing timers
self.timer_dict = {}
def add_ax(self, ax, features=[]):
ax_dict = self.figs.setdefault(ax.figure,dict())
ax_dict[ax] = {
'xlim' : ax.get_xlim(),
'ylim' : ax.get_ylim(),
'figw' : ax.figure.get_figwidth(),
'figh' : ax.figure.get_figheight(),
'scale_s' : 1.0,
'scale_a' : 1.0,
'features' : [features] if isinstance(features,str) else features,
ax.figure.canvas.mpl_connect('draw_event', self.update_axes)
def update_axes(self, event):
for fig,axes in self.figs.items():
if fig is event.canvas.figure:
for ax, args in axes.items():
##make sure the figure is re-drawn
update = True
fw = fig.get_figwidth()
fh = fig.get_figheight()
fac1 = min(fw/args['figw'], fh/args['figh'])
xl = ax.get_xlim()
yl = ax.get_ylim()
fac2 = min(
##factor for marker size
facS = (fac1*fac2)/args['scale_s']
##factor for alpha -- limited to values smaller 1.0
facA = min(1.0,fac1*fac2)/args['scale_a']
##updating the artists
if facS != 1.0:
for line in ax.lines:
if 'size' in args['features']:
if 'alpha' in args['features']:
alpha = line.get_alpha()
if alpha is not None:
for path in ax.collections:
if 'size' in args['features']:
path.set_sizes([s*facS**2 for s in path.get_sizes()])
if 'alpha' in args['features']:
alpha = path.get_alpha()
if alpha is not None:
args['scale_s'] *= facS
args['scale_a'] *= facA
def _redraw_later(self, fig):
timer = fig.canvas.new_timer(interval=10)
timer.single_shot = True
timer.add_callback(lambda : fig.canvas.draw_idle())
##stopping previous timer
if fig in self.timer_dict:
##storing a reference to prevent garbage collection
self.timer_dict[fig] = timer
if __name__ == '__main__':
my_updater = MarkerUpdater()
##setting up the figure
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows = 2, ncols =2)#, figsize=(1,1))
ax1,ax2,ax3,ax4 = axes.flatten()
## a line plot
x1 = np.linspace(0,np.pi,30)
y1 = np.sin(x1)
ax1.plot(x1, y1, 'ro', markersize = 10, alpha = 0.8)
ax3.plot(x1, y1, 'ro', markersize = 10, alpha = 1)
## a scatter plot
x2 = np.random.normal(1,1,30)
y2 = np.random.normal(1,1,30)
ax2.scatter(x2,y2, c = 'b', s = 100, alpha = 0.6)
## scatter and line plot
ax4.scatter(x2,y2, c = 'b', s = 100, alpha = 0.6)
ax4.plot([0,0.5,1],[0,0.5,1],'ro', markersize = 10) ##note: no alpha value!
##setting up the updater
my_updater.add_ax(ax1, ['size']) ##line plot, only marker size
my_updater.add_ax(ax2, ['size']) ##scatter plot, only marker size
my_updater.add_ax(ax3, ['alpha']) ##line plot, only alpha
my_updater.add_ax(ax4, ['size', 'alpha']) ##scatter plot, marker size and alpha

matplotlib shared row label (not y label) in plot containing subplots

I have a trellis-like plot I am trying to produce in matplotlib. Here is a sketch of what I'm going for:
One thing I am having trouble with is getting a shared row label for each row. I.e. in my plot, I have four rows for four different sets of experiments, so I want row labels "1 source node, 2 source nodes, 4 source nodes and 8 source nodes".
Note that I am not referring to the y axis label, which is being used to label the dependent variable. The dependent variable is the same in all subplots, but the row labels I am after are to describe the four categories of experiments conducted, one for each row.
At the moment, I'm generating the plot with:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(4, 5, sharey=True)
While I've found plenty of information on sharing the y-axis label, I haven't found anything on adding a single shared row label.
As far as I know there is no ytitle or something. You can use text to show some text. The x and y are in data-coordinates. ha and va are horizontal and vertical alignment, respectively.
import numpy
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
n_rows = 4
n_cols = 5
fig, axes = plt.subplots(n_rows, n_cols, sharey = True)
for i in range(n_cols):
axes[0][i].text(x = 0.5, y = 12, s = "column label", ha = "center")
for i in range(n_rows):
axes[i][0].text(x = -0.8, y = 5, s = "row label", rotation = 90, va = "center")
You could give titles to subplots on the top row like Robbert suggested
fig, axes = plt.subplots(4,3)
for i, ax in enumerate(axes[0,:]):