Executing view within a stored procedure - sql

Is it possible to execute a view with a stored procedure?
My procedure should first run the views (I have 2 in total) and then am combining these 2 views data into a different table for applying transformations.
Something like this:
create or replace procedure procname as
here my views should get triggered and then starts my
execute immediate 'truncate table transtable';

What do you call "execute a view with stored procedure"? How are views "triggered"?
If you meant to ask whether you can create views in a procedure - then yes, you can - using execute immediate. Though, in Oracle, that's highly unusual practice. We create views first (at SQL level), use them everywhere (in SQL or PL/SQL) and that's what I'd suggest you to do.
If you ask why?, reason is simple: dynamic SQL doesn't scale, it is difficult to maintain and debug, and - if there's nothing "dynamic" in it, don't use it.
Moreover, if you reference those views later in your code (and they don't exist at time of compilation), PL/SQL procedure will fail with ORA-00942 (table or view doesn't exist) which means that the rest of your code should also be dynamic.
Nightmare at the horizon, in my opinion.
From what you posted so far, I don't see why would you insist on doing that dynamically:
create view "now" at SQL level
use them in the procedure


Why can't we call procedure from sql

I know we can call the function from SQL if it doesn't contain out parameter or DML(except autonomous). But we can't call the procedure from SQL in any condition.
What is the reason for it?
Why can't we call the procedure from SQL? Any specific reason.
The reason is that the SQL ANSII standard specifies that only functions can be used in the SQL query.
ISO committee members did not define the use of procedures in SQL queries.
You can:
call dbms_output.put_line('Hello')
CALL is part of the SQL language.
Or we can embed a procedure in an inline function:
with function f (p varchar2)
return varchar2
return p;
end f;
select f('Demo')
from dual
If you mean a SELECT statement specifically, I can't see how you expect that to work. What result set would you expect a query like this to return?
select dbms_output.put_line('Hello')
from dual
select dbms_stats.gather_table_stats(user, table_name)
from user_tables
This isn't an arbitrary restriction by some standards committee. It just doesn't make any sense semantically.
You can call or execute a procedure easily in SQL. Both parametrized or non can be called.
EXEC dbo.procedure_name
I'm assuming, that you are asking about calling procedures from within other SQL statements (not just call a procedure on its own, which is obviously possible).
Why? That's a matter of opinion, and you would have to ask Oracle DB architects for a real cause.
It would seem, that introducing procedure calls into all possible SQL statements, would bring both syntax and implementation complexity, while not necessarily bringing much more value. Usually there are alternatives, which are not much harder to use, while allowing the same outcome.
In case of a query (a SELECT statement), the result should be a data set, and no changes in the database state (data or structure) should be done. A PL/SQL procedure does not return a data set, and can change the database state.
If you are in a situation, where the procedure call is needed to prepare the data, you'd like to query, then you have the possibility to call the procedure first, and then query the database.
You can also write a procedure, which will have an output parameter of a cursor reference, which will effectively give you a query result. (For an ad hoc case, you could use parameterized anonymous PL/SQL block.)
You can also write a tabular function, where you can do complex data processing, using PL/SQL, and return a data set. Such function can be used in a query.
If you are asking also about other types of SQL statements, then you can always call DML (INSERT / UPDATE / DELETE / MERGE), DDL (CREATE / ALTER / DROP) or DCL (GRANT / REVOKE) from a procedure or an anonymous PL/SQ block, that does those and allows you to mix PL/SQL logic in. No need to do this the other way (introducing PL/SQL into DML / DDL / DCL).

Why does Firebird preserve dependencies?

I have a procedure that depends on a view in my Firebird database. Today, I changed the view, and by doing so, I expected to resolve a bug in my procedure. Then I found out (after about an hour of frustration), that my procedure was still using a previous version of my view.
Here's an example of what I'm talking about (granted, it's not a very real-world usage of a procedure):
-- Create a view
create view select_one_view as select 1 as one from rdb$database;
-- Create a procedure that selects from my view
create procedure select_from_view
returns (number integer) as
select one from select_one_view into :number;
So now I've got my procedure that depends on a view. When I execute this procedure (execute procedure select_from_view), it returns 1, as expected.
Now let's alter the view:
alter view select_one_view as select 2 as one from rdb$database;
At this point, I would expect my procedure to return 2. Instead, it returns 1.
As a sanity check, I tried doing the same thing in SQL Server, but it worked as I expected, returning 2 after I altered my view.
Why in the world would I want this to happen? Am I expected to manually alter every procedure/trigger that depends on my view? It seems as if this behavior would only serve to create unnoticed problems.
P.S. I've tried this with versions V2.5.2.26539 and V2.5.2.26540.
Perhaps is something related with Firebird's file system cache.
You can check this parameters:
at the database level:
Forced writes
in the firebird.conf:
This is due to the metadata cache. You may need to disconnect all attachments to the database and reconnect. This applies to SuperServer mode, Classic and SuperClassic mode don't share caches across attachments.

What is the difference between Stored Functions and Views in DB?

I didn't undetstood the difference between Stored Functions and Views.
Using Views in SELECT will execute the query and return the result, but Stored Functions do the same thing, don't they? So what is the difference? When I use Views and when Stored Functions?
A view is a virtual table. It does not physically exist. Rather, it is created by a query joining one or more tables. View returns a table.
Stored procedure: A stored procedure is a group of Transact-SQL statements compiled into a single execution plan.
stored procedures returns Output parameters,return codes (which are always an integer value),
a result set for each SELECT statement contained in the stored procedure or any other stored procedures called by the stored procedure,a global cursor that can be referenced outside the stored procedure.
key benefits of stored procedure are Precompiled execution, reduced client/server traffic,efficient reuse of code, programming abstraction and enhanced security controls.
A stored function is a named PL/SQL Block which is similar to a procedure. The major difference between a procedure and a function is, a function must always return a value, but a procedure may or may not return a value.
1) Return Type: The header section defines the return type of the function. The return datatype can be any of the oracle datatype like varchar, number etc.
2) The execution and exception section both should return a value which is of the datatype defined in the header section
You can have a stored function return the same data a view would in most databases.
The distinction for me is that a function is executed and a view is selected from.
A view will behave as a table.
A view returns a specific pre-defined statement as exactly one result set.
A function returns a single values or a single result set. This however can differ from different types of database.
Several db implementations also have stored procedures where the result can be a single returned value, a result set or several result sets.
Getting simple (PLEASE start reading a book about SQL): A view looks like a table, so you can filter on the results and the filter will efficiently be part of the views execution, or do joins. A SP does not allow this, but a lot more logic. The rest... is in the documentation.
These can never be compares, these have totally different
A view is a output of a query ,and makes a virtual image of the table,and the input parameters are not accepted.
Main difference is that a Stored Procedure can alter your data, where
as a view only returns it and I believe from a performance point of
view, a stored procedure is better as it caches the execution plan and
will run faster as a result.
storedprocedure/function is a group of sql statements that are pre-executed and it accepts the parameters.it reduces network traffic, gives faster performance, etc.
SQL Functions in programming languages are subroutines used to encapsulate frequently performed logic. these somewhat slow down the performance.
Check these SQL View, SQL Stored Procedures and SQL User-Defined Functions
My Opinion is that SQL Stored Procedure(Stored Functions) are much better to use because it provides custom manipulations on result set also.
From my experiences I'm sharing to you my knowledge:
Don't use views
Better to use a stored procedure(it is compiled sql statement), you can use parametrized procedure as required.
Stored Function is collection of complied sql statement which is faster.
Note: Views is a SELECT statement( with/without JOIN) for a table which select data from table and if we again run a SELECT statement from VIEWS which provide slower result because the internal operation is as ( SELECT * FROM ( SELECT * FROM TargetTable ) )
So, its better to use Stored Function
Functions are computed values and cannot perform permanent environmental changed to SQL Server (i.e. no INSERT or UPDATE statements allowed).
A Function can be used inline in SQL Statements if it returns a scalar value or can be joined upon if it returns a result set.
Also please see here for performance comparison: SQL-Server Performance: What is faster, a stored procedure or a view?

How can I create multiple views in a stored procedure?

I want to create a temporary stored procedure to create several views; so something like this:
create proc #t1 as
create view v1 as select 1 as x
create view v2 as select 2 as x
Unfortunately, when I execute this in Microsoft SQL Server 2005, I get a syntax error on the first create view line.
Something like this works:
create proc #t1 as
exec('create view v1 as select 1 as x')
exec('create view v2 as select 2 as x')
However, this seems like a terrible way of doing what I want.
So what's wrong with the first attempt, and what's the best way to create multiple views in a stored procedure?
You can't have a go inside a stored procedure. It's not a command in SQL, it's a separator between batches in the SQL Manager, so it will cut the procedure into two batches and cause syntax errors because neither batch is a complete command.
You don't have to write a full blown parser to make this work - all you need to do is what the command line tools/SSMS do - read lines from the file and accumulate them in a (in .Net, it's a stringbuilder, can't remember the equivalent in Java) until you encounter a line which starts with the word GO. Each time you reach that point, send your accumulated buffer to SQL Server, and then empty your buffer and start again.
So long as your current script has GO whenever it's required, the above should work.
This is easy you can achieve this using variable,assign the create view to the #variable then EXEC(#Variable) statements inside the procedure


When it comes to creating stored procedures, views, functions, etc., is it better to do a DROP...CREATE or an ALTER on the object?
I've seen numerous "standards" documents stating to do a DROP...CREATE, but I've seen numerous comments and arguments advocating for the ALTER method.
The ALTER method preserves security, while I've heard that the DROP...CREATE method forces a recompile on the entire SP the first time it's executed instead of just a a statement level recompile.
Can someone please tell me if there are other advantages / disadvantages to using one over the other?
ALTER will also force a recompile of the entire procedure. Statement level recompile applies to statements inside procedures, eg. a single SELECT, that are recompiled because the underlying tables changes, w/o any change to the procedure. It wouldn't even be possible to selectively recompile just certain statements on ALTER procedure, in order to understand what changed in the SQL text after an ALTER procedure the server would have to ... compile it.
For all objects ALTER is always better because it preserves all security, all extended properties, all dependencies and all constraints.
This is how we do it:
if object_id('YourSP') is null
exec ('create procedure dbo.YourSP as select 1')
alter procedure dbo.YourSP
The code creates a "stub" stored procedure if it doesn't exist yet, otherwise it does an alter. In this way any existing permissions on the procedure are preserved, even if you execute the script repeatedly.
Starting with SQL Server 2016 SP1, you now have the option to use CREATE OR ALTER syntax for stored procedures, functions, triggers, and views. See CREATE OR ALTER – another great language enhancement in SQL Server 2016 SP1 on the SQL Server Database Engine Blog. For example:
SELECT * FROM dbo.MyTable
Altering is generally better. If you drop and create, you can lose the permissions associated with that object.
If you have a function/stored proc that is called very frequently from a website for example, it can cause problems.
The stored proc will be dropped for a few milliseconds/seconds, and during that time, all queries will fail.
If you do an alter, you don't have this problem.
The templates for newly created stored proc are usually this form:
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE type = 'P' AND name = '<name>')
However, the opposite is better, imo:
If the storedproc/function/etc doesn't exist, create it with a dummy select statement. Then, the alter will always work - it will never be dropped.
We have a stored proc for that, so our stored procs/functions usually like this:
EXEC Utils.pAssureExistance 'Schema.pStoredProc'
ALTER PROCECURE Schema.pStoredProc
and we use the same stored proc for functions:
EXEC Utils.pAssureExistance 'Schema.fFunction'
ALTER FUNCTION Schema.fFunction
In Utils.pAssureExistance we do a IF and look at the first character after the ".": If it's a "f", we create a dummy fonction, if it's "p", we create a dummy stored proc.
Be careful though, if you create a dummy scalar function, and your ALTER is on a table-valued function, the ALTER FUNCTION will fail, saying it's not compatible.
Again, Utils.pAssureExistance can be handy, with an additional optional parameter
EXEC Utils.pAssureExistance 'Schema.fFunction', 'TableValuedFunction'
will create a dummy table-valued function,
Additionaly, I might be wrong, but I think if you do a drop procedure and a query is currently using the stored proc, it will fail.
However, an alter procedure will wait for all queries to stop using the stored proc, and then alter it. If the queries are "locking" the stored proc for too long (say a couple seconds), the ALTER will stop waiting for the lock, and alter the stored proc anyway: the queries using the stored proc will probably fail at that point.
DROP generally loses permissions AND any extended properties.
On some UDFs, ALTER will also lose extended properties (definitely on SQL Server 2005 multi-statement table-valued functions).
I typically do not DROP and CREATE unless I'm also recreating those things (or know I want to lose them).
I don't know if it's possible to make such blanket comment and say "ALTER is better". I think it all depends on the situation. If you require this sort of granular permissioning down to the procedure level, you probably should handle this in a separate procedure. There are benefits to having to drop and recreate. It cleans out existing security and resets it what's predictable.
I've always preferred using drop/recreate. I've also found it easier to store them in source control. Instead of doing .... if exists do alter and if not exists do create.
With that said... if you know what you're doing... I don't think it matters too much.
If you perform a DROP, and then use a CREATE, you have almost the
same effect as using an ALTER VIEW statement. The problem is that you need to entirely re-establish your permissions on who can and can’t use the view. ALTER retains any dependency information and set permissions.
You've asked a question specifically relating to DB objects that do not contain any data, and theoretically should not be changed that often.
Its likely you may need to edit these objects but not every 5 minutes. Because of this I think you've already hit the hammer on the head - permissions.
Short answer, not really an issue, so long as permissions are not an issue
We used to use alter while we were working in development either creating new functionality or modifying the functionality. When we were done with our development and testing we would then do a drop and create. This modifys the date/time stamp on the procs so you can sort them by date/time.
It also allowed us to see what was bundeled by date for each deliverable we sent out.
Add with a drop if exists is better because if you have multiple environments when you move the script to QA or test or prod you don't know if the script already exists in that environment. By adding an drop (if it already exists) and and then add you will be covered regardless if it exists or not. You then have to reapply permissions but its better then hearing your install script error-ed out.
From a usability point of view a drop and create is better than a alter. Alter will fail in a database that doesn't contain that object, but having an IF EXISTS DROP and then a CREATE will work in a database with the object already in existence or in a database where the object doesn't exist. In Oracle and PostgreSQL you normally create functions and procedures with the statement CREATE OR REPLACE that does the same as a SQL SERVER IF EXISTS DROP and then a CREATE. It would be nice if SQL Server picked up this small but very handy syntax.
This is how I would do it. Put all this in one script for a given object.
FROM information_schema.routines
WHERE routine_schema = 'dbo'
AND routine_name = '<PROCNAME'
AND routine_type = 'PROCEDURE' )