When centring a label it goes behind a panel - vb.net

I'm using the code:
Label1.Left = (Me.ClientSize.Width / 2) - (Label1.Width / 2)
to center the label, but it seems to hide behind panel1 when I center it, it does not disappear behind it when not centering it.
I have right-clicked the panel and sent to back but that doesn't seem to do anything.

Use Anchor property for centering the label.
In designer:
Remove all anchors, by default Top and Left anchors are enabled
In code:
Label1.Anchor = AnchorStyles.None
Enabled anchors keep selected distance to the parent boundaries same when parent size is changed.
When opposite anchors are disabled distance to parent's corresponding boundaries will be kept even.


Problem changing size of a form on secondary display

I am creating a Windows form using VB.net
The form is part of a VSTO Excel Add-in
I move the form to a secondary display using:
Dim b As Rectangle = activeScreen.Bounds
Dim location As Point = Me.Location
Me.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.Manual
location.X = location.X + b.X
location.Y = location.Y + b.Y
Me.Location = location
where activeScreen is of type System.windows.forms.screen.
Before resizing, my form is size {Width = 1139 Height = 308}
I resize my form using
Me.size = newsize
where new size has value {Width = 2278 Height = 308}
However, the value of Me.size somehow jumps to {Width = 5695 Height = 770}
And on the screen, this is in fact what is seen, the form is now 2.5 times bigger than what I expect.
If I change the height of the form in this way, all works fine. Similarly, the above code works fine when I keep my form on the primary display.
The value of Me.DeviceDpi is 96 in both scenarios.
My primary display is scale 250% (recommended) and Display resolution 3200x1800 in the settings, and screen bounds is [Bounds={X=0,Y=0,Width=3200,Height=1800}
The secondary display is scale 100% (recommended) and Display resolution 1360x768 in the settings, and screen bounds is {X=8000,Y=938,Width=3400,Height=1920}
The answer to this question seems to bear no resemblance to the problem.
I was resizing my form as part of a response to Form_PreviewKeyDownevent
Moving the code to Form_KeyUp event, suddenly everything behaved correctly as it had done when running on the primary monitor.
In the same vain, part of my form contains a Label that I change and move dynamically. This form was simply disappearing when I move the form to the secondary display. Debugging size, location, bounds etc showed numbers consistent with all the other controls on the form. Tried calling BringToFront() thinking maybe some subtle scaling had caused the label to be moved behind another control, but this did not help either.
Solution / workaround - every time I change or move the label, remove it from the controls and re-add a newly created label. Once again, with this work around, all once again works like it did on the primary monitor.

Overriding VB.Net TrackBar control Property -- no error, but not working

If a TrackBar control on a Windows form is selected by mouse, the keyboard left/right arrow keys can be used to decrement/increment its value respectively. Unfortunately, selecting the control causes an unsightly focus box to appear around it.
I would like to override the control's ShowFocusCues() Property to hide the focus box but retain the ability to use the keyboard keys. The following code does not throw an error, but also does not return the result I wish to achieve. Please can you help?
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim myTrackBar As CustomTrackBar = New CustomTrackBar
With myTrackBar
.Top = 100
.Left = 100
.Width = 200
.Minimum = 3
.Maximum = 25
.Value = 7
End With
End Sub
End Class
Class CustomTrackBar : Inherits System.Windows.Forms.TrackBar
Protected Overloads Overrides ReadOnly Property ShowFocusCues() As Boolean
Return False
End Get
End Property
End Class
I just would like to preserve keyboard functionality if doing so is straightforward
I don't doubt the way Jimi has suggested in the comments is more correct, but it's really straightforward to put a eg a 300x50 sized trackbar inside an eg 290x40 sized panel, positioned at -5,-5 so the focus box is visually cut off.
Note that I don't guarantee these pixel sizes are exact/correct so they should be regarded as "for illustration of the point purposes only"; I'm on a cellphone and cannot measure the image I created to demo this, but it looks like the focus rect is less than 5 pixels...
In this image the cutoff is more than 5 pixels - I deliberately positioned the trackbar so that part of the slider is cut off to demonstrate that controls inside panels, that overhang the bounds of the panel, have their visual area trimmed:
The form background is blue, the panel grey and the trackbar is yellow
add a panel to the form
set your trackbar background to red temporarily so you can see its bounds
drag the trackbar into the panel then drag it again to the top left corner
use the arrow keys eg 5 times in the up and left directions to push it
size the panel to the bottom right of the trackbar
hold shift and use up/left again to resize the panel down another 5 pixels in each dimension
if you're resizing this trackbar set the anchor properties appropriately on the trackbar and panel
revert the background
If you don't use anchor for resize/don't know how it works, it's simplest to consider it like:
Any edge that is anchored maintains the same number of pixels between that edge and the same edge of the container it is in. Controls try not to resize if they can
This means that anchoring left and right will cause a control to stretch if the window gets wider. Anchoring right only causes the control to slide as the window gets wider

Why do I have to set VerticalScroll.Value twice?

I've got a Windows form that contains a picturebox that holds images of differing size - width is always the width of the form, height is calculated to keep the aspect ratio steady.
The up & down arrows (and home, end keys) are configured to scroll the window - but I'm finding I have to make the following call twice to 'properly' scroll:
Me.VerticalScroll.Value += 100
Me.VerticalScroll.Value += 100
The first call changes the scroll position (but not the scrollbar position), then the second changes the scrollbar position.
Why is this? Am I setting the wrong option here?

Decrease space between controls in FlowLayoutPanel

How can I decrease the space between the controls even further?
I've set all the margins and padding to 0 but there is still space between my controlers.
this is the space I am getting with all margins and padding set to 0. I even set the margin and padding on each controller to 0.
and for the sake of consistency here is the code that is adding the PictureBoxes
Dim newPic As PictureBox = New PictureBox()
newPic.Image = p.Image
newPic.Size = New System.Drawing.Size(New Point(p.Size.Width * 2,
p.Size.Height * 2))
newPic.SizeMode = p.SizeMode
laytt.SetToolTip(newPic, ttstring)
AddHandler newPic.Click, AddressOf LayoutComponent_Clicked
You are not setting the Margin property on the picture boxes you add. The default is 3,3,3,3. Add this line of code to fix the problem:
newPic.Margin = New Padding(0)
Every control handles margins differently, even with standard controls. Have a look at this example:
Notice that a Button reserves some space around it, while a TextBox takes everything. You may ask why 2 pixels in between them which you can clearly see. For that - please copy/paste into Paint and zoom in. Those 2 pixels are in fact the border, this is how a control is drawn. I am sure Buttons also have a border, but it's harder to justify visually, even when zoomed in.
If you want to change that, you would need to create a custom control and override how it's drawn, i.e. manually cut borders from it or similar. But I would not recommend doing it, to keep UI consistent.

ClickTag banner issues in Flash CS5

I've created some animated as well as static banners in Flash CS5 and I'd like to apply clickTag ActionScript 2.0 code to them. However, I only found tutorials where over all the existing layers, you create a rectangle using the Rectangle Primitive Tool, set the border, fill, and opacity to 0 and then apply the code and export the movie. When I create the rectangle, there is no setting for opacity, and when I set no border and no fill, the rectangle disappears and the dark dot in the timeline becomes empty so I can't click on the rectangle in order to convert it into a symbol.
I would really appreciate any advice on this!
Create your rectangle using 'Rectangle Primitive' tool shapes menu instead of the regular Rectangle tool.
select your rectangle by a single click.
From the properties panel select the bucket symbol (the one used to control the fill color) and you will find a setting 'alpha' for setting the transparency.
change the alpha value to 0. after that remove the stroke.
select your rectangle, from the top menu : Modify > Convert to symbol. give it a name and select 'button' from the dropdown. press ok.
now select the button you just created, open the actions panel and paste the following code :
on (release) {
if (clickTAG.substr(0, 5) == "http:")
getURL(clickTAG, "_blank");